
Advanced Structural Geology

Master’s level
7.5 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 16 000 SEK
First payment: 16 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees


Understanding that geological materials such as ice, soil, rocks and meltwater deform when subjeced to stress or pressure; they crack, fold, stretch and /or flatten. These structures can be used to trace the history and geological evolution of the Earth. This course provides the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in the field and to put theory into practice.

The course introduces basic ice deformation processes, field mapping and measurements and also includes fieldwork and regional excursion.


The course aims to investigate the deformation of the Earth´s lithosphere and  highlight advanced theoretical aspects of rock deformation and is a continuation of the course GVG280 Structural Geology.

In addition to the quantitative aspects of stress and strain analyses, the wide range of deformation complexities in contractional, extensional and strike-slip regimes at various scales is also covered.

The course provides an in-depth understanding of rheological properties of the lithosphere, including brittle and plastic deformation processes at the microscale. A focus is also given to the deformation behavior of ice.

The course is part of the Master’s Programme in Earth Sciences, the course is also offered as a freestanding course.


The teaching includes:

  • lectures
  • exercises
  • laboratory sessions
  • group work
  • student presentations
  • fieldwork

Fieldwork can take place in cold, wintry weather conditions, so students need to have appropriate clothing.

Language of instruction: English

The teaching is carried out by dedicated teachers who are researchers in the field. The course has a strong research and labour market connection, which you as a student will benefit from.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

Admission to the course requires at least 120 credits in successfully completed geology related courses. Also the successful completion of a bachelor's level geology introductory course and a structural geology course of at least 7,5 credits.


Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.

After graduation

If you study Earth Science, you have good career opportunities both in Sweden and abroad. You can choose to work in industry, as a consultant, project manager or in public administration.

Our former students work, for example, with natural resource management, environmental issues and urban planning, you also have great opportunities to focus on the particular area you are interested in.


The Department of Earth Sciences' premises are located in central Gothenburg on Campus Medicinareberget. We are located in the Natrium building, which was inaugurated in 2023 and has state-of-the-art labs and lecture halls. Natrium brings together students and researchers in the Natural Science fields of Biology, Molecular biology, Chemistry, Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences and Conservation.

More information about facilities

Exchange opportunities

If you are studying Earth Sciences at the University of Gothenburg, there are good opportunities for exchange studies during your studies. This is often seen as a good asset when applying for jobs, as many jobs require international collaboration.

We have over 100 agreements within Erasmus and other exchange programs with universities around the world, both within and outside Europe.