University of Gothenburg

Department of Applied Information Technology

AIT building in the winter

At the Department of Applied Information Technology, we conduct critical and interdisciplinary research of the highest quality in an international environment with great relevance to society. We offer popular programs at undergraduate and graduate levels, grounded in research and societal development, providing excellent employment opportunities.

Our researchers are at the heart of the debate, contributing to the explanation and problematisation of IT and societal challenges associated with society's digitalisation. Here, people’s knowledge and ability to analyse, understand, and manage various aspects of IT, as well as the interaction between humans and technology, are developed in areas such as artificial intelligence, digital surveillance, "Twin transition," blockchain, digital governance, digital innovation, e-health, the Internet of Things, mobile communication, robots, social media, and IT in schools and education. The department is located in the knowledge-intensive cluster at Campus Lindholmen, where it has well-developed cooperation with industry and the public sector, as well as civil society.

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