
Teoretiska perspektiv på social exkludering och kontroll

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Vårtermin 2025 (2025-01-20)

Denna litteraturlista fastställdes av proprefekt vid institutionen för socialt arbete 2024-11-25 att gälla från och med vårterminen 2025.

Bajc, Vida (2013) Sociological Reflections on Security Through Surveillance. Sociological Forum, 28(3):615-623. (9s.)

Bengtsson, Mattias & Jacobsson, Kerstin (2018) The Institutionalization of a New Social Cleavage: Ideological Influences, Main Reforms and Social Inequality Outcomes of ”The New Work Strategy”. Sociologisk Forskning, 55(2–3): 155–177. (22 s.)

Bernburg, Jón Gunnar (2009). Labeling theory. In: Marvin D. Krohn, Alan Lizotte & Gina Penly Hall (eds), Handbook on Crime and Deviance (pp.187-207). Springer Science + Business Media. (20s.)

Davidsson, Tobias & Petersson, Frida (2018) ”Towards an actor-oriented approach to social exclusion: a critical review of contemporary exclusion research in a Swedish social work context.” European Journal of Social Work, 21(2): 167–180. (14s.)

Elias, Norbert & Scotson, John Lloyd (1999): Etablerade och outsiders: en sociologisk studie om grannskapsproblem. Lund: Arkiv. (171s.)

Feeley, Malcolm M & Simon, Jonathan (1992) The New Penology: Notes on the Emerging Strategy of Corrections and Its Implications. Criminology, 30(4): 452-474. (22s.)

Fletcher, Del Roy & Wright, Sharon (2017) A Hand Up or a Slap Down? Criminalising Benefit Claimants in Britain via Strategies of Surveillance, Sanctions and Deterrence. Critical Social Policy, 38(2): 323–344. (21s.)

Foucault, Michel (1975/2003), Övervakning och straff: fängelsets födelse. Lund: Arkiv. (356s.)

Goffman, Erving (2001): Stigma: den avvikandes roll och identitet. Stockholm: Prisma. (168s.)

Hansen Löfstrand, Cecilia & Jacobsson, Kerstin (2022) Introduction: Transforming Subjectivities (pp.1-15). In: Hansen Löfstrand, Cecilia & Jacobsson, Kerstin (eds.) Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (15s.)

Heber, Anita (2023) Stranger Danger: The Political Debate on Crimmigrants. Critical Criminology, 31: 859-878. (19s.)

Holstein, James (2009) “Defining Deviance: John Kitsuse’s Modest Agenda”. The American Sociologist, 40: 51-60. (10s.)

Juhila, Kirsi (2004) Talking back to stigmatized identities. Negotiations of culturally dominant categorizations in interviews with shelter residents. Qualitative Social Work, 3(3): 259–275. (16s.)

Juhila, Kirsi & Hansen Löfstrand, Cecilia (2022) Subjectification, Advice Giving and Resistance in Mental Health Home Visit Interactions (pp. 88-105). In: Hansen Löfstrand, Cecilia & Jacobsson, Kerstin (eds.) Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (17s.)

Järvinen, Margaretha & Mik Meyer, Nanna (red.) (2003): At skabe en klient: institutionelle identiteter i socialt arbejde. København: Hans Rietzel. (242s.)

Kitsuse, John I (1962) ”Societal Reaction to Deviant Behaviour: Problems of Theory and Method”. Social Problems, 3(9): 247-256. (10s.)

Lindgren, Sven-Åke (1993): Den hotfulla njutningen: att etablera drogbruk som samhällsproblem 1890–1970. Stockholm: Symposion Graduale. (250s.)

Lindwall, Johan (2022) Negotiating Subjectivities in Social Work Dialogues (pp. 69-87). In: Hansen Löfstrand, Cecilia & Jacobsson, Kerstin (eds.) Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (19s.)

Lindwall, Johan & Turner, Russell (2025) Social exkludering: aktörsdrivna exkluderingsprocesser och socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (i urval, ca 150s.)

Nolbeck, Kajsa, Wijk, Helle & Olausson, Sepideh (2022) Claiming and Reclaiming Settings, Objects, and Situations: A Microethnographic Study of the Sociomaterial Practices of Everyday Life at Swedish Youth Homes. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 51(6) 816–844. (28s.)

Näslund, Lovisa & Thedvall, Renita (2022) A Brighter Future? The Transformative Power of Models in Social Services (pp. 16-32). In: Hansen Löfstrand, C. & Jacobsson, K. (eds.) Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (17s.)

Petersson, Frida (2013): “Excusing exclusion: Accounting for rule-breaking and sanctions in a Swedish methadone clinic”. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(6): 99-104. (6s.)

Sáenz, Rogelio (2013) Reflections on the Sociology of Security and Surveillance in the Study of Immigration. Sociological Forum, 28(3):624-626. (3s.)

Sahlin, Ingrid (2004) Enclosure or inclusion? Urban improvement and homelessness policies. Open House International, 29(2): 24–31. (8s.)

Simon, Jonathan (1997/2013) Governing Through Crime, pp. 531-546, In: McLaughlin, Eugene & Muncie, John (Eds.) Criminological Perspectives. Essential Readings, SAGE: London. Third Edition. (15s.)

Thörn, Catarina (2011) Soft Policies of Exclusion: Entrepreneurial Strategies of Ambience and Control of Public Space in Gothenburg, Sweden. Urban Geography, 32(7):989–1008. (19s.)

Waquant, Loic (2008) Ordering insecurity: social polarization and the punitive upsurge. Radical Philosophy Review, 11(1): 1–19. (19s.)