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- Sofia Berne
Sofia Berne
Psykologiska institutionenOm Sofia Berne
Sofia Berne är legitimerad psykolog sedan 2007. Fil. Dr 2014 med avhandlingen “Cyberbullying in Childhood and Adolescence - Assessment, Coping, and the Role of Appearance.”
Jag undervisar inom utvecklings- och personlighetspsykologi. Under höstterminerna ansvarar jag för kursen Utvecklingspsykologi (22.5hp) på psykologprogrammet.
Medverkar i och bedriver forskningsprojekt som syftar till att undersöka olika teman om nätmobbning med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder.
För närvarande har jag och Professor Ann Frisén inlett ett aktionsforskningsprojekt mot nätmobbning tillsammans med Friends. Under 2015-2016 genomför vi ett större aktionsforskningsprojekt i Göteborgsområdet om nätmobbning. Projektet syftar till att tillsammans med elever hitta effektiva metoder mot nätmobbning.
Jag är även medlem av forskningsgruppen GREY (Gothenburg Research unit on Youth Development).
The “Identity Project” Intervention in Sweden: Changes in Adolescent Ethnic-racial Identity
Process and
Amina K. Abdullahi, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2024 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Part of the symposium, The Identity Project as a Lifespan Intervention: Supporting Positive Developmental and Behavioral Outcomes During Adolescence and Adulthood - 2024 -
Different contexts – different stories: Adolescents' experiences of how ethnicity is addressed in schools and sports and on social media in
David J. Sandberg, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2024 -
Framing Ethnicity in Initial Teacher Education: A Focus Group Study with Student
Amina K. Abdullahi, Sofia Berne, Linda P. Juang, Ann Frisén
Identity - An international journal of theory and research - 2024 -
Evaluating a School-Based Intervention on Adolescents' Ethnic-racial Identity in
Amina K. Abdullahi, Moin Syed, Linda P. Juang, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - 2024 -
From childhood bullying victimization to resilience in emerging
Johan Lidberg, Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Positive Ethnic Identity Content - Interviews with Adolescents with a Minority Ethnic Background Living in
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Conference paper presentation at International Society for Research on Identity, Tilburg 2024. - 2024 -
Adolescents’ (with a mixed ethnic-racial background) negotiation of their Swedish identity in the context of
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Sabina Vlasman, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Conference paper presentation at International Society for Research on Identity, Tilburg - 2024 -
Framing Ethnicity: Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers in Higher
Amina K. Abdullahi, Sofia Berne, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén
4th Cultural Diversity, Migration and Education Conference, 2023, Halle (Saale), Germany. - 2023 -
Ethnic-racial identity in Europe: Adapting the identity project intervention in five
Linda P. Juang, Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor, Maja K. Schachner, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang, Ughetta Moscardino, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Britt Oppedal, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Amina K. Abdullahi, Rebecca Barahona, Sofia Berne, Chiara Ceccon, Nadya Gharaei, Ursula Moffitt, Anastasios Ntalachanis, Sharleen Pevec, David J. Sandberg, Angeliki Zacharia, Moin Syed
European Journal of Developmental Psychology - 2023 -
Different Contexts – Different Stories: Adolescents’ Experiences of how Ethnicity is Addressed in Schools, Sports, and on Social Media in
David J. Sandberg, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
4th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference (CDME) - 2023 -
Positive Ethnic Identity-related Feelings and Experiences among Late Adolescents with a Minority Ethnic
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
International Society for Research on Identity - ISRI Conference - 2023 -
Positive Ethnic Identity-related Feelings and Experiences among Swedish Adolescents with an Ethnic Minority
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference - 2023 -
Positive Minority Ethnic Identity-related Feelings, Experiences, and Flourishing among Swedish Adolescents on the Brink of Emerging
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
The Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood - SSEA Conference - 2023 -
Multiple Components of Ethnic Identity in Relation to Psychosocial Factors in Late Adolescence in
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Pär Stern, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén
Multiple Dimensions of Ethnic Identity in Relation to Psychosocial Factors in Late Adolescence in
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Pär Stern, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén
International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Conference 2023 - 2023 -
Challenges in Emerging Adulthood Related to the Impact of Childhood Bullying
Johan Lidberg, Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Emerging Adulthood - 2023 -
Challenges in Emerging Adulthood Related to the Impact of Childhood Bullying
Johan Lidberg, Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Konferensbidrag WABF 2021 - 2021 -
Challenges in Emerging Adulthood Related to the Impact of Childhood Bullying
Johan Lidberg, Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Konferensbidrag SSEA 2021 - 2021 -
Adolescents’ Experiences of Cybervictimization and Body-related
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Digitalt på WABF, 2021 webbsida - 2021 -
Utsatt på internet:
En internationell forskningsöversikt om nätmobbning bland barn och
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
2021 -
Swedish adolescents’ experiences of cybervictimization and body‐related
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2020 -
High school students’ suggestions for supporting younger pupils counteract
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Josephine Oskarsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2020 -
Cyberbullying in Childhood and Adolescence: Assessment, Negative Consequences and Prevention
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Jesper Berne
Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth - 2019 -
Acceptance, Activism and Freedom From Bullying: The Online
Ann Frisén, Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Sofia Berne
Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment: Constructs, Protective Factors, and Interventions - 2019 -
Vad är nätmobbning och vad kan, bör och ska man göra som professionell i skola och
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Kristian Daneback
Socialt arbete och internet - Att förstå och hantera sociala problem på nya arenor - 2016 -
Aktion mot nätmobbning – Svenska elevers tankar om bästa sätten att förebygga och åtgärda
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
Cyberbullying a challenge for researchers and practitioners: Prevention and intervention, Göteborg, April 21, 2016 - 2016 -
Action research – Swedish pupils’ suggestions on how to prevent
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
Cyberbullying a challenge for researchers and practitioners: Prevention and intervention, Gothenburg, April 22, 2016 - 2016 -
Nätmobbning: Handbok för
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
2016 -
Swedish Pupils’ Suggested Coping Strategies if Cyberbullied: Differences Related to Age and
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Lina Marin
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2014 -
Appearance-Related Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Investigation of Characteristics, Content, Reasons, and
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Johanna Kling
Body image - 2014 -
Guidelines for prevention strategies against cyberbullying in schools – a review of current
Sofia Berne
CYBERBULLYING: A Challenge for researchers and practitioners, Gothenburg, May 11, 2014 - 2014 -
Riktlinjer för att arbeta förebyggande mot cybermobbning i skolor – en internationell
Sofia Berne
CYBERBULLYING En utmaning för forskare och skolpersonal 12 maj, 2014 i Göteborg - 2014 -
Appearance matters on the
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
Appearance Matters 6, 1-2 July, Bristol, England - 2014 -
Cyberbullying in Childhood and Adolescence - Assessment, Coping, and the Role of
Sofia Berne
2014 -
Appearance related cyberbullying - a problem especially for
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
Cyberbullying: A challenge for researchers and practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 11-12 - 2014 -
Cybervictimization and body esteem: Experiences of Swedish children and
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Carolina Lunde
European Journal of Developmental Psychology - 2014 -
Guidelines to prevent cyberbullying: a cross-national
O'Moore Mona, Cross Donna, Valimaki Maritta, Almeida Ana, Sofia Berne, Fandrem Hildegunn, Olenik-Shemesh Dorit, Heiman Tali, Kurki Marjo, Fulop Marta, Sygkollitou Efthymia, Stald Gitte
Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network - 2013 -
Measurement issues: a systematic review of cyberbullying
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Herbert Scheithauer, Karin Naruskov, Piret Luik, Catarina Katzer, Rasa Erentaite, Rita Zukauskiene
Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network - 2013 -
Definitions of
Ersilia Menesini, AnnaLaura Nocentini, Benedetta Emanuela Palladino, Herbert Scheithauer, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Piret Luik, Karin Naruskov, Rosario Ortega, Juan Calmaestra, Catherine Blaya
Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network - 2013 -
Negative appearance related comments on the internet - A form of
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Johanna Kling
16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology Lausanne, September 3-7, 2013 - 2013 -
Swedish Children´s and Adolescents´ Experiences of Cyberbullying: Suggested Ways to Stop It and Associations with Body
Sofia Berne
2013 -
Cyberbullying assessment instruments: A systematic
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Herbert Scheithauer, Karin Naruskov, Luik. Piret, Katzer Catarina, Rasa Erentaite, Rita Zukauskiene
Aggression and Violent Behavior - 2013 -
Suggested Coping Strategies if Being Cyberbullied: Differences Related to Grade, Gender and
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, Lina Marin
Bullying and Cyberbullying: The Interface between Science and Practice - 2012 -
Cyberbullying Definition Among Adolescents: A Comparison Across Six European
E. Menesini, A. Nocentini, B. E. Palladino, Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne, R. Ortega-Ruiz, J. Calmaestra, H. Scheithauer, A. Schultze-Krumbholz, P. Luik, K. Naruskov, C. Blaya, J. Berthaud, P. K. Smith
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking - 2012 -
Cyberbullying and Body Dissatisfaction in Swedish Children and
Ann Frisén, Sofia Berne
International Conference on Cyberbullying: COST IS0801, 28-30 June, Sorbonne, Paris - 2012 -
I would tell my mum and dad-Cyberbullying amongst Swedish fourth graders and their suggested ways to stop
Sofia Berne, Kalle Nytell, Ann Frisén
Abstract Book, ADOLESCENTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA: GUIDELINES AND COPING STRATEGIES FOR CYBERBULLYING, COST IS0801 3rd Workshop, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science, 13.05.2011 - 2011 -
A transnational analysis of published guidelines for cyberbullying prevention: Similarities and
Ana Almeida, Donna Cross, Maritta Valmaki, Sofia Berne, Gie Deboutte, Marta Fulop, Tali Heiman, Dorit Olenik-Shemesh, Mona O´Moore, Gitte Stald, Efi Sygkollitou
15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 23-27 August 2011 - Bergen - Norway - 2011 -
Adolescents´view on how different criteria define
Sofia Berne, Ann Frisén
Symposium on the 15 th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 23-27 August 2011-Bergen_Norway - 2011 -
I would tell my mum and dad - Cyberbullying amongst Swedish fourth graders and their suggested ways to stop
Sofia Berne, Kalle Nytell, Ann Frisén
ADOLESCENTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA: GUIDELINES AND COPING STRATEGIES FOR CYBERBULLYING, COST IS0801 3rd Workshop, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science, 13.05.2011 - 2011 -
Youts´ experience of aggressive interaction through mobile phone and
Sofia Berne, Anne Haglind, Ann Frisén
ABSTRACTS BOOK, The always-on-generation: risk and benefits of new technologies, Florence, 21 october 2010, University Main Hall P.zza S.Marco, 4 Florence - 2010 -
Youths´ experience of aggressive interaction through mobile phone and
Sofia Berne, Haglind Anne, Ann Frisén
The always -on-generation: Risk and benefits of new technologies Florence, 21 October 2010 - 2010