Picture from one of the tools developed with-in the SweLL-project

Release of SweLL – research infrastructure for Swedish as a second language

Culture and languages
Science and Information Technology
Education and learning

Welcome to the release of a new digital research infrastructure for Swedish as a second language. Researchers and system developers from the University of Gothenburg and Språkbanken Text, among others, have made available around 1,000 student essays written by people with Swedish as a second language. The database will make it possible to study second language development in new and simpler ways.

26 Aug 2021 - 27 Aug 2021
Online via Zoom webinar (register for link)
Additional info
Full program

Good to know
The release is held during two half days. For a full program visit Språkbanken Text (link below)
Språkbanken Text, department of Swedish

The event is supported by the Nationella Språkbanken, Swe-Clarin and Learner Corpus Association. The major project funding came from Riksbanken Jubileumsfond. Additional financial support came from Språkbanken Text (VR) and Stockholm University.

The SweLL corpus is a newly compiled and manually annotated corpus of essays written by adult learners of Swedish as a second language. Essays have been manually pseudonymized,  normalized, and correction annotated. Various tools have been developed to support the process of annotation, annotation management and search.

Welcome to the release of both the corpus and the tools that will be presented by the SweLL project team!

Full program