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- Mats Börjesson
Mats Börjesson
Avd-/Sektionschef, bitr, inst
Avd för molekylär och klinisk medicinProfessor/överläkare
Institutionen för medicinOm Mats Börjesson
Huvudsakliga forskningsinriktningar är fysisk aktivitet och hälsa och idrottsmedicin/idrottskardiologi.
Studerade medicin i Göteborg, disputerade 1999 om ”Bröstsmärta”. Kliniskt tjänstgjort på Östra Sjukhuset, 1993-2011 och från 2015. Innehade 2011-15 en professur i Idrott, med inriktning på folkhälsa, vid Gymnastik & Idrottshögskolan och Karolinska Sjukhuset i Stockholm.
Sedan december 2015 åter i Göteborg som professor i idrottsfysiologi på Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, Sahlgrenska akademin med placering som föreståndare Centrum för hälsa- och prestationsutveckling (CHP), Institutionen för kost och idrottsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet och Östra Sjukhuset.
Forskningen bidrar till primär- och sekundärprevention i samhälle och hälso- och sjukvård (bla via FYSS och projekt som SCAPIS). Arbetet med plötslig hjärtdöd och idrottskardiologi, bl a som ordförande i Eur Kard föreningens sektion för idrottskardiologi, har resulterat i internat och nationella rekommendationer om hjärtscreening.
Walking Football for Men and Women 60+: A 12-Week Non-Controlled Intervention Affects Health
Andreas Caspers, H. Andersson, M. Godhe, Dan Fransson, E. Ekblom-Bak, Mats Börjesson
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport - 2025 -
Cardiovascular events following coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination in adults: a nationwide Swedish
Yiyi Xu, Huiqi Li, Ailiana Santosa, Bjorn Wettermark, Tove Fall, Jonas Bjork, Mats Börjesson, Magnus Gisslén, Fredrik Nyberg
Anemi vanligt bland
Amanda Lahti, Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson
Lakartidningen - 2024 -
[SK courses in lifestyle habits. Updated proposals and course organizers'
Åsa Thurfjell, Margareta Kristenson, Eva Zeisig, Mats Börjesson, Ingmar Skoog, Martin Nilsson, Anna Kiessling
Lakartidningen - 2024 -
Fitness-related physical activity intensity explains most of the association between accelerometer data and cardiometabolic health in persons 50-64 years
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Orjan Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2024 -
Function-based risk reduction intervention for lifestyle-related disorders among inactive 40-year-old people: a pilot randomised controlled
Lena Bornhöft, Daniel Arvidsson, Anna Bergenheim, Mats Börjesson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Margareta Hellgren, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Maria E H Larsson
BMC Public Health - 2024 -
Eveningness is associated with coronary artery calcification in a middle-aged Swedish
Mio Kobayashi Frisk, Erika Fagman, Daniel Arvidsson, Orjan Ekblom, Mats Börjesson, Göran Bergström, Ding Zou
Sleep Medicine - 2024 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and the association with galectin-1 in middle-aged
Daniel Arvidsson, Vagner Ramon Rodrigues Silva, Orjan Ekblom, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Emanuel Fryk, Per-Anders Jansson, Mats Börjesson
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Factors most strongly associated with breathlessness in a population aged 50–64
Max Olsson, Anders J. Björkelund, Jacob Sandberg, Anders Blomberg, Mats Börjesson, David Currow, Andrei Malinovschi, Magnus Sköld, Per Wollmer, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Gunnar Engström, Magnus Ekström
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research) - 2024 -
International Criteria for Reporting Study Quality for Sudden Cardiac Arrest/Death
Jamie J. Edwards, Claire Compton, Nikhil Chatrath, Bradley J. Petek, Aaron Baggish, Mats Börjesson, Eugene Chung, Domenico Corrado, Jonathan A. Drezner, Sabiha Gati, Belinda Gray, Jonathan Kim, Andre La Gerche, Aneil Malhotra, Eloi Marijon, Michael Papadakis, Antonio Pelliccia, Dermot Phelan, Chris Semsarian, Sanjay Sharma, Rajan Sharma, Jamie M. O'Driscoll, Kimberly G. Harmon
Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) - 2024 -
Associations between BMI in youth and site-specific cancer in men-A cohort study with register
Aron Onerup, Kirsten Mehlig, Agnes af Geijerstam, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Lauren Lissner, Annika Rosengren, Mats Börjesson, Maria A I Åberg
Obesity - 2024 -
High-intensity interval training improves cardiovascular and physical health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multicentre randomised controlled
Annelie Bilberg, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Mats Börjesson, Sara Svedlund, Jenny Sivertsson, Eva Klingberg, Jan Bjersing
[The Swedish model of Health dialogues - a systematic
Margareta Kristenson, Mats Börjesson, Yvonne Forsell, Lars Jerdén
Lakartidningen - 2024 -
Decrease in accelerometer assessed physical activity during the first-year post-myocardial infarction: a prospective cohort
Amanda Lonn, Orjan Ekblom, Lena Viktoria Kallings, Mats Börjesson, Mattias Ekstrom
Exertional breathlessness related to medical conditions in middle-aged people: the population-based SCAPIS study of more than 25,000 men and
Magnus Ekström, Josefin Sundh, Anders Andersson, Oskar Angerås, Anders Blomberg, Mats Börjesson, Kenneth Caidahl, Össur Ingi Emilsson, Jan Engvall, Erik Frykholm, Ludger Grote, Kristofer Hedman, Tomas Jernberg, Eva Lindberg, Andrei Malinovschi, André Nyberg, Eric Rullman, Jacob Sandberg, Magnus Sköld, Nikolai Stenfors, Johan Sundström, Hanan Tanash, Suneela Zaigham, Carl-Johan Carlhäll
Respiratory research - 2024 -
Maintaining or increasing cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with reduced hospital admission
Frida Griffin, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Daniel Arvidsson, Sofia Paulsson, Mats Börjesson
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2024 -
Development and feasibility of a function-based preventive intervention for lifestyle-related
Lena Bornhöft, Daniel Arvidsson, Anna Bergenheim, Mats Börjesson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Margareta Hellgren, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Maria E H Larsson
Fundament for a methodological standard to process hip accelerometer data to a measure of physical activity intensity in middle-aged
Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, E. Ekblom-Bak, Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports - 2024 -
Accelerometer-based physical activity is associated with the gut microbiota in 8416 individuals in
Gabriel Baldanzi, Sergi Sayols-Baixeras, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Örjan Ekblom, Koen F Dekkers, Ulf Hammar, Diem Nguyen, Shafqat Ahmad, Ulrika Ericson, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Peter J Johanson, J. Gustav Smith, Göran Bergström, Lars Lind, Gunnar Engström, Johan Ärnlöv, Beatrice Kennedy, Marju Orho-Melander, Tove Fall
EBioMedicine - 2024 -
Walking football for Health - physiological response to playing and characteristics of the
Helena Andersson, Andreas Caspers, Manne Godhe, Torbjörn Helge, Julia Eriksen, Dan Fransson, Mats Börjesson, Elin Ekblom-Bak
Science and medicine in football - 2023 -
One size does not fit all - translating absolute accelerometry to relative individual physical activity intensity for
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2023 -
Validation of Oura ring energy expenditure and steps in laboratory and
Emilia Kristiansson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Agneta Holmäng, Mats Börjesson, Ulrica Andersson Hall
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2023 -
Move for Your Heart, Break a Sweat for Your Mind: Providing Precision in Adolescent Health and Physical Activity Behaviour
Johan Dahlstrand, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Peter Friberg, Yun Chen
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine - 2023 -
Accelerometer derived physical activity and subclinical coronary and carotid atherosclerosis: cross-sectional analyses in 22 703 middle-aged men and women in the SCAPIS
Elin Ekblom-Bak, Mats Börjesson, Oskar Angerås, Örjan Ekblom, Frida Bergman, Caroline Berntsson, Carl-Johan Carlhäll, Gunnar Engström, Jan Engvall, Erika Fagman, Agneta Flinck, Peter Johansson, Amra Jujic, Tanja Kero, Lars Lind, Maria Mannila, Ellen Ostenfeld, Anders Persson, Jonas Persson, Margaretha Persson, Björn Redfors, Camilla Sandberg, Patrik Wennberg, Jerry Öhlin, Carl Johan Östgren, Tomas Jernberg
BMJ open - 2023 -
Body mass index and fitness in late adolescence and risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and overall death after
Josefina Robertson, Anders Muszta, Martin Lindgren, Agnes af Geijerstam, Jenny Nyberg, Lauren Lissner, Mats Börjesson, Magnus Gisslén, Annika Rosengren, Martin Adiels, Maria A I Åberg
Obesity Science and Practice - 2023 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and BMI measured in youth and 5-year mortality after site-specific cancer diagnoses in men-A population-based cohort study with register
Aron Onerup, Kirsten Mehlig, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Lauren Lissner, Mats Börjesson, Maria A I Åberg
Cancer medicine - 2023 -
Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness in youth and the incidence of site-specific cancer in men: a cohort study with register
Aron Onerup, Kirsten Mehlig, Agnes af Geijerstam, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Lauren Lissner, Maria A I Åberg, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2023 -
Video review of the frequency and assessment of head impacts during the FIFA Arab Cup
Andreas Serner, Joao Araújo, Ian Beasley, Stephen H Boyce, Alan Byrne, Mats Börjesson, Liesel Geertsema, Katharina Grimm, Andrew Massey
Science & medicine in football - 2023 -
Life satisfaction, health-related quality of life and physical activity after treatment for valvular aortic
Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson, Pia Skovdahl, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Jan Sunnegårdh, Sandra Buratti
Cardiology in the Young - 2023 -
Injury incidence in male elite youth football players is associated with preceding levels and changes in training
Tania Nilsson, Mats Börjesson, Matilda Lundblad, Andreas Ivarsson, Dan Fransson
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine - 2023 -
Effectiveness of an 18-week general strength and foam-rolling intervention on running-related injuries in
Pia Desai, Jonatan Jungmalm, Mats Börjesson, Jon Karlsson, Stefan Grau
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2023 -
Accelerometer-measured absolute versus relative physical activity intensity: cross-sectional associations with cardiometabolic health in
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Örjan Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
BMC Public Health - 2023 -
Cost-Effectiveness of Prolonged Physical Activity on Prescription in Previously Non-Complying Patients: Impact of Physical Activity
Linda Ryen, Stefan Lundqvist, Åsa Cider, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, Lars Hagberg
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2023 -
Factors important for health-related quality of life in men and women: The population based SCAPIS
Max Olsson, Anders J. Björkelund, Jacob Sandberg, Anders Blomberg, Mats Börjesson, David Currow, Andrei Malinovschi, Magnus Sköld, Per Wollmer, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Gunnar Engström, Magnus Ekström
PLoS ONE - 2023 -
The red flags of history and physical
Mats Börjesson
12th IOC Course on Cardiovascular Evaluation of Olympic Athletes, Medellin, Colombia, Nov 10-11 2023 - 2023 -
Lifestyle intervention for chronic disease – the role of the Sports and Exercise Medicine
Mats Börjesson
South Africa, 1st Coll of Sports and Exercise Med of South Africa Conference, digital, Oct 22, 2023 - 2023 -
Swedish experience of exercise
Mats Börjesson
Wroclaw, Poland, 12th EFSMA Congress of Sports Medicine, Oct 20, 2023 - 2023 -
Physical activity prescription in primary care: providing personalized
Mats Börjesson
Primary care Masterclass in Sport and Exercise medicine, Western University, Ontario, Canada, Sep 7, 2023 (digital) - 2023 -
FYSS and the Swedish model of exercise
Mats Börjesson
Paris, France, 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS), July 3, 2023 - 2023 -
What the team doctor should know about Sports
Mats Börjesson
Hamburg, Germany, Sports, Medicine and Health Summit (Global Alliance Day), June 23, 2023 - 2023 -
Cardiac screening and cardiac arrest on the
Mats Börjesson
Aspetar Sports Medicine Collection - 2023 -
A pilot study using pre-treatment physical activity level to predict long-term health-related quality of life in patients with head and neck
Lisa Tuomi, J. Magnusson-Sandkvist, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Caterina Finizia
Head and Neck-Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck - 2023 -
Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity: the Hamburg
J. M. Steinacker, W. van Mechelen, W. Bloch, Mats Börjesson, M. Casasco, B. Wolfarth, C. Knoke, T. Papadopoulou, J. Wendt, H. Al Tunaiji, D. Andresen, O. Andrieieva, N. Bachl, V. Badtieva, F. J. Beucher, C. A. Blauwet, J. A. C. Mallen, J. H. Chang, G. Clenin, N. Constantini, D. Constantinou, L. Di Luigi, L. Declercq, S. Doutreleau, S. Drozdovska, M. Duclos, A. Ermolao, T. Fischbach, A. N. Fischer, C. Fossati, J. Franchella, M. Fulcher, J. C. Galle, C. Gerloff, E. Georgiades, B. Gojanovic, M. G. Gross, A. Grote, M. Halle, H. Hauner, M. P. Herring, M. Hiura, K. Holze, G. Huber, D. Hughes, M. R. Hutchinson, A. Ionescu, D. C. J. van Rensburg, A. Jegier, N. Jones, K. Kappert-Gonther, M. Kellerer, Y. Kimura, A. Kiopa, B. Kladny, G. Koch, E. Kolle, G. Kolt, Y. Koutedakis, S. Kress, S. Kriemler, J. Kroger, C. Kuhn, R. Laszlo, R. Lehnert, F. J. Lhuissier, K. Ludtke, S. Makita, P. M. Marqueta, W. Marz, K. Micallef-Stafrace, M. Miller, M. Moore, E. Muller, D. Neunhauserer, I. R. Onur, V. Oopik, M. Perl, A. Philippou, H. G. Predel, S. Racinais, A. Raslanas, R. Reer, K. Reinhardt, C. Reinsberger, S. Rozenstoka, R. Sallis, L. B. Sardinha, M. Scherer, J. Schipperijn, R. Seil, B. Tan, A. Schmidt-Trucksass, N. Schumacher, B. Schwaab, A. Schwirtz, M. Suzuki, J. Swart, R. Tiesler, U. Tippelt, E. Tillet, J. Thornton, B. Ulkar, E. Unt, E. Verhagen, T. Weikert, R. Vettor, S. Zeng, R. Budgett, L. Engebretsen, U. Erdener, F. Pigozzi, Y. P. Pitsiladis
Bmj Open Sport & Exercise Medicine - 2023 -
Fourteen days free-living evaluation of an open-source algorithm for counting steps in healthy adults with a large variation in physical activity
Ivar Holm, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson
BMC biomedical engineering - 2023 -
Ett steg på vägen till
Ing-Mari Dohrn, Mats Börjesson
Läkartidningen - 2022 -
Sex difference in circulating soluble form of ACE2 protein in moderate and severe COVID-19 and healthy
Josefina Robertson, Bengt Nellgård, Lillemor Mattsson Hultén, Staffan Nilsson, Keti Dalla, Mats Börjesson, Henrik Zetterberg, Joar Svanvik, Magnus Gisslén
Frontiers in medicine - 2022 -
Effect of Short-Term Homebased Pre- and Postoperative Exercise on Recovery after Colorectal Cancer Surgery (PHYSSURG-C): A Randomized Clinical
Aron Onerup, John Andersson, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Carolina Ehrencrona, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Per-Anders Larsson, Hanna de la Croix, Anette Wedin, Eva Haglind
Annals of surgery - 2022 -
The interrelationship between physical activity intensity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and executive function in middle-aged adults: An observational study of office
Rui Wang, Maria M Ekblom, Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Örjan Ekblom
Frontiers in public health - 2022 -
Better outcomes from exercise-related out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in males and in the young: findings from the Swedish Registry of Cardiopulmonary
Matilda F Torell, A. Stromsoe, J. Herlitz, A. Claesson, Araz Rawshani, Mats Börjesson
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2022 -
Exercise, aerobic fitness, and muscle strength in relation to glucose tolerance 6 to 10 years after gestational
Ulrika Andersson Hall, Denise Hossein Pour, Stefan Grau, Mats Börjesson, Agneta Holmäng
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice - 2022 -
The role of modern cardiovascular imaging in (suspected) coronary artery disease in competitive
P. Sörensson, Mikael Dellborg, Mats Börjesson
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine - 2022 -
Risk factors for not finishing an ultramarathon: 4-year study in 23,996 race starters, SAFER
N. Sewry, M. P. Schwellnus, Mats Börjesson, S. Swanevelder, E. Jordaan
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness - 2022 -
The effects of a 5-year physical activity on prescription (PAP) intervention in patients with metabolic risk
Stefan Lundqvist, Åsa Cider, Maria E H Larsson, Lars Hagberg, Marcus Praetorius Björk, Mats Börjesson
PloS one - 2022 -
Symptoms and ECG changes precede sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-A nationwide study among the young in
Erik Börjesson, Bodil Svennblad, Aase Wisten, Mats Börjesson, Eva-Lena Stattin
PloS one - 2022 -
Correlates of cardiorespiratory fitness in a population-based sample of middle-aged adults – cross-sectional analyses in the SCAPIS
Mats Börjesson, Örjan Ekblom, Daniel Arvidsson, Emerald G Heiland, Daniel Väisänen, Göran Bergström, Elin Ekblom-Bak
BMJ Open - 2022 -
Convergent validity of commonly used questions assessing physical activity and sedentary time in Swedish patients after myocardial
Amanda Lönn, Lena Viktoria Kallings, Mats Börjesson, Örjan Ekblom, Mattias Ekström
BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation - 2022 -
Accelerometer derived physical activity patterns in 27.890 middle-aged adults: The SCAPIS cohort
E. Ekblom-Bak, Mats Börjesson, F. Bergman, Göran Bergström, A. Dahlin-Almevall, I. Drake, G. Engström, J. E. Engvall, Anders Gummesson, E. Hagström, Ola Hjelmgren, T. Jernberg, P. J. Johansson, L. Lind, M. Mannila, A. Nyberg, M. Persson, C. Reitan, Annika Rosengren, K. Rådholm, Caroline Schmidt, M. C. Sköld, E. Sonestedt, J. Sundström, E. Swahn, J. Öhlin, C. J. Östgren, Ö Ekblom
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports - 2022 -
Implementation of physical activity on prescription for children with obesity in paediatric health care (IMPA): protocol for a feasibility and evaluation study using quantitative and qualitative
Susanne Bernhardsson, Charlotte Boman, Stefan Lundqvist, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, Hannah Lundh, Karin Melin, P. Nilsen, K. Lauruschkus
Pilot and Feasibility Studies - 2022 -
Eveningness is associated with sedentary behavior and increased 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease: the SCAPIS pilot
Mio Kobayashi Frisk, Jan A Hedner, Ludger Grote, O. Ekblom, Daniel Arvidsson, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson, Ding Zou
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Cohort profile: the Swedish study of SUDden cardiac Death in the Young (SUDDY) 2000-2010: a complete nationwide cohort of
E. L. Stattin, E. Hagstrom, N. Dahl, A. Stromsoe, A. M. Delgado-Vega, J. Klar, B. Svennblad, Mats Börjesson, A. Wisten
Bmj Open - 2022 -
Participation in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is related to reduced total mortality in both men and women: results from the SWEDEHEART
Örjan Ekblom, Åsa Cider, Kristina Hambraeus, Maria Bäck, Margrét Leosdottir, Amanda Lönn, Mats Börjesson
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2022 -
DHEA-S production capacity in relation to perceived prolonged
A. K. Lennartsson, Elin Arvidson, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Stress - The International Journal on the Biology of Stress - 2022 -
Physical activity, self-efficacy and quality of life in patients with chronic pain, assessed during and 1 year after physiotherapy rehabilitation - a prospective follow-up
Emma Varkey, Angelica Dahlbäck, M. Thulin, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Paulin Andréll
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2022 -
Slutrapport avseende systematisk kunskapsgenomgång av den svenska modellen för Riktade
Margareta Kristenson, Mats Börjesson, Yvonne Forsell, Lars Jerdén
2022 -
Foam-rolling and neuro-muscular exercises as intervention to prevent the occurrence of running-related injuries in recreational
Jonatan Jungmalm, Pia Desai, Mats Börjesson, Jon Karlsson, Stefan Grau
European College of Sport Science: Book of Abstracts of the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science - 2022 -
Sex difference in circulating sACE2 protein in moderate and severe COVID-19 and healthy
Josefina Robertson, Bengt Nellgård, Lillemor Mattsson Hultén, Staffan Nilsson, Keti Dalla, Mats Börjesson, Henrik Zetterberg, Joar Svanvik, Magnus Gisslén
Frontiers in medicine - 2022 -
“Sudden death in sports-why and how to prevent”; “Covid, exercise, sports and the heart”; “European guidelines for competitive sports in hypertensive
Mats Börjesson
Curitiba, Brazil, Pan American Sports Med meeting, Oct 20-22, 2022: - 2022 -
Management of athletes with iscaemic heart
Mats Börjesson
Athens 3rd Sports Cardiology Conference, September 24, 2022 - 2022 -
Is there an optimal dose of physical activity (key
Mats Börjesson
FIMS World Congress of Sports medicine, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 25, 2022 - 2022 -
ECG in athletes-normal
Mats Börjesson
2022 IOC Course on Cardiovascular Evaluation of Olympic Athletes, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep 5-6, 2022 - 2022 -
Case- ischaemic
Mats Börjesson
8th EAPC Sports Cardiology meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 25, 2022 - 2022 -
Responsibility of Sports and Exercise medicine in preventing chronic
Mats Börjesson
23rd Internat Puijo Symposium, Kuopio, Finland, June 27, 2022 - 2022 -
The Swedish FYSS book-How to move people with disease: EIM
Mats Börjesson
BASEM (British Assoc Sports Exercise Med), Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 26 May, 2022 - 2022 -
Exercise and cardiovascular health: is there an optimal
Mats Börjesson
Thessaloniki, Greece, 11th Internat Congress on Sports Medicine in the 21st Century, April 2, 2022 - 2022 -
Physical activity on prescription-Are we experiencing a paradigm shift within preventive health
Mats Börjesson
Dubai, Sweden Innovation Days, Jan 18, 2022 - 2022 -
ECG recommendations for pre-participation screening (young
Mats Börjesson
Norwegian Society of Cardiology-international webinar, March 16, 2022 - 2022 -
The use of coping strategies “shift-persist” mediates associations between physical activity and mental health problems in adolescents: a cross-sectional
Johan Dahlstrand, Peter Friberg, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson, Ö Ekblom, Yun Chen
BMC Public Health - 2021 -
Fysisk aktivitet: den tredje
Ing-Mari Dohrn, Mats Börjesson, Margareta Eriksson, Maria Hagströmer, Eva Jansson, Matti Leijon, M Nygren-Bonnier, Carl-Johan Sundberg
Läkartidningen - 2021 -
Testing cost containment of future healthcare with maintained or improved quality—The COSTCARES
Karl Swedberg, Desmond Cawley, Inger Ekman, Heather L. Rogers, Darijana Antonic, Daiga Behmane, Ida Björkman, Nicky Britten, Sandra C. Buttigieg, Vivienne Byers, Mats Börjesson, Kirsten Corazzini, Andreas Fors, Bradi Granger, Boban Joksimoski, Roman Lewandowski, Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Einav Srulovici, Jan Törnell, Sara Wallström, Axel Wolf, Helen M. Lloyd
Health Science Reports - 2021 -
Recreational Runners With a History of Injury Are Twice as Likely to Sustain a Running-Related Injury as Runners With No History of Injury: A 1-Year Prospective Cohort
Pia Desai, Jonatan Jungmalm, Mats Börjesson, Jón Karlsson, Stefan Grau
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy - 2021 -
Nonresponders of Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP) Can Increase Their Exercise Capacity with Enhanced Physiotherapist
Tom Martinsson Ngouali, Mats Börjesson, Åsa Cider, Stefan Lundqvist
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
The gap between stated importance of and clinical work in promoting healthy lifestyle habits by healthcare professionals in a Swedish hospital setting: A cross-sectional
A. Ek, O. Ekblom, M. Ekstrom, Mats Börjesson, L. V. Kallings
Health & Social Care in the Community - 2021 -
Athletes with valvular heart disease and competitive sports: a position statement of the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive
Frank van Buuren, Sabiha Gati, Sanjay Sharma, Michael Papadakis, Paolo Emilio Adami, Josef Niebauer, Antonio Pelliccia, Volker Rudolph, Mats Börjesson, Francois Carre, Erik Solberg, Hein Heidbuchel, Stefano Caselli, Domenico Corrado, Luis Serratosa, Alessandro Biffi, Axel Pressler, Christian Schmied, Nicole M Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, Hanne Kruse Rasmussen, Andre La Gerche, Lothar Faber, Nikola Bogunovic, Flavio D'Ascenzi, Klaus Peter Mellwig
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2021 -
Physical workload and fatigue pattern characterization in a top-class women's football national team: a case study of the 2019 FIFA Women's World
F. Yousefian, Hannah Hüttemann, Mats Börjesson, Pontus Ekblom, M. Mohr, Dan Fransson
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness - 2021 -
Long-term risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in middle-aged men with a hypertensive response to exercise: a 44-year follow-up
Kok Wai Giang, Per-Olof Hansson, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Carina Ulla Persson, Gunnar Grimby, Kurt Svärdsudd, Lars Wilhelmsen, Mats Börjesson, Per Ladenvall
Journal of hypertension - 2021 -
Delphi developed syllabus for the medical specialty of sport and exercise medicine: part
David Humphries, Rod Jaques, H Paul Dijkstra, Irfan Asif, Mark E Batt, Mats Börjesson, Emin Ergen, Celeste Geertsema, Boris Gojanovic, Anca Ionescu, Dina Christina Christa Janse van Rensburg, Constance Lebrun, Nahar Azmi Mohamed, Margo Mountjoy, Tvisha Parikh, Diana Robinson, Robert Sallis, Martin Schwellnus, Padraig Sheeran
British journal of sports medicine - 2021 -
Constitutive PGC-1α Overexpression in Skeletal Muscle Does Not Contribute to Exercise-Induced
Lars O Karlsson, María Nazareth González-Alvarado, Reza Motalleb, Yafeng Wang, Yong Wang, Mats Börjesson, Changlian Zhu, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Molecular neurobiology - 2021 -
Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis in the General
Göran Bergström, Margaretha Persson, Martin Adiels, Elias Björnson, Carl Bonander, Håkan Ahlström, Joakim Alfredsson, Oskar Angerås, Göran Berglund, Anders Blomberg, John Brandberg, Mats Börjesson, Kerstin Cederlund, Ulf de Faire, Olov Duvernoy, Örjan Ekblom, Gunnar Engström, Jan E Engvall, Erika Fagman, Mats Eriksson, David Erlinge, Björn Fagerberg, Agneta Flinck, Isabel Goncalves, Emil Hagström, Ola Hjelmgren, Lars Lind, Eva Lindberg, Per Lindqvist, Johan Ljungberg, Martin Magnusson, Maria Mannila, Hanna Markstad, Moman A Mohammad, Fredrik H Nyström, Ellen Ostenfeld, Anders Persson, Annika Rosengren, Anette Sandström, Anders Själander, Magnus C Sköld, Johan Sundström, Eva Swahn, Stefan Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Tomas Jernberg
Circulation - 2021 -
High-intensity activity is more strongly associated with metabolic health in children compared to sedentary time: a cross-sectional study of the I.Family
Jonatan Fridolfsson, C. Buck, Monica Hunsberger, J. Baran, F. Lauria, D. Molnar, L. A. Moreno, Mats Börjesson, Lauren Lissner, Daniel Arvidsson
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2021 -
The importance of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness for patients with heart
Martin Lindgren, Mats Börjesson
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice - 2021 -
Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus
B. R. Hamilton, G. Lima, J. Barrett, L. Seal, A. Kolliari-Turner, G. Wang, A. Karanikolou, X. Bigard, H. Lollgen, P. Zupet, A. Ionescu, A. Debruyne, N. Jones, K. Vonbank, F. Fagnani, C. Fossati, M. Casasco, D. Constantinou, B. Wolfarth, D. Niederseer, A. Bosch, B. Muniz-Pardos, J. A. Casajus, C. Schneider, S. Loland, M. Verroken, P. M. Marqueta, F. Arroyo, A. Pedrinelli, K. Natsis, E. Verhagen, W. O. Roberts, J. K. Lazzoli, R. Friedman, A. Erdogan, A. V. Cintron, S. H. P. Yung, D. J. C. van Rensburg, D. A. Ramagole, S. Rozenstoka, F. Drummond, T. Papadopoulou, P. Y. O. Kumi, R. Twycross-Lewis, J. Harper, V. Skiadas, J. Shurlock, K. Tanisawa, J. Seto, K. North, S. S. Angadi, M. J. Martinez-Patino, Mats Börjesson, L. Di Luigi, M. Dohi, J. Swart, J. L. J. Bilzon, V. Badtieva, I. Zelenkova, J. M. Steinacker, N. Bachl, F. Pigozzi, M. Geistlinger, D. G. Goulis, F. Guppy, N. Webborn, B. O. Yildiz, M. Miller, P. Singleton, Y. P. Pitsiladis
Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Children and Adolescents Treated for Valvular Aortic Stenosis Have Different Physical Activity Patterns Compared to Healthy Controls: A Methodological Study in a National
Pia Skovdahl, Cecilia Kjellberg Olofsson, Jan Sunnegårdh, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Sandra Buratti, Daniel Arvidsson
Pediatric Cardiology - 2021 -
Association between change in cardiorespiratory fitness and incident hypertension in Swedish
T. Holmlund, B. Ekblom, Mats Börjesson, G. Andersson, P. Wallin, E. Ekblom-Bak
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2021 -
Insomnia is associated with metabolic syndrome in a middle-aged population: the SCAPIS pilot
Ding Zou, H. Wennman, Jan A Hedner, Ö Ekblom, Olof Drotz, Daniel Arvidsson, Göran Bergström, Ludger Grote, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2021 -
Fitness, strength and severity of COVID-19: a prospective register study of 1 559 187 Swedish
Agnes af Geijerstam, Kirsten Mehlig, Mats Börjesson, Josefina Robertson, Jenny Nyberg, Martin Adiels, Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg, Lauren Lissner
BMJ Open - 2021 -
Low physical activity in patients diagnosed with head and neck
Magdalena Karczewska-Lindinger, Lisa Tuomi, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Daniel Arvidsson, Mats Börjesson, Caterina Finizia
Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology - 2021 -
Physical activity during pregnancy and association with changes in fat mass and adipokines in women of normal-weight or with
Ulrica Andersson Hall, Hanna K. de Maré, Freja Askeli, Mats Börjesson, Agneta Holmäng
Scientific Reports - 2021 -
Exercise and sports activity in the veteran athlete with suspected coronary artery disease: how to decide about
Mats Börjesson
156 Brazilian/Pan-American Congress, 29 oct, 2021(virtual) - 2021 -
Halverad mortalitet hos unga svenska idrottsutövare- pga
Mats Börjesson
Norwegian Sports Cardiology Seminar, 4 March, 2021 - 2021 -
Swedish PAP- using a patient centered
Mats Börjesson
American Medical Soc Sports Med, Annual meeting, April 13, 2021 - 2021 -
Models to increase PA in health care- evidence for the Swedish PAP
Mats Börjesson
Sports, Medicine and Health summit 2021, Hamburg, April 24, 2021 - 2021 -
A veteran athlete with coronary artery disease: what to the guidelines
Mats Börjesson
European Soc Cardiology (ESC) Annual meeting, Aug 29, 2021 - 2021 -
How to predict and prevent serious medical encounters in endurance
Mats Börjesson
FIMS World Congress Sports Med, Athens, Sep 25, 2021 - 2021 -
A veteran athlete post myocardial infarction: keep running
Mats Börjesson
Cardiac Risk of The Young (CRY) Annual meeting, London, Oct 15, 2021 - 2021 -
ECG screening: establishing priorities when resources are
Mats Börjesson
IOC World Conference: Int. Olympic Committe Prevention Congress, Monaco, Nov 26, 2021 - 2021 -
Cardiac screening and cardiac arrest on the
Mats Börjesson
Aspetar sports medicine journal - 2021 -
Smärta vid
Paulin Andrell, Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer
Långvarig smärta- smärtmedicin vol 2 - 2021 -
Riskbedömning vid fysisk
Mats Börjesson
FYSS 2021 - 2021 -
Idrottsrelaterad plötslig
Mats Börjesson, Erik E Solberg, Eva Nylander, Mikael Dellborg
FYSS 2021 - 2021 -
Smärta och fysisk
Monika Läfgren, Karin Jensen, Paulin Andrell, Emma Varkey, Mats Börjesson, Eva Kosek
FYSS 2021 - 2021 -
Fysisk aktivitet vid
Mats Börjesson, Stefan Lundqvist, Aron Onerup, Daniel Arvidsson, Björn Dahlöf
FYSS 2021 - 2021 -
Mats Börjesson, Ing-Mari Dohrn
2021 -
Sports and exercise medicine in Europe and the advances in the last
Daniel Neunhaeuserer, Josef Niebauer, Gino Degano, Veronica Baioccato, Mats Börjesson, Maurizio Casasco, Norbert Bachl, Nicolas Christodoulou, Juergen Michael Steinacker, Theodora Papadopoulou, Fabio Pigozzi, Andrea Ermolao
British journal of sports medicine - 2021 -
ESC 2020 Guideline on sport and exercise cardiology in patients with cardiovascular disease ESC task force on sport cardiology and exercise cardiology in patients with cardiovascular
A. Pelliccia, S. Sharma, S. Gati, Maria Bäck, Mats Börjesson, S. Caselli, J. P. Collet, D. Corrado, J. A. Drezner, M. Halle, D. Hansen, H. Heidbuchel, J. Myers, J. Niebauer, M. Papadakis, M. F. Piepoli, E. Prescott, J. W. Roos-Hesselink, A. G. Stuart, R. S. Taylor, P. D. Thompson, M. Tiberi, L. Vanhees, M. Wilhelm
Revista Espanola De Cardiologia - 2021 -
Recommendations for participation in leisure-time physical activity and competitive sports of patients with arrhythmias and potentially arrhythmogenic conditions. Part 2: ventricular arrhythmias, channelopathies, and implantable
Hein Heidbuchel, Elena Arbelo, Flavio D'Ascenzi, Mats Börjesson, Serge Boveda, Silvia Castelletti, Hielko Miljoen, Lluis Mont, Josef Niebauer, Michael Papadakis, Antonio Pelliccia, Johan Saenen, María Sanz de la Garza, Peter J Schwartz, Sanjay Sharma, Katja Zeppenfeld, Domenico Corrado
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology - 2021 -
Beakta hjärtkomplikationer av covid-19 vid återgång i
Mats Börjesson, Stefan James
Läkartidningen - 2021 -
Correction to: Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus
Blair R Hamilton, Giscard Lima, James Barrett, Leighton Seal, Alexander Kolliari-Turner, Guan Wang, Antonia Karanikolou, Xavier Bigard, Herbert Löllgen, Petra Zupet, Anca Ionescu, Andre Debruyne, Nigel Jones, Karin Vonbank, Federica Fagnani, Chiara Fossati, Maurizio Casasco, Demitri Constantinou, Bernd Wolfarth, David Niederseer, Andrew Bosch, Borja Muniz-Pardos, José Antonio Casajus, Christian Schneider, Sigmund Loland, Michele Verroken, Pedro Manonelles Marqueta, Francisco Arroyo, André Pedrinelli, Konstantinos Natsis, Evert Verhagen, William O Roberts, José Kawazoe Lazzoli, Rogerio Friedman, Ali Erdogan, Ana V Cintron, Shu-Hang Patrick Yung, Dina C Janse van Rensburg, Dimakatso A Ramagole, Sandra Rozenstoka, Felix Drummond, Theodora Papadopoulou, Paulette Y O Kumi, Richard Twycross-Lewis, Joanna Harper, Vasileios Skiadas, Jonathan Shurlock, Kumpei Tanisawa, Jane Seto, Kathryn North, Siddhartha S Angadi, Maria Jose Martinez-Patiño, Mats Börjesson, Luigi Di Luigi, Michiko Dohi, Jeroen Swart, James Lee John Bilzon, Victoriya Badtieva, Irina Zelenkova, Juergen M Steinacker, Norbert Bachl, Fabio Pigozzi, Michael Geistlinger, Dimitrios G Goulis, Fergus Guppy, Nick Webborn, Bulent O Yildiz, Mike Miller, Patrick Singleton, Yannis P Pitsiladis
Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) - 2021 -
ESC guidelines on Sports
Mats Börjesson
Norwegian Sports Cardiology Seminar, March 4, 2021 - 2021 -
Establishing a Global Standard for Wearable Devices in Sport and Exercise Medicine: Perspectives from Academic and Industry
G. I. Ash, M. Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A. Busa, A. E. Gaffey, K. Angeloudis, B. Muniz-Pardos, R. Gregory, R. A. Huggins, N. S. Redeker, S. A. Weinzimer, L. A. Grieco, K. Lyden, E. Megally, I. Vogiatzis, L. Scher, X. X. Zhu, J. S. Baker, C. Brandt, M. S. Businelle, L. M. Fucito, S. Griggs, R. Jarrin, B. J. Mortazavi, T. Prioleau, W. Roberts, E. K. Spanakis, L. M. Nally, A. Debruyne, N. Bachl, F. Pigozzi, F. Halabchi, D. A. Ramagole, D. C. J. van Rensburg, B. Wolfarth, C. Fossati, S. Rozenstoka, K. Tanisawa, Mats Börjesson, J. A. Casajus, A. Gonzalez-Aguero, I. Zelenkova, J. Swart, G. Gursoy, W. Meyerson, J. Liu, D. Greenbaum, Y. P. Pitsiladis, M. B. Gerstein
Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Is Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) a superior screening tool for heat stress risk than Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index? Eight years of data from the Gothenburg half
Sofia Thorsson, D.P. Rayner, Gunnar Palm, Fredrik Lindberg, Eric Carlström, Mats Börjesson, Finn Nilson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Björn Holmer
British journal of sports medicine - 2021 -
2020 ESC Guidelines on sports cardiology and exercise in patients with cardiovascular
Antonio Pelliccia, Sanjay Sharma, Sabiha Gati, Maria Bäck, Mats Börjesson, Stefano Caselli, Jean-Philippe Collet, Domenico Corrado, Jonathan A Drezner, Martin Halle, Dominique Hansen, Hein Heidbuchel, Jonathan Myers, Josef Niebauer, Michael Papadakis, Massimo Francesco Piepoli, Eva Prescott, Jolien W Roos-Hesselink, A Graham Stuart, Rod S Taylor, Paul D Thompson, Monica Tiberi, Luc Vanhees, Matthias Wilhelm
European heart journal - 2021 -
Brief recommendations for participation in leisure time or competitive sports in athletes-patients with coronary artery disease: Summary of a Position Statement from the Sports Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, J. Niebauer, A. LaGerche, C. Schmied, E. E. Solberg, M. Halle, P. E. Adami, A. Biffi, F. Carre, S. Caselli, M. Papadakis, A. Pressler, H. Rasmusen, L. Serratosa, S. Sharma, F. van Buuren, A. Pelliccia
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2020 -
Profiling collapsing half-marathon runners- Emerging risk factors: Results from Gothenburg half
Amir Khorram-Manesh, Therese Löf, Mats Börjesson, Finn Nilson, Sofia Thorsson, Fredrik Lindberg, Eric Carlström
Sports - 2020 -
Sport and exercise genomics: The FIMS 2019 consensus statement
K. Tanisawa, G. Wang, J. Seto, I. Verdouka, R. Twycross-Lewis, A. Karanikolou, M. Tanaka, Mats Börjesson, L. Di Luigi, M. Dohi, B. Wolfarth, J. Swart, J. L. J. Bilzon, V. Badtieva, T. Papadopoulou, M. Casasco, M. Geistlinger, N. Bachl, F. Pigozzi, Y. Pitsiladis
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Association of change in physical activity associated with change in sleep complaints: results from a six-year longitudinal study with Swedish health care
M. Gerber, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Magnus Lindwall
Sleep Medicine - 2020 -
Collateral Health Issues Derived from the Covid-19
Borja Muniz-Pardos, Jonathan Shurlock, Andre Debruyne, Juergen M Steinacker, Mats Börjesson, Bernd Wolfarth, James L J Bilzon, Herbert Löllgen, Anca Ionescu, Petra Zupet, Michiko Dohi, Jeroen Swart, Victoriya Badtieva, Irina Zelenkova, Maurizio Casasco, Michael Geistlinger, Norbert Bachl, Fotini Tsofliou, Luigi Di Luigi, Xavier Bigard, Theodora Papadopoulou, Nick Webborn, Patrick Singleton, Mike Miller, Fabio Pigozzi, Yannis P Pitsiladis
Sports medicine - open - 2020 -
Recommendations for participation in competitive sport in adolescent and adult athletes with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD): position statement of the Sports Cardiology & Exercise Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Adult Congenital Heart Disease and the Sports Cardiology, Physical Activity and Prevention Working Group of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology
Werner Budts, Guido E Pieles, Jolien W Roos-Hesselink, Maria Sanz de la Garza, Flavio D'Ascenzi, George Giannakoulas, Jan Müller, Renate Oberhoffer, Doris Ehringer-Schetitska, Vesna Herceg-Cavrak, Harald Gabriel, Domenico Corrado, Frank van Buuren, Josef Niebauer, Mats Börjesson, Stefano Caselli, Peter Fritsch, Antonio Pelliccia, Hein Heidbuchel, Sanjay Sharma, A Graham Stuart, Michael Papadakis
European heart journal - 2020 -
Exercise in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) era: A Question and Answer session with the experts Endorsed by the section of Sports Cardiology & Exercise of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
R. T. Bhatia, S. Marwaha, A. Malhotra, Z. Iqbal, C. Hughes, Mats Börjesson, J. Niebauer, A. Pelliccia, C. Schmied, L. Serratosa, M. Papadakis, S. Sharma
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2020 -
Subjective reports of physical activity levels and sedentary time prior to hospital admission can predict utilization of hospital care and all-cause mortality among patients with cardiovascular
A. Ek, L. V. Kallings, M. Ekström, Mats Börjesson, Ö Ekblom
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2020 -
Stronger association between high intensity physical activity and cardiometabolic health with improved assessment of the full intensity range using
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Elin Ekblom‐bak, Örjan Ekblom, Daniel Arvidsson
Sensors (Switzerland) - 2020 -
Underlying contributing conditions to breathlessness among middle-aged individuals in the general population: a cross-sectional
J. Sandberg, M. Ekstrom, Mats Börjesson, Göran Bergström, Annika Rosengren, Oskar Angerås, Kjell Torén
Bmj Open Respiratory Research - 2020 -
Pre-race screening and stratification predicts adverse events-A 4-year study in 29585 ultra-marathon entrants, SAFER
N. Sewry, M. Schwellnus, Mats Börjesson, S. Swanevelder, E. Jordaan
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2020 -
Long-term physical activity on prescription intervention for patients with insufficient physical activity level-a randomized controlled
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Åsa Cider, L. Hagberg, C. B. Ottehall, J. Sjostrom, Maria E H Larsson
Trials - 2020 -
The effects of exercise training on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity and autonomic response to acute stress-a randomized controlled
E. Arvidson, A. S. Dahlman, Mats Börjesson, Lennart Gullstrand, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Trials - 2020 -
Correction to: The effect of pre- and post-operative physical activity on recovery after colorectal cancer surgery (PHYSSURG-C): study protocol for a randomised controlled
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Stefan Skullman, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Trials - 2020 -
Impact of insufficient ACE2 products and late enterocyte regeneration in severe
Bengt Nellgård, Magnus Gisslén, Mats Börjesson, Martin Lagging, D Kalla, J Savnvil
Science - 2020 -
Stable coronary artery disease in the Master athlete: comparison between European and American guidelines and the importance of shared decision
Elizabeth Dineen, Mats Börjesson
American College of Cardiology - 2020 -
Physical activity for health and
Mats Börjesson
Utrecht, Dutch Urology Soc, Dec 4, 2020 (virtual) - 2020 -
The patient/athlete with ischaemic heart disease. Which is the
Mats Börjesson
Buenos Aires, invited Grand Round, Nov 3, 2020 - 2020 -
Exercise recomendation in the athlete with hypertension and ischaemic heart
Mats Börjesson
Internat cardio-symposium of Exercise, Sports and Rehab, Porto Alegre, Oct 30, 2020 (virtual) - 2020 -
Preparticipation evaluation before master racing- does it
Mats Börjesson
32nd South American Sports Med Conference, Oct 31, 2020 (virtual) - 2020 -
The veteran athlete´s coronary arteries: what to
Mats Börjesson
CRY Conference, London Oct 16, 2020 (virtual) - 2020 -
Sports Cardiology- my
Mats Börjesson
Finnish Society of Sports Medicine, 80th anniversary, Helsinki, Sep 18, 2020 - 2020 -
Exercise and sports in subjects with coronary artery
Mats Börjesson
ESC Annual meeting (virtual); Amstewrdam, Sep 1, 2020 - 2020 -
ESC Guidelines on Sports Cardiology and exercise in patients with cardiovascular
Mats Börjesson
ESC Annual meeting (virtual), Aug 31, 2020, Amsterdam - 2020 -
Exercise and cardiovascular health: is there an optimal
Mats Börjesson
Cleveland Clinic, Grand Round 27/1 2020 - 2020 -
Safety in sports
Luis Serratosa, Efraim Kramer, Erik Solberg, Mats Börjesson
Textbook of Sports and Exercise Cardiology - 2020 -
Exercise in specific diseases: Coronary artery
Mats Börjesson, Josef Niebauer, Mikael Dellborg
Textbook of Sports and Exercise Cardiology - 2020 -
Impact of exercise on cardiovascular risk factors:
Axel Pressler, Mats Börjesson
Textbook of Sports and Exercise Cardiology - 2020 -
Constitutive PGC-1 alpha overexpression in skeletal muscle does not protect from age-dependent decline in
Lars O Karlsson, María Nazareth González-Alvarado, Reza Motalleb, K. Blomgren, Mats Börjesson, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Elite female footballers' stories of sociocultural factors, emotions, and behaviours prior to anterior cruciate ligament
A. Ivarsson, U. Johnson, Jón Karlsson, Mats Börjesson, M. Hagglund, M. B. Andersen, M. Walden
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology - 2019 -
Self-assessed preoperative level of habitual physical activity predicted postoperative complications after colorectal cancer surgery: A prospective observational cohort
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, Pierre Bonfre, Mats Börjesson, Eva Haglind, Catrin Wessman, Hanna Nilsson
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019 -
Insomnia and cardiorespiratory fitness in a middle-aged population: the SCAPIS pilot
Ding Zou, Heini Wennman, Örjan Ekblom, Ludger Grote, Daniel Arvidsson, Anders Blomberg, Kjell Torén, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson, Jan A Hedner
Sleep & breathing - 2019 -
Physical activity on prescription in accordance with the Swedish model increases physical activity: a systematic
Aron Onerup, Daniel Arvidsson, Åse Blomqvist, Eva-Lotte Daxberg, Lennart Jivegård, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Stefan Lundqvist, Anders Mellén, Josefine Persson, Petteri Sjögren, Therese Svanberg, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Sex- and age-specific associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, CVD morbidity and all-cause mortality in 266.109
E. Ekblom-Bak, B. Ekblom, J. Soderling, Mats Börjesson, V. Blom, L. V. Kallings, E. Hemmingsson, G. Andersson, P. Wallin, O. Ekblom
Preventive Medicine - 2019 -
Reexamination of Accelerometer Calibration with Energy Expenditure as Criterion: VO2net Instead of MET for Age-Equivalent Physical Activity
Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, C. Buck, O. Ekblom, E. Ekblom-Bak, Lauren Lissner, Monica Hunsberger, Mats Börjesson
Sensors - 2019 -
Incidence and characteristics of severe exercise-associated collapse at the world's largest
Hampus Luning, Claes Mangelus, Eric Carlström, F. Nilson, Mats Börjesson
Plos One - 2019 -
Effects of Frequency Filtering on Intensity and Noise in Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Christoph Buck, Örjan Ekblom, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Monica Hunsberger, Lauren Lissner, Daniel Arvidsson
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) - 2019 -
Medical Emergencies During a Half Marathon Race - The Influence of
Eric Carlström, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Palm, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Fredrik Lindberg, Björn Holmer, Andreas Berner, Per Örninge, Hampus Luning, Finn nilsson, Carita Gelang, Sofia Thorsson
International journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Medical encounters (including injury and illness) at mass community-based endurance sports events: an international consensus statement on definitions and methods of data recording and
Martin Schwellnus, Courtney Kipps, William O Roberts, Jonathan A Drezner, Pierre D'Hemecourt, Chris Troyanos, Dina Christina Janse van Rensburg, Jannelene Killops, Jill Borresen, Mark Harrast, Paolo E Adami, Stéphane Bermon, Xavier Bigard, Sergio Migliorini, Esme Jordaan, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Physical Inactivity in Brazil and Sweden - Different Countries, Similar
Ricardo Stein, Mats Börjesson
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia - 2019 -
Outcome of exercise-related out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is dependent on location: Sports arenas vs outside of
Matilda F Torell, A. Stromsoe, J. Herlitz, A. Claesson, L. Svensson, Mats Börjesson
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Recommendations for participation in competitive and leisure time sport in athletes with cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, and pericarditis: position statement of the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
A. Pelliccia, E. E. Solberg, M. Papadakis, P. E. Adami, A. Biffi, S. Caselli, A. La Gerche, J. Niebauer, A. Pressler, C. M. Schmied, L. Serratosa, M. Halle, F. Van Buuren, Mats Börjesson, F. Carre, N. M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, H. Heidbuchel, I. Olivotto, D. Corrado, G. Sinagra, S. Sharma
European Heart Journal - 2019 -
Recommendations for participation in leisure time or competitive sports in athletes-patients with coronary artery disease: a position statement from the Sports Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, J. Niebauer, A. LaGerche, C. Schmied, E. E. Solberg, M. Halle, E. Adami, A. Biffi, F. Carre, S. Caselli, M. Papadakis, A. Pressler, H. Rasmusen, L. Serratosa, S. Sharma, F. van Buuren, A. Pelliccia
European Heart Journal - 2019 -
Prerace medical screening and education reduce medical encounters in distance road races: SAFER VIII study in 153 208 race
Martin Schwellnus, Sonja Swanevelder, Wayne Derman, Mats Börjesson, Karen Schwabe, Esme Jordaan
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Which patients benefit from physical activity on prescription (PAP)? A prospective observational analysis of factors that predict increased physical
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, Åsa Cider, Lars Hagberg
BMC public health - 2019 -
Device-measured sedentary behavior, physical activity and aerobic fitness are independent correlates of cognitive performance in healthy middle-aged adults—results from the SCAPIS pilot
Maria M. Ekblom, Örjan B. Ekblom, Mats Börjesson, Göran Bergström, Christina Jern, Anders Wallin
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2019 -
Brief recommendations for participation in competitive sports of athletes with arterial hypertension: Summary of a Position Statement from the Sports Cardiology Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
Josef Niebauer, Mats Börjesson, Francois Carre, Stefano Caselli, Paolo Palatini, Filippo Quattrini, Luis Serratosa, Paolo E Adami, Alessandro Biffi, Axel Pressler, Hanne K Rasmusen, Christian Schmied, Frank van Buuren, Nicole Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, Erik E Solberg, Martin Halle, Andre La Gerche, Michael Papadakis, Sanjay Sharma, Antonio Pelliccia
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2019 -
Results from the SCAPIS
Mats Börjesson
Nordic Seminar on Technical measurement of PA and SED, Götbeorg, Nov 13, 2019 - 2019 -
Assessment of veteran
Mats Börjesson
Europrevent Annual meeting, Lisbon, April 11-13, 2019 - 2019 -
Evaluation strategies to prevent medical encounters during marathon
Mats Börjesson
1st Internat Conference on road races in urban and extreme environments, Doha, Oct 4, 2019 - 2019 -
Evaluation of different screening tools for assessing heat stress and predicting health
Mats Börjesson, Martin Schwellnus, Sofia Thorsson
SASUF (Swedish-South African collaboration) conference, Pretoria, May 9, 2019 - 2019 -
Physical activity and leisure-time exercise prescription in sedentary/untrained
Massimo Piepoli, Mikael Dellborg, Mats Börjesson
ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology - 2019 -
Cardiovascular screening in adult/senior competitive
Luc Vanhees, Mats Börjesson
ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology - 2019 -
Cardiac safety at sports events- the medical action
Luis Serratosa, Efraim Kramer, Mats Börjesson
ESC Textbook of Sports cardiology - 2019 -
Re-examination of accelerometer data processing and calibration for the assessment of physical activity
Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Lars Bo Andersen, Örjan Ekblom, Magnus Dencker, Jan Christian Brønd
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2019 -
Measurement of physical activity in clinical practice using
Daniel Arvidsson, Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson
Journal of internal medicine - 2019 -
Exercise related sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the young - Pre-mortal characterization of a Swedish nationwide cohort, showing a decline in SCD among
Aase Wisten, Mats Börjesson, Peter Krantz, Eva-Lena Stattin
Resuscitation - 2019 -
The SED-GIH: A Single-Item Question for Assessment of Stationary Behavior-A Study of Concurrent and Convergent
Lena V Kallings, Sven J G Olsson, Örjan Ekblom, Elin Ekblom-Bak, Mats Börjesson
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2019 -
Physical inactivity and smoking after myocardial infarction as predictors for readmission and survival: results from the
A. Ek, O. Ekblom, K. Hambraeus, Åsa Cider, L. V. Kallings, Mats Börjesson
Clinical Research in Cardiology - 2019 -
The middle-aged athlete with an
Mats Börjesson
Europrevent Annual meeting, Lisbon, April 11-13, 2019 - 2019 -
The exercise ECG in
Mats Börjesson
IOC Sports Cardiology Conference, Tokyo, July 4, 2019 - 2019 -
The ESC Textbook of Sports
Mats Börjesson, Antonio Pelliccia, Hein Heidbuchel, Domenico Corrado, Sanjay Sharma
2019 -
Sports participation in patients with coronary artery
Mats Börjesson
PLACE Cardiology meeting, Rome, Nov 23, 2019 - 2019 -
Sex- and age-specific association between cardiorespiratory fitness, CVD morbidity and all-cause
Elin Ekblom-Bak, Björn Ekblom, Jonas Söderling, Mats Börjesson, Victoria Blom, Lena V Kallings, Erik Hemmingsson, Gunnar Andersson, Peter Wallin, Örjan Ekblom
Europrevent Annual meeting, Lisbon, April, 11-13, 2019 - 2019 -
Recommendations on sports participation in coronary artery
Mats Börjesson
VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Medicina del Sport, Reus, Spain, Nov 22, 2019 - 2019 -
Muscle injuries: epidemiology and injury
Mats Börjesson
UEFA Football Doctor educational programme, Stockholm, Sweden, Jan 16, 2019 - 2019 -
Leisure-time and competitive sports in athletes with coronary artery
Mats Börjesson
Europrevent Annual meeting, Lisbon, April 11-13, 2019 - 2019 -
Exercise related sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the
Aase Wisten, Mats Börjesson, Peter Krantz, Eva-Lena Stettin
Eur Soc Cardiology (ESC) Annual meeting, Paris, Sep 2, 2019 - 2019 -
Exercise prescription in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pushing the limits or recommending an active
Mats Börjesson
Congress of Sports Cardiology, Siena, Italy, March 22, 2019 - 2019 -
Exercise is medicine in primary care- Sweden leads by
Mats Börjesson
8th Annual meeting of Exercise is Medicine Europe, Amsterdam, Sep 20, 2019 - 2019 -
Exercise and coronary artery anomalies- two incompatible
Mats Börjesson
CRY- Cardiac Risk of the Young- Annual Conference, London, UK, Oct 18, 2019 - 2019 -
Motion, fysisk aktivitet på
Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup
Diabetes och metabola syndromet - 2019 -
Effects of frequency filtering on intensity and noise in accelerometer-based physical activity
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson
ICAMPAM - 2019 -
Multivariate analysis of the associations between accelerometer data and cardiometabolic health and the effect of improved assessment of physical activity
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson
Nordic Seminar on Technical Measurement of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior - 2019 -
Improved assessment of physical activity intensity in children and
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson
Nordic Seminar on Technical Measurement of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior - 2019 -
Correction: Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Are Independently Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome, Results from the SCAPIS Pilot
O. Ekblom, E. Ekblom-Bak, Annika Rosengren, M. Hallsten, G. Bergstrom, Mats Börjesson
PLoS One - 2018 -
Concomitant Associations of Healthy Food Intake and Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Coronary Artery
Lena Gripeteg, Daniel Arvidsson, Elias Johannesson, Christel Larsson, Agneta Sjöberg, Oskar Angerås, Erika Fagman, John Brandberg, Örjan Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
American Journal of Cardiology - 2018 -
Recommendations for participation in competitive sports of athletes with arterial hypertension: a position statement from the sports cardiology section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology
J. Niebauer, Mats Börjesson, F. Carre, S. Caselli, P. Palatini, F. Quattrini, L. Serratosa, P. E. Adami, A. Biffi, A. Pressler, C. Schmied, F. van Buuren, N. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, E. Solberg, M. Halle, A. La Gerche, M. Papadakis, S. Sharma, A. Pelliccia
European Heart Journal - 2018 -
Return to play after infectious
Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson, Christa van Rensburg, Martin Schwellnus
Return to Play in Football - 2018 -
Can participants predict where ambulance-requiring cases occur at a half
Finn Nilson, Fredrik Lindberg, Gunnar Palm, Linnea Lundgren, David Rayner, Mats Börjesson, Sofia Thorsson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Eric Carlström
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports - 2018 -
Increased Level of Serum Hepcidin in Female Adolescent
Göran Sandström, Stig Rödjer, Stefan Jacobsson, Dick Nelson, Mats Börjesson
Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine - 2018 -
Exercise training and physiological responses to acute stress: study protocol and methodological considerations of a randomised controlled
Elin Arvidsson, A. S. Dahlman, Mats Börjesson, Lennart Gullstrand, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine - 2018 -
Constitutive PGC-1 alpha Overexpression in Skeletal Muscle Does Not Improve Morphological Outcome in Mouse Models of Brain Irradiation or Cortical
Lars O Karlsson, María Nazareth González-Alvarado, Mar Larrosa-Flor, A. Osman, Mats Börjesson, K. Blomgren, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Neuroscience - 2018 -
Mortality in long-distance running races in Sweden -
F. Nilson, Mats Börjesson
PLoS One - 2018 -
Fitness attenuates the prevalence of increased coronary artery calcium in individuals with metabolic
Elin Ekblom-Bak, Örjan Ekblom, Erika Fagman, Oskar Angerås, Caroline Schmidt, Annika Rosengren, Mats Börjesson, Göran Bergström
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2018 -
A Biomechanical Re-Examination of Physical Activity Measurement with
Jonatan Fridolfsson, Mats Börjesson, Daniel Arvidsson
Sensors (Basel) - 2018 -
A Delphi developed syllabus for the medical specialty of sport and exercise
David Humphries, Rod Jaques, Hendrik Paulus Dijkstra, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2018 -
Physical exercise in cardiovascular
Mats Börjesson
International Congress on Prescription and Exercise Programming in Chronic Illness, Murcia, Spain, March 9, 2018 - 2018 -
Screening of master athletes- how to do it; and is it
Mats Börjesson
FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Rio de Janeiro, Sep 12, 2018 (keynote) - 2018 -
8B.2: Is the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index the Best Screening Tool for the Assessment of Heat Stress during a City
Sofia Thorsson, Gunnar Palm, Fredrik Lindberg, David Rayner, Eric Carlström, Mats Börjesson, Finn Nilsson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Björn Holmer
http://10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment, New York, US, August 2018 - 2018 -
Cardiac arrest in sports: the Who, What, When, Where and
Mats Börjesson
American College Sports Med 65th Annual meeting, Minneapolis, May 31, 2018 - 2018 -
CT and coronary calcium to identify risk of SCD due to coronary
Mats Börjesson
Europrevent, Ljubljana, April 19, 2018 - 2018 -
Sudden cardiac death in sports- how to
Mats Börjesson
Finnish Cardiac Society, Spring meeting, Helsinki, April 12, 2018 - 2018 -
Sudden death in sports: how can we prevent
Mats Börjesson
Internat course on Sports and Exercise Medicine, Porto Alegre, Sep 15, 2018. - 2018 -
Return to play after cardiac
Mats Börjesson, Jonathan Drezner
Return to play in Football - 2018 -
Cardiovascular risks of
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Exercise and Sports Cardiology: Volume 3: Exercise Risks, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Unusual Problems in Athletes, - 2018 -
Increased Physical Activity Post-Myocardial Infarction Is Related to Reduced Mortality: Results From the SWEDEHEART
Örjan Ekblom, Amanda Ek, Åsa Cider, Kristina Hambraeus, Mats Börjesson
Journal of the American Heart Association - 2018 -
Association of perceived physical health and physical fitness in two Swedish national samples from 1990 and
S J G Olsson, E Ekblom-Bak, B Ekblom, L V Kallings, Ö Ekblom, Mats Börjesson
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports - 2018 -
International recommendations for electrocardiographic interpretation in
S. Sharma, J. A. Drezner, A. Baggish, M. Papadakis, M. G. Wilson, J. M. Prutkin, A. La Gerche, M. J. Ackerman, Mats Börjesson, J. C. Salerno, I. M. Asif, D. S. Owens, E. H. Chung, M. S. Emery, V. F. Froelicher, H. Heidbuchel, C. Adamuz, C. A. Asplund, G. Cohen, K. G. Harmon, J. C. Marek, S. Molossi, J. Niebauer, H. F. Pelto, M. V. Perez, N. R. Riding, T. Saarel, C. M. Schmied, D. M. Shipon, R. Stein, V. L. Vetter, A. Pelliccia, D. Corrado
European Heart Journal - 2018 -
Testing a novel method for identifying where serious medical encounters occur at marathons in order to improve medical preparedness and runners’
Finn Nilsson, Fredrik Lindberg, Gunnar Palm, Linnea Lundgren, David Rayner, Mats Börjesson, Sofia Thorsson, Amir Khorram-Manesh, Eric Carlström
BMJ - 2018 -
A HTA analysis of the Swedish physical activity on prescription
Mats Börjesson
7th ISPAH Congress, London, Oct 16, 2018 - 2018 -
The Swedish Physical activity on prescription model- a role model for behavioural
Mats Börjesson
Medica Conference, Dusseldorf, Nov 14, 2018 - 2018 -
Interactive reading and interpretation of the exercise ECG testing in
Mats Börjesson
IOC Course of Sports Cardiology, Rome, Oct 26-27, 2018 - 2018 -
ECG-How to recognize ischemic heart disease in
Mats Börjesson
IOC Course of Sports Cardiology, Rome, Oct 26-27, 2018 - 2018 -
The Swedish Physical activity on prescription model-a perfect example of person centered
Mats Börjesson
COST Action & Training School, Göteborg, Sweden, Oct 17, 2018 - 2018 -
Exercise recommendations in athletes with ischaemic heart disease;
the 2018 ESC
Mats Börjesson
Cardiac Risk of the Young (CRY), annual meeting, London, Oct 12, 2018 - 2018 -
The future of Sports
Mats Börjesson
Internat course on Sports and Exercise Medicine, Porto Alegre, Sep 16, 2018. - 2018 -
Diagnostics and eligibility for Sport and Exercise with valvular heart
Mats Börjesson
4th EACPR Sports cardiology conference, Munich, Aug 30, 2018 - 2018 -
Syncope during a race: sorting it
Mats Börjesson
Eur Soc Cardiology (ESC) Annual meeting, Munich, Aug 25, 2018 - 2018 -
What the team physician needs to know about the
Mats Börjesson
Isokinetic medical conference (FIFA symposium), Barcelona, June 3, 2018 - 2018 -
Sudden cardiac death- prevention and
Mats Börjesson
UEFA Medical Symposium, Athens, Jan 31, 2018 - 2018 -
Cardiovascular patients and exercice- what are the benefits and
Mats Börjesson
Saudi Heart Association, Riyadh, March 1, 2018 - 2018 -
Fitness, everyday physical activity and avoid sitting- are all important for CV
Mats Börjesson
Saudi Heart Association Annual meeting, Riyadh, March 1, 2018 - 2018 -
Mats Börjesson
COST Action, meeting Athlone, Ireland, Feb 21, 2018 - 2018 -
Match related factors influencing injury
Mats Börjesson, Jaakko Ryynänen, Jón Karlsson
Return to Play in Football - 2018 -
Fysisk aktivitet som medicin – en praktisk handbok utifrån
Mats Börjesson, Ing-Marie Dohrn, Margareta Emtner
2018 -
International criteria for electrocardiographic interpretation in athletes: Consensus
J. A. Drezner, S. Sharma, A. Baggish, M. Papadakis, M. G. Wilson, J. M. Prutkin, A. Gerche, M. J. Ackerman, Mats Börjesson, J. C. Salerno, I. M. Asif, D. S. Owens, E. H. Chung, M. S. Emery, V. F. Froelicher, H. Heidbuchel, C. Adamuz, C. A. Asplund, G. Cohen, K. G. Harmon, J. C. Marek, S. Molossi, J. Niebauer, H. F. Pelto, M. V. Perez, N. R. Riding, T. Saarel, C. M. Schmied, D. M. Shipon, R. Stein, V. L. Vetter, A. Pelliccia, D. Corrado
Br J Sports Med - 2017 -
Low leisure-time physical activity, but not shift-work, contributes to the development of sleep complaints in Swedish health care
M. Gerber, Magnus Lindwall, Mats Börjesson, Emina Hadzibajramovic, I. H. Jonsdottir
Mental Health and Physical Activity - 2017 -
The effect of pre- and post-operative physical activity on recovery after colorectal cancer surgery (PHYSSURG-C): Study protocol for a randomised controlled
Aron Onerup, Eva Angenete, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Elin Grybäck Gillheimer, Stefan Skullman, Sven Egron Thörn, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson
Trials - 2017 -
Physical Activity on Prescription (PAP), in patients with metabolic risk factors. A 6-month follow-up study in primary health
Stefan Lundqvist, Mats Börjesson, Maria E H Larsson, L. Hagberg, Åsa Cider
Plos One - 2017 -
Pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation for athletic participants to prevent sudden death: Position paper from the EHRA and the EACPR, branches of the ESC. Endorsed by APHRS, HRS, and
Lluís Mont, Antonio Pelliccia, Sanjay Sharma, Alessandro Biffi, Mats Börjesson, Josep Brugada Terradellas, François Carré, Eduard Guasch, Hein Heidbuchel, André La Gerche, Rachel Lampert, William McKenna, Michail Papadakis, Silvia G Priori, Mauricio Scanavacca, Paul Thompson, Christian Sticherling, Sami Viskin, Mathew Wilson, Domenico Corrado, Gregory Y H Lip, Bulent Gorenek, Carina Blomström Lundqvist, Bela Merkely, Gerhard Hindricks, Antonio Hernández-Madrid, Deirdre Lane, Guiseppe Boriani, Calambur Narasimhan, Manlio F Marquez, David Haines, Judith Mackall, Pedro Manuel Marques-Vidal, Ugo Corra, Martin Halle, Monica Tiberi, Josef Niebauer, Massimo Piepoli
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology - 2017 -
Pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation for athletic participants to prevent sudden death: Position paper from the EHRA and the EACPR, branches of the ESC. Endorsed by APHRS, HRS, and
Lluís Mont, Antonio Pelliccia, Sanjay Sharma, Alessandro Biffi, Mats Börjesson, Josep Brugada Terradellas, Francois Carré, Eduard Guasch, Hein Heidbuchel, André La Gerche, Rachel Lampert, William McKenna, Michail Papadakis, Silvia G Priori, Mauricio Scanavacca, Paul Thompson, Christian Sticherling, Sami Viskin, Mathew Wilson, Domenico Corrado, Gregory Yh Lip, Bulent Gorenek, Carina Blomström Lundqvist, Bela Merkely, Gerhard Hindricks, Antonio Hernández-Madrid, Deirdre Lane, Guiseppe Boriani, Calambur Narasimhan, Manlio F Marquez, David Haines, Judith Mackall, Pedro Manuel Marques-Vidal, Ugo Corra, Martin Halle, Monica Tiberi, Josef Niebauer, Massimo Piepoli
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2017 -
International Recommendations for Electrocardiographic Interpretation in
S. Sharma, J. A. Drezner, A. Baggish, M. Papadakis, M. G. Wilson, J. M. Prutkin, A. La Gerche, M. J. Ackerman, Mats Börjesson, J. C. Salerno, I. M. Asif, D. S. Owens, E. H. Chung, M. S. Emery, V. F. Froelicher, H. Heidbuchel, C. Adamuz, C. A. Asplund, G. Cohen, K. G. Harmon, J. C. Marek, S. Molossi, J. Niebauer, H. F. Pelto, M. V. Perez, N. R. Riding, T. Saarel, C. M. Schmied, D. M. Shipon, R. Stein, V. L. Vetter, A. Pelliccia, D. Corrado
Journal of the American College of Cardiology - 2017 -
Rehabilitation after first-time anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction in female football players: a study of resilience
U. Johnson, A. Ivarsson, Jón Karlsson, M. Hagglund, M. Walden, Mats Börjesson
Bmc Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation - 2016 -
Fitness Moderates the Relationship between Stress and Cardiovascular Risk
M. Gerber, Mats Börjesson, T. Ljung, Magnus Lindwall, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise - 2016 -
Physical activity on prescription (PAP): self-reported physical activity and quality of life in a Swedish primary care population, 2-year
Lars Rödjer, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2016 -
SCAPIS Pilot Study: Sitness, Fitness and Fatness-Is Sedentary Time Substitution by Physical Activity Equally Important for Everyone's Markers of Glucose
E. Ekblom-Bak, O. Ekblom, K. A. Bolam, B. Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
Journal of Physical Activity & Health - 2016 -
Isotemporal substitution of sedentary time by physical activity of different intensities and bout lengths, and its associations with metabolic
E. Ekblom-Bak, O. Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2016 -
Is preoperative physical activity related to post-surgery recovery? A cohort study of patients with breast
Hanna Nilsson, Ulf Angerås, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Eva Angenete
BMJ open - 2016 -
Is preoperative physical activity related to post surgery recovery? A cohort study of colorectal cancer
Aron Onerup, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Colorectal Disease - 2016 -
Physical activity and exercise lower blood pressure in individuals with hypertension: narrative review of 27
Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup, Stefan Lundqvist, Björn Dahlöf
British journal of sports medicine - 2016 -
Physical activity pattern, cardiorespiratory fitness, and socioeconomic status in the SCAPIS pilot trial - A cross-sectional
Martin Lindgren, Mats Börjesson, O. Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Georg Lappas, Annika Rosengren
Preventive medicine reports - 2016 -
Sudden cardiac arrest in sports - need for uniform registration: A Position Paper from the Sport Cardiology Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and
E E Solberg, Mats Börjesson, S Sharma, M Papadakis, M Wilhelm, J A Drezner, K G Harmon, J M Alonso, H Heidbuchel, D Dugmore, N M Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, K-P Mellwig, F Carre, H Rasmusen, J Niebauer, E R Behr, G Thiene, M N Sheppard, C Basso, D Corrado
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2016 -
Plötslig hjärtdöd vid fysisk
Mats Börjesson, Erik Solberg, Eva Nylander
FYSS2017 - 2016 -
Reanimacion cardiopulmonar en el deporte y atencion medica en eventos deportivos de
Luis Serratosa, Mats Börjesson, Efraim Kramer
Cardio Deporte - 2016 -
Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup, Stefan Lundqvist, Björn Dahlöf
FYSS - 2016 -
Categorical answer modes provide superior validity to open answers when asking for level of physical activity: A cross-sectional
Sven J G Olsson, Örjan Ekblom, Eva Andersson, Mats Börjesson, Lena V Kallings
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2016 -
Kontraindikationer för fysisk
Mats Börjesson
FYSS2017 - 2016 -
Management of Abnormal Physical Examination Findings in
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, V Watt
In; IOC Manual of Sports Cardiology. Eds: Sharma S, Wilson M, Drezner J - 2016 -
Screening for cardiovascular disease in the older
Mats Börjesson
In: IOC Manual of Sports Cardiology. Eds: Sharma S, Wilson M, Drezner J. - 2016 -
Idrott och
Can you feel the real
Mats Börjesson, Magnus Forssblad, Jón Karlsson
British journal of sports medicine - 2015 -
The "Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale" and its application to health
Gunnar Grimby, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Peter Schnohr, Dag Thelle, Bengt Saltin
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2015 -
High frequency home-based exercise decreases levels of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with stable angina
Smita DuttaRoy, Jonas Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Åsa Cider, Maria Bäck, Thomas Karlsson, Bertil Wennerblom, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2015 -
The preoperative level of physical activity is associated to the postoperative recovery after elective cholecystectomy - A cohort
Aron Onerup, Ulf Angerås, David Bock, Mats Börjesson, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Martin Gellerstedt, Eva Haglind, Hanna Nilsson, Eva Angenete
International Journal of Surgery - 2015 -
Concurrent and predictive validity of physical activity measurement items commonly used in clinical settings- data from SCAPIS pilot
O. Ekblom, E. Ekblom-Bak, K. A. Bolam, B. Ekblom, Caroline Schmidt, S. Soderberg, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
Bmc Public Health - 2015 -
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Are Independently Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome, Results from the SCAPIS Pilot
O. Ekblom, E. Ekblom-Bak, Annika Rosengren, Mattias Hallsten, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
Plos One - 2015 -
Changes in mental health in compliers and noncompliers with physical activity recommendations in patients with stress-related
A. Lindegard, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson, Magnus Lindwall, M. Gerber
Bmc Psychiatry - 2015 -
Acute heart conditions, sudden death on the field and
Mats Börjesson
Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation, 2nd Ed. Nedim Doral M, Karlsson J (Eds) - 2015 -
Self-efficacy regarding physical activity is superior to self-assessed activity level, in long-term prediction of cardiovascular events in middle-aged
Göran Bergström, Caroline Schmidt, Mats Börjesson
Bmc Public Health - 2015 -
Tidig repolarisation på EKG - Definitioner, prevalens och prognostisk
Philip Aagaard, Julia Sydow, Mats Börjesson, Lennart Bergfeldt, Frieder Braunschweig
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Aerob fysisk aktivitet sänker blodtrycket vid
Mats Börjesson, Aron Onerup, Stefan Lundqvist, Björn Dahlöf
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
The Daily Movement Pattern and Fulfilment of Physical Activity Recommendations in Swedish Middle-Aged Adults: The SCAPIS Pilot
E. Ekblom-Bak, G. Olsson, O. Ekblom, B. Ekblom, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson
Plos One - 2015 -
Hjärtstopp bland unga och idrottare särskiljer
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, Thomas Gilljam, Aase Wisten
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
Helicobacter pylori Antibodies and Iron Deficiency in Female
Göran Sandström, Stig Rödjer, Bertil Kaijser, Mats Börjesson
PloS one - 2014 -
Lagläkarens många
Mats Börjesson
I gråzonen - en antologi om idrottens etiska utmaningar - 2014 -
Paulin Andréll, Tomas Schultz, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2014 -
The effects of age on circulating vascular markers and cardiac prognostic markers, before and after 2 months home-based high-frequency exercise training in patients with stable coronary artery
Smita DuttaRoy, Debashish Banerjee, Jonas Nilsson, Ola Hammarsten, Åsa Cider, Maria Bäck, Bertil Wennerblom, Mats Börjesson
European Heart Journal. European Society of Cardiology, 30 August - 3 September 2014, Barcelona - 2014 -
The effect of exercise on angiogenic factors in the healthy mouse heart: A short
Christina Karazisi, Aron Onerup, Pia Larsson, Lena M S Carlsson, Mats Börjesson, Smita DuttaRoy
Experimental and Clinical Cardiology - 2014 -
The Relationships of Change in Physical Activity With Change in Depression, Anxiety, and Burnout: A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Healthcare
Magnus Lindwall, Markus Gerber, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Ahlborg
Health Psychology - 2014 -
Ethical dilemmas faced by the team physician: overlooked in sports medicine
Mats Börjesson, Jón Karlsson
British journal of sports medicine - 2014 -
How do patients with Chronic heart failure Value Physical activity and
Harshida Patel, Albert N.M., Mats Börjesson
Oral presentation - Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress. Publiceras i Virginia Hnederson Library, USA - 2013 -
Stress och fysisk
Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson
Stress: Individen, samhället, organisationen, molekylerna; Ed: Ekman R, Arnetz B - 2013 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness protects against stress-related symptoms of burnout and
M Gerber, Magnus Lindwall, Agneta Lindegård, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Patient Education and Counseling - 2013 -
Evaluation of the obese patient ahead of exercise
Mats Börjesson
Exercise therapy in adult individuals with obesity Eds. Hansen D - 2013 -
The effect of changes in the score on injury incidence during three FIFA World
Jaakko Ryynänen, Astrid Junge, Jiri Dvorak, Lars Peterson, Jón Karlsson, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2013 -
Pre-Intervention Considerations When aiming to Increase Physical Activity and Exercise in patients with Chronic heart
Harshida Patel, N.M. Albert, Mats Börjesson
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements (2013) - 2013 -
The level of leisure time physical activity is associated with work ability-a cross sectional and prospective study of health care
E. Arvidson, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Ahlborg, A. Lindegard, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Bmc Public Health - 2013 -
Foul play is associated with injury incidence: an epidemiological study of three FIFA World Cups
Jaakko Ryynänen, Astrid Junge, Jiri Dvorak, Lars Peterson, Hannu Kautiainen, Jón Karlsson, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2013 -
Increased risk of injury following red and yellow cards, injuries and goals in FIFA World
Jaakko Ryynänen, Jiri Dvorak, Lars Peterson, Hannu Kautiainen, Jón Karlsson, Astrid Junge, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2013 -
Self-reported leisure time physical activity: a useful assessment tool in everyday health
Lars Rödjer, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Annika Rosengren, Lena Björck, Gunnar Grimby, Dag Thelle, Georg Lappas, Mats Börjesson
BMC public health - 2012 -
Fysisk aktivitet, motion på
Mats Börjesson
In: Metabola syndromet Eds: Nyström F, Nilsson P - 2012 -
A single-bout of one-hour spinning exercise increases troponin T in healthy
Smita DuttaRoy, Daniel Thorell, Lena Karlsson, Mats Börjesson
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 2012 -
Emergency cardiac care in the athletic setting: from schools to the
B. Toresdahl, R. Courson, Mats Börjesson, S. Sharma, J. Drezner
British journal of sports medicine - 2012 -
Cardiac screening: time to move
Mats Börjesson, J. Drezner
British journal of sports medicine - 2012 -
Iron deficiency in adolescent female athletes-is iron status affected by regular sporting
Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson, S. Rodjer
Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine - 2012 -
Position paper: proposal for a core curriculum for a European Sports Cardiology
H. Heidbuchel, M. Papadakis, N. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, F. Carre, D. Dugmore, K. P. Mellwig, H. K. Rasmusen, E. E. Solberg, Mats Börjesson, D. Corrado, A. Pelliccia, S. Sharma
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2012 -
Cost-effectiveness of Spinal cord stimulation, SCS in the management of severe
Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer
Anaesthesia, pharmacology, intensive care and emergency medicine, APICE. Ed: Gullo A - 2011 -
Healthcare workers' participation in a healthy-lifestyle-promotion project in western
Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Ahlborg
BMC public health - 2011 -
Risk of sports: do we need a pre-participation screening for competitive and leisure
D. Corrado, C. Schmied, C. Basso, Mats Börjesson, M. Schiavon, A. Pelliccia, L. Vanhees, G. Thiene
European heart journal - 2011 -
Commotio cordis - under-recognized in Europe? a case report and
E. Ekker Solberg, B. I. Embra, Mats Börjesson, Johan Herlitz, D. Corrado
European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology, Working Groups on Epidemiology & Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology - 2011 -
Incidence of sudden cardiac death in athletes: where did the science
J. A. Drezner, K. G. Harmon, Mats Börjesson
British journal of sports medicine - 2011 -
Consensus document regarding cardiovascular safety at sports arenas: Position stand from the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR), section of Sports
Mats Börjesson, L. Serratosa, F. Carre, D. Corrado, J. Drezner, D. L. Dugmore, H. H. Heidbuchel, K. P. Mellwig, N. M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, M. Papadakis, H. Rasmusen, S. Sharma, E. E. Solberg, F. van Buuren, A. Pelliccia
European heart journal - 2011 -
Is there evidence for mandating electrocardiogram as part of the pre-participation
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine - 2011 -
Spinal cord stimulation for long-term treatment of severe angina pectoris: what does the evidence
Mats Börjesson, Paulin Andréll, Clas Mannheimer
Future cardiology - 2011 -
Responsibility of sport and exercise medicine in preventing and managing chronic disease: applying our knowledge and skill is
G. O. Matheson, M. Klugl, J. Dvorak, L. Engebretsen, W. H. Meeuwisse, M. Schwellnus, S. N. Blair, W. van Mechelen, W. Derman, Mats Börjesson, F. Bendiksen, R. Weiler
British journal of sports medicine - 2011 -
Cardiovascular evaluation of middle-aged/senior individuals engaged in leisure-time sport activities: position stand from the sections of exercise physiology and sports cardiology of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and
Mats Börjesson, A. Urhausen, E. Kouidi, D. Dugmore, S. Sharma, M. Halle, H. Heidbuchel, H. H. Bjornstad, S. Gielen, A. Mezzani, D. Corrado, A. Pelliccia, L. Vanhees
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation - 2011 -
A randomized, controlled study of a rehabilitation model to improve knee-function self-efficacy with ACL
Pia Thomeé, P. Wahrborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Journal of sport rehabilitation - 2010 -
A prospective study of leisure-time physical activity and mental health in Swedish health care workers and social insurance
Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Lars Rödjer, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Ahlborg
Preventive Medicine - 2010 -
Time for action regarding cardiovascular emergency care at sports arenas: a lesson from the Arena
Mats Börjesson, D. Dugmore, K. P. Mellwig, F. van Buuren, L. Serratosa, E. E. Solberg, A. Pelliccia
European Heart Journal - 2010 -
Nytt stöd för EKG vid
Mats Börjesson
Läkartidningen - 2010 -
Mats Börjesson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Knardahl S, Jón Karlsson, Clas Mannheimer
Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease - 2010 -
Recommendations for interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiogram in the
D. Corrado, A. Pelliccia, H. Heidbuchel, S. Sharma, M. Link, C. Basso, A. Biffi, G. Buja, P. Delise, I. Gussac, A. Anastasakis, Mats Börjesson, H. H. Bjornstad, F. Carre, A. Deligiannis, D. Dugmore, R. Fagard, J. Hoogsteen, K. P. Mellwig, N. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, E. Solberg, L. Vanhees, J. Drezner, N. A., 3rd Estes, S. Iliceto, B. J. Maron, R. Peidro, P. J. Schwartz, R. Stein, G. Thiene, P. Zeppilli, W. J. McKenna
European Heart Journal - 2010 -
Tilltro till den egna förmågan - viktigt för återgång till
Mats Börjesson, Pia Thomeé, Peter Währborg, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2010 -
Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer
Smärta och smärtbehandling. Eds. Werner M, Strang P. 3nd Ed. - 2010 -
Mats Börjesson
In: Kardiovaskulär medicin. Dahlström U. Ed. - 2010 -
Spinal cord stimulation for refractory
Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer, Paulin Andréll
In: Evidence-based chronic pain management. Eds. Stannard C, Kelso E, Ballantyne J. - 2010 -
Fysisk aktivitet och
Mats Börjesson, I. Jonsdottir
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2010 -
Medfött hjärtfel - hinder för
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Svensk Idrottsforskning - 2010 -
Acute chest pain in a top soccer player due to thoracic disc
Adad Baranto, Mats Börjesson, Barbro Danielsson, Mikael Hellström, Leif Swärd
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) - 2009 -
Tilltron till den egna förmågan stark prediktor vid ortopedisk skada. Att tro på sig själv – grund för lyckad
Pia Thomeé, P. Wahrborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Lakartidningen - 2009 -
Strenuous exercise increases late outgrowth endothelial cells in healthy
Daniel Thorell, Mats Börjesson, Pia Larsson, Erik Ulfhammer, Lena Karlsson, Smita DuttaRoy
European Journal of Applied Physiolology - 2009 -
Incidence and aetiology of sudden cardiac death in young athletes: an international
Mats Börjesson, A. Pelliccia
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2009 -
Military--a risky
Mats Börjesson
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Life style intervention treatment as effective as PCI in stable
Mats Börjesson
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
No evidence to further increase the number of PCI
Mats Börjesson
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Viktigt mäta livskvaliteten vid långvarig
Paulin Andréll, Mats Börjesson, Birgitta Peilot, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Y. Sterner, Tore Eliasson, Clas Mannheimer
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Cardoac vs non-cardiac chest
Mats Börjesson
Visceral Pain. Clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects. Giamberardino M (Ed) Oxford University Press - 2009 -
The girl with a systolic murmur on left sternal
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Sports Cardiology Casebook. Pelliccia A (Ed). Springer Verlag (London) - 2009 -
Neurostimulering har god effekt vid svår angina
Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer, Paulin Andréll, B. Linderoth
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Competitive cyclist suffering from myocardial infarction, willing to resume competitive
Mats Börjesson
Sports Cardiology Casebook. Pelliccia A (Ed). Springer Verlag (London) - 2009 -
Järnbrist och
Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson
Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning - 2008 -
Spinal cord stimulation in severe angina pectoris - A systematic review based on the Swedish Council on Technology assessment in health care report on long-standing
Mats Börjesson, Paulin Andréll, D. Lundberg, Clas Mannheimer
Pain - 2008 -
Self-efficacy of knee function as a pre-operative predictor of outcome 1 year after anterior cruciate ligament
Pia Thomeé, Peter Währborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2008 -
High prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with clinical unstable angina and known coronary artery
Tomas Schultz, Clas Mannheimer, Mikael Dellborg, Martin Pilhall, Mats Börjesson
Acute Card Care - 2008 -
Mats Börjesson, C Mannerkorpi, S Knardahl, J Karlsson, Clas Mannheimer
FYSS. Folkhälsoinstitutet, 2nd Ed - 2008 -
Sudden cardiac death in young athletes: time for a Nordic approach in
M. Hernelahti, O. J. Heinonen, J. Karjalainen, E. Nylander, Mats Börjesson
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2008 -
Mats Börjesson, Björn Dahlöf, S Kjeldsen
FYSS. Folkhälsoinstitutet, 2nd Ed - 2008 -
Främja fysisk
Margareta Leijon, L Kallings, J Faskunger, G Laerum, Mats Börjesson, A Ståhle
FYSS. Folkhälsoinstitutet, 2nd Ed - 2008 -
Plötslig död och
Mats Börjesson, E Nylander, E Solberg
FYSS Folkhälsoinstitutet, 2nd Ed - 2008 -
Determinants of self-efficacy in the rehabilitation of patients with anterior cruciate ligament
Pia Thomeé, Peter Währborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
J Rehabil Med - 2007 -
Self-efficacy, symptoms and physical activity in patients with an anterior cruciate ligament injury: a prospective
Pia Thomeé, P. Wahrborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2007 -
A new instrument for measuring self-efficacy in patients with an anterior cruciate ligament
Pia Thomeé, Peter Währborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, Bengt I. Eriksson, Jón Karlsson
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2006 -
Self-efficacy, symptoms and physical acitivity in patients with an anterior cruciate ligament injury: a prospecitve
Pia Thomeé, Peter Währborg, Mats Börjesson, Roland Thomeé, BI Eriksson, J Karlsson
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2006 -
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) associated with sports in young
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg, E. Nylander
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2006 -
ESC Study Group of Sports Cardiology: recommendations for participation in leisure-time physical activity and competitive sports for patients with ischaemic heart
Mats Börjesson, D Assanelli, F Carre, D Dugmore, N. M Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, C Seiler, J Senden, E. E Solberg
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil - 2006 -
Iron Deficiency And Anemia In Top Athletes - How To Use The Transferrin
Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson, Stig Rödjer
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - 2005 -
Stress och fysisk
Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson
Stress; Individen, samhället, organisationen, molekylerna. Ed; Ekman, R, Arnetz, B - 2005 -
Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol. Consensus Statement of the Study Group of Sport Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of
D. Corrado, A. Pelliccia, H. H. Bjornstad, L. Vanhees, A. Biffi, Mats Börjesson, N. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, A. Deligiannis, E. Solberg, D. Dugmore, K. P. Mellwig, D. Assanelli, P. Delise, F. van-Buuren, A. Anastasakis, H. Heidbuchel, E. Hoffmann, R. Fagard, S. G. Priori, C. Basso, E. Arbustini, C. Blomstrom-Lundqvist, W. J. McKenna, G. Thiene
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
På väg mot ett Socialtjänstuniversitet? En uppföljning av Socialstyrelsens stöd till strukturer för kunskapsutveckling inom socialtjänsten
Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Mats Börjesson, P-O Forsblad, B Westerberg
2005 -
Recommendations for competitive sports participation in athletes with cardiovascular disease: a consensus document from the Study Group of Sports Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of
A. Pelliccia, R. Fagard, H. H. Bjornstad, A. Anastassakis, E. Arbustini, D. Assanelli, A. Biffi, Mats Börjesson, F. Carre, D. Corrado, P. Delise, U. Dorwarth, A. Hirth, H. Heidbuchel, E. Hoffmann, K. P. Mellwig, N. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, A. Pisani, E. E. Solberg, F. van-Buuren, L. Vanhees, C. Blomstrom-Lundqvist, A. Deligiannis, D. Dugmore, M. Glikson, P. I. Hoff, A. Hoffmann, D. Horstkotte, J. E. Nordrehaug, J. Oudhof, W. J. McKenna, M. Penco, S. Priori, T. Reybrouck, J. Senden, A. Spataro, G. Thiene
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
[Physical activity has a key role in hypertension
Mats Börjesson, Björn Dahlöf
Lakartidningen - 2005 -
[Sudden cardiac death in athletes is usually caused by undiagnosed heart disease. Cardiac screening of young athletes under
Mats Börjesson, E. Nylander
Lakartidningen - 2005 -
Exercise testing post-MI: still worthwhile in the interventional
Mats Börjesson, Mikael Dellborg
Eur Heart J - 2005 -
ESC Study Group of Sports Cardiology recommendations for participation in leisure-time physical activities and competitive sports for patients with
RH Fagard, HH Björnstad, Mats Börjesson, F Carré, A Deligiannis, L Vanhees
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil - 2005 -
Iron deficiency - more common among female athletes than
Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson, Stig Rödjer
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - 2004 -
[Physical activity as prophylaxis and treatment of stress-related
Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Lakartidningen - 2004 -
Göran Sandström, Mats Börjesson, Stig Rödjer
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise - 2003 -
Chest pain: an
Mats Börjesson, Clas Mannheimer
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol - 2002