Breadcrumb Home The Institute of Clinical Sciences About us Research areas within the Institute of Clinical Sciences Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Welcome to the Department of Orthopaedics Contact information Department of Orthopaedics Göteborgsvägen 31 SE-431 80 Mölndal Visiting address: Länsmansgatan 28, R-Huset, Level 7, Mölndal Hospital Staff List of all personell at the Department of Orthopaedics Research story/portrait Madelene Albrektsson: Classification, treatment, and results of acetabular… Acetabular fractures most commonly affect older and men who have experienced a low-energy trauma. Most are treated… Research story/portrait John Hutchins: MR Imaging in symptom-triggering positions Nerve pain that extends into the limbs can be positional, varying with changes in posture. Typically, MRI scans are… Research story/portrait Karin Rilby: How hip prosthesis design affects functionality The increasing need for hip replacements has prompted innovations in implant design. Are shorter stems, anchoring in the… Research story/portrait Jonathan Hughes: Risk factors for failure of ACL reconstruction Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common, particularly among athletes, often leading to life-altering… Research story/portrait Baldur Thorolfsson: Youth sports participation after ACL injury Adolescents who undergo ACL surgery are almost twice as likely as young adults to re-injure their ACL. Adolescents also… News – 10 June 2024 Awarded in Milan, Italy for his achievements Björn Rydevik receives the ISSLS Wiltse Lifetime Achievement Award News – 22 April 2024 EU project on engineered cartilage Being tested as a treatment for knee osteoarthritis Our research All Dissertations 2020-2024 You can find all defended thesis within the Department of Orthopaedics here Research story/portrait “Unique research opportunities” Ola Rolfson, professor of orthopaedics News – 17 April 2024 Drawing inspiration in Pittsburgh “UPMC feels like a research headquarters”