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- Sandra Weineland
Sandra Weineland
Universitetslektor, adjungerad
Psykologiska institutionenUniversitetslektor, adjungerad
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsaOm Sandra Weineland
Legitimerad psykolog med doktorsexamen och specialistexamen i klinisk psykologi, utnämnd till docent år 2020.
Biträdande redaktör för den vetenskapliga tidskriften Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Forskningsinriktning inom hälsopsykologi, beteendemedicin och digital psykologi, med fokus mental hälsa och beteendeförändring.
Forskningsprojekt finansierade av bland annat Vetenskapsrådet och Forte, exempelvis digitala KBT-behandlingar för depression samt behandlingsprogram för barn med utagerande beteenden.
Undervisar och handleder inom psykologisk behandling och vetenskaplig metodik.
Nationellt engagerad som expert inom Socialstyrelsens riktlinjearbete för ätstörningar och obesitas.
Har klinisk erfarenhet inom psykiatri, och primärvård, samt ledande ansvarsroller inom utveckling av vårdstrukturer för psykisk ohälsa inom hälso-och sjukvården.
Adaption of SEXIT for Adults: Sexual health and violence, a subject worth asking
Alexis Solenzal, Eva Elmerstig, Kristofer Bjerså, Sandra Weineland, Sofia Hammarström
ESSM, Wien, Österrike - 2025 -
The Impact of Parental Support on Adherence to Therapist-Assisted Internet-Delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Primary Care for Adolescents With Anxiety: Naturalistic 12-Month Follow-Up
Anna Larsson, Sandra Weineland, Linnea Nissling, Josefine Lilja
JMIR pediatrics and parenting - 2025 -
The Influence of organizational models on the implementation of ICBT in primary
Cecilia Svanborg, Elisabet Gervind, Mathilda Ben Salem, Monica Nyström, Josefine Lilja, Viktor Kaldo, Sandra Weineland
The 12 th ISRII conference, Limerick - 2024 -
Genomförbarheten av en RCT och kvalitativ studie på föräldraprogrammet AFFEKT i
Helene Werner, Py Liv Eriksson, Sandra Weineland
Poster presenterad på "Invigning för Hälsovetenskapligt centrum", Göteborg, 23 oktober 2024 - 2024 -
”I am now on ‘speaking terms’ with my migraine monster”–patient experiences in acceptance-based cognitive behavioral therapy delivered via the internet for migraine: a randomized controlled pilot study using a mixed-method
Marie Persson, Bledar Daka, Emma Varkey, Josefine Lilja, Linnea Nissling, Olena Cronstedt, Ann Katrine Perschbacher, Anna Bratt, Sandra Weineland
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2024 -
Internet-delivered psychological treatment program for adults with frequent migraines: a randomized controlled pilot study with a mixed methods
Marie Persson, Bledar Daka, Emma Varkey, Josefine Lilja, Linnea Nissling, Olena Cronsted, Ann Katrine Perschbacher, Anna Bratt, Sandra Weineland
IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain - International Association for the Study of Pain - 2024 -
Works-In-Progress: Parenting and Challenging Events - Narrative Identity Development After a Parenting
Py Liv Eriksson, Helene Werner, Sandra Weineland
International Society for Research on Identity - 2024 -
Effects of internet-based enhanced acceptance and commitment therapy integrating interoceptive exposure for panic disorder and the association between working alliance and
outcome: A randomized controlled
Lisa Bäckman, Sandra Weineland, Kristofer Vernmark, Ella Radogvin, Esther Enbuske, Nina Johansson, Ida Hermansson, Nathalie Petersen, Timo Hursti
Sweesrii 2024 - 2024 -
Facing a new life-The healthy transition to motherhood: What individual and environmental factors are needed? A phenomenological-hermeneutic
Helena Lorén, Sandra Weineland, Gun Rembeck
Midwifery - 2024 -
The influence of organizational models on the implementation of internet-based cognitive behavior therapy in primary care: A mixed methods study using the RE-AIM
Elisabet Gervind, Mathilda Ben Salem, Cecilia Svanborg, Monica Nyström, Josefine Lilja, Viktor Kaldo, Sandra Weineland
Internet Interventions - 2024 -
A multidisciplinary treatment focused on stress to reduce pain in persons with chronic widespread
Anna Bergenheim, Chan-Mei Ho, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria E H Larsson, Anna Larsson, Marie Persson, Sandra Weineland, Lena Margareta Nordeman
Melbourne: 11th Interdisciplinary congress on low back and pelvic girdle pain - 2023 -
Effectiveness of and processes related to internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: a randomized controlled
Linnea Nissling, Sandra Weineland, Kristofer Vernmark, Ella Radvogin, Anna-Karin Engström, Sara Schmidt, Eva Nieto Granberg, Elin Larsson, Timo Hursti
Research in psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome (RIPPPO) - 2023 -
Conceptualising migraine attacks from a biopsychosocial model using qualitative and functional behavioural
Marie Persson, Gun Rembeck, Sandra Weineland
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2023 -
Examining the description of the concept "treatment as usual" for patients with depression, anxiety and stress-related mental disorders in primary health care research - A systematic
E-L Petersson, E Forsén, C Björkelund, L Hammarbäck, E Hessman, Sandra Weineland, Irene Svenningsson
Journal of affective disorders - 2023 -
Feasibility of a digital group treatment for adolescents with chronic disease and their
Elisabet Bergenmar Ivarsson, Sandra Weineland, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Linde Scholten, Sandra Buratti
European Paediatric Psychology Conference (EPPC) - 2023 -
Early Access to Blended Psychological Treatment for Paediatric Functional Abdominal
Emma Ramsay Milford , Sandra Buratti, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Natoshia Cunningham, Åsa Nilses, Sandra Weineland
European Paediatric Psychology Conference (EPPC), Stirling, Scotland - 2023 -
Internet-delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adolescents with anxiety
Linnea Nissling, Sandra Weineland, Kristofer Vernmark , Ella Radvogin, Anna-Karin Engström, Eva Nieto Granberg, Elin Larsson, Sara Schmidt, Timo Hursti
SweSRII – The 12th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions. - 2023 -
Early Access to Blended Psychological Treatment for Paediatric Functional Abdominal Pain: Preliminary qualitative results of a mixed methods
Emma Ramsay Milford , Sandra Buratti, Ewa-Lena Bratt, Natoshia Cunningham, Åsa Nilses, Sandra Weineland
SweSRII – The 12th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions - 2023 -
The transference of research results to practise: Organization and implementation outcomes of iCBT in primary care – a mixed methods study using the RE-AIM
Elisabet Gervind, Mathilda Ben Salem, Cecilia Svanborg, Viktor Kaldo, Monika Nyström, Josefine Lilja, Sandra Weineland
SWESRII 2022 - 2022 -
IMPACT (Internet-Mediated Psychological treatment - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) in youths: The role of parental
Anna Larsson, Josefine Lilja, Linnea Nissling, Sandra Weineland
SWESRII, 2022 - 2022 -
Youths’ and Parents’ Experiences and Perceived Effects of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care: Mixed Methods
Josefine Lilja, Mirna Rupcic Ljustina, Linnea Nissling, Anna Caroline Larsson, Sandra Weineland
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting - 2021 -
Effects of patient-driven iCBT for anxiety in routine primary care and the relation between increased experience of empowerment and outcome: A randomized controlled
Linnea Nissling, Martin Kraepelien, Viktor Kaldo, Dominique Hange, Anna Larsson, Marie Persson, Sandra Weineland
Internet Interventions - 2021 -
Ätstörningar och födorelaterade
Sandra Weineland, Elisabeth Welch, Ata Ghaderi
Psykisk ohälsa : ett biopsykosocialt perspektiv - 2021 -
Primary Care Peer-Supported Internet-Mediated Psychological Treatment for Adults With Anxiety Disorders: Mixed Methods
Linnea Nissling, Claudia Fahlke, Josefine Lilja, Ingmarie Skoglund, Sandra Weineland
JMIR formative research - 2020 -
Transitioning from face-to-face treatment to iCBT for youths in primary care – therapists’ attitudes and
Sandra Weineland, Rasmus Ribbegårdh, Marie Kivi, Andreas Bygdell, Anna Larsson, Kristofer Vernmark, Josefine Lilja
Internet Interventions - 2020 -
Psychometric properties and validation of the Swedish Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in a clinical and non-clinical sample among meditators and
Josefine Lilja, F. Falkenström, C. Zelleroth, Emma Jacobson, S. Risberg, Linnea Nissling, Sandra Weineland
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2020 -
Validation of the Swedish version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Parents (PCS-P) for parents of children with
J. T. Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, J. Dahl, G. Ljungman
Journal of Pain Research - 2019 -
A preliminary validation of the swedish version of the pain catastrophizing scale for children (PCSC) for children and adolescents with
Jenny Thorsell Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, Jo Anne Dahl, Gustaf Ljungman
Journal of Pain Research - 2019 -
Sandra Weineland
Somatisk sjukdom - ett biopsykosocialt perspektiv - 2019 -
A preliminary validation of the Swedish version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Children (PCS-C) for children and adolescents with
J. T. Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, J. Dahl, G. Ljungman
Journal of Pain Research - 2019 -
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Promote Value Attainment Among Individuals with overweight: A multiple baseline
E. Wallin, T. Parling, Sandra Weineland, J. Dahl
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science - 2018 -
Internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological distress experienced by people with hearing problems: a pilot randomized controlled
Peter Molander, Hugo Hesser, Sandra Weineland, Kajsa Bergwall, Sonia Buck, Johan Jäder Malmlöf, Henning Lantz, Thomas Lunner, Gerhard Andersson
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2018 -
A preliminary validation of the Swedish short version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) for children and adolescents with
J. T. Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, J. Dahl, G. Ljungman
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science - 2018 -
Validation of the Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ) for parents of children with
J. T. Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, J. Dahl, G. Ljungman
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science - 2018 -
Effects of Tailored and ACT-Influenced Internet-Based CBT for Eating Disorders and the Relation Between Knowledge Acquisition and Outcome: A Randomized Controlled
Sandra Weineland, Ata Ghaderi, Hedvig Andersson, Nicole Parmskog, Emelie Hjort, Anna Svanberg Wärn, Maria Jannert, Gerhard Andersson
Behavior Therapy - 2017 -
Self-Reported Hedonism Predicts 12-Month Weight Loss After Roux-en-Y Gastric
Sven Alfonsson, Sandra Weineland, Magnus Sundbom
Obesity Surgery - 2017 -
Children’s and adolescents’ relationship to pain during cancer treatment: A preliminary validation of the pain flexibility scale for
Jenny Thorsell Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, Jo Anne Dahl, Gustaf Ljungman
Journal of Pain Research - 2017 -
Parents’ relationship to pain during children’s cancer treatment – a preliminary validation of the pain flexibility scale for
Jenny Thorsell Cederberg, Sandra Weineland, Joanne Dahl, Gustaf Ljungman
Journal of Pain Research - 2017 -
Using Acceptance and Mindfulness Approaches to Enhance Outcomes from Bariatric
Sandra Weineland, Lauren Bradley
Mindfulness and Acceptance for Treating Eating Disorders and Weight Concerns: Evidence-Based Interventions - 2016 -
Internet-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychological Distress Experienced by People With Hearing Problems: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled
Peter Molander, Hugo Hesser, Sandra Weineland, Kajsa Bergwall, Sonia Buck, Johan Hansson-Malmlöf, Henning Lantz, Thomas Lunner, Gerhard Andersson
American Journal of Audiology - 2015 -
Bridging the gap between hearing screening and successful rehabilitation: Research protocol of a randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing via
Sandra Weineland, Gerhard Andersson, Thomas Lunner, Per Carlbring, Hugo Hesser, Elisabeth Ingo, Peter Molander, Peter Nordqvist, Ariane Laplante-Lévesque
American Journal of Audiology - 2015 -
Do Experiential Avoidance and Emotional Eating Habits Predict Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery at a 2 years follow-up? A short
Sandra Weineland, Magnus Brogie, Joanne Dahl
The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy - 2015 -
A conceptual piece: contextualizing obesity
Sandra Weineland, Joanne Dahl
The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy - 2015 -
MIVI - Motivational interviewing via
Sandra Weineland
Internet Audiology conference; 2014. - 2014 -
Internet-delivered ACT for treating the psychological effects of hearing
Peter Molander, Sandra Weineland
Stockholm. Association for Contexutal behavioral science, Nordic - 2014 -
The diet trap - Feed Your Psychological Needs and End the Weight Loss Struggle Using Acceptance and Commitment
Jason. Lillis, JoAnne Dahl, Sandra Weineland
2014 -
Measuring experiential avoidance in a bariatric surgery population--psychometric properties of
Sandra Weineland, Jason Lillis, Joanne Dahl
Obesity research & clinical practice - 2013 -
Development and validation of a new questionnaire measuring eating disordered behaviours post bariatric
Sandra Weineland, Sven Alfonsson, Joanne Dahl, Ata Ghaderi
Clinical obesity - 2012 -
Acceptance and commitment therapy for bariatric surgery patients, a pilot
Sandra Weineland, Dag Arvidsson, Thanos P Kakoulidis, Joanne Dahl
Obesity research & clinical practice - 2012 -
Psychological flexibility and the gains of acceptance-based treatment for post-bariatric surgery: six-month follow-up and a test of the underlying
Sandra Weineland, S C Hayes, J Dahl
Clinical obesity - 2012 -
A contextual behavioral approach for obesity surgery
Sandra Weineland
2012 -
Acceptance and Commitment therapy via Internet after bariatric
Sandra Weineland
Hamburg. 16th Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders - 2011 -
Three Year Weight Loss Comparison between Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass at a Single
Thanos Kakoulidis, Sandra Weineland, Tina Gloaguen, Dag Arvidsson
Hamburg. 16th Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders - 2011 -
Using the Life Line and physical metaphors in conceptualization and treatment of chronic problems like pain and
Sandra Weineland, Emma Wallin, Jenny Thorsell, Anna Finnes, Linnea Molin, Jenny Thorsell Cederberg, Joanne Dahl
Parma. ACBS World Conference - 2011 -
Psychological flexibility a mediator of change in Internet delivered ACT therapy for bariatric surgery
Sandra Weineland, Steven C Hayes, Joanne Dahl
Parma, Italy: ACBS World Conference IX - 2011 -
Should patients with bmi 30-35 kg/m2 undergo laparoscopic sleeve
Thanos Kakoulidis, Sandra Weineland, Tina Gloaguen, Dag Arvidsson
Las Vegas. American Society for Metabolic and Obesity Surgery - 2010 -
Values in
Sandra Weineland, Joanne Dahl
Enschede. ACBS World Conference III - 2009