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- Malin Hansson
Malin Hansson
Reproduktiv och perinatal hälsaOm Malin Hansson
Jag arbetar som forskare i BRAMÅ-projektet (BRa ArbetsMiljö Åt barnmorskor) Varför lämnar barnmorskor sitt arbete? – Nationell prospektiv kohortstudie för att identifiera arbetsmiljöfaktorer som predicerar arbetsbyte" som är finansierat av AFA.
Jag disputerade 2021 med avhandlingen "A meaningful work in a strained context - exploring midwives' work situation and professional role". Min forskning handlar om barnmorskors organisatoriska och psykosociala arbetssituation och deras professionella roll.
Work related indicators of midwives’ job satisfaction and the modifying effect of sense of coherence. A national cross-sectional study in
Malin Hansson, Monica Eriksson
Midwifery - 2025 -
Work and health-related determinants of midwives' intention to leave: Nationwide cross-sectional and prospective cohort studies in
Gunnel Hensing, Anna Dencker, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Malin Hansson
Midwifery - 2025 -
Living in a bubble with profound difficulties-parents' experiences of extremely preterm
Malin Hansson, Aldina Pivodic, Chatarina Löfqvist, Karin Sävman, Boubou Hallberg, David Ley, Eva Morsing, Pia Lundgren, Jenny Gyllén, Carola Pfeiffer Mosesson, Ann Hellström
Challenges of parenting children born before 24 weeks of
Aldina Pivodic, Malin Hansson, Chatarina Löfqvist, Karin Sävman, Anders Elfvin, Lena Jacobson, Lisa Dinkler, Boubou Hallberg, David Ley, Eva Morsing, Pia Lundgren, Jenny Gyllén, Carola Pfeiffer Mosesson, Ann Hellström
Acta Paediatrica - 2024 -
Women ' s experiences of remote video calls with a labour ward midwife during early
Viola Nyman, Ann Svensson, Malin Hansson, Anette Johnsson
Burnout among midwives—the factorial structure of the burnout assessment tool and an assessment of burnout levels in a Swedish national
Emina Hadžibajramović, Malin Hansson, Magnus Åkerström, Anna Dencker, Gunnel Hensing
BMC Health Services Research - 2022 -
Job satisfaction in midwives and its association with organisational and psychosocial factors at work: a nation-wide, cross-sectional
Malin Hansson, Anna Dencker, Ingela Lundgren, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Monica Eriksson, Gunnel Hensing
BMC health services research - 2022 -
Professional courage to maintain a meaningful work in a strained
Malin Hansson
https://nlnb22.com/oral-poster-presentations - 2022 -
Professional courage to create a pathway within midwives’ fields of
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, Anna Dencker, Monica Eriksson, Ing-Marie Carlsson
https://njfcongress.fi/abstracts-and-posters/ - 2022 -
Professional courage to create a pathway within midwives’ fields of work: a grounded theory
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, Anna Dencker, Monica Eriksson, Ing Marie Carlsson
BMC Health Services Research - 2021 -
Barnmorskans organisatoriska och psykosocial
Malin Hansson, Anna Dencker, Ingela Lundgren, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Monica Eriksson, Gunnel Hensing
https://sbfkonferens.se/ - 2021 -
A meaningful work in a strained context - exploring midwives' work situation and professional
Malin Hansson
2021 -
Work situation and professional role for midwives at a labour ward pre and post implementation of a midwifery model of care - A mixed method
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Anna Dencker, Charles Taft, Gunnel Hensing
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being - 2020 -
Veiled midwifery in the baby factory – Midwives marching to own drum - Other professions perspective of midwifery work in labour
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, Ing-Marie Carlsson
The 21st Congress of the Nordic federation of Midwives. Midwifery across borders. Reykjavik 2-4 maj 2019 - 2019 -
Work situation and professional role for midwives at a labour ward, pre and post the introduction of a midwifery model of
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Anna Dencker, Charles Taft, Gunnel Hensing
NJF Congress Reykjavik 2019 - 2019 -
Veiled midwifery in the baby factory - A grounded theory
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, I. M. Carlsson
Women and Birth - 2019 -
Veiled midwifery in the baby factory : The social pattern between other professions and
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, Ing-Marie Carlsson
CONFERENCE: Improving Maternal Health – From Evidence into Action, Dublin (October 23, 2018) - 2018 -
Midwives marching to own drum : other professions perspective of midwifery work in labour
Malin Hansson, Ingela Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing, Ing-Marie Carlsson
COST Action BIRTH Conference : Lisbon, Sept 17-18, 2018 - 2018 -
Factors contributing to separation/divorce in parents of small children in
Malin Hansson, Tone Ahlborg
Nordic Psychology - 2016 -
Quality of the intimate and sexual relationship in first-time parents – A longitudinal
Malin Hansson, Tone Ahlborg
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2012