
Basic skills for language technology

Master’s level
7.5 credits (ECTS)


This course covers basic concepts and skills required to proceed in the Master in Language Technology program.  Included are basic conceptual knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics, as well as important programming and data management skills, all from the perspective of understanding and implementing NLP applications.

Entry requirements

Students with an undergraduate degree (at least three year full-time study) in

language technology, computational linguistics or computer science;
linguistics (with at least 30 hec, corresponding to half a year full-time study, in formal linguistics);
adjacent subjects, eg. cognitive science, languages, philosophy or mathematics can also be considered, provided that the student can show a background in either programming or formal linguistics corresponding to 30 hec, half a year full-time study;
or a certificate from the department that you qualifications are equivalent.

The course language is English. To provide the requirement in English by an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS, the English proficiency should be equivalent to the level of English 5/English Course A from Swedish Upper Secondary School.

English proficiency

If you have questions about English proficiency requirements, please contact your international coordinator at the University of Gothenburg.


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