Spelande violinstudenter
Photo: Magnus Gotander

Large contribution enables continued Artist in Residence programme


The Artist in Residence programme at the Academy of Music and Drama can continue thanks to a new generous support from the Stena Foundation. A total amount of 1.8 million SEK is distributed over four years, 2023–2026, for new collaborations with artists and performers.

"Being able to meet very creative, exploring and playful artists who meet our students with dedication and curiosity creates a unique learning experience. We look forward to continuing and developing the success Artist in Residence!", says Petra Frank, Head of Department at the Academy of Music and Drama.

The announcement that a new financial support of 1.8 million SEK from the Stena Foundation can make it possible for the programme to continue. New guest artists are invited to share their invaluable knowledge and experience.

"Artist in Residence has both succeeded in creating developing meetings between students and international artistic role models and inspired future collaborations. The programme gives the education an extra dimension that is very valuable. We are happy to be able to assist once again and look forward to following the progress", comments Madeleine Olsson Eriksson, chairman of the Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture.

"So far, the programme has shown rewarding meetings where our students get to experience artistically excellent artists and take part in all their experience. Getting such inspiration is very edifying. The guest artists also feel that they get the opportunity to reflect on the various aspects of the artistic profession once again. This feels exciting to continue exploring. In addition, the programme contributes to an increased professional view of our educations and strengthens the university's role as an artistic educational center in Gothenburg, Sweden and internationally", says Petra Frank.

The previous Artist in Residence programme was started in 2018 with financial support from Sten A Olsson's Foundation for Research and Culture. During the years 2018–2023, students at the Academy of Music and Drama were visited by Isabelle van Keulen, violinist and viola player from the Netherlands, actor David Dencik and Ross Daly, British multi-instrumentalist and expert on traditional music from the Eastern Mediterranean region and Asia. During workshops, master classes, lectures, ensemble projects and concerts, the artists worked together with the students.

About Sten A Olsson's Foundation for Research and Culture

The Stena Foundation was founded in 1996 in connection with shipowner Sten A Olsson's 80th birthday. Through the foundation, the family provides support for research and cultural activities, mainly in Gothenburg and western Sweden. The foundation promotes scientific research and development, as well as all forms of art and culture, the humanities and Christian communities. The first donation amounted to SEK 51 million and formed the basis of the Chalmers Innovation foundation. The development of a center for innovation activities at Chalmers was thereby made possible. Starting in 1996, when the Stena Foundation was founded, until 2022, decisions have been made to distribute roughly 560 million SEK as support for specific projects, a total of 161 scholarships in the field of culture, as well as 320 master's scholarships as travel grants.