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- Kerstin Persson Waye
Kerstin Persson Waye
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsaOm Kerstin Persson Waye
Jag leder ett multivetenskapligt team inom forskargruppen Ljudmiljö och hälsa.
Pågående forskning handlar om hur barn upplever och påverkas av ljud, långtidspåverkan på hörsel och hälsa av buller och stress i kvinnodominerade arbetsplatser, samt longitudinella studier av hälsopåverkan och sömn av vibrationer. Inom ett nystartat EU projekt är vi med och undersöker hur barns mentala hälsa kan påverkas av deras totala exponering av fysiska och sociala faktorer samt biologiska processer i ett långtidsperspektiv 0-21 år.
Vi har även ett unikt ljudmiljölab där vi bland annat studerar hur människors sömn påverkas fysiologiskt samt upplevelsemässigt vid exponering för ljud och vibrationer. Ett av mina långsiktiga intressen är att undersöka mekanismer för hur människors hälsa påverkas av ljud, och hur vi reagerar på olika ljudkaraktärer och i olika sammanhang. Målet är att beskriva och mäta ljudmiljöer som bättre motsvarar människors respons. Jag bidrog till förändrade riktvärden för lågfrekvent buller i boende och arbetsmiljön som återfinns i arbetsmiljöverkets och folkhälsomyndighetens lagstiftning.
Jag undervisar inom läkarprogrammet, folkhälsa, miljövetarprogrammet samt audionomprogrammet.
Jag samverkar nationellt med Hörselvetenskaper, Institutionen för Handikappvetenskap, Örebro Universitet, samt Institutet för Miljömedicin, Karolinska Institutet samt internationellt med flera forskare.
Internationella uppdrag inkluderar: Ordförande inom non-auditory health effects vid International Commission of Biological Effects due to Noise (ICBEN), deltagare inomWHO Guideline Directive Group (GDG) för bullerriktvärden (avslutad 2018) samt expertpanel inom Council of Canadians Academies. (avslutad 2015). Jag har tidigare varit styrelseledamot i International Congress of Acoustics (ICA), samt inom svenskt akustiskt sällskap (SAS).
Mer information om vår forskargrupp: Ljudmiljö och hälsa www.amm.se/ljudmiljo, samt /www.oru.se/institutioner/halsovetenskaper/kontakt-och-presentation/enhe…
Se även publikationer på research gate
På fritiden återhämtar jag mig med kajakpaddling, vandring, cykel eller på långfärdsskridskor, trädgårdsarbete och resor. Närmaste utmaning: att lära mig italienska.
Effect of pre-school sound exposure on children's hearing function: results from preparatory studies assessing hearing function by distortion product otoacoustic
Lovisa Sandström, Kerstin Persson Waye, Sofie Fredriksson
Occupational noise exposure and maternal pregnancy complications: register-based cohort from urban areas in four Nordic
Tytti P. Pasanen, Pekka Tiittanen, Nina Roswall, Kerstin Persson Waye, Jenny Selander, Nestor Sanchez Martinez, Mattias Sjostrom, Natalia Vincens, Mikael Ögren, Gunn Marit Aasvang, Jorunn Evandt, Norun Hjertager Krog, Kjell Vegard Weyde, Jibran Khan, Mika Gissler, Jonas Christoffer Lindstrom, Aslak Harbo Poulsen, Goeran Pershagen, Mette Sorensen, Timo Lanki
Environmental perceptions, self-regulation, and coping with noise mediate the associations between children's physical environment and sleep and mental health
Peter Lercher, Angel M. Dzhambov, Kerstin Persson Waye
Living close to railways: Cross-sectional analysis of ground-borne vibrations and vibration
Natalia Vincens, Elise van Kempen, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Road-traffic noise exposure and coronary atherosclerosis in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Marat Murzabekov, Asa Persson, Christian Asker, Karl Kilbo Edlund, Charlotta Eriksson, Tomas Jernberg, Peter Molnár, Anna Oudin, Andrei Pyko, Jenny Lindvall, Mare Lohmus, Kerstin Persson Waye, Johan Nilsson Sommar, Leo Stockfelt, Marten Spanne, Magnus Svartengren, Mikael Oegren, Goran Pershagen, Petter Ljungman
Replacing diesel buses with electric buses reduced residential low frequency
Dag Glebe, Juan Parra, Kerstin Persson Waye
Occupational noise exposure, noise annoyance, hearing-related symptoms, and emotional exhaustion - a participatory-based intervention study in preschool and obstetrics
Sofie Fredriksson, Huiqi Li, Mia Söderberg, Kristina Gyllensten, Stephen Widén, Kerstin Persson Waye
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health - 2023 -
Adopting a child perspective for exposome research on mental health and cognitive development - Conceptualisation and
Kerstin Persson Waye, Jesper Löve, Peter Lercher, Angel M Dzhambov, Maria Klatte, Dirk Schreckenberg, Christin Belke, Larisa Leist, Gordana Ristovska, Sonja Jeram, Katja M Kanninen, Jenny Selander, Arzu Arat, Thomas Lachmann, Charlotte Clark, Dick Botteldooren, Kim White, Jordi Julvez, Maria Foraster, Jaakko Kaprio, Gabriele Bolte, Achilleas Psyllidis, John Gulliver, Hendriek Boshuizen, Alessandro Bozzon, Janina Fels, Maarten Hornikx, Peter van den Hazel, Miriam Weber, Marco Brambilla, Ella Braat-Eggen, Irene Van Kamp, Natalia Vincens
Environmental research - 2023 -
Qualitative studies on the experience of noise in communication-intense workplaces before and after a participatory
Sofie Fredriksson, Kristina Gyllensten, Mia Söderberg, Stephen Widén, Kerstin Persson Waye
14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, 18-22 June, Belgrade Serbia - 2023 -
Occupational and environmental noise exposure during pregnancy and rare health outcomes of offspring: A scoping review focusing on congenital anomalies and perinatal
Natalia Vincens, Kerstin Persson Waye
Reviews on Environmental Health - 2023 -
The experience of noise in communicationintense workplaces: A qualitative
Kristina Gyllensten, Sofie Fredriksson, Stephen Widen, Kerstin Persson Waye
PLoS ONE - 2023 -
Child-Centred Room Acoustic Parameters of Public Preschools in
Julia Winroth, Mikael Ögren, Dag Glebe, Kerstin Persson Waye
Buildings - 2023 -
Protective effect of restorative possibilities on cognitive function and mental health in children and adolescents: A scoping review including the role of physical
A. M. Dzhambov, P. Lercher, Natalia Vincens, Kerstin Persson Waye, M. Klatte, L. Leist, T. Lachmann, D. Schreckenberg, C. Belke, G. Ristovska, K. M. Kanninen, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, S. Jeram, J. Selander, A. Arat, K. White, J. Julvez, C. Clark, M. Foraster, I. van Kamp
Environmental Research - 2023 -
A field investigation on associations between environmental noise and adolescent physiological sleep: An Equal-Life
Michael Smith, Agnes Wiberg, Sarah Lindgren, Dejan Simonovic, Natalia Vincens, Barbora Kessel, Yun Chen, Dick Botteldooren, Luc Dekoninck, Peter Friberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
14th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem - 2023 -
Early environmental quality and life-course mental health effects: The Equal-Life
Irene van Kamp, Kerstin Persson Waye, Katja Kanninen, John Gulliver, Alessandro Bozzon, Achilleas Psyllidis, Hendriek Boshuizen, Jenny Selander, Peter van den Hazel, Marco Brambilla, Maria Foraster, Jordi Julvez, Maria Klatte, Sonja Jeram, Peter Lercher, Dick Botteldooren, Gordana Ristovska, Jaakko Kaprio, Dirk Schreckenberg, Maarten Hornikx, Janina Fels, Miriam Weber, Ella Braat-Eggen, Julia Hartmann, Charlotte Clark, Tanja Vrijkotte, Lex Brown, Gabriele Bolte
Environmental Epidemiology - 2022 -
Nurses’ and preschool teachers’ experiences of taking part in a participatory intervention project in communication-intense working
Kristina Gyllensten, Sofie Fredriksson, Stephen Widén, Mia Söderberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation - 2022 -
Railway noise and diabetes among residents living close to the railways in Västra Götaland, Sweden: Cross-sectional mediation analysis on obesity
Natalia Vincens, Kerstin Persson Waye
Environmental research - 2022 -
Toward Child-Appropriate Acoustic Measurement Methods in Primary Schools and Daycare
Karin Loh, Manuj Yadav, Kerstin Persson Waye, Maria Klatte, Janina Fels
Frontiers in Built Environment - 2022 -
Påverkan på buller, bullerstörning och hälsa bland boende före och efter införande av elektrifierad busstrafik- en interventionsstudie i
Kerstin Persson Waye, Huiqi Li, Agnes Wiberg, Loisa Sandström, Juan Parra, Dag Glebe
2021 -
The Impact of Occupational Noise Exposure on Hyperacusis: a Longitudinal Population Study of Female Workers in
Sofie Fredriksson, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Kjell Torén, Mattias Sjöström, Jenny Selander, Per Gustavsson, Kim R. Kähäri, Lennart Magnusson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Ear and Hearing - 2021 -
The impact of nocturnal road traffic noise, bedroom window orientation, and work-related stress on subjective sleep quality: results of a cross-sectional study among working
Susanne Bartels, Mikael Ögren, Jeong-Lim Kim, Sofie Fredriksson, Kerstin Persson Waye
International archives of occupational and environmental health - 2021 -
Occupational noise and hypertension -a cross-sectional study on Swedish
Natalia Vincens, Huiqi Li, Kerstin Persson Waye, Sofie Fredriksson
Conference: The 13th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health ProblemAt: Stockholm, Sweden (online) - 2021 -
EPIVIB: Hälsoeffekter av att bo vid en
Natalia Vincens, Mikael Ögren, Huiqi Li, Elise van Kempen, Sofia Edgren, Kerstin Persson Waye
2021 -
Sound Quality Characteristics of Importance for Preschool Children's Perception and Wellbeing After an Acoustic
Kerstin Persson Waye, Jonas Karlberg
Frontiers in Built Environment - 2021 -
Ground and Building Vibration Estimation for Health Impact
Mikael Ögren, Alf Ekblad, Peter Johansson, Arnold Koopman, Kerstin Persson Waye
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design - 2021 -
A laboratory study on the effects of wind turbine noise on sleep: Results of the polysomnographic WiTNES
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Pontus Thorsson, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Eja Pedersen, Jens Forssén, Julia Ageborg Morsing, Kerstin Persson Waye
Sleep - 2020 -
Hearing-related symptoms and occupational noise exposure among women: An intervention study in preschool and obstetrics
Sofie Fredriksson, Huiqi Li, Mia Söderberg, Kristina Gyllensten, Stephen Widén, Kerstin Persson Waye
13th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Stockholm - 2020 -
Effects of ground-borne noise from railway tunnels on sleep: A polysomnographic
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Julia Ageborg Morsing, Kerstin Persson Waye
Building and Environment - 2019 -
Working in preschool increases the risk of hearing-related symptoms: a cohort study among Swedish
Sofie Fredriksson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Mia Söderberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2019 -
Assessing the exposure-response relationship of sleep disturbance and vibration in field and laboratory
Kerstin Persson Waye, Michael Smith, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, A. Koopman, Mikael Ögren, E. Peris, D. Waddington, J. Woodcock, C. Sharp, S. Janssen
Environmental Pollution - 2019 -
Creating sound immission mimicking real-life characteristics from a single wind
P. Thorsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, Mikael Ögren, Michael Smith, E. Pedersen, J. Forssen
Applied Acoustics - 2019 -
Preschool teachers’ perspective on how high noise levels at preschool affect children’s
Kerstin Persson Waye, Sofie Fredriksson, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Johanna Gustafsson, Irene van Kamp
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Review of acoustic comfort evaluation in dwellings-part I: Associations of acoustic field data to subjective responses from building
N. G. Vardaxis, D. Bard, Kerstin Persson Waye
Building Acoustics - 2018 -
Low-frequency outdoor–indoor noise level difference for wind turbine
Pontus Thorsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Eja Pedersen, Jen Forssén
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2018 -
Evaluation of a sound environment intervention in an ICU:A feasibility
Lotta Johansson, Berit Lindahl, Susanne Knutsson, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye, Mona Ringdal
Australian Critical Care - 2018 -
Wind Turbine Noise and Sleep: Pilot Studies on the Influence of Noise
Julia Ageborg Morsing, M. G. Smith, Mikael Ögren, P. Thorsson, E. Pedersen, J. Forssén, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2018 -
Annoyance in Response to Vibrations from
Laura Maclachlan, Mikael Ögren, Elise Elise van Kempen, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2018 -
The effects on sleep of ground borne noise from trains in
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Julia Ageborg Morsing, Tomas Jerson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Euronoise 2018. May 27-31, Hersonissos, Crete. - 2018 -
Hälsopåverkan av lågfrekvent buller
Exploring Perception of Vibrations from Rail: An Interview
Laura Maclachlan, Kerstin Persson Waye, Eja Pedersen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2017 -
The effect of occupational noise on hearing-related symptoms - exploring mediating and modifying effect of annoyance and
Sofie Fredriksson, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of the 12th ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (Vol. 6, pp. 18-22). - 2017 -
Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep: The WiTNES
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Pontus Thorsson, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Eja Pedersen, Jens Forssén, Julia Ageborg Morsing, Kerstin Persson Waye
ICBEN 2017 - 2017 -
Optimal questions for sleep in epidemiological studies: Comparisons of subjective and objective measures in laboratory and field
Ilona Croy, Michael Smith, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Behavioural Sleep Medicine - 2017 -
Comparison of annoyance from railway noise and railway
Mikael Ögren, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Michael Smith, Sara Gustavsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2017 -
Physiological effects of railway vibration and noise on
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Mikael Ögren, Oscar Hammar, Eva Lindberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2017 -
Validating self-reporting of hearing-related symptoms against pure-tone audiometry,otoacoustic emission, and speech
Sofie Fredriksson, Oscar Hammar, Lennart Magnusson, Kim R. Kähäri, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Journal of Audiology - 2016 -
Vibration from freight trains fragments sleep: A polysomnographic
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Kerstin Persson Waye
Scientific Reports - 2016 -
Acoustic intervention at preschools impact on children´s perception and response to high frequency sound
Kerstin Persson Waye, Irene van Kamp, Jeong-Lim Kim
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics, Buenos Aires, ICA 2016, 5 to 9 September, 2016 - 2016 -
Physiological effects of wind turbine noise on
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Pontus Thorsson, Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of 22nd International Congress on Acoustics. Buenos Aires, 5 to 9 September, 2016 - 2016 -
Preschool teachers have an increased risk of hearing-related symptoms and report more occupational noise exposure compared to randomly selected
Sofie Fredriksson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Lennart Magnusson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally, EPICOH 2016, September 4–7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain. Occupational & Environmental Medicine - 2016 -
Ökad risk för hörselsymtom bland
Sofie Fredriksson, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Lennart Magnusson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kerstin Persson Waye
Forte Talks, 8-9 mars 2016, Stockholm - 2016 -
Physiological reaction thresholds to vibration during
The effect of occupational noise exposure on tinnitus and sound-induced auditory fatigue among obstetrics personnel: a cross-sectional
Sofie Fredriksson, Oscar Hammar, Kjell Torén, Artur Tenenbaum, Kerstin Persson Waye
BMJ Open - 2015 -
CargoVibes: Human response to vibration due to freight rail
David Waddington, James Woodcock, Michael Smith, Sabine Janssen, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Journal of Railway Trasportation - 2015 -
Cargovibes: Human response to vibration due to freight rail
David Waddington, James Woodcock, Eulalia Peris, Calum Sharp, Gennaro Sica, Andy Moorhouse, Kerstin Persson Waye, Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Mikael Ögren, Sabine Janssen, Arnold Koopman, Henk Vos, Witold Groll, Karolina Wiśniewska
Proceedings of 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 12 - 16 July, Florence, Italy 2015 - 2015 -
Comparison of annoyance from railway noise and railway
Mikael Ögren, Michael Smith, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of EuroNoise 2015, 31 May - 3 June, Maastricht - 2015 -
The Effects of Noise Disturbed Sleep in Children on Cognitive Development and Long Term
Irene van Kamp, Kerstin Persson Waye, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson
Journal of Child Adolescent Behavior - 2015 -
Understanding the Evidence: Wind Turbine
Tee Guidotti, Davies Hugh, Yves Gagnon, Christian Giguère, Sheryl Grace, Robert Harrison, Brian Howe, David Johnson, Kerstin Persson Waye, Jennifer Roberts
2015 -
A Screening Approach for Classroom Acoustics Using Web-Based Listening Tests and Subjective
Kerstin Persson Waye, Lennart Magnusson, Sofie Fredriksson, Ilona Croy
Plos One - 2015 -
Physiological reaction thresholds to vibration during
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Oscar Hammar, Kerstin Persson Waye
Euronoise 2015 - 2015 -
Exposure to high sound levels and risk of hearing related disorder among obstetrics
Sofie Fredriksson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN), 1-5 June 2014, Nara, Japan - 2014 -
The impact of railway freight with regard to vibration level, noise and number of trains on
Kerstin Persson Waye, Michael Smith, Oscar Hammar, Mikael Ögren, Ilona Croy
Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN), 1-5 June 2014, Nara, Japan - 2014 -
Jämförelse av fysiologisk respons vid exponering för buller eller
Freight trains, nocturnal vibration and noise, and their physiological effects during
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Mikael Ögren, Oscar Hammar, Kerstin Persson Waye
11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN) 2014, Nara, JAPAN. Proceedings of ICBEN 2014 - 2014 -
Human sleep and cortical reactivity are influenced by lunar
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Kerstin Persson Waye
Current Biology - 2014 -
Rail freight vibration impacts sleep and community response: An overview of
Kerstin Persson Waye, Sabine Janssen, David Waddington, Witold Groll, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Arnold Koopman, Andy Moorhouse, Eulalia Peris, Calum Sharp, Gennaro Sica, Michael Smith, Henk Vos, James Woodcock, Mikael Ögren
ICBEN 2014, the 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem. Nara, Japan, 2014 June 1 to June 5 - 2014 -
Effects of train noise and vibration on human heart rate during sleep –an experimental
Ilona Croy, Michael Smith, Kerstin Persson Waye
BMJ Open - 2013 -
Nocturnal vibration and noise from freight trains impacts
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics - 2013 -
Validation of a questionnaire measuring preschool children’s reactions to and coping with noise in a repeated measurement
Kerstin Persson Waye, Irene van Kamp, Lotta Dellve
BMJ Open - 2013 -
Current perspective on children’s auditory perception and consequences of noise exposure
Sofie Fredriksson, Janina Fels, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2013 -
On the Influence of Freight Trains on Humans: A Laboratory Investigation of the Impact of Nocturnal Low Frequency Vibration and Noise on Sleep and Heart
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Plos One - 2013 -
Achieving a healthy sound environment in hospitals. Keynote
Kerstin Persson Waye, Erica Ryherd
InterNoise, 15-18 september, Innsbruck, Austria - 2013 -
Noise sensitivity impacts the evaluation of sleep due to vibration and noise from freight
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Kerstin Persson Waye
The 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering Inter-Noise 2013, 15-18 September, Innsbruck, Austria - 2013 -
Nocturnal vibration from high numbers of freight trains leads to fragmented
Michael Smith, Ilona Croy, Oscar Hammar, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2013 -
The healthcare acoustics research team: Bridging the gap between architecture, engineering, and
Erica Ryherd, Jeremy Ackerman, Craig Zimring, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2013 -
Improvement of intensive care unit sound environment and analyses of consequences on sleep: an experimental
Kerstin Persson Waye, Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, Ilona Croy, Eja Pedersen
Sleep Medicine - 2013 -
The effects of noise disturbed sleep on children's health and cognitive
Irene van Kamp, Kerstin Persson Waye, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson
Proceedings of ICA (International Congress of Acoustics) 2013, 2-7 June, 2013, Montréal, Canada - 2013 -
The effects of noise disturbed sleep on children’s health and cognitive
Irene van Kamp, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2013 -
Preschool Children's Experience and Understanding of Their
Lotta Dellve, Lena Samuelsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Qualitative Research in Psychology - 2013 -
Influence of a wearer's voice on noise dosimeter
Steven R. Ryherd, Mendel Kleiner, Kerstin Persson Waye, E. E. Ryherd
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2012 -
Vibration and noise induced sleep disturbance from freight trains – The importance of vibration
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics - 2012 -
Vibration and Noise Induced Sleep Disturbance from Freight Trains - An experimental
Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2012 -
Emerging findings from the Healthcare Acoustics Research Team
Erica Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye, J.E. West, C. Zimring, J. Ackerman
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2012 -
Noise Pollution in Hospitals: Impact on
Timothy Hsu, Erica Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye, Ackerman Jeremy
Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management (JCOM) - 2012 -
The outdoor soundscape design of Swedish
X Hui, Kerstin Persson Waye, K Jian
Ninth European Conference on Noise Control (Euronoise) 2012, 10-13 June, Prague, Czech Republic - 2012 -
The sound environment in an ICU patient room – A content analysis of sound levels and patient
Lotta Johansson, Ingegerd Bergbom, Kerstin Persson Waye, Erica Ryherd, Berit Lindahl
Intensive & Critical Care Nursing - 2012 -
Noise pollution in hospitals: Impacts on
Erica Ryherd, J Ackerman, C Zimring, S Okcu, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management - 2012 -
Evaluating and Improving Hospital
Erica Ryherd, James E West, Ackerman Jeremy, Zimring Craig, Kerstin Persson Waye
Inter-Noise 2012, August 19-22, New York City, USA - 2012 -
Effects of low frequency noise and vibrations: Environmental and occupational
Kerstin Persson Waye
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health - 2011 -
Akustikförsök - Forskarfredag
Kerstin Persson Waye
2011 -
God ljudmiljö i skola - samband mellan ljudmiljö, hälsa och välbefinnande före och efter
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge, Marie Hult, Pontus Larsson
2011 -
God ljudmiljö i förskola - samband mellan ljudmiljö, hälsa och välbefinnandeföre och efter
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge, Marie Hult, Pontus Larsson
2011 -
God ljudmiljö i förskola och skola - krav på rum, bygg- och inredningsprodukter för minskat
Marie Hult, Agneta Agge, Pontus Larsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
2011 -
Impact of Intensive Care Unit Noise on
Erica Ryherd, S Okcu, T Hsu, C Zimring, Kerstin Persson Waye
10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN), London, UK, 24-28 July - 2011 -
Reliability and validity of instruments to measure pre-school children´s reaction to and coping with
Kerstin Persson Waye, Irene van Kamp, Katrin Nielsen, Lotta Dellve
10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN) 2011, London, UK - 2011 -
Observations of the relationships between noise exposure and preschool teacher voice usage in day care center
Fredric Lindström, Kerstin Persson Waye, M Södersten, A Mc Allister, S Ternström
Journal of Voice - 2011 -
Perception of classroom acoustics and listening tests - a webbased
Kerstin Persson Waye, Lennart Magnusson, Agneta Agge, Kim R. Kähäri
10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN) 2011, London, UK - 2011 -
Personnel response in intensive care
Kerstin Persson Waye, Erica Ryherd, Timothy Hsu, Berit Lindahl, Ingegerd Bergbom
Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 June - 2010 -
Analysis of relationships between the sound environment at the ICU and intensive care
Lotta Johansson, Ingegerd Bergbom, Kerstin Persson Waye, Erica Ryherd, Berit Lindahl
Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 June - 2010 -
Wind Turbine Noise Propagation over Flat Ground: Measurements and
Jens Forssén, Martin Schiff, Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Acta Acustica united with Acustica - 2010 -
Long-term measurements of sound levels in child day-care
Fredrik Lindström, Lage Burström, Markus Borgh, Katrin Nielsen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 June - 2010 -
Mean F0 values obtained through standard phrase pronunciation compared with values obtained from the normal work environment: A study on teacher and child voices performed in a pre-school
Fredric Lindström, Ann-Christine Ohlsson, J. Sjöholm, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Voice - 2010 -
Being in a pre-school sound environment – annoyance and subjective symptoms among personnel and
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge, Jenny Hillström, Fredric Lindström
Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 June - 2010 -
Response to occupational noise of medium levels at four types of work
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye, Johanna Bengtsson Ryberg
Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 June - 2010 -
Relating patient physiology to the hospital sound environment (Invited
Timothy Hsu, Erica Ryherd, Jeremy Ackerman, Kerstin Persson Waye
2nd Pan-America/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, Mexico - 2010 -
En kartläggning av ljudmiljön och personalhälsa i Stenungsunds förskoleklasser och årskurserna
Katrin Nielsen, Kerstin Persson Waye
2010 -
Noise and Health - Effects of Low Frequency Noise and Vibrations: Environmental and Occupational
Kerstin Persson Waye
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (NVRN) - 2010 -
Människors upplevelse av ljud från
Eja Pedersen, Jens Forssén, Kerstin Persson Waye
2009 -
Comparison of two methods of voice activity detection in field
Fredric Lindström, Keni Ren, Haibo Li, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research - 2009 -
Evaluating the intensive care unit soundscape (Invited
Timothy Hsu, Erica Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye
157th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR - 2009 -
Perception and measurements of the pre-school sound environment - before and after acoustic
Kerstin Persson Waye, F. Lindström, P. Larsson, M. Hult
Proceedings of the 2009 Congress and exposition of noise control engineering, Inter-Noise 2009, August 23-26, Ottawa, Canada - 2009 -
Wind turbine sound – how often is it heard by residents living
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of EURONOISE, Edinburgh, 26 – 28 October 2009 - 2009 -
A noise dosimeter system where the contribution from the wearer's own voice is
Fredric Lindström, Kerstin Persson Waye, J. Sjöholm, M. Berggren
Proceedings of the 2009 Congress and exposition of noise control engineering, Inter-Noise 2009, August 23-26, Ottawa, Canada - 2009 -
Invited distinguished lecture, Keynote. Perception and environmental impact of wind turbine
Kerstin Persson Waye
Proceedings of the 2009 Congress and exposition of noise control engineering, Inter-Noise 2009, August 23-26, Ottawa, Canada - 2009 -
Characterizing noise and perceived work environment in a neurological intensive care
Erica Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye, Linda Ljungkvist
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - 2008 -
A detailed study of low-frequency noise
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control - 2008 -
Evaluating the hospital
E. Ryherd, J. E. West, I. J. Busch-Vishniac, Kerstin Persson Waye
Acoustics Today - 2008 -
Quantifying the Noise Environment: Effects of Wearer's Voice on Body-mounted Noise Dosimeter Measurements.
S. Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye, M. Kleiner, E. Ryherd
Acoustics'08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
A comparison of two active-speaker-detection methods suitable for usage in noise dosimeter
Fredric Lindström, K. Ren, Kerstin Persson Waye, H. Li
Acoustics'08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
The effect of own voice on noise dosimeter measurements. A field study in a day-care center environment, including adults and
M. Borgh, Fredric Lindström, Kerstin Persson Waye, I. Claesson
The 2008 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2008 26-29 Oct, Shanghai, China - 2008 -
Wind turbine - low level noise sources interfering with
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Environ Research Letter - 2008 -
Effekter av lågfrekvent buller i industrimiljö - en interventionsstudie vid Södra Cell,
Agneta Agge, Johanna Bengtsson Ryberg, Martin Björkman, Kerstin Persson Waye
2008 -
Ljud från vindkraftverk - hörbarhet i kuperad och flack
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
2008 -
Relating the hospital sound environment to occupant psychological and physiological response. (Invited paper
Kerstin Persson Waye, Erica Ryherd, B. Lindahl, I. Bergbom
Acoustics '08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
Analysis of how the noise level depends on different activities in a child day-care
M. Berggren, Fredric Lindström, Kerstin Persson Waye, I. Claesson
The 2008 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2008 26-29 Oct, Shanghai, China - 2008 -
Effect of recording/playback technique and experimental method on assessments of noise.
E. Çelik-Christensen, Kerstin Persson Waye, H. Møller
Acoustics '08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
Measuring low-frequency noise indoors.
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
Acoustics '08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
A study of twenty-one cases of low-frequency noise complaints.
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
Acoustics '08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
Describing the sound environment of the neurological ICU and personnel response. (Invited paper
E. Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye
Acoustics '08, 2008 29 June-4 July, Paris, France - 2008 -
Indoor measurements of noise at low frequencies - Problems and
S. Pedersen, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control - 2007 -
Wind turbine noise, annoyance and self-reported health and well-being in different living
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2007 -
Low frequency noise in a paper mill control
Johanna Bengtsson Ryberg, Agneta Agge, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control - 2007 -
A pilot study of acoustic measurements of pre-school children and female pre-school teachers'
Fredric Lindström, A.C. Ohlsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, I. Claesson
The 2007 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2007 28-31 August, Istanbul, Turkey - 2007 -
Soundscape evaluations in adult intensive care
E. Ryherd, Kerstin Persson Waye
NOISE-CON 2007, 2007 22-24 Oct, Reno, Nevada, USA - 2007 -
An investigation of twenty-one cases of low frequency noise
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
19th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), 2007 2-7 September, Madrid, Spain - 2007 -
Living in the vicinity of wind turbines - a grounded theory
Eja Pedersen, L.R-M. Hallberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
Quality Research in Psychology - 2007 -
Methods for assessing preschool children's perception and experience of their soundscape. (Invited
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge, L Samuelsson, Lotta Dellve
Congress and exposition of noise control engineering Inter-Noise;Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 December - 2006 -
Indoor measurements of sound at low
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye, S. Krarup Olesen
The 12th International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, 2006, 18-20 September, Bristol, UK - 2006 -
Health aspects of low frequency noise. (Invited
Kerstin Persson Waye
The 2006 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2006 3-6 December, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - 2006 -
Exploring perception and annoyance due to wind turbine noise in dissimilar living
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Euronoise, 2006 30 May-1 June, Tampere, Finland - 2006 -
Low-frequency noise complaints - a detailed investigation of twenty-two
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
The 2006 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, 2006 3-6 December, Honolulu, Hawaii - 2006 -
Measurement of low frequency noise in
C. Pedersen Sejer, Kerstin Persson Waye, H. Møller, S. Krarup Olesen
The 2006 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter Noise, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - 2006 -
Twenty-two cases of low-frequency noise complaints - a detailed
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
The 12th International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, 2006 18-20 September, Bristol, UK - 2006 -
Adverse effects of moderate levels of low frequency noise in the occupational
Kerstin Persson Waye
ASHRAE Transactions - 2005 -
The importance of recording and playback technique for assessment of
E. Çelik, Kerstin Persson Waye, H. Møller
Forum Acousticum, 2005, Budapest, Hungary - 2005 -
Assessment of annoyance, loudness and unpleasantness with different recording and playback
E. Çelik, Kerstin Persson Waye, H. Møller
The 2005 Congress and Exposition of Noise Conrol Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2005 7-10 August, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2005 -
The importance of the immediate soundscape for annoyance in the urban environment. (Invited
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge
The 2005 Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise, 2005 7-10 August, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2005 -
Noise and noise annoyance. (Invited
Kerstin Persson Waye
COST Exploratory Workshop - Integration and Synergy on Environment and Health, 2005 16-18 February, Brussels, Belgium - 2005 -
Adverse effects of moderate levels of low frequency noise in the occupational environment. (Invited paper
Kerstin Persson Waye
Symposium Low-frequency HVAC noise in Buildings and its effects on the comfort and productivity of the occupants American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Aircondition Engineering, ASHRAE, 2005. Orlando, USA - 2005 -
Human response to wind turbine noise - annoyance and moderating factors
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Windturbine noise perspectives for control, 2005 October, Berlin, Germany - 2005 -
Influence on recording/playback technique on subjective evaluation of loudness, annoyance and
E. Çelik, Kerstin Persson Waye, C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller
The 18th International Congress on Acoustics, 2008 4-9 April, Kyoto, Japan - 2004 -
An investigation of low frequency noise
C. Pedersen Sejer, H. Møller, Kerstin Persson Waye
11th Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, 2004 30 Aug-1 Sep, Maastricht, The Netherlands - 2004 -
Annoyance among an urban population exposed to installation- and traffic noise (Invited
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge
The 18th International Congress on Acoustics, 2004 4-9 April, Kyoto, Japan - 2004 -
The relevance of low frequency sound properties for performance and pleasantness (Invited paper
Kerstin Persson Waye, Johanna Bengtsson
The 147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2004 24-28 May, New York, USA - 2004 -
Wind turbines' impact on people living in the vicinity of the
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
IEA Topical meeting 42 on Acceptability of Wond Turbines in Social landscapes, 2004 16-17 March, Stockholm, Sweden - 2004 -
Living close to wind turbines - a qualitative approach to a deeper
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye, L.R-M. Hallberg
Inter Noise, 2004, Prag, Czech Republic - 2004 -
Low frequency noise in a paper mill control
Johanna Bengtsson Ryberg, Agneta Agge, Kerstin Persson Waye, Martin Björkman
The 11th International Meeting on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control, 2004 30 August-1 September, Maastricht, The Netherlands - 2004 -
Cortisol response and subjective sleep disturbance after low-frequency noise
Kerstin Persson Waye, Agneta Agge, A. Clow, F. Hucklebridge
Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2004 -
Perception and annoyance due to wind turbine noise - a dose-response
Eja Pedersen, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Acoustical Society of America - 2004 -
Sound characteristics in low frequency noise and their relevance for the perception of
Johanna Bengtsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, A. Kjellberg
Acta Acoustica - 2004 -
Evaluations of effects due to low-frequency noise in a low demanding work
Johanna Bengtsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, A. Kjellberg
Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2004 -
Effects of low frequency noise on
Kerstin Persson Waye
Noise Health - 2004 -
Effects of night-time low frequency noise on the cortisol response to awakening and subjectiv sleep
Kerstin Persson Waye, Angela Clow, S Edwards, F Hucklebridge, Ragnar Rylander
Life Sciences - 2003 -
A descriptive cross-sectional study of annoyance from low frequency installations in an urban
Kerstin Persson Waye, Johanna Bengtsson, Agneta Agge, Martin Björkman
Noise & Health - 2003 -
Assessments of low frequency noise complaints among the local Environmental Health Authorities and follow-up study 14 years
Johanna Bengtsson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control - 2003 -
Low frequency noise enhances cortisol among noise sensitive subjects during work
Kerstin Persson Waye, Johanna Bengtsson, Ragnar Rylander, F Hucklebridge, P Evans, Angela Clow
Life Sciences - 2002 -
Psycho-acoustic characters of relevance for annoyance of wind turbine
Kerstin Persson Waye, Evy Öhrström
Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2002