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- Ingmarie Skoglund
Ingmarie Skoglund
Universitetslektor, adjungerad
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa-
Inter-rater reliability of Centor score assessments between telemedicine and in-person examinations in patients with an acute sore
Patrycja Woldan-Gradalska, Wojciech Gradalski, Sikandar Moradi, Martin Franzelius, Sara Folkerman, Eva-Maria Fuchs, Frida Liljegren, Therese Karlsson, Halfdan Petursson, Anette Larsson, Ingmarie Skoglund, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Exploring the impact of mental and work-related stress on sick leave among middle-aged women: observations from the population study of women in Gothenburg,
Kirsten Mehlig, Amanda von Below, Kristina Holmgren, Cecilia Björkelund, Lauren Lissner, Ingmarie Skoglund, Magnus Hakeberg, Dominique Hange
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2024 -
Early structured communication between general practitioner, sick-listed patient, and employer: Results and lessons learned from a pragmatic trial in the Capacity Note
Paula Nordling, Chioma Nwaru, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Ingmarie Skoglund, Maria E H Larsson, Cecilia Björkelund, Gunnel Hensing
Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical
Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Lene Lunde, Anja Maria Brænd, Ivan Spehar, Sigurd Høye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Guro Haugen Fossum, Jørund Straand, Mette Bech Risør
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2024 -
The experiences of patients ill with COVID-19-like symptoms and the role of testing for SARS-CoV-2 in supporting them: A qualitative study in eight European countries during the first wave of the
M. E. Hoste, M. Wanat, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Boehmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Tonkin-Crine, S. Anthierens
European Journal of General Practice - 2023 -
“That’s probably how you would want care to be” - experiences of sick leave teams at a health center, a mixed method
E. Hällås, Ingmarie Skoglund, Lena Margareta Nordeman
BMC Primary Care - 2023 -
Experiences and management strategies of Norwegian GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal interview
S. R. Heltveit-Olsen, L. Lunde, A. M. Braend, I. Spehar, S. Hoye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, G. H. Fossum, J. Straand, M. B. Risor
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2023 -
Outcomes of psychiatric interviews and self-rated symptom scales in people on sick leave for common mental disorders: an observational
Sandra Af Winklerfelt Hammarberg, Jeanette Westman, Dominique Hange, Anna Finnes, Cecilia Björkelund, Jonas Hällgren, Ingmarie Skoglund, Anna Nager
BMJ open - 2022 -
Patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on the primary care consultations for acute respiratory infections during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an eight-country qualitative study in
M. Wanat, M. E. Hoste, N. H. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Böhmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, S. Hollerbach, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
BJGP Open - 2022 -
Decisions on antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults: a qualitative study in four European
E. A. R. Hartman, W. G. Groen, S. R. Heltveit-Olsen, Lindb, Lindb,, M. Aelig;K, S. Hoye, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ingmarie Skoglund, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny K Gunnarsson, A. Kowalczyk, M. Godycki-Cwirko, K. Kosiek, T. N. Platteel, A. C. Van De Pol, T. J. M. Verheij, A. A. Monnier, Cmpm Hertogh
Age and ageing - 2022 -
Associations between antidepressant therapy, work ability, and sick leave for patients with common mental disorders within a two-year perspective A longitudinal observational cohort study in Swedish primary
Dominique Hange, Nashmil Ariai, Cecilia Björkelund, Irene Svenningsson, Shabnam Nejati, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Pia Augustsson, Ingmarie Skoglund
Heliyon - 2021 -
Transformation of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences of healthcare professionals in eight European
M. Wanat, M. Hoste, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Bohmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, T. J. M. Verheij, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. Van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
British Journal of General Practice - 2021 -
Supporting Primary Care Professionals to Stay in Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Views on Personal Risk and Access to Testing During the First Wave of Pandemic in
M. Wanat, M. Hoste, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Bohmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
Frontiers in Medicine - 2021 -
Lycka och frustration i professionell svenska för utrikesfödda
Ingmarie Skoglund, Sylvi Vigmo
Högskolepedagogisk konferens, HKG2021, 23 november, Göteborgs universitet - 2021 -
Correspondence Between the Neuropsychiatric Interview M.I.N.I. and the BDI-II and MADRS-S Self-Rating Instruments as Diagnostic Tools in Primary Care Patients with
Shabnam Nejati, Nashmil Ariai, Cecilia Björkelund, Ingmarie Skoglund, Eva-Lisa Petersson, P. Augustsson, Dominique Hange, Irene Svenningsson
International Journal of General Medicine - 2020 -
Primary Care Peer-Supported Internet-Mediated Psychological Treatment for Adults With Anxiety Disorders: Mixed Methods
Linnea Nissling, Claudia Fahlke, Josefine Lilja, Ingmarie Skoglund, Sandra Weineland
JMIR formative research - 2020 -
Does early identification of high work related stress affect pharmacological treatment of primary care patients?-analysis of Swedish pharmacy dispensing data in a randomised control
P. J. Bjerkeli, Ingmarie Skoglund, Kristina Holmgren
Bmc Family Practice - 2020 -
Rational antibiotic prescribing in primary care: qualitative study of opportunities and
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ingmarie Skoglund, Maria Hess-Wargbaner, Christina Åhrén
BJGP Open - 2020 -
Influence of antidepressant therapy on sick leave in primary care: ADAS, a comparative observational
Ingmarie Skoglund, Cecilia Björkelund, Irene Svenningsson, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Pia Augustsson, Shabnam Nejati, Nashmil Ariai, Dominique Hange
Heliyon - 2019 -
A bridge over troubled water? A qualitative study of primary care patients' experiences of a rehabilitation
Ingmarie Skoglund, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Dominique Hange
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare - 2018 -
The rise and fall of the alveolar process: Dependency of teeth and metabolic
Grethe Jonasson, Ingmarie Skoglund, Marianne Rythén
Archives of Oral Biology - 2018 -
A randomized controlled trial comparing two ways of providing evidence-based drug information to
Ingmarie Skoglund, Cecilia Björkelund, Max Petzold, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Margareta Möller
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2013 -
Prescribing drugs in primary health care - Thoughts, information strategy and
Ingmarie Skoglund
2012 -
GPs' opinions of public and industrial information regarding drugs: a cross-sectional
Ingmarie Skoglund, Cecilia Björkelund, Kirsten Mehlig, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Margareta Möller
BMC health services research - 2011 -
GPs' thoughts on prescribing medication and evidence-based knowledge: the benefit aspect is a strong motivator. A descriptive focus group
Ingmarie Skoglund, Kerstin Segesten, Cecilia Björkelund
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2007