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- Swati Parashar
Swati Parashar
Institutionen för globala studierOm Swati Parashar
PhD (politik och internationella relationer): Lancaster University, Storbritannien. MA (Politik och internationella relationer): Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Indien. BA (History Honours): Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University, Indien.
Jag är professor i freds- och utvecklingsstudier vid School of Global Studies (SGS). Jag är medredaktör för International Feminist Journal of Politics och som redaktionsmedlem i andra tidskrifter. Jag samredigerade bokserien, Creative Interventions in Global Politics med Rowman och Littlefield, och Gender and Sexuality in Global Politics med Bristol University Press. Jag var medprogramordförande för International Studies Associations årliga konvent i Montreal 2023.
Mina tidigare akademiska utnämningar har varit vid Monash University och University of Wollongong i Australien och vid University of Limerick i Irland. 2017 var jag gäststipendiat vid Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. Innan min akademiska karriär arbetade jag som policyanalytiker i tankesmedjor i Indien och Singapore.
Mina forsknings- och undervisningsintressen är feministiska och postkoloniala internationella relationer, kultur och religion i global politik, hunger och hungersnöd, sexuellt våld i fred och krig, kvinnliga militanter och kombattanter, fred och utveckling i Sydasien och Östafrika, raspolitik för bistånd organisationer och forskningsetiken. Jag välkomnar forskningsmöjligheter och handledning inom dessa områden.
Jag skriver sociala och politiska kommentarer i olika lokala och internationella medier och mina offentliga engagemang fokuserar på utveckling, konflikter och våld. Jag driver min egen blogg (www.kaalratri.com) om kvinnors erfarenheter som främjar idén om "solidaritet bortom gränserna".
Jag kommer ursprungligen från Indien, är mycket rest och har levt i mångkulturella sammanhang i Asien, Europa och Australien. Jag är en entusiastisk testcricketfantast och pysslar då och då med resultatförutsägelser och könsanalys av denna mest koloniala sport. Livet utanför den akademiska världen berikas av hindustansk klassisk musik, ghazals och vintage Bollywood, och matlagning för vänner och familj.
Jag talar flytande hindi och engelska, kan förstå och tala Maithili, Urdu och Bengali. Jag förstår också grundläggande svenska och lär mig språket för mer flyt.
A Postcolonial Reading of “Peace from
Swati Parashar
Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding, Second Edition - 2024 -
The battle within: Which women, what peace and whose agenda in South
Bina D'Costa, Swati Parashar
Mapping Feminist International Relations in South Asia: Past and Present - 2024 -
Researching armed groups with facilitating researchers: asymmetries, silences, and the extractive economies of
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
Camille Bulcke: The Jesuit Exponent of
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
2024 -
Memory and justice after famines: an
Camilla Orjuela, Swati Parashar
Third World Quarterly - 2023 -
Introduction: Setting the
Oscar Abedi Dunia, Maria Eriksson Baaz, Swati Parashar, Anju Oseema Maria Toppo, Mats Utas, James B.M. Vincent, Karin Elfving
Facilitating Researchers in Insecure Zones: Towards a More Equitable Knowledge Production - 2023 -
The need of change: What, how and
Oscar Abedi Dunia, Maria Eriksson Baaz, Anju Oseema Maria Toppo, Swati Parashar, Mats Utas, James B.M. Vincent
Facilitating Researchers in Insecure Zones: Towards a More Equitable Knowledge Production - 2023 -
Worlding Encounters: Indian Spirituality and Anti-Colonialism in the Life and Thoughts of "the Mother" (Mirra
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
Global Studies Quarterly - 2023 -
Visibilising hidden realities and uncertainties: the ‘post-covid’ move towards decolonized and ethical field research
O. Abedi Dunia, M. Eriksson Baaz, A. O. Maria Toppo, Swati Parashar, M. Utas, J. B. M. Vincent
International Journal of Social Research Methodology - 2023 -
India and Global Hegemonic
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
Mutiple Hegemonies: Twenty-First Century International Order between Hegemony and Post-Hegemony - 2021 -
Challenging Institutional Racism in International Relations and Our Profession: Reflections, Experiences, and
A. Delatolla, M. Rahman, D. Anand, M. Caesar, T. Haastrup, N. M. Adiong, Swati Parashar, J. Youde
Millennium-Journal of International Studies - 2021 -
Colonial legacies, postcolonial ‘selfhood’ and the (un)doing of
Swati Parashar, Michael Schulz
Third World Quarterly - 2021 -
The 'state' of postcolonial development: China-Rwanda 'dependency' in
A. F. Lisimba, Swati Parashar
Third World Quarterly - 2021 -
Famines: ‘Slow’ Violence and Gendered
Swati Parashar, Camilla Orjuela
Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, Élise Féron & Catia Cecilia Confortini (eds): Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research - 2021 -
Race and racism in narratives of insecurity: from the visceral to the
M. E. Baaz, Swati Parashar
Critical Studies on Security - 2021 -
India in the ‘Asian Century’: Thinking like a
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics - 2020 -
How Goddess Durga Pushes Us To Break free from
Swati Parashar, Prabha Rani
She The People - 2020 -
Populisms in the Age of
Swati Parashar, Maria Stern
Blogal Studies - 2020 -
'Adi Darshan’: The only way to save the
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2020 -
Recognizing Hunger Amidst a Pandemic: Insights from
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2020 -
Supreme Court order on coparcenary rights is enormously
Hena Singh, Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2020 -
India in the ‘Asian Century’: Thinking like a
Ravi Dutt Bajpai, Swati Parashar
Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics, edited by Tom Casier, Piotr Dutkiewicz and Jan Aart Scholte - 2020 -
Old Narratives, New Methods: UNSCR 1325 and the
Swati Parashar
Frauen*solidarität (Women’s Solidarity), Austrian feminist magazine - 2020 -
Gendering War and War
Swati Parashar
International Catalan Institute for Peace - 2020 -
Conflicting Identities: The Nexus between Masculinities, Femininities and Violent Extremism in
Katherine Brown, Harmonie Toros, Swati Parashar
UNDP and UN Women - 2020 -
Gopaldas ‘Neeraj’: The Romantic
Swati Parashar, Ravi Dutt Bajpai
Indian Express - 2020 -
International Women’s Day
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2020 -
Justice in the Nirbhaya
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2020 -
Interview with Swati
Swati Parashar
E-IR - 2020 -
The Covid-19 Opportunity: Creating More Ethical and Sustainable Research
Swati Parashar, Maria Eriksson Baaz, David Mwambari, Oscar Abedi Dunia, Anju Oseema Maria Toppo, James Vincent
Social Sciences Research Council - 2020 -
Mohammed Rafi: The finest of the bygone
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2020 -
Why Feminists Must Appreciate Small Town Masculinities in Films Like Chaman
Swati Parashar, Prabha Rani
She the People TV - 2020 -
Nobel Peace prize to World Food Programme recognises hunger as violation of human
Swati Parashar, Camilla Orjuela
Indian Express - 2020 -
Blogal Studies in 2020 and
Johannes Theodor Aalders, Dustin Johnson, Elizabeth Olsson, Swati Parashar
School of Blogal Studies - 2020 -
Colonial legacies, armed revolts and state violence: the Maoist movement in
Swati Parashar
Rethinking Silence, Voice and Agency in Contested Gendered
Swati Parashar, Jane L. Parpart
2019 -
India in the ‘Asian century’: Thinking like a
Swati Parashar, Ravi Dutt Bajpai
Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute - 2019 -
Research Brokers, Researcher Identities and Affective Performances: The insider/Outsider
Swati Parashar
Civil Wars - 2019 -
Why we blog and you should
Johannes Theodor Aalders, Elizabeth Olsson, Swati Parashar
School of Blogal Studies - 2019 -
This is a war on
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2019 -
Don’t blame the
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2019 -
The Gendered Grammar of Modern States and Why it
Swati Parashar
Disorder of Things - 2019 -
Famines, Gendered Violence and Nationbuilding: The Australian
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2019 -
#MeToo: More than Social Media Confessions, Less than a Movement for Gender
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2019 -
The #MeToo Movement and Postcolonial Feminist Dilemmas: Reflections from
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2019 -
Rescuing Gandhi from multiple
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2019 -
Why Zaira Wasim’s actions have far reaching consequences for young Muslim
Swati Parashar, Prabha Rani
Indian Express - 2019 -
Introduction: Rethinking the Power of Silence in Insecure and Gendered
Swati Parashar, Jane L. Parpart
Rethinking silence, voice, and agency in contested gendered terrains / edited by Jane L. Parpart and Swati Parashar. - 2019 -
Silence and Indigenous Women’s Resistance: Jani Shikar Among the Adivasis of
Swati Parashar, Anju Oseema Maria Toppo
Rethinking silence, voice, and agency in contested gendered terrains / edited by Jane L. Parpart and Swati Parashar. - 2019 -
The WPS "Agenda": A Postcolonial
Swati Parashar
The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security Edited by Sara E. Davies and Jacqui True - 2019 -
Lily Ling: A Life of Courage and
Swati Parashar
Blogal Studies - 2019 -
Revisiting Gendered States – Feminist Imaginings of the State in International
Swati Parashar, J. Ann Tickner, Jacqui True
2018 -
Gender and resistance in Kashmir: old paradigms, new
E. Brannlund, Swati Parashar
International Feminist Journal of Politics - 2018 -
Competing masculinities, militarization and the conflict in
Swati Parashar
International Feminist Journal of Politics - 2018 -
The Postcolonial/Emotional State: Mother India's Response to Her Deviant Maoist
Swati Parashar
Revisiting Gendered States Feminist Imaginings of the State in International Relations - 2018 -
Introduction: Feminist Imaginings of 21st Century Gendered
Swati Parashar, J. Ann Tickner, Jacqui True
Revisiting Gendered States Feminist Imaginings of the State in International Relations - 2018 -
Terrorism and the postcolonial
Swati Parashar
Routledge handbook of postcolonial politics / edited by Olivia U. Rutazibwa and Robbie Shilliam. - 2018 -
Patthalgarhi challenges the Republic in its own
Swati Parashar, Anju Oseema Maria Toppo
Indian Express - 2018 -
The ‘Gharwapasi’ of Padma Bhushan Father Camille
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2018 -
Development’s new ally in tribal India: Sabka Vikaas, Sabka
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2018 -
Why are children’s bodies battlefields of communal and family
Swati Parashar, Bina D'Costa
Indian Express - 2018 -
When women are branded as witches and
Swati Parashar
Indian Express, 10 aug 2017 - 2017 -
Combatants for Life: Women LTTE
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2017 -
Feminist Foreign Policy: The South Asia
Swati Parashar, Bina D'Costa
Journal of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy - 2017 -
Lording it over the
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2017 -
The case for colonialism raises an academic
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2017 -
Hyper masculine ire is reserved for women who dare challenge
Swati Parashar
Indian Express - 2017 -
(En)Gendering the Maoist Insurgency in India: Between Rhetoric and
Swati Parashar, J. A. Shah
Postcolonial Studies - 2016 -
Feminism meets Postcolonialism: Rethinking Gender, State and Political
Swati Parashar
Postcolonial Studies - 2016 -
Women and militant
Swati Parashar