
CGM now member of Europe's largest scholars' network on migration


The Centre on Global Migration is proud to announce that we have been accepted as members of the IMISCOE research network. IMISCOE stands for International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe.

We join a group of 39 member institutions in Europe, which will provide our researchers with an international platform to promote their work undertaken at University of Gothenburg.

The Centre on Global Migration is proud to announce that we have been accepted as members of the IMISCOE research network.

The acronym stands for International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe.

This is the largest European scholars’ network in the area of migration and integration and we join a group of 39 member institutions in Europe.
The membership will provide our researchers with an international platform to promote the work undertaken at University of Gothenburg and to expand their networks.

Below are some of activites we get access to by joining the network. Apart from those, CGM can also promote activities like conferences and workshops through the network, as well as publish job offers and other calls.


IMISCOE’s flagship event is their annual conference. These are organized by the member institutes and have occurred since 2004. In 2018 the 15th Annual Conference will be organised in Barcelona on 2-4 July, 2018, on the theme “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges”.

There are also occasional conferences hosted by member institutions, and CGM has the possibility to promote our own conferences and workshops through the network.

Research groups and seed funding

IMISCOE has two types of research groups, standing committees and research clusters. A standing committee is essentially a well-established research cluster with a broad program of activities.

List of standing committees.

Research clusters involve new research initiatives focused on a specific line of activity and a specific group of researchers.

The current research clusters can be found here.

Over the past decade IMISCOE network has made a fixed sum of money available for seed funding for new research initiatives.

More information about research funding can be found here.

PhD Network

An important advantage that our joining the IMISCOE network provides and which we seek to make advantage of is training and networks for PhD students involved in migration and diversity related research. The PhD network has several dedicated working groups, that plan and carry out activities relevant for PhD migration scholars.

IMISCOE organises annual winter- or summer schools for PhD's, as well as specific training modules at other IMISCOE events. The PhD schools involve training in relevant theoretical frameworks in these fields, but also methodological training and specific modules aimed at publication and PhD strategies.

Training is often provided by key scholars from the research field, providing the PhD's an opportunity to work together with some of the leading researchers on migration and integration.

In 2017 there were 943 registered PHD students in IMISCOE’s database. Click the links for more information on the PhD-network and trainings.


IMISCOE publishes the peer-reviewed journal Comparative Migration Studies since 2013. They also have a book series consisting of monographs and edited volumes, as well as select PhD monographs written by IMISCOE doctoral candidates.

A list of publications can be found here. As part of the network our researchers at University of Gothenburg will have access to the publication possibilities provided.

The majority of IMISCO publications are open-access, due to an agreement with Springer publications. This includes the journal as well as the book series.

IMISCOE Newsletter

Finally, IMISCOE publishes a monthly newsletter to disseminate news from the IMISCOE network members, on activities, research, publications and events. You can sign up for the newsletter here.