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- Philip Hwang
Philip Hwang
Psykologiska institutionenOm Philip Hwang
- Fil. kand. i psykologi, 1975
- Leg. psykolog, 1979
- Fil. dr. i psykologi, 1981
- Docent i psykologi, 1984
- Leg. Psykoterapeut, 1990
- Professor i psykologi, 1994
Undervisning och handledning
Mina undervisningsintressen är koncentrerade till följande områden: (1) utvecklingspsykologi, exempelvis barns och ungdomars socioemotionella utveckling, föräldraskap (med särskilt fokus på papparollen), identitetsutvecklingen hos ungdomar och unga vuxna; (2) organisationskultur och jämställdhet, exempelvis familjepolitikens betydelse för jämställdheten, arbetsplatsens betydelse för pappors uttag av föräldraledighet). Jag har varit handledare för ett trettiotal doktorander som slutfört sin forskarutbildning (se min CV för mer information).
Jag har min bakgrund inom utvecklingspsykologin, särskilt forskning kring barns, ungdomars och unga vuxnas utveckling och livsvillkor. Problemen är av såväl teoretisk som praktisk art och forskningen sker ofta i internationella tvärvetenskapliga samarbeten med exempelvis andra samhällsvetare samt medicinare. Jag är för närvarande involverad i ett flertal forskningsprojekt:
The Gothenburg Longitudinal study of Development (GoLD) som jag startade tillsammans med den brittiske forskaren Michael E. Lamb 1981/1982. I denna pågående longitudinella studie medverkade från början 144 1-2 år gamla barn. När den senaste datainsamlingen genomfördes var deltagarna 38–39 år gamla och vi hade då träffat dem sammanlagt drygt ett 20-tal gånger bland annat i hemmet, förskolan och skolan, samt på psykologiska institutionen. Projektet har genererat ett stort antal doktorsavhandlingar samt närmare ett hundratal publikationer, varav merparten är i internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Sedan 2009 drivs projektet av Professor Ann Frisén; I projektet Fäders föräldraengagemang från tidig barndom till vuxenår (FIECA), som delvis utgår ifrån GoLD, intresserar vi oss för hur pappors föräldraengagemang utvecklas över lång tid, det vill säga hur de som föräldrar till vuxna barn ser på föräldraskapet och dess utveckling över tid. Docent Maria Wängqvist är huvudansvarig för denna studie. Arbete, familj och samhälle är ett projekt som jag och den amerikanska sociologen Linda Haas startade 1993. I en serie studier, nu senast 2019, har vi med medel från FORTE undersökt organisationskultur och jämställdhet i stora svenska företag. Här har vi särskilt intresserat oss för arbetsplatsens betydelse för kopplingen mellan arbete och familj, samt pappors uttag av föräldraledighet; Depression, ångest och stress hos nyblivna pappor är ett longitudinellt projekt som knyter an till mitt intresse för spädbarnets psykologi och den tidiga relationen mellan pappa – barn. Här studerar vi depression, ångest och stress hos föräldrar och i vilken utsträckning förekomsten av dessa symptom påverkar barnet under de första levnadsåren. De ovan nämnda forskningsprojekten har finansierats och finansieras av bland annat FORTE, Vetenskapsrådet samt Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Jag är slutligen involverad i ett omfattande forskningsprogram med titeln, Etnisk identitet – Unga människors livsmöjligheter och hur de kan förbättras. Detta program leds av professor Ann Frisén och finansieras av Sten A. Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur. Det övergripande syftet med programmet är att öka förståelsen för hur etnisk identitet utvecklas och hur man kan förbättra unga människors möjligheter att hantera sina utmaningar och därmed öka sina livsmöjligheter. Detta femåriga projekt ska i förlängningen bidra med ny kunskap som direkt eller indirekt kan tillämpas i svenska skolor.
Ytterligare information
I anslutning till dessa och flera tidigare forskningsprojekt har jag publicerat ett par hundra vetenskapliga artiklar samt ett tjugotal böcker på svenska och engelska . För mer information se: The Gothenburgh Research Group in Developmental psychology (GRiD); se även Child & Family Blog
The “Identity Project” Intervention in Sweden: Changes in Adolescent Ethnic-racial Identity
Process and
Amina K. Abdullahi, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2024 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Part of the symposium, The Identity Project as a Lifespan Intervention: Supporting Positive Developmental and Behavioral Outcomes During Adolescence and Adulthood - 2024 -
Different contexts – different stories: Adolescents' experiences of how ethnicity is addressed in schools and sports and on social media in
David J. Sandberg, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2024 -
Ethnic-Racial Identity and Attitude Change: Assessments of Outgroup and Diversity Attitudes among Adolescents in
David J. Sandberg, Ann Frisén, Linda P. Juang, Philip Hwang, Moin Syed
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - 2024 -
Evaluating a School-Based Intervention on Adolescents' Ethnic-racial Identity in
Amina K. Abdullahi, Moin Syed, Linda P. Juang, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - 2024 -
The Importance of Ethnic-Racialized Identities to Becoming and Being Culturally Responsive and Equity Minded
Linda P. Juang, Philip Hwang
Positive Ethnic Identity Content - Interviews with Adolescents with a Minority Ethnic Background Living in
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Conference paper presentation at International Society for Research on Identity, Tilburg 2024. - 2024 -
Adolescents’ (with a mixed ethnic-racial background) negotiation of their Swedish identity in the context of
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Sabina Vlasman, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Conference paper presentation at International Society for Research on Identity, Tilburg - 2024 -
Ethnic-racial identity in Europe: Adapting the identity project intervention in five
Linda P. Juang, Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor, Maja K. Schachner, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang, Ughetta Moscardino, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Britt Oppedal, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Amina K. Abdullahi, Rebecca Barahona, Sofia Berne, Chiara Ceccon, Nadya Gharaei, Ursula Moffitt, Anastasios Ntalachanis, Sharleen Pevec, David J. Sandberg, Angeliki Zacharia, Moin Syed
European Journal of Developmental Psychology - 2023 -
Do stimulation and support in the early childhood home environment and best friendship quality in adolescence predict adult
Maria Wängqvist, Mathias Allemand, Ann Frisén, Michael E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Current Issues in Personality Psychology - 2023 -
Different Contexts – Different Stories: Adolescents’ Experiences of how Ethnicity is Addressed in Schools, Sports, and on Social Media in
David J. Sandberg, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
4th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference (CDME) - 2023 -
Positive Ethnic Identity-related Feelings and Experiences among Late Adolescents with a Minority Ethnic
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
International Society for Research on Identity - ISRI Conference - 2023 -
Positive Ethnic Identity-related Feelings and Experiences among Swedish Adolescents with an Ethnic Minority
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference - 2023 -
Positive Minority Ethnic Identity-related Feelings, Experiences, and Flourishing among Swedish Adolescents on the Brink of Emerging
Pär Stern, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Tommy Reinholdsson, Linda Juang, Moin Syed, Ann Frisén
The Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood - SSEA Conference - 2023 -
Multiple Components of Ethnic Identity in Relation to Psychosocial Factors in Late Adolescence in
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Pär Stern, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén
Multiple Dimensions of Ethnic Identity in Relation to Psychosocial Factors in Late Adolescence in
Tommy Reinholdsson, Sofia Berne, Philip Hwang, Pär Stern, Moin Syed, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén
International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Conference 2023 - 2023 -
Within Family Patterns of Relative Parental Involvement Across Two Generations of Swedish
Maria Wängqvist, Johanna Carlsson, M. Syed, Ann Frisén, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Journal of Family Psychology - 2022 -
Till minne av Lennart Sjöberg
Carl Martin Allwood, Philip Hwang
Psykologtidningen - 2022 -
How social networks influence young men to seek psychological
Bo Helsing, Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Nordic Psychology - 2021 -
Sexual risk-taking among young Swedish men testing for
Bo Helsing, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care - 2021 -
Personality Development From Age 2 to 33: Stability and Change in Ego Resiliency and Ego Control and Associations With Adult
Moin Syed, Py Liv Eriksson, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang, Michael E. Lamb
Developmental Psychology - 2020 -
Inledning och
Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Ann Frisén & Philip Hwang (red). Ungdomar och identitet andra reviderade utgåvan - 2020 -
Barns psykologiska utveckling – från nyfödd till
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Förskolan och barns utveckling: Grundbok för förskollärare. Andra reviderade upplgan. - 2020 -
Policy is not enough–the influence of the gendered workplace on fathers’ use of parental leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2019 -
Workplace support and European fathers’ use of state policies promoting shared
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2019 -
Informella arbetsplatskulturer – ett hinder för pappors
Philip Hwang
Konferensen Jämställt föräldraskap – gynnar arbetstagare och arbetsgivare. Malmö, 24 september, 2019. - 2019 -
Father involvement across the lifespan: An identity
Maria Wängqvist, Philip Hwang
Presentation at the 26th annual conference of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), Naples, Italy, May 13-15 2019 - 2019 -
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2019 -
Förord till svenska utgåvan av Moderna
Philip Hwang
Moderna familjer - Barn och föräldrar i nya familjekonstellationer. - 2018 -
Den nyfödda
Philip Hwang
Föräldraskap och familjestöd, Högskolan Väst, 13 juni 2018 - 2018 -
Philip Hwang
Johansson T. & Sorbring E. (red) Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap - grundläggande perspektiv, - 2018 -
Policy is not enough. The influence of the gendered workplace on fathers’ use of parental leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Oral presentation, seminar for the Center for Global HRM - 2018 -
Ungdomar och unga vuxna – utveckling och
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén, Björn Nilsson
2018 -
Sweden country
Ann-Zofie Duvander, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Koslowski A., Blum S. and Moss P. (eds.) International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2017. - 2017 -
”MÖJLIGHETERNAS TID”- �Unga vuxnas utveckling och
Philip Hwang
Keynote lecture at University West - 2017 -
Framing Childhood: Century of the Child. Seminar organized by the Nordic Embassies in collaboration with Deutsches
Philip Hwang
Seminar organized by the Nordic Embassies in collaboration with Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Berlin, - 2017 -
Barns psykologiska utveckling – från nyfödd till
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Lindgren A.-L., Pramling N., Säljö R. (red.) Förskolan och barns utveckling: Grundbok för förskollärare - 2017 -
“Who will stay home today?” What do we know…What do we need to know about parental sharing of leave to care for sick
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Annual Meeting of the Network for Leave Policies and Related Research, 2016, Madrid. - 2016 -
Fatherhood – Organizational Change and Gender Equity. Research seminar on the role of fathers for children’s socio-emotional
Philip Hwang
Oral presentation, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26, 2016. - 2016 -
Fathers' depressive symptoms in the postnatal period: Prevalence and correlates in a population-based Swedish
Pamela Massoudi, Philip Hwang, Birgitta Wickberg
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2016 -
Sweden – Country
Linda Haas, A-Z Duvander, Philip Hwang
12th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2016. INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON LEAVE POLICIES AND RESEARCH - 2016 -
"It's About Time!": Company Support for Fathers' Entitlement to Reduced Work Hours in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Social Politics - 2016 -
It’s about time! – Company support for fathers’ entitlement to reduced hours in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Linnaeus Center for the Study of Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe (SPaDE), University of Stockholm, 2015 - 2015 -
Sweden – Country
A-Z Duvander, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
In: P. Moss (Ed.), International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2015 - 2015 -
Child and Adolescent Predictors of Personality in Early
Maria Wängqvist, M. E. Lamb, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Child Development - 2015 -
Parental leave and gender
Philip Hwang
The International Conference on Empowering Families: A Pathway to Development. Doha, Qatar: 16-17 April 2014 - 2014 -
Depression and distress in Swedish fathers during the postnatal
Pamela Massoudi, Philip Hwang, Birgitta Wickberg
Marcé International Society International Biennial General Scientific Meeting. Swansea, Wales, UK: 10-12 September 2014 - 2014 -
Equality is the goal? Paid parental leave for fathers in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Invited presentation at the Linnaeus Center for the Study of Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe (SPaDE), University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden. - 2014 -
Identity development in perspective: What are the challenges for the
Philip Hwang, Moin Syed, Maria Wängqvist
Conference organized at Sätra Bruk, Sweden. - 2014 -
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2014 -
Country Note –
A-Z Duvander, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
In P. Moss (Ed.), Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2013 - 2014 -
Equality is the goal? Paid parental leave for fathers in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Invited presentation at the Linnaeus Center for the Study of Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2014 - 2014 -
How identity status interviews may be used for in-depth studies of identity development: A two wave longitudinal study of identity in emerging
Maria Wängqvist, Ann Frisén, Johanna Carlsson, Philip Hwang
Symposium presentation at the 14th biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Cesme, Turkey, September 3-6, 2014 - 2014 -
Ungdomar och unga vuxnas identitetsskapande i relation till
Philip Hwang, Maria Wängqvist
Att förstå ungdomars identitetsskapande: En inspirations- och metodbok - 2014 -
Fatherhood and parental leave in
Philip Hwang
The USJC-ACCJ Women in Business Summit, Tokyo, Japan, May 27 - 2014 -
Family policies and
Philip Hwang
Seminar presentation at Life Puzzle – How to Combine Family and Working Life More Equally, organized by the Swedish Institute and the Swedish Embassy in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, May 22 - 2014 -
Family policy and practices in
Philip Hwang
Men as Fathers: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Fatherhood in the Context of the Family, Öhningen, Germany, May 7-9, 2014 - 2014 -
Gruppsykologi: för skola, arbetsliv och
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2014 -
Taking pappa leave? Great? How will our job get
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang, T Sällberg
Invited talk for the 10th International Network on Leave Policies and Research, Paris, France, October 17-18, 2013 - 2013 -
Tidig anknytning och postpartum
Philip Hwang
Nestlé Infant Nutrition Forum - 2013 -
Fatherhood, parental leave and organizational barriers in
Philip Hwang
In Fathers’ Participation in Parental Leave - 2013 -
Fatherhood, parental leave and organizational barriers in
Philip Hwang
Invited presentation at the International Conference on “Fathers’ Participation in Parental Leave”, KWDI, Seoul, Republic of Korea, August 28, 2013 - 2013 -
Trade union support for fathers' use of work–family benefits—Lessons from
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2013 -
A longitudinal study of personality development through childhood, adolescence, and emerging
Maria Wängqvist, Michael E Lamb, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Symposium at the 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology - 2013 -
How well does the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale identify depression and anxiety in fathers? A validation study in a population based Swedish
P. Massoudi, Philip Hwang, Birgitta Wickberg
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2013 -
Fathers and organizational culture - Barriers to men’s sharing parental leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Invited talk for the 2012 Colloquium Series, Demography Unit, University of Stockholm, Sweden - 2012 -
The role of middle management in accommodating fathers’ parental leave – insight from Swedish
T. Sällberg, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Work and Family Researchers Network. Inaugural Conference. June 14-16, 2012 , New York, NY - 2012 -
How Companies Accommodate Fathers’ Taking Parental Leave – Perspectives of HR Managers in
T. Sällberg, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
the Work and Family Researchers’ Network biannual meeting, New York, NY, June 14-16, 2012. - 2012 -
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
C. P. Hwang, I. Lundberg, & A-C Smedler (Eds.) Grunderna i vår tids psykologi - 2012 -
Grunderna i vår tids
Philip Hwang, Ingvar Lundberg, Ann-Charlotte Smedler
2012 -
Fatherhood and Social Policy in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
D. Schwalb, B. Schwalb, & M. Lamb (Eds.), Fathers in Cultural Context - 2012 -
Work-personal life harmonization and health among mothers and
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family IV International Conference, Tampere, Finland - 2011 -
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2011 -
Fathers' involvement in Swedish child health care - the role of nurses' practices and
Pamela Massoudi, Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Acta Paediatrica - 2011 -
Family-Supportive Organizational Culture and Fathers' Experiences of Work-family Conflict in
Karin Allard, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Is fatherhood becoming more visible at work? Lessons from
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Invited talk for the University of Lausanne, Center for the Study of the Life Course. Lausanne, Switzerland - 2010 -
Is fatherhood becoming more visible at work? Lessons from
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Invited talk for the Boston College’s Global Workforce Roundtable, London, UK - 2010 -
Postnatal distress in fathers and mothers - prevalence and correlates in a Swedish
Pamela Massoudi, Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
The Marcé Society’s International Biennial General Scientific Meeting: Perinatal Mental Health Research: Harvesting the Potential, Pittsburgh, PA, October 27-30 - 2010 -
Nu har pappa kommit hem. In A. Wallqvist (Ed.) Det våras för
Philip Hwang
2010 -
Parents' descriptions and experiences of young children recently diagnosed with intellectual
Petra Boström, Malin Broberg, Philip Hwang
Child : care, health and development - 2010 -
Different, difficult or distinct? Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of temperament in children with and without intellectual
Petra Boström, Malin Broberg, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2010 -
Nya utmaningar för föräldrar och
Philip Hwang
Konferens i Barnombudsmannens regi. September, 2009 - 2009 -
Hwang, C.P. & Haas, L. Does parental leave affect fathers' participation in childcare and ties with
Philip Hwang
The European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Vilnius 19-23 August, 2009. - 2009 -
Country note -
Linda Haas, Anders Chronholm, Anders Duvander, Philip Hwang
2009 -
Is fatherhood becoming more visible at
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Fathering - 2009 -
Peer Victimization and its Relationships with Perceptions of Body
Ann Frisén, Carolina Lunde, Philip Hwang
Educational Studies - 2009 -
Fathers’ involvement in Swedish child health care: nurses’ attitudes and
Pamela Massoudi, Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Poster presented to The Marcé Society Conference. - 2008 -
Socioeconomic and psychological variables as risk and protective factors for parental well-being in families of children with intellectual
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2008 -
The relation between risk, sense of coherence and well-being in parents of children with and without intellectual
Malin Broberg Olsson, Pernilla Larsman, Philip Hwang
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability - 2008 -
Sweden a Country
Linda Haas, Anders Chronholm, Philip Hwang
P. Moss & M. Korintus (Eds.), International review of leave policies and related research 2008 - 2008 -
Fathers’ involvement in Swedish child health care: nurses’ attitudes and
Pamela Massoudi, Philip Hwang
The Marcé Society Conference, Sydney, Australia - 2008 -
The impact of taking parental leave on fathers’ participation in childcare and relationships with children: Lessons from
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2008 -
Making fatherhood visible at
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
P. Moss & M. Korintus (Eds.), International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2008 - 2008 -
The relation between risk, sense of coherence and well-being in parents of children with and without intellectual
Malin Broberg Olsson, Pernilla Larsman, Philip Hwang
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities - 2008 -
Socioeconomic and psychological variables as risk and protevtive factors for parental well-being in families of children with
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2008 -
What difference do different settings in residential care make for young people? A comparison of family-style homes and institutions in
Jan Johansson, Bengt Andersson, Philip Hwang
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2008 -
Research update: Trade union support for fathers taking parental leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
5th Annual Seminar of the International Leave Policies and Research Network, Leuvin-la-neuve, Belgium. - 2008 -
Trade Union Support for Fathers’ Taking Parental Leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Little Rock, USA 2008. - 2008 -
Couple relationship and transition to parenthood: Does workload at home
K Möller, Philip Hwang, Birgitta Wickberg
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 2008 -
A developmental perspective on parent – child
Philip Hwang
Communication – Action – Meaning. A Festschrift to Jens Allwood - 2007 -
Long-term residential care for youths in Sweden – Approaches to
Bengt Andersson, Jan Johansson, Philip Hwang
International Journal of Social Wellfare - 2007 -
Gender and organizational culture - Correlates of companies' responsiveness to fathers in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
GENDER &; SOCIETY - 2007 -
Leave policies and research in
Anders Chronholm, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Employment Relations Research Series No. 80. London, UK: Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. - 2007 -
Organizational culture and companies’ responsiveness to fathers in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
4th Annual Seminar of the International Leave Policies and Research Network, Budapest, Hungary - 2007 -
Exploring the paradox: Experiences of flextime and work-family conflict among managerial fathers in
Karin Allard, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Community, Work & Family - 2007 -
Screening for postnatal depression in Swedish child health
Pamela Massoudi, Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Acta Peadiatrica - 2007 -
Ten-year-old girls’ and boys’ body composition and peer victimization experiences: Prospective associations with body
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Body Image - 2007 -
Ungdomar och
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Psykologidagarna, Stockholm, Sweden - 2006 -
Sweden – Country
Linda Haas, Anders Chronholm, Philip Hwang
2006 -
Ungdomar och
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Psykologidagarna, Stockholm, 2006. - 2006 -
Inledning och
Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Ungdomar och identitet. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur - 2006 -
Ungdomar och
Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
2006 -
Well-being, involvement in paid work and division of child-care
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2006 -
Screening for postnatal depression in Swedish Child Health
Pamela Massoudi, B Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Poster presented to The Marcé Society conference,13-15 sept 2006 i Keele, England. - 2006 -
Personality development from childhood to adolescence: A longitudinal study of ego-control and ego-resiliency in
Susan S. Chuang, Michael E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Policy and research on childcare in
Philip Hwang
Early childcare & education: International perpectives - 2006 -
Gör precis som vanligt och ta så lite notis om mig som
Philip Hwang
Ett ämne blir till psykologi i Göteborg – en kort historia med ett långt förflutet, 1956-2006 - 2006 -
Romantic attachment, parenthood and marital
K Möller, B Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 2006 -
Identity in young
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Poster presented to The Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) San Francisco, March 23, 2006 - 2006 -
Is Peer Victimization Related to Body Esteem in Early Adolescent Boys and
Carolina Lunde, Ann Frisén, Philip Hwang
Body Image - 2006 -
Country Note -
A Cronholm, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Leave Policies and Research - 2005 -
Using the EPDS in routine antenatal care in Sweden: a naturalistic
Birgitta Wickberg, Tomas Tjus, Philip Hwang
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 2005 -
Positive body image in adolescent
Katharina Lunner, Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
The 7th London international eating disorders conference. London - 2005 -
Vår tids
Philip Hwang, Ingvar Lundberg, ingvar Rönnberg, A-C Smedler
2005 -
Pappapusslet – vilka är bitarna och hur får man ihop
Philip Hwang
2005 -
Philip Hwang, Ann Frisén
Vår tids psykologi - 2005 -
Body-esteem in Swedish 10-year-old children. Eating Disorders
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
The 7th London international eating disorders conference. London - 2005 -
Body-esteem in Swedish 10-year old
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
Perceptual and Motor Skills - 2004 -
The impact of workplace practices on father
G Russell, Philip Hwang
In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The Role of the Father in Child Development - 2004 -
Internal Reliability, Temporal Stability, and Correlates of Individual Differences in Paternal Involvement: A 15-year Longitudinal Study in
S.S. Chuang, M .E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement - 2004 -
Swedish adolescents’ relational and assertive self-concepts across social contexts and
S.S. Chuang, M .E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Poster presented to the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Chicago, May 28, 2004. - 2004 -
Swedish 10-year old children’s perceptions and experiences of
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
Journal of School Violence - 2004 -
Paternal leave and paternal involvement in
S. S. Chuang, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
The biennial meeting of Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL, April 24-27, 2003 - 2003 -
Gender and organizational culture: Correlates of companies' responsiveness to fathers in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, Canada - 2003 -
Utvecklingspsykologi (2a
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2003 -
Få företag främjar män att ta
Philip Hwang
2003 -
Post partum depression – nedstämdhet och depression i samband med
Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
2003 -
Influence of macrostructure of society on the life situation of families with a child with intellectual disability: Sweden as an
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2003 -
The role of feedback in Swedish human service
Anders Pousette, Christian Jacobsson, Ingela Thylefors, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2003 -
The emergence of personality development in early childhood: A longitudinal investigation of ego resiliency and ego control in
S. S. Chuang, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, NC, April 4-7 2002 - 2002 -
Fatherhood and employment: Impact of unions on men’s utilization of parental
Linda Haas, P. Breife, Philip Hwang
XV World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 7-13, 2002 - 2002 -
The impact of organizational culture on men's use of parental leave in
Linda Haas, Karin Allard, Philip Hwang
Community, Work and Family - 2002 -
Emergence and construct validation of the ‘Big Five' Factors in early childhood: a longitudinal analysis of their ontogeny in
M. E. Lamb, S. S. Chuang, H. Wessels, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Child Development - 2002 -
Introduktion till
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
2002 -
Sense of coherence in parents of children with different developmental
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2002 -
Father involvement in Sweden: Exploring its components and stability over
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
The Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Uppsala, Sweden, 2001 - 2001 -
Y a-t-il des pères sur les lieux de
Philip Hwang
Journée Internationale de la Femme, Sevices à la Condition Fémine des communes de Bettembourg et de Sanem, France, 2001 - 2001 -
Working fathers and working family conflict in
Karin Allard, Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Annual meetings of the National Council of Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN, November 2001 - 2001 -
Father involvement in Sweden: Exploring its components and stability over
M. E. Lamb, S. S. Chuang, Philip Hwang
Paper presented at an interdisciplinary workshop on Measuring father involvement, Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, February 2001 - 2001 -
Fathers on leave from the business world. Dear Child – on men, children and gender equality in
Philip Hwang
Invited presentations by The Swedish Institute in the following cities: Paris (2001), Naples (2001), London (2001), Brussels, Madrid (2001) and Seville (2002) - 2001 -
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
I A. Erling & C. P. Hwang (Eds.), Ungdomspsykologi – utveckling och livsvillkor - 2001 -
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
I A. Erling & C. P. Hwang (Eds.), Ungdomspsykologi – utveckling och livsvillkor - 2001 -
Ungdomspsykologi – utveckling och
Ann Erling, Philip Hwang
2001 -
Föräldrastöd och spädbarns psykiska
Philip Hwang, Birgitta Wickberg
2001 -
Bagatellisera inte nyblivna mammors
Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Läkartidningen - 2001 -
Depression in mothers and fathers of children with intellectual
Malin Broberg Olsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research - 2001 -
Philip Hwang
Ann-Christin Cederborg: Barnintervjuer: vägledning vid utredningsarbete - 2000 -
Varför är pappor så lite engagerade i hem och
Philip Hwang
I C. P. Hwang (Red.), Faderskap i tid och rum - 2000 -
Philip Hwang
I C. P. Hwang (Red.), Faderskap i tid och rum - 2000 -
Internal reliability, temporal stability, and correlates of individual differences in paternal involvement: A 15-year longitudinal study in
M. E. Lamb, S. S. Chuang, Philip Hwang
Workshop on Measuring Father Involvement, NIH, Bethesda, MD, February 8-9 2000 - 2000 -
The impact of organizational culture on men’s use of parental leave in
Linda Haas, Karin Allard, Philip Hwang
The Annual Meetings of the National Council of Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN, November 2000 - 2000 -
Report on the Sätra bruk workshop on classification of postnatal mental disorders on November 7–10, 1999, convened by Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang and John Cox with the support of Allmänna Barhuset represented by Marina
S. A. Elliott, Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang, J. Cox
Archives of Women's Mental Health - 2000 -
Faderskap i tid och
Philip Hwang
2000 -
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
In L. Haas, C. P. Hwang, & G. Russell (Eds.), Organizational Change and Gender Equity - International Perspectives on Fathers and Mothers at the Workplace - 2000 -
Programs and policies promoting women’s economic equality and men’s sharing of child care in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
In L. Haas, C. P. Hwang, & G. Russell (Eds.), Organizational Change and Gender Equity - International Perspectives on Fathers and Mothers at the Workplace - 2000 -
Organizational Change and Gender Equity - International Perspectives on Fathers and Mothers at the
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang, G. Russell
2000 -
Early child care experiences and children's social competence between 1.5 and 15 years of
J. J. Campell, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Applied Developmental Science - 2000 -
Fathers on leave from the business world. Dear Child – on men, children and gender equality in
Philip Hwang
2000 -
Den nyfödda
Philip Hwang
I C. P. Hwang (Red.), Spädbarnets Psykologi (2a utgåvan) - 1999 -
Pappa - före och efter
Philip Hwang
I C. P. Hwang (Red.) Spädbarnets Psykologi (2a utgåvan) - 1999 -
Are there fathers at
Philip Hwang
Seminar Report at European Diversities; Cobining Work and Family in Different Settings of Working Life, Family Life and Culture, Paasitorni, Helsinki, October 1999 - 1999 -
Parental leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Parental Leave Research Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, 1999 - 1999 -
Are there fathers at
Philip Hwang
Seminar report at European Diversities: Combining Work and Family in Different Settings of Working Life, Family Life and Culture, Sweden - 1999 -
Spädbarnets Psykologi (2nd
Philip Hwang
1999 -
Iranian Refugees in Sweden: Coping Processes in Children and their
K. Almqvist, Philip Hwang
Journal of Childhood - 1999 -
Parent-Child Relationships. Development in the Context of the
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, R. D. Ketterlinus, M. P. Fracasso
In M. H. Bornstein & M. E. Lamb (Eds.), Developmental Psychology: An advanced Textbook - 1999 -
Parental Leave in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
In P. Moss & F. Deven (Eds.), Parental Leave: Progress or Pitfall? Research and Policy Issues in Europe - 1999 -
International Conference on Investigative Interviewing
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, K. J. Sternberg
Co-organizers of the Conference, Sätra Bruk, Sweden, April 25-29 1998 - 1998 -
The changing roles of fathers in the private sector in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations in Washington, D.C, 1997 - 1997 -
Changing role of fathers in the private sector in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations in Arlington, VA, 1997 - 1997 -
The effects of day care on the development of cognitive abilities in eight-year-olds: a longitudinal
Anders G Broberg, H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Developmental Psychology - 1997 -
Screening for postnatal depression in a population based Swedish
Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Acta Psychitrica Scandinavica - 1997 -
Father involvement - stability and
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1997 -
Om svensk barn- och familjeforskning. En probleminventerande
G. Andersson, U. Björnberg, B. Gustavsson, Philip Hwang, I. Pramling
1997 -
Personality development between one and eight years of age in Swedish children with varying child care
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1997 -
Philip Hwang
Sandström, S: Våld och hot i människovårdande yrken: teori och bemötande. - 1996 -
Father friendliness in Swedish
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Kansas City, MO, 1996 - 1996 -
Images of
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, I. Siegel
1996 -
Images of Childhood: an
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
In C. P. Hwang, M. E. Lamb, & I. Siegel (Eds.), Images of Childhood - 1996 -
Philip Hwang, Björn Nilsson
1996 -
Primary Health Care treatment of postnatal
B. Wickberg-Johansson, B. Erlandsson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 1996 -
Primary Health Care treatment of premature infants and their
B. Erlandsson, B. Wickberg-Johansson, Philip Hwang
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 1996 -
Counselling of postnatal depression: a controlled study on a population based Swedish
Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Journal of Affective Disorders - 1996 -
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: Validation on a Swedish Community
Birgitta Wickberg, Philip Hwang
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 1996 -
Cause and causality in day care research: An investigation of group differences in Swedish Child
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
European Journal of Psychology of Education - 1996 -
Den nyfödda
Philip Hwang
I C. Ylander (Red.) Faderskap i skilda världar - 1995 -
Formal support for mothers and fathers at the
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Organizational Change and Gender Equity Research Seminar, Sätra Bruk, Sweden, 1995 - 1995 -
Antecedents of the 'little five' in early childhood: The validity of the five factor model in Swedish preeschool
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Society for Research in Child development, Indianapolis, IN, March 1995 - 1995 -
Der Einfluss väterlicher Erziehungsbeteiligung auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Kindern im Vorschulalter: Ergebnisse eines
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
The German Sociological Society, Germany, April 1995 - 1995 -
Företagskultur och faderskap: en studie av arbete och familj i
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Expertmötet: den nordiska familjen och välfärdsstaten, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, 1995 - 1995 -
Philip Hwang
Professorer & Professurer, 1994 & 1995 - 1995 -
Validity of the Children's Dental Fear Picture Test
Gunilla Klingberg, Lena Vannas-Löfqvist, Philip Hwang
European Journal of Oral Sciences - 1995 -
Company culture and men's usage of family leave benefits in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
Family Relations - 1995 -
Aggression and noncompliance among Swedish children in centre-based care, family day care, and home
M. Prodromidis, M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1995 -
Paternage en Suède - Stratégies et
Philip Hwang
Sèminaire franco-suédois au Centre culturel suédois, Paris, France, May 1994 - 1994 -
Perspectives on
Philip Hwang
Changing Fatherhood, Tilburg, The Netherlands, May 1994 - 1994 -
Long term effects of contrasting forms of early
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The International Conference on Infant Studies, Paris, France, June 1994 - 1994 -
Determinents of verbal abilities: A longitudinal
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994 - 1994 -
Corporate culture and fathers' use of family leave benefits in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The Center for Demograph, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 1994 - 1994 -
Culture and men's usage of family leave benefits in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations in Minneapolis, MN, 1994 - 1994 -
Corporate culture and men's usage of family leave benefits in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
National council on Family Relations, Portland, OR, 1994 - 1994 -
Peer play and nonparental care
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, N. Knuth, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In H. Goelman & E. Vineberg Jacobs (Eds.), Children's Play in Child Care Settings - 1994 -
Children's Dental Fear Picture Test (CDFP) - a projective test for assessment of child dental
Gunilla Klingberg, Philip Hwang
Journal of Dentistry for Children - 1994 -
Små barns tillsyn: Mammornas
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Social Forskning - 1994 -
The investigation of child sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary consensus
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Et al.
Family law quarterly - 1994 -
Fathers and Company Culture in
Linda Haas, Philip Hwang
The 30th seminar of the Committee on Family Research, International Sociological Association, Annapolis, MD, 1993 - 1993 -
The investigation of Child Sexual Abuse: An International, Interdisciplinary
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, P. W. Esplin
Conference co-organizers, Sätra Bruk, Sweden, September 1993 - 1993 -
Refugee children in
Philip Hwang
National Institute of Child Health and Development, Section on Social and Emotional, Bethesda, MD, November 1993 - 1993 -
Day care and peer relations: a longitudinal
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA, March 1993 - 1993 -
The Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse: An International, Interdisciplinary
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, P. W. Esplin
Conference Co-organizers, Sätra Bruk, Sweden, September 1993 - 1993 -
Effects of day care on elementary school performance and
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, S. V. Chace
Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, USA, March 1993 - 1993 -
Vilka faktorer bestämmer småbarnsföräldrars val av
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Monograph in Modernt Familjeliv och familjeseparationer - 1993 -
Factors affecting mothers' child care
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Monograph in Modernt Familjeliv och familjeseparationer - 1993 -
Pappan - före och efter
Philip Hwang
Spädbarnets Psykologi - 1993 -
Den nyfödda
Philip Hwang
Spädbarnets Psykologi - 1993 -
Philip Hwang
1993 -
Scandinavian Experience in Providing Alternative
Philip Hwang
Pediatrics - 1993 -
Barnomsorgens ”inre
Child care in
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, J. L. Roopnarine
Journal of Marriage and the Family - 1992 -
Daghemmets inre
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Föräldrar och barn i dagens samhälle, Säröhus, Sweden, May 1992 - 1992 -
Inhibition and children's experiences of out-of home
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
The 5th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Seville, Spain, September 1992 - 1992 -
Infants crying excessively: developmental changes, parental perceptions and central concepts after 15
Philip Hwang, A. Schölmerich
The International Conference on Infant Studies, Miami, FL, April 1992 - 1992 -
Images of Childhood: Their Historical and Cultural Origins and
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, I. Sigel
Conference co organizers, Sätra Bruk, Sweden, September 1992 - 1992 -
Personalens åsikter om barnomsorg i
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Conference Child Care and Economy, Göteborg, Sweden, September 1992 - 1992 -
Små barns känslomässiga
Philip Hwang
Barnets tidiga relationer - 1992 -
Philip Hwang
Barnets tidiga relationer - 1992 -
Barnets tidiga
Philip Hwang
1992 -
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
1992 -
The historical and social context of child care in
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural Perspectives - 1992 -
Epilogue: the shaping of child care
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural Perspectives - 1992 -
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Forskning och Framsteg - 1992 -
Day care in Sweden: policy, provision and
Philip Hwang
Departemental Colloquia, Department of Individual and Family Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, February 1991 - 1991 -
Day care in Sweden: policy, provision and
Philip Hwang
Departemental Colloquia, Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, April 1991 - 1991 -
A Composite measure of Agression for children with and without out-of-home care
M. Prodromidis, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb
The Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, April 1991 - 1991 -
Ecologies of infants in different
Philip Hwang
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Minneapolis, MN, July 1991 - 1991 -
Scandinavian experience in providing alternative
Philip Hwang
The Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute Symposium "Day Care for Children", Arlington, VA, October 1991 - 1991 -
Day care for young children in
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
In E. Melhuish & P. Moss (Eds.), Daycare for young children - international perspectives - 1991 -
Swedish childcare
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In E. Melhuish & P. Moss (Eds.), Day care for young children - international perspectives - 1991 -
Vad händer med blyga barn på
Does out-of-home care affect compliance in
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, R. D. Ketterlinus, F. L. Bookstein
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1991 -
Social inhibition - development and
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In T. Archer & S. Hansen (Eds.), Behavioral Biology: Neuroendocrine Axis - 1991 -
Day Care in
Philip Hwang
In P. Moss & E. Mellhuish (Eds.), Day Care for Young Children: Research and Policy Implications - 1991 -
Swedish parents' preferences for child
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 1991 -
Factors related to verbal abilities in Swedish
Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein
British Journal of Developmental Psychology - 1990 -
Vad händer med blyga barn på
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Conference on Föräldrar och barn i dagens samhälle, Säröhus, Sweden, March 1990 - 1990 -
Day care policy, provision and research in
Philip Hwang
The conference on Day care for young children: research and policy implications, London, UK, February 1990 - 1990 -
Long-term effects of contrasting early childcare arrangements: The Göteborg Child Care
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The International Symposium on Child care in the Early Years, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1990 - 1990 -
The Gothenburg Longitudinal
Philip Hwang
Departemental Colloquia, National Institute of Child Health and Development, Section on Social and Emotional, Bethesda, MD, November 1990 - 1990 -
Inhibition: its stability and correlates among 16 to 40-month old
Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Child Development - 1990 -
The Gothenburg Cild Care
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 1989 - 1989 -
Inhibition: its stability and correlates among 16 to 40-month old
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 1989 - 1989 -
Child Care in
Philip Hwang
Paper presented at the workshop on Daycare in Context, Berkley Springs, WV, August 1989 - 1989 -
Swedish Child
Philip Hwang
The 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Oxford, UK, September 1989 - 1989 -
Families, day care, and the emergence of compliance in Swedish
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. Prodromidis, R. Ketterlinus, F. L. Bookstein
The National Council on Family Relations, New Orleans, LA, November 1989 - 1989 -
The development of Social and intellectual competence in Swedish
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg
In K. Kreppner & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Family system and lifespan development - 1989 -
Child care effects on socioemotional and intellectual competence in Swedish
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, D. Ketterlinus
In J. S. Lande, S. Scarr, & N. Gunzenhauser (Eds.), Caring for children: Challenge to America - 1989 -
Vibroakustisk behandling vid spädbarnskolik saknar
B Danielsson, Philip Hwang
Läkartidningen - 1989 -
B Danielsson, Philip Hwang
Läkartidningen - 1989 -
Barntillsyn i Sverige; en beskrivning av det svenska familjestödet för yngre förskolebarn (0 till 3 år), med betoning på utvecklingen inom
Associations between parental agreement regarding child-rearing and the characteristics of families in
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1989 -
Effects of out-of-home care on the development of social competence in Sweden: A longitudinal
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, F. L. Bookstein
Early Childhood Research Quarterly - 1988 -
Swedish fathers and childbearing, in
Philip Hwang
The Marcé Society, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, September 1988 - 1988 -
Do out-of-home care affect compliance in
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO, April 1988 - 1988 -
Philip Hwang
Presentation vid Psykologstämman, Stockholm, Sweden, 1988 - 1988 -
The determinants of paternal involvement in primarous Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein, Anders G Broberg, G Hult, M. Frodi
Developmental Psychology - 1988 -
The determinants of paternal involvement in primarous Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, F. L. Bookstein
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1988 -
Daycare: effects on family and
Philip Hwang
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Tokyo, Japan, July 1987 - 1987 -
Determinents of social
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Child Development , Baltimore, MD, April 1987 - 1987 -
The fathers' role in the family system: implications of maternal psychological
Philip Hwang
The symposium on Mental Illness: Impact on Parenthood and Child Development, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1987 - 1987 -
Hemma eller på
Philip Hwang
Presentation vid Psykologstämman, Stockholm, Sweden, 1987 - 1987 -
Behandling av spädbarnskolik med Minifom och
B Danielsson, Philip Hwang
Läkartidningen - 1987 -
Cesarean childbirth in Sweden: Effects on the mother and father-infant
Philip Hwang
Infant Mental Health Journal - 1987 -
Spädbarnskolik - vad är
Philip Hwang, B Danielsson
1987 -
The changing role of Swedish
Philip Hwang
In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The father´s role: Cross cultural perspectives - 1987 -
Barnomsorg i Göteborg: en longitudinell
The changing role of Swedish
Philip Hwang
Invited adress at the International Seminar on the Educational Role of the Family, Saitama prefecture, Japan, Sept./Oct. 1986 - 1986 -
Mer skratt och gråt med
Philip Hwang
Forskning och Framsteg - 1986 -
The behavior of Swedish primary and secondary caretaking fathers in relation to mothers
Philip Hwang
Developmental Psychology - 1986 -
Working mothers and the educational role of the family - social changes and working
Philip Hwang
1986 -
Treatment of infantile colic with
B Danielsson, Philip Hwang
Acta Pediatrica Scandinavica - 1985 -
Effects of early father participation on later paternal involvement and
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, M. Frodi, G Hult
The Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Canada, April 1985 - 1985 -
Varför är pappor så lite engagerade i hem och
Philip Hwang
Faderskap - 1985 -
Philip Hwang
Faderskap - 1985 -
Philip Hwang
Faderskap - 1985 -
Philip Hwang
1985 -
Treatment of infantile colic with
Philip Hwang, B Danielsson
British Medical Journal - 1985 -
Det kompetenta
Philip Hwang, Joseph Schaller
Forskning och Framsteg - 1985 -
Vilken barntillsyn har småbarnsföräldrar och vilken vill de
Aktuella resultat och uppgifter i
Philip Hwang
1985 -
Vaginal vs. Caesarean section delivery: effects on father- and mother-infant interaction at 3 and 8
Philip Hwang
the International Conference on Infant Studies, New York, NY, April 1984 - 1984 -
Relationships between care and quality of peer play in Swedish
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb
The International Conference on Infant Studies, New York, NY, April 1984 - 1984 -
Arbetsgivares och arbetskamraters attityder till
Philip Hwang, G. Elden, C. Fransson
1984 -
Små barns känslomässiga
Philip Hwang
Barnets tidiga relationer - 1984 -
Philip Hwang
Barnets tidiga relationer - 1984 -
Barnets tidiga
Philip Hwang
1984 -
Father-infant interaction when mother is present and absent in traditional and nontraditional Swedish
Philip Hwang
The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Munich, Germany, August 1983 - 1983 -
Betydelsen av förlossning genom kejsarsnitt för det tidiga samspelet mellan föräldrar och
Philip Hwang
Presentation för HSFR:s Områdesgrupp i Utvecklingspsykologi, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1983 - 1983 -
Betydelsen av olika former av barntillsyn för barnets sociala och emotionella
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Presentation för HSFR:s Områdesgrupp i Utvecklingspsykologi, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1983 - 1983 -
Inter-observer and test-retest reliability of Rothbart´s infant behavior
M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 1983 -
Effects of paternal involvement on infant preferences for mothers and
M. E. Lamb, M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, A. M. Frodi
Child Development - 1983 -
Joint reply to "Maternal-infant bonding: a joint
M. E. Lamb, J. Campos, Philip Hwang, P. H. Leiderman, A. Sagi, M. Svejda
Pediatrics - 1983 -
Effects of Gender and Caretaking Role on Parent-Infant
M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi, J. Steinberg
In R. N. Emde & R. Harmon (Eds.), Attachment and affiliative systems: Neurobiological and Psychobiological aspects - 1982 -
Infant social development in nontraditional
Philip Hwang
the International Conference on Infant Studies, Austin, TX, March 1982 - 1982 -
Increased paternal involvement and family
A. M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi
´The International Conference on Infant Studies, Austin, TX, March 1982 - 1982 -
Employers' and co-workers' reactions to parental leave of
Philip Hwang
Invited adress at the Bank Street College of Education research Group, New York, NY, March 1982 - 1982 -
Father-mother-infant interaction in traditional and nontraditional Swedish
Philip Hwang
Invited presentation at the University of Utah Developmental Psychology Research Group, Salt Lake City, UT, March 1982 - 1982 -
Föräldra-barn relationen i traditionella- och icke traditionella
Philip Hwang
Presentation för HSFR:s Områdesgrupp i Utvecklingspsykologi, Lund, Sweden, 1982 - 1982 -
Stability and change in parental attitudes following an infant´s birth in traditional and non-traditional Swedish
A. M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb, M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, B. Forström, T. Corry
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 1982 -
Varying degrees of paternal involvement in infant care: Correlates and
M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi
In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), Non-traditional families: Parenting and child development - 1982 -
Mother- and father-infant interaction involving play and holding in traditional and non-traditional Swedish
M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi, J. Steinberg
Developmental Psychology - 1982 -
Mother-infant bonding: A critical
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
In M. E. Lamb & A. L. Brown (Eds.), Advances in Developmental Psychology - 1982 -
Characteristics of maternal and paternal behavior in traditional and non-traditional Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, A. M. Frodi, M. Frodi
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1982 -
Security of mother- and father-infant attachment and stranger sociability of traditional and non-traditional Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, A. M. Frodi, M. Frodi
Infant Behavior and Development - 1982 -
Father-mother infant interaction in traditional and non-traditional Swedish families: a longitudinal
A. M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi
Alternative Lifestyles - 1982 -
Infant social development in traditional and non-traditional Swedish
Philip Hwang
Invited adress at the Child and Family Research Branch, NIH, Bethesda, MD, March 1981 - 1981 -
The parent-infant relationship in traditional and non-traditional families: attitudes and
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, M. Frodi, J. Steinberg
1981 -
Parent-infant interaction during the first eight months of
Philip Hwang
1981 -
Aspects of maternal-infant relationship during nursing, 1 and 6 weeks after early and extended post-partum
Philip Hwang
Early Human Development - 1981 -
[Effects of immediate contact between mother and child after
Sven G. Carlsson, Philip Hwang, K Larsson, Joseph Schaller
Läkartidningen - 1980 -
Father- infant interaction in traditional and non-traditional
A. M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, M. Frodi
The International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), New Haven, CT, April 1980 - 1980 -
Effects of gender and caretaking role on parent-infant
M. E. Lamb, A. M. Frodi, M. Frodi, Philip Hwang
The Denver Psychobiology Research Group, Estes Park, CT, May 1980 - 1980 -
Vilka effekter har kontakt mellan mor och barn omedelbart efter
Philip Hwang, Sven G. Carlsson, K. Larsson, Joseph Schaller
Läkartidningen - 1980 -
Effects of various amounts of contact between mother and child on the mother's nursing behavior: A follow-up
Sven G. Carlsson, Helena Fagerberg, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, Knut Larsson
Infant Behavior and Development - 1979 -
Effects of amount of contact between mother and child on the mother's nursing
Sven G. Carlsson, H Fagerberg, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, K Larsson, M Rödholm, Joseph Schaller, B Danielsson, C Gundewall
Developmental psychobiology - 1978 -
The influence of infant's sex on maternal feeding
Philip Hwang
University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1978 - 1978 -
Effects of various amounts of contact between mother and child on the mother´s nursing
Sven G. Carlsson, H. Fagerberg, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, L. Larsson, Martin Rödholm, Joseph Schaller, B Danielsson, E. Gundewall
Developmental Psychology - 1978 -
Mother-infant interaction; effects of sex of infant on feeding
Philip Hwang
Early Human Development - 1978 -
Neonatal-mother interaction: effects of sex of infant on feeding
Philip Hwang
Planeringsgruppen för prenatal neurobiologi och neuropatologi, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 1977 - 1977 -
Effects of various amounts of contact between mother and child on the mother´s nursing behavior: A follow-up
Sven G. Carlsson, H. Fagerberg, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, K. Larsson, Martin Rödholm, Joseph Schaller, B Danielsson, E. Gundewall
1977 -
Olika BB-rutiners inflytande på amning och
Sven G. Carlsson, Bengt Danielsson, Helena Fagerberg, Christer Gundevall, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, Knut Larsson, Margareta Rödholm, Joseph Schaller
Sammanfattande rapport om amning baserad på undersökningar och praktiska försök gjorda av Sempers amningsgrupp under åren 1973-1976 - 1976 -
Olika BB-rutiners inflytande på amning och mor -barn
Sven G. Carlsson, B Danielsson, H. Fagerberg, C. Gundewall, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, K. Larsson, Martin Rödholm, Joseph Schaller
Stockholm, Sweden, May 1976 - 1976 -
Olika BB-rutiners inflytande på amning och mor-barn
Sven G. Carlsson, B Danielsson, H. Fagerberg, C. Gundewall, Göran Horneman, Philip Hwang, K. Larsson, Martin Rödholm, Joseph Schaller