Göteborgs universitet

Programme SimPro 2025

Welcome to a full day of inspiring talks, key note lectures and state-of-the-art research.

  • April 3, 2025
  • 9.00-17.00
  • Clarion Hotel The Pier, Gothenburg, Sweden


Conference programme
09.00-09.15Opening of SimPro2025
Charlott Sellberg 
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
09.15-10.00Keynote “Thinking the unthinkable in simulation”
Nick Hopwood, 
University of Technology Sidney, Australia
10.00-10.30COFFEE BREAK
10.30-11.00Transforming future doctors’ perceived preparedness through longitudinal blending of simulation and work-based learning
Carol Wilson, Poh Chen Tan, Ayumu Perry, Stephanie Leckey, Emma Stewart, Neil Kinnear & Gerry Gormley
Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland
11.00-11.45Making sense of movement: Unboxing collaborative interpretation in 360VR simulations
Jacob Davidsen
Aalborg University, Denmark
11.45-12.15“We will talk about that later”: Frictions and tensions in nurse-care debriefing sessions
Marte Leinonen Hov & A. Camilla Wiig
University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
12.15-13.15LUNCH AT FEI
13.15-14.00Keynote “Interdisciplinary Learning and Knowledge Co-Creation via Organizational Simulation”
Anu Kajamaa
University of Oulu, Finland
14.00-14.30Megagames as a platform for learning and dialogue in complex societal transitions
Björn Johansson and Peter Berggren
Linköping University, Sweden
14.30-15.00Eye-tracking and multimodal learning analytics for collision avoidance in maritime simulations
Franklin Nyairo, Anne Bouyssou Chen, Jukka Häkkinen & Emilia Lindroos
Novia University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
15.00-15.30COFFEE BREAK
15.30-16.00Collective battlefield acumen in practice: The educational potential of joint understanding and decision-making in naval wargames
Ulrika Bennerstedt & Björn Sjöblom
Swedish Defence University, Sweden
16.00-16.30“Why that instruction now?” Distinguishing simulation setbacks from performance failure in firefighters’ blindfolded simulation exercises
Hanna Svensson
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
16.30-17.00‘How do you describe what smell there is, sort of?’: Training tacit knowledge and professional judgement through laboratory work
Marte F. Giskeødegård, Charlott Sellberg & Mads Solberg 
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
University of Gothenburg, Sweden