
Michael Smith


Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa
Medicinaregatan 16A
41390 Göteborg
Box 414
40530 Göteborg

Om Michael Smith

Michael Smith is a researcher at the department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He obtained his MSc in acoustics from the University of Salford in the UK his PhD in medicine from the University of Gothenburg. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Division of Sleep and Chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA under the mentorship of Prof. Mathias Basner.

His research interests include the effects of environmental stressors on sleep, the effects of sleep fragmentation on health, performance and work ability, and the health consequences of environmental noise exposure.

From 2016-2017 Dr. Smith was a visiting scholar at Manchester Metropolitan University School of Business and Law. He is a member of the executive committee of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) as chair for “Team 5: Effect of Noise on Sleep”. He is also a member of the Sleep Research Society, European Sleep Research Society, Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, and the Swedish Association for Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Smith serves on the editorial board of the journal Sleep Health and is an ad-hoc reviewer for over 20 journals including SLEEP, Environmental Research, npj Microgravity, Journal of Sleep Research, Journal of Biological Rhythms, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, BMC Public Health, Applied Acoustics, and the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. His research has featured nationally and internationally on television, radio, newspapers and popular science press.