
Mia Söderberg


Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa
Guldhedsgatan 5 A, plan 4
413 20 Göteborg
Box 453
40530 Göteborg

Om Mia Söderberg

2022 Associate professor in Occupational and Environmental medicine, 2014 PhD in Medicine, 2008 Registered Swedish psychologist (Legitimerad psykolog)

My research focuses on the interplay between psychosocial work conditions, socioeconomy and health, primarily cardiovascular heart disease, mental health and sustainable work ability.

I'm the principal investigator in a FORTE-funded project about work and living conditions as determinants for COVID-19 and particular risks in foreign-born persons.

Other research projects:

Work conditions and continued work in older ages in the AgeCap centre and the European WorkLong project.

Method development of evaluating prolonged cumulative psychosocial work exposures

Emotional demands, lack of leisure time recovery and exhaustion