aleksandre asatiani

New docent wants to learn how AI and Covid-19 affects our work


Aleksandre Asatiani is new associate professor in informatics. In his research, he tries to understand how organizations and people work in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and adapting to AI and automation.

Aleksandre Asatiani is originally from Georgia and lived over twelve years in Finland. He completed his PhD about cloud computing and outsourcing at Aalto university, Helsinki, in 2016. Since 2019 he has been working as a researcher at the IT-faculty.

– At the moment I am focusing on two research directions, remote work and deployment of automation and AI in organizations. I have been studying remote work for the last five years, and the pandemic has provided ample opportunities to extend this research, says Aleksandre Asatiani.

According to Aleksandre Asatiani the pandemic showed that remote work is a viable alternative to co-located work for the broad range of knowledge workers. Meanwhile, automation and AI are increasingly entering organizations and are being integrated in people’s everyday work.

– It is important to understand how new technologies and modes of work impact organizations, workers, and society at large. And the reason is to make sure that we can draw benefits from these developments, while creating sustainable organizations and workplaces. I hope to make my modest contribution to bring such an understanding, he says.

What does it mean to be promoted as associate professor?
– I see it as the next stage in my academic career and as an opportunity to rethink my role which will allow me to better anchor and integrate my research activities with the Department of Applied IT. I am also looking forward to engaging more with education as an incoming program manager for the Master’s program in Digital Leadership, says Aleksandre Asatiani.