
Lars Walter


Gothenburg Research Institute, GRI
Viktoriagatan 13, plan 3
41125 Göteborg
Box 603
40530 Göteborg

Om Lars Walter

Lars Walter is associated professor at the school of business, Economics and Law. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His recent research focus has been on the organization of healthcare practices and particularly on the relation between performed actions, technology and the physical infrastructure. Some of his recent publication is “The role of organizational objects in construction projects: The case of the collapse and restoration of the Tjörn Bridge” in Construction Management and Economics (2014) together with Alexander Styhre; “Objects-in-Use and Organizing in Action Nets: A Case of an Infusion” in Journal of Management Inquiry (2013) together with Kajsa Lindberg and “Assembling Health Care Organizations. Practice, Materiality and Institutions” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) together with Kajsa Lindberg and Alexander Styhre.


  • Organsition theory
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management


  • Research method, HR Management and general management