University of Gothenburg

Centre on Global Migration

Centrum för global migration (CGM)

The Center on Global Migration (CGM) support research, education and utilization of knowledge on global migration and integration and is a platform for collaborations between researchers and actors in the private and public sectors, as well as civil society.

CGM aim to promote interdisciplinary research collaborations on migration and integration. We gather and coordinate research that spans over several disciplines, including anthropology, medicine, psychology, political science, religious studies, history, education, law, economics and sociology. CGM arranges seminars, workshops and conferences where researchers from different disciplines meet. An active collaboration with society is also a priority and CGM collaborates with several public actors as well as civil society organisations. To faciliate collaborations and create meeting places, CGM both arranges collaboration events and participate as an active partner in externally organised events.

Are you a PhD student writing your dissertation on migration or integration? The Swedish Research Council's Graduate School in Migration and Integration provides a unique intellectual environment with advanced teaching, research training, and networking opportunities.

A selection of publications on migration and integration from the University of Gothenburg


An important part of CGM's mission is to create opportunities to deepen knowledge exchange between academia and actors outside of academia. We do this through a range of activities and collaborations.