University of Gothenburg
Forskarna Annelie de Cabo och Kristina Alstam står med ett älghuvud framför sig, för att belysa den mediala bilden av kriminalitet.
Forskarna Annelie de Cabo och Kristina Alstam. Foto: Gunnar Jönsson
Photo: Gunnar Jönsson

Podcast: With criminal greetings

A podcast about social work, difficult questions and unpleasant truths. The programme is hosted by researchers Annelie de Cabo and Kristina Alstam, who highlight research and social work as important parts of the discussion on crime and punishment.

About the Podcast With Criminal Greetings

With Criminal Greetings (Med kriminella hälsningar) is a podcast from the Department of Social Work that talks about crime and punishment for everyone who is not a researcher, based on research and drawing attention to controversial and popular issues about crime and punishment.

The podcast is in Swedish.

Listen to the podcast With Criminal Greetings

The podcast is only available in Swedish.

Annelie de Cabo and Kristina Alstam on the cover of the podcast "With criminal greetings".
Photographer: Gunnar Jönsson