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- Åsa Cider
Åsa Cider
Sektionen för hälsa och rehabilitering-
Exercise capacity after long-term physical activity on prescription provided by
Daniel Karsberg Zotterman, Åsa Cider, Stefan Lundqvist
Crafting an ultrashort workplace incivility scale and determining cutoffs for varied risk levels through item response
Anna M. Daderman, Beata A. Basinska, Carina Ragnestal-Impola, Marie Hedman, Anna Wicksell, Mathilde Faure Lindh, Åsa Cider
Health-related quality of life in adults with Marfan
Anna Stanek Sorner, Maja Enelund, Åsa Cider, Linda Ashman Kröönström
Functional muscle power in the lower extremity in adults with congenital heart
Alva Andersson, Frida Lundahl, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg, Linda Ashman Kröönström
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2023 -
Effectiveness of supervised exercise, home-based exercise, or walk advice strategies on walking performance and muscle endurance in patients with intermittent claudication (SUNFIT trial): a randomized clinical
Anna Sandberg, Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Lennart Jivegård, B. Sigvant, S. Wittboldt, Joakim Nordanstig
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2023 -
Cost-Effectiveness of Exercise Therapy in Patients with Intermittent Claudication-A Comparison of Supervised Exercise, Home-Based Structured Exercise, and Walk Advice from the SUNFIT
Hildigunnur Ulfsdottir, Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Lennart Jivegård, Anna Sandberg, Joakim Nordanstig, Mikael Svensson
Journal of clinical medicine - 2023 -
Cost-Effectiveness of Prolonged Physical Activity on Prescription in Previously Non-Complying Patients: Impact of Physical Activity
Linda Ryen, Stefan Lundqvist, Åsa Cider, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, Lars Hagberg
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2023 -
The Impact of Nordic Pole Walk Advice Alone or in Combination With Exercise Strategies on Daily Physical Activity in Patients With Intermittent Claudication: A Randomized Clinical
Anna Sandberg, Joakim Nordanstig, Åsa Cider, Lennart Jivegård, Maria Hagströmer, Maria Bäck
Physical therapy - 2023 -
Impact of walk advice alone or in combination with supervised or home-based structured exercise on patient-reported physical function and generic and disease-specific health related quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication, a secondary analysis in a randomized clinical
Anna Sandberg, Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Lennart Jivegård, B. Sigvant, Joakim Nordanstig
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2023 -
Fysisk träning minskar risk för återinsjuknande i
Maria Bäck, Agneta Ståhle, Lars Svennberg, Åsa Cider
Lakartidningen - 2022 -
The effects of a 5-year physical activity on prescription (PAP) intervention in patients with metabolic risk
Stefan Lundqvist, Åsa Cider, Maria E H Larsson, Lars Hagberg, Marcus Praetorius Björk, Mats Börjesson
PloS one - 2022 -
Effects of 3 months of detraining following cardiac rehabilitation in patients with atrial
Maria Borland, Lennart Bergfeldt, Åsa Cider, Agneta Rosenkvist, Marika Jakobsson, Kristin Olsson, Adam Lundwall, Lars Andersson, Lena Margareta Nordeman
European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity - 2022 -
The relationship between six-minute walked distance and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic heart
C. Lans, Åsa Cider, E. Nylander, L. Brudin
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2022 -
Participation in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is related to reduced total mortality in both men and women: results from the SWEDEHEART
Örjan Ekblom, Åsa Cider, Kristina Hambraeus, Maria Bäck, Margrét Leosdottir, Amanda Lönn, Mats Börjesson
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2022 -
Effects of exercise training, with or without supplemental oxygen, in adults
with complex congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Peter J Eriksson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Nonresponders of Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP) Can Increase Their Exercise Capacity with Enhanced Physiotherapist
Tom Martinsson Ngouali, Mats Börjesson, Åsa Cider, Stefan Lundqvist
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Post-operative musculoskeletal outcomes in patients with coarctation of the aorta following different surgical
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Peter J Eriksson, Linda Johansson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Kok Wai Giang, Åsa Cider, Mikael Dellborg
International journal of cardiology - 2021 -
Fractures in children and young adults with and without congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Mikael Dellborg, Åsa Cider, Peter J Eriksson, Annika Rosengren, Zacharias Mandalenakis
International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease - 2021 -
Exercise capacity, physical activity, and health-related quality of life in adults with
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Åsa Cider, Anna Klara Zetterström, Linda Johansson, Peter J Eriksson, Lars Brudin, Mikael Dellborg
Cardiology in the Young - 2020 -
Test–retest reliability of six-minute walk tests over a one-year period in patients with chronic heart
C. Lans, Åsa Cider, E. Nylander, L. Brudin
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2020 -
Long-term physical activity on prescription intervention for patients with insufficient physical activity level-a randomized controlled
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Åsa Cider, L. Hagberg, C. B. Ottehall, J. Sjostrom, Maria E H Larsson
Trials - 2020 -
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves physical fitness in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation - A randomized controlled
Maria Borland, Lennart Bergfeldt, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Entela Bollano, L. Andersson, A. Rosenkvist, M. Jakobsson, K. Olsson, M. Corin, L. Landh, Bente Grüner Sveälv, M. S. Tang, J. P. Wigh, A. Lundwall, Åsa Cider
Translational Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Test-retest reliability, agreement, and minimal detectable change in the 6-minute walk test in patients with intermittent
Anna Sandberg, Åsa Cider, Lennart Jivegård, Joakim Nordanstig, Susanna Wittboldt, Maria Bäck
Journal of vascular surgery - 2020 -
Which patients benefit from physical activity on prescription (PAP)? A prospective observational analysis of factors that predict increased physical
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, Åsa Cider, Lars Hagberg
BMC public health - 2019 -
Physical inactivity and smoking after myocardial infarction as predictors for readmission and survival: results from the
A. Ek, O. Ekblom, K. Hambraeus, Åsa Cider, L. V. Kallings, Mats Börjesson
Clinical Research in Cardiology - 2019 -
Relevance of Kinesiophobia in Relation to Changes Over Time Among Patients After an Acute Coronary Artery Disease
Maria Bäck, M. Lundberg, Åsa Cider, J. Herlitz, B. Jansson
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention - 2018 -
Peripheral muscle training with resistance exercise bands in patients with chronic heart failure. Long-term effects on walking distance and quality of life; a pilot
C. Lans, Åsa Cider, E. Nylander, L. Brudin
Esc Heart Failure - 2018 -
Increased Physical Activity Post-Myocardial Infarction Is Related to Reduced Mortality: Results From the SWEDEHEART
Örjan Ekblom, Amanda Ek, Åsa Cider, Kristina Hambraeus, Mats Börjesson
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2018 -
Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP), in patients with metabolic risk factors. A 6-month follow-up study in primary health
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, L. Hagberg, Åsa Cider
Plos One - 2017 -
Physiological Adaptation in Women Presenting Fibromyalgia: Comparison with Healthy
Elvira Lange, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Åsa Cider, Trevor Archer, Kerstin Wentz
Clinical and Experimental Psychology - 2017 -
Acute effects of physical exercise on the serum insulin-like growth factor system in women with
Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Anette Larsson, Åsa Cider, Olivia Arodell, Jan Bjersing
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2017 -
Provocation of Migraine after Maximal Exercise: A Test-Retest
Emma Varkey, Bente Grüner Sveälv, Fredrik Edin, Annica Ravn-Fischer, Åsa Cider
European neurology - 2017 -
Reliability of two questionnaires on physical function in patients with stable coronary artery
Susanna Wittboldt, Åsa Cider, Maria Bäck
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2016 -
Effects of Early Bedside Cycle Exercise on Intracranial Pressure and Systemic Hemodynamics in Critically Ill Patients in a Neurointensive Care
Anneli Thelandersson, Bengt Nellgård, Sven-Erik Ricksten, Åsa Cider
Neurocritical care - 2016 -
Effects of exercise on fatigue and physical capacity in men with chronic widespread pain - a pilot
Anna Ericsson, Tomas Bremell, Åsa Cider, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Bmc Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation - 2016 -
Kinesiophobia mediates the influences on attendance at exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg, Bengt Jansson
Physiotherapy theory and practice - 2016 -
High frequency home-based exercise decreases levels of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with stable angina
Smita DuttaRoy, Jonas Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Åsa Cider, Maria Bäck, Thomas Karlsson, Bertil Wennerblom, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2015 -
Träning vid kronisk hjärtsvikt för att förbättra
Maria Borland, Maria Schaufelberger, Åsa Cider
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Agneta Ståhle, Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider
FYSS - 2015 -
How does kinesiophobia change over time in patients with acute coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Mari Lundberg, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Bengt Jansson
Physiotherapy, Oral presentation, World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), 1-4 May 2015Singapore - 2015 -
Muscle function in adults with congenital heart
Linda Ashman Kröönström, Linda Johansson, Anna-Klara Zetterström, Mikael Dellborg, Peter J Eriksson, Åsa Cider
International Journal of Cardiology - 2014 -
Physical Fitness and Physical Activity in Swedish Women before and onePhysical Fitness and Physical Activity in Swedish Women before and one Year after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Malin Wiklund, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Torsten Olbers, Åsa Cider
The Open Obesity Journal - 2014 -
The effects of age on circulating vascular markers and cardiac prognostic markers, before and after 2 months home-based high-frequency exercise training in patients with stable coronary artery
Smita DuttaRoy, Debashish Banerjee, Jonas Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Åsa Cider, Maria Bäck, Bertil Wennerblom, Mats Börjesson
European Heart Journal. European Society of Cardiology, 30 August - 3 September 2014, Barcelona - 2014 -
SWEDEHEART annual report
K. Hambraeus, C. Held, P. Johansson, L. Svennberg, Åsa Cider, S. James, B. Lagerqvist, O. Friberg, J. Nilsson, M. From-Attebring, J. Harnek, T. Jernberg
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal - 2014 -
What variables predict participation in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg, Bengt Jansson
Svenska kardiovaskulära vårmötet, Malmö 7-9 maj 2014 - 2014 -
What variables predict participation in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg, Bengt Jansson
European Heart Journal. European Society of Cardiology, 30 August - 3 September 2014, Barcelona - 2014 -
A group-based exercise program did not improve physical activity in patients with chronic heart failure and comorbidity: A randomized controlled
Maria Borland, A. Rosenkvist, Åsa Cider
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2014 -
The impact on kinesiophobia (fear of movement) by clinical variables for patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg, Bengt Jansson
International Journal of Cardiology - 2013 -
Physical activity in relation to cardiac risk markers in secondary prevention of coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, John Gillström, Johan Herlitz
International journal of cardiology - 2013 -
Aquatic Exercise Is Effective in Improving Exercise Performance in Patients with Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes
Åsa Cider, Maria Schaufelberger, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Bert Andersson
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine - 2012 -
Physical activity in relation to cardiac risk markers in secondary prevention for patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, John Gillström, Johan Herlitz
European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Münich, Germany - 2012 -
Accuracy of a pedometer and an accelerometer in women with
Malin Wiklund, Åsa Cider, Monika Fagevik Olsén
Open obesity journal - 2012 -
Is hydrotherapy an appropriate form of exercise for elderly patients with biventricular systolic heart
Bente Grüner Sveälv, Margareta Scharin Täng, Åsa Cider
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology - 2012 -
Validation of a questionnaire to detect kinesiophobia (fear of movement) in patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Bengt Jansson, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2012 -
Blood flow velocity and vascular resistance during passive leg exercise in the critically ill
Annelie Thelandersson, Reinhard Volkmann, Åsa Cider
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2012 -
Exercise as migraine prophylaxis: a randomized study using relaxation and topiramate as
Emma Varkey, Åsa Cider, Jane Carlsson, Mattias Linde
Cephalalgia - 2011 -
Kinesiofobi (rörelserädsla) hos patienter med
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg
Abstraktbok Sjukgymnastdagarna 14-16 sept 2011, Stockholm - 2011 -
Validation of a queationnaire to detect kinesiophobia (fear of movement) in patients with coronary artery
Maria Bäck, Åsa Cider, Johan Herlitz, Mari Lundberg
World Physical Therapy 16th International WCPT Congress 20-23 June 2011, Amsterdam - 2011 -
Exercise in elderly patients with chronic heart failure in primary care: Effects on physical capacity and health-related quality of
Emma Pihl, Åsa Cider, Anna Strömberg, Bengt Fridlund, jan mårtensson
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2011 -
Does moderate-to-high intensity Nordic walking improve functional capacity and pain in fibromyalgia? A prospective randomized controlled
Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Åsa Cider, Gunilla Jonsson
Arthritis Research & Therapy - 2010 -
A Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of an Aerobic Exercise Program in Patients With
Emma Varkey, Åsa Cider, Jane Carlsson, Mattias Linde
Headache - 2009 -
Benefit of warm water immersion on biventricular function in patients with chronic heart
Bente Grüner Sveälv, Åsa Cider, Margareta Scharin Täng, Eva Angwald, Dimitris Kardassis, Bert Andersson
Cardiovasc Ultrasound - 2009 -
Åsa Cider, Karin I Kjellgren
2009 -
Effects of high frequency exercise in patients before and after percutaneous coronary
Maria Bäck, Bertil Wennerblom, Susanna Wittboldt, Åsa Cider
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2008 -
Fysisk träning vid kronisk
Åsa Cider, R Tyni-Lenné, Maria Schaufelberger
FYSS - 2008 -
Effekter av fysisk träning vid olika
Ulla Svantesson, Åsa Cider, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Carin Willén
2007 -
Physical exercise in migraine – methodological
Emma Varkey, Åsa Cider, Jane Carlsson, Mattias Linde
Cephalalgia - 2007 -
Rehabilitering vid
Åsa Cider, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
”Rehabiliteringsmedicin, Teori och praktik” Studentlitteratur 2006 - 2006 -
Reliability of clinical muscular endurance tests in patients with chronic heart
Åsa Cider, Stefan Carlsson, Christer Arvidsson, Bert Andersson, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs - 2006 -
Immersion in warm water induces improvement in cardiac function in patients with chronic heart
Åsa Cider, Bente Grüner Sveälv, Margareta Scharin Täng, Maria Schaufelberger, Bert Andersson
Eur J Heart Fail - 2006 -
Prone position in mechanically ventilated patients with reduced intracranial
Anneli Thelandersson, Åsa Cider, Bengt Nellgård
Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - 2006 -
Cardiorespiratory effects of warm water immersion in elderly patients with chronic heart
Åsa Cider, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Maria Schaufelberger, Bert Andersson
Clin Physiol Funct Imaging - 2005 -
Exercise in patients with chronic heart failure. With emphasis on peripheral muscle training, hydrotherapy and type 2 diabetes
Åsa Cider
2005 -
Fysisk träning vid
Åsa Cider
Vård vid hjärtsvik. Redaktör Strömberg A - 2005 -
Hydrotherapy--a new approach to improve function in the older patient with chronic heart
Åsa Cider, Maria Schaufelberger, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Bert Andersson
European journal of heart failure - 2003 -
Hydrotherapy--a new approach to improve function in the older patient with chronic heart
Åsa Cider, Maria Schaufelberger, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Bert Andersson
Eur J Heart Fail - 2003 -
Muscle performance in an urban population sample of 40- to 79-year-old men and
Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, M Hedberg, GB Henning, Åsa Cider, Ulla Svantesson
Scand J Rehab Med - 2000 -
Physical performance in individuals with late effects of
Carin Willén, Åsa Cider, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine - 1999