Göteborgs universitet

Meet Christian Dam

His research focus is on consumption of the past and he absolutely loves the life as a doctoral student. Meet Christian Dam, one of the doctoral students at the Department of Business Administration.

Can you tell a little about yourself?
- I am from Denmark and I have a multidisciplinary master degree in Business, Language & Culture from the University of Southern Denmark. After graduating, I worked a year as a research assistant at the University of Southern Denmark, where I lectured on consumer behavior and qualitative methods. However, I was also introduced to research, which persuaded me to pursuit an academic career.

What is your research about and what made you interested in that topic?
-My research deals with the consumption of the past and how consumers engage with the past through the mediation of consumption. The past seem to be a recurrent theme in society, as it continuously presents itself in popular culture. I study this obsession with the past through the window of consumption. Along with some colleagues, I wrote a piece on how nostalgia had been particularly notable during this Covid-pandemic.

Why did you choose to study at the University of Gothenburg? 
- The specific focus on culture that the marketing section employs. Furthermore, the university has a strong emphasis on sustainability, which also resonated with me.

What is life like as a doctoral student?
- Frustrating and wonderful, time-consuming and liberating, hopeless and hopeful, and I absolutely love it. I think a curious mind would find the experience of being a doctoral student very fulfilling.

What are the advantages of being a doctoral student in Sweden?
- A major advantage in Sweden is the close collaboration with supervisors, which is essential for designing your study. Before the Covid-pandemic, I would also have highlighted the opportunities for international collaboration. I was in Helsinki for a PhD-course, which both expanded my theoretical knowledge as well as my academic network. Hopefully trips like these will soon be possible again!

What do you like about Gothenburg? Favorite places?
- Gothenburg is a vibrant and edgy city but without feeling too big. Furthermore, forest and the shore is easily accessible from Gothenburg. My favourite place in Gothenburg would have to be Slottsskogen. It is a wonderful park close to the university, where I have often gone for a run after a long day.