Göteborgs universitet

Nordic Health Economists' Study Group

The University of Gothenburg and the Centre for Health Governance at the University of Gothenburg (CHG) will host the 41st Nordic Health Economists’ Study Group (NHESG) meeting on the 17th-19th of August 2022. The conference will be held in person at Wallenberg Conference Center in Gothenburg.

The meeting aims to bring together researchers who are working in the area of health economics and to promote continuous development of health economics as a sub-discipline of economics. Papers on all topics within health economics are welcome. Submitted papers representing various stages of the research process are expected. The conference language is English.

The usual NHESG procedural rules will apply:

  • the discussant – and not the author - will present the paper, including both a summary and a discussion.
  • each paper is allotted 40 minutes.

All participants will have the opportunity to download submitted papers. Access to papers will be restricted to registered participants.

Best from the local organizing committee

Keynote speakers

Carol Propper

Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School in the Department of Economics and Public Policy and at the Centre for Health Economics at Monash University.  Carol’s research focuses on the impact of incentives on the quality of health care delivery and health system productivity and, more widely, on the design and consequences of incentives within the public sector and the boundary between the state and private markets. She is the current President of the Royal Economic Society and a member of President Macron of France expert commission on major economic challenges. Her research on hospital markets has been awarded the International Health Economics Association Arrow Award for the best paper in health economics in both 2011 and 2017 and American Economic Association Prize in 2016 for the best paper published in the AEJ: Economic Policy in 2012-15. In recognition of her public services to health and economics, Carol was made Dame in 2021. | Personal webpage

Foto: Imperial College Business School
Foto: Håkan Röjder

Petter Lundborg

Professor at Lund University at the Department of Economics and Centre for Economic Demography. Petter’s research is mainly empirical and is characterized by meticulous empirical work with high-quality microdata which is used to answer relevant questions within the field and where issues regarding causality have a central role. Petter’s research is mostly conducted in the field of health economics and labor economics and has covered topics such as health and labour market outcomes, education, early life conditions, and household finance. In 2017 Petter was awarded the Assar Lindbeck Medal 2017 given to prominent Swedish economists below 45 | Personal webpage


Abstracts, full papers and an updated program will be shared here: NHESG 2022 Shared Folder. Password will be provided via email to registered participants.

August 17that The School of Business, Economics and Law

14.30 Registration opens 

15.10–16.30 Parallel sessions

16:45–18.15 Opening of the conference:
- Panel session on Nordic responses to covid-19

18.15 Opening reception: Drinks and snacks

August 18th at the Wallenberg Conference Center

8:30-10.30 Parallel sessions

10:50-12:10 Sessions

12.10-13.10 Lunch

13.10-14.10 Keynote address I (Carol Propper)

14.30-16.30 Parallel sessions

18.00 Boat sightseeing with "Partypaddan". Rain ponchos available, if needed. Gathering at 18.00 at the Paddan Sightseeing station by Kungsbron, for departure at 18.10.

19.00 Conference dinner at River restaurant at the pier.  Transportation to and from the restaurant through Älvsnabben or City Bus 16.

August 19th at the Wallenberg Conference Center

8:30-10.30 Parallel sessions

10.50-11.50 Keynote address II (Petter Lundborg)

11.50-12.50 Lunch

12.40-14.10 Parallel session

14:20 Business meeting.

Registration & practicalities


We strive to host an inclusive, accessible event that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. For inquiries about accessibility, please contact Katarina Forsberg or Gustav Kjellsson - we will be happy to assist.

Register before June 15:

Conference fee

SEK 3500, all included. 

If you wish to book a hotel we recommend the following:

Hotel Poseidon
For information and reservation: info@hotelposeidon.com
or phone 004631-100550,
Discount code: 222797
Single room 846 SEK per night,
and double room 1313 SEK per night.

Elite Park Avenue Hotel
Use this link for info and to make a reservation.
Double room 1267 SEK per night.

Transportation in Gothenburg

Public transport in Gothenburg takes place through tram and bus. You can buy a 1-day or a 3-day ticket through the app Västtrafik To Go or at a Västtrafik ticket office. More info at the Västtrafik website.


The organizing committee monitors the covid-19 situation closely. The conference will be organised in accordance with the restrictions and recommendations in place.


If you have any questions regarding practicalities or registration, please contact:
Katarina Forsberg at katarina.forsberg@economics.gu.se or +46 31-786 52 40


The meeting will take place at the Wallenberg Conference Center at Medicinareberget in Gothenburg.

Abstract submission

Papers on all topics within health economics are welcome. Submitted papers representing various stages of the research process are expected. We encourage submissions from junior researchers.

Please submit a title and an abstract including the objectives, data and methods, results and conclusions (up to 500 words). Send your abstract to NHESG@economics.gu.se

The deadline for abstract submission is 10th of April 2022.

A scientific committee will make a final selection of papers to be presented at the meeting. Acceptance information will be e-mailed before May 16.

The deadline for full paper submission is June 30, 2022. The deadline will be strictly enforced – papers not submitted in time will be considered withdrawn from the meeting.

Best student paper award

Best student paper will be awarded at the meeting.

The award is given annually to a student who is enrolled in a PhD program at a university, or a young researcher who works with a research institute. The PhD student should still be enrolled when the paper is submitted, while a young researcher should have obtained his or her Master's degree (or equivalent) less than 5 years before this date. If multiple authors, the scientific committee can ask for a co-author statement. The topic of the paper should be relevant in the Nordic setting. The PhD student or young researcher must attend the annual NHESG meeting.

The deadline for submitting a paper for the Best Student Paper Award is June 30, 2022.
Send the paper to NHESG@economics.gu.se with Best Paper Award as the headline.

Contact information

Contact the organizing committee

For questions regarding practicalities or registration, please contact:
Katarina Forsberg at katarina.forsberg@economics.gu.se or +46 31-786 52 40

For questions regarding the conference please contact:
Gustav Kjellsson at NHESG@economics.gu.se

Local organizing committee

Gustav Kjellsson, Kristian Bolin, Mikael Svensson, Jahangir Kahn, Yuejun Zhao, Roxanne Kovacs, Elina Lampi, Dick Durevall, Andrea Berggren, Dominik Elsner