
Longitudinella data för studier av ojämlikhet i skolan (MapIE)

Pågående forskning
Projektets storlek
30 245 135 SEK
2024 - 2028
Monica Rosén, Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik

Kort beskrivning

The MapIE project aims at identifying and analysing longitudinal data both to understand how inequalities develop in different educational contexts and particularly to identify effective mechanisms and interventions to close achievement gaps.

We aim at understanding how educational inequalities develop as an interplay of pupil-level predictors and the features of the local, regional and national policies and practices. MapIE focuses on the contextual differences between the Nordic and Central European countries that have structurally different education systems and thereby varying approaches to tracking and school selection, which are considered central system-level factors contributing to school segregation.

Work Packages

The project has seven interrelated work packages:  

  • WP1: Project management 
  • WP2: Literature review 
  • WP3: Framework for data mapping 
  • WP4: Data mapping and data management 
  • WP5: Effective interventions and policies 
  • WP6: Framework for future longitudinal studies 
  • WP7: Dissemination, exploitation, communication 


Research Outputs

The main research outputs of our project are a systematic literature review published both for scientific audiences and the wider public, an open metadata database containing descriptions of a wide range of European longitudinal datasets identified in data mapping with links to original data where applicable, and empirical analyses of the accessed data that are published in a large number of publications and dissemination events for both scientific audiences and educational policy makers as well as authorities, schools and the public media. Finally, we create a public framework for studying educational inequalities longitudinally in future studies, acknowledging the role of local contexts but aiming for comparability at the European level. 

Research Consortium 

Institution Team Leader
Tampere University  Prof. Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen 
University of Helsinki  Dr. Meri Lintuvuori 
Finnish Education Evaluation Centre  Jukka Marjanen
University of Oslo  Prof. Rolf Vegar Olsen 
University of Gothenburg  Prof. Monica Rosén 
University of Szeged  Prof. Gyöngyvér Molnár 
Goethe University of Frankfurt Prof. Samuel Greiff 
MapIE logotyp


The project is funded through Horizon Europe, call HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-06 (1.3.2024 – 29.2.2028). The project description can be read in the Cordis database

Funded by the European Union