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- Mathias Holm
Mathias Holm
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Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa-
Asthma and Asthma Symptoms Associated with Endometriosis and Dysmenorrhea in a Nordic-Baltic
Sanjay Gyawali, Cecilie Svanes, Anders Flataker Viken, Svein Magne Skulstad, Eva Lindberg, Nils Oskar Jogi, Mathias Holm, Vivi Schlunssen, Elin Helga Thorarinsdottir, Francisco Gomez Real, Marianne Lonnebotn
The more smoking the more cataract: A study on smoking, snus use and cataract in a Swedish
Moa Nordström, Madeleine Zetterberg, Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Mathias Holm
Heritability of cough across two generations: the RHINESSA
Össur Ingi Emilsson, Henrik Johansson, Ane Johannessen, Christer Janson, Andreas Palm, Karl A. Franklin, Anna Oudin, Francisco Gómez Real, Mathias Holm, Thorarinn Gislason, Eva Lindberg, Rain Jõgi, Vivi Schlünssen, Francisco Javier Callejas-González, Jingwen Zhang, Andrei Malinovschi, Cecilie Svanes, Magnus Ekström
ERJ Open Research - 2024 -
Contact sensitization and self-reported eczema in Swedish painters with occupational exposure to
Maria Edlund, Mathias Holm, Annica Inerot, Linda Långsved, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Lina Hagvall
Contact Dermatitis - 2024 -
Pregnancy outcomes as related to in utero exposure to air pollution and greenness: The Life-GAP
Robin M. Sinsamala, Ane Johannessen, Randi J. Bertelsen, Simone Accordini, Jorgen Brandt, Lise M. Frohn, Camilla Geels, Thorarinn Gislason, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Iana Markevych, Hans Orru, Francisco Gomez Real, Torben Sigsgaard, Svein M. Skulstad, Cecilie Svanes, Alessandro Marcon
An observational analysis on the influence of parental allergic rhinitis, asthma and smoking on exhaled nitric oxide in
S. Zaigham, R. J. Bertelsen, S. C. Dharmage, V. Schluenssen, N. O. Jogi, L. Palacios Gomez, Mathias Holm, A. Oudin, M. J. Abramson, T. Sigsgaard, R. Jogi, C. Svanes, A. C. Olin, B. Forsberg, C. Janson, E. Nerpin, A. Johannessen, A. Malinovschi
Associations of long-term exposure to air pollution and greenness with incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Northern Europe: The Life-GAP
Shanshan Xu, Alessandro Marcon, Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Jorgen Brandt, Lise Marie Frohn, Camilla Geels, Thorarinn Gislason, Joachim Heinrich, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Iana Markevych, Lars Modig, Hans Orru, Vivi Schlunssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Ane Johannessen
Gastroesophageal reflux and snoring are related to asthma and respiratory symptoms: Results from a Nordic longitudinal population
Rima Mir Fakhraei, Eva Lindberg, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Cecilie Svanes, Ane Johannessen, Mathias Holm, Lars Modig, Karl A. Franklin, Andrei Malinovschi, Thorarinn Gislason, Rain Jogi, Christine Cramer, Christer Janson, Ossuringi Emilsson
Impact of long-term exposure to ambient ozone on lung function over a course of 20 years (The ECRHS study): a prospective cohort study in
Tianyu Zhao, Iana Markevych, Elaine Fuertes, Kees de Hoogh, Simone Accordini, Anne Boudier, Lidia Casas, Bertil Forsberg, Judith Garcia Aymerich, Marco Gnesi, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Deborah Jarvis, Ane Johannessen, Rudolf A. Joerres, Stefan Karrasch, Benedicte Leynaert, Jose Antonio Maldonado Perez, Andrei Malinovschi, Jesus Martinez-Moratalla, Lars Modig, Dennis Nowak, James Potts, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Jose Luis Sanchez-Ramos, Valerie Siroux, Isabel Urrutia Landa, Danielle Vienneau, Simona Villani, Benedicte Jacquemin, Joachim Heinrich
Early life exposures contributing to accelerated lung function decline in adulthood – a follow-up study of 11,000 adults from the general
Jorunn Kirkeleit, Trond Riise, Mathias Wielscher, Simone Accordini, Anne Elie Carsin, Julie Dratva, Karl A. Franklin, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Deborah Jarvis, Benedicte Leynaert, Caroline J. Lodge, Francisco Gomez Real, Vivi Schlünssen, Angelo Guido Corsico, Joachim Heinrich, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Bryndis Benediktsdóttir, Rain Jogi, Shyamali C. Dharmage, Marjo Riitta Järvelin, Cecilie Svanes
eClinicalMedicine - 2023 -
Indoor Airborne Microbiome and Endotoxin: Meteorological Events and Occupant Characteristics Are Important
H. Amin, T. Santl-Temkiv, C. Cramer, K. Finster, F. G. Real, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, R. Jogi, A. Malinovschi, I. P. G. Marshall, L. Modig, D. Norback, R. Shigdel, T. Sigsgaard, C. Svanes, H. Thorarinsdottir, I. M. Wouters, V. Schlunssen, R. J. Bertelsen
Environmental Science and Technology - 2023 -
Maternal and paternal tuberculosis is associated with increased asthma and respiratory symptoms in their offspring: a study from Northern
S. Gyawali, J. P. Lopez-Cervantes, A. Johannessen, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, L. Modig, V. Schlunssen, T. Mustafa, C. Svanes
Frontiers in Allergy - 2023 -
Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and greenness and mortality in Northern Europe. The Life-GAP
S. S. Xu, A. Marcon, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Benediktsdottir, J. Brandt, K. Engemann, L. M. Frohn, C. Geels, T. Gislason, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, I. Markevych, L. Modig, H. Orru, V. Schlünssen, T. Sigsgaard, A. Johannessen
Environment International - 2023 -
Traffic noise in the bedroom in association with markers of obesity: a cross-sectional study and mediation analysis of the respiratory health in Northern Europe
T. Veber, A. Pyko, Hanne Krage Carlsen, Mathias Holm, T. Gislason, C. Janson, A. Johannessen, J. N. Sommar, L. Modig, E. Lindberg, V. Schlunssen, K. Toompere, H. Orru
BMC Public Health - 2023 -
Fathers' preconception smoking and offspring DNA
N. T. Kitaba, G. T. M. Knudsen, A. Johannessen, F. I. Rezwan, A. Malinovschi, A. Oudin, B. Benediktsdottir, D. Martino, F. J. C. Gonzalez, L. P. Gomez, Mathias Holm, N. O. Jogi, S. C. Dharmage, S. M. Skulstad, S. H. Watkins, M. Suderman, F. Gomez-Real, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes, J. W. Holloway
Clinical Epigenetics - 2023 -
Residential greenspace and lung function decline over 20 years in a prospective cohort: The ECRHS
I. Markevych, T. Y. Zhao, E. Fuertes, A. Marcon, P. Dadvand, D. Vienneau, J. G. Aymerich, D. Nowak, K. de Hoogh, D. Jarvis, M. J. Abramson, S. Accordini, A. F. S. Amaral, H. Bentouhami, R. J. Bertelsen, A. Boudier, R. Bono, G. Bowatte, L. Casas, S. C. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, M. Gnesi, Mathias Holm, B. Jacquemin, C. Janson, R. Jogi, A. Johannessen, D. Keidel, B. Leynaert, J. A. M. Perez, P. Marchetti, E. Migliore, J. Martinez-Moratalla, H. Orru, I. Pin, J. Potts, N. Probst-Hensch, A. Ranzi, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Siroux, D. Soussan, J. Sunyer, I. U. Landa, S. Villani, J. Heinrich
Environment International - 2023 -
Inflammatory bowel disease and asthma. Results from the RHINE
M. A. Kisiel, M. Sedvall, A. Malinovschi, K. A. Franklin, T. Gislason, V. Shlunssen, A. Johansson, L. Modig, R. Jogi, Mathias Holm, C. Svanes, L. Lindholdt, M. Carlson, C. Janson
Respiratory Medicine - 2023 -
Previous tuberculosis infection associated with increased frequency of asthma and respiratory symptoms in a Nordic-Baltic multicentre population
S. Gyawali, J. P. Lopez-Cervantes, N. O. Jogi, T. Mustafa, A. Johannessen, C. Janson, Mathias Holm, L. Modig, C. Cramer, T. Gislason, C. Svanes, R. Shigdel
ERJ Open Research - 2023 -
Association between abdominal and general obesity and respiratory symptoms, asthma and COPD. Results from the RHINE
M. A. Kisiel, O. Arnfelt, E. Lindberg, O. Jogi, A. Malinovschi, A. Johannessen, B. Benediktsdottir, K. Franklin, Mathias Holm, F. G. Real, T. Sigsgaard, T. Gislason, L. Modig, C. Janson
Respiratory Medicine - 2023 -
Long-term effect of asthma on the development of obesity among adults: an international cohort study,
S. Moitra, A. E. Carsin, M. J. Abramson, S. Accordini, A. F. S. Amaral, J. Anto, R. Bono, L. C. Ruiz, I. Cerveri, L. Chatzi, P. Demoly, S. Dorado-Arenas, B. Forsberg, F. Gilliland, T. Gislason, J. A. Gullon, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, F. G. Real, D. Jarvis, B. Leynaert, D. Nowak, N. Probst-Hensch, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, C. Raherison-Semjen, V. Siroux, S. Guerra, M. Kogevinas, J. Garcia-Aymerich
Thorax - 2023 -
Clinical Remission of Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis- in a Longitudinal Population
J. Heldin, A. Malinovschi, A. Johannessen, K. Alving, Mathias Holm, K. A. Franklin, B. Forsberg, V. Schlunssen, R. Jogi, T. Gislason, B. Benediktsdottir, C. Svanes, C. Janson
Journal of Asthma and Allergy - 2022 -
Premature menopause and autoimmune primary ovarian insufficiency in two international multi-center
E. C. Vogt, F. G. Real, E. S. Husebye, S. Bjornsdottir, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, P. Demoly, K. A. Franklin, L. S. D. Gallastegui, F. J. C. Gonzalez, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, N. O. Jogi, B. Leynaert, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, J. Martinez-Moratalla, R. G. Mayoral, A. Oudin, A. Pereira-Vega, C. R. Semjen, V. Schlunssen, K. Triebner, M. Oksnes
Endocrine Connections - 2022 -
The value of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in occupational diseases - a systematic
M. R. Otelea, A. K. M. Fell, C. M. Handra, Mathias Holm, F. L. Filon, D. Mijakovski, J. Minov, A. Mutu, E. Stephanou, Z. A. Stokholm, S. Stoleski, V. Schlunssen
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology - 2022 -
Pseudophakia and Lens Opacities in 70-Year-Olds in Gothenburg, Sweden; Gender Differences, Impact on Self-Reported Visual Function and Validation of Self-Reported Cataract and
Moa Nordström, Mathias Holm, Lena Havstam Johansson, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Falk Erhag, Ingmar Skoog, Madeleine Zetterberg
Clinical Ophthalmology - 2022 -
Female sex hormones and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in European women of a population-based
E. S. Sigurðardóttir, T. Gislason, B. Benediktsdottir, S. Hustad, P. Dadvand, P. Demoly, K. A. Franklin, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, D. A. van der Plaat, R. Jõgi, B. Leynaert, E. Lindberg, J. Martinez-Moratalla, L. S. De Aja, G. Pesce, I. Pin, C. Raherison, A. Pereira-Vega, F. G. Real, K. Triebner
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Occupational Asthma: The Knowledge Needs for a Better
F. Rui, M. R. Otelea, A. K. Mø Fell, S. Stoleski, D. Mijakoski, Mathias Holm, V. Schlünssen, F. Larese Filon
Annals of work exposures and health - 2022 -
Breathlessness across generations: Results from the RHINESSA generation
M. Ekström, A. Johannessen, M. J. Abramson, B. Benediktsdottir, K. Franklin, T. Gislason, F. Gómez Real, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, A. Lowe, A. Malinovschi, J. Martínez-Moratalla, A. Oudin, J. L. Sánchez-Ramos, V. Schlünssen, C. Svanes
Thorax - 2022 -
Asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in association with home environment-The RHINE study
J. Wang, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi, Mathias Holm, K. A. Franklin, L. Modig, A. Johannessen, V. Schluenssen, T. Gislason, N. O. Jogi, D. Norback
The effect of farming environment on asthma; time dependent or
M. K. Madsen, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes, A. Johannessen, N. O. Jogi, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, A. Pereira-Vega, A. J. Lowe, K. A. Franklin, A. Malinovschi, T. Sigsgaard, M. J. Abramson, R. Bertelsen, A. Oudin, T. Gislason, S. Timm
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2022 -
Cohort profile: the multigeneration Respiratory Health in Northern Europe, Spain and Australia (RHINESSA)
C. Svanes, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, S. Dharmage, B. Benediktsdottir, L. Braback, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, O. Jogi, C. J. Lodge, A. Malinovschi, J. Martinez-Moratalla, A. Oudin, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, S. Timm, C. Janson, F. G. Real, V. Schlunssen, Rhinessa Int Collaboration Rhinessa Int Collaboration
Bmj Open - 2022 -
Parental Prepuberty Overweight and Offspring Lung
M. Lonnebotn, L. Calciano, A. Johannessen, D. L. Jarvis, M. J. Abramson, B. Benediktsdottir, L. Braback, K. A. Franklin, R. Godoy, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, J. Kirkeleit, A. Malinovschi, A. Pereira-Vega, V. Schlunssen, S. C. Dharmage, S. Accordini, F. G. Real, C. Svanes
Nutrients - 2022 -
Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring
G. Tjalvin, O. Svanes, J. Igland, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Benediktsdottir, S. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, A. Johannessen, A. Malinovschi, K. Pape, F. G. Real, T. Sigsgaard, Kjell Torén, H. K. Vindenes, J. P. Zock, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2022 -
Lifelong exposure to residential greenspace and the premenstrual syndrome: A population-based study of Northern European
K. Triebner, I. Markevych, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Sved Skottvoll, S. Hustad, B. Forsberg, K. A. Franklin, Mathias Holm, E. Lindberg, J. Heinrich, F. Gómez Real, P. Dadvand
Environment International - 2022 -
Novel non-invasive particles in exhaled air method to explore the lining fluid of small airways-a European population-based cohort
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Björn Bake, Mathias Holm, Össur Emilsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ open respiratory research - 2021 -
The risk of respiratory tract infections and antibiotic use in a general population and among people with
M. A. Kisiel, X. Zhou, E. Björnsson, Mathias Holm, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, J. Wang, C. Svanes, D. Norbäck, K. A. Franklin, A. Malinovschi, A. Johannessen, V. Schlünssen, C. Janson
ERJ Open Research - 2021 -
Prevalence, progression and impact of chronic cough on employment in Northern
H. Johansson, A. Johannessen, Mathias Holm, B. Forsberg, V. Schlünssen, R. Jõgi, M. Clausen, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, Ö I. Emilsson
European Respiratory Journal - 2021 -
A prospective study on the role of smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, indoor painting and living in old or new buildings on asthma, rhinitis and respiratory
J. Wang, C. Janson, R. Jogi, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, A. Malinovschi, T. Sigsgaard, V. Schlünssen, C. Svanes, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, K. A. Franklin, D. Norbäck
Environmental Research - 2021 -
Nasal symptoms increase the risk of snoring and snoring increases the risk of nasal symptoms. A longitudinal population
Maria Värendh, Christer Janson, Caroline Bengtsson, Johan Hellgren, Mathias Holm, Vivi Schlünssen, Ane Johannessen, Karl Franklin, Torgeir Storaas, Rain Jõgi, Thorarinn Gislason, Eva Lindberg
Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung - 2021 -
Lifelong exposure to air pollution and greenness in relation to asthma, rhinitis and lung function in
I. Nordeide Kuiper, C. Svanes, I. Markevych, S. Accordini, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Bråbäck, J. Heile Christensen, B. Forsberg, T. Halvorsen, J. Heinrich, O. Hertel, G. Hoek, Mathias Holm, K. de Hoogh, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi, A. Marcon, R. Miodini Nilsen, T. Sigsgaard, A. Johannessen
Environmental International - 2021 -
Prenatal and prepubertal exposures to tobacco smoke in men may cause lower lung function in future offspring: a three-generation study using a causal modelling
S. Accordini, L. Calciano, A. Johannessen, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Braback, S. C. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, F. G. Real, J. W. Holloway, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, R. Jogi, A. Malinovschi, A. Marcon, J. M. M. Rovira, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, Kjell Torén, D. Jarvis, C. Svanes, Article, Article,
European Respiratory Journal - 2021 -
Dampness and mold at home and at work and onset of insomnia symptoms, snoring and excessive daytime
J. Wang, C. Janson, E. Lindberg, Mathias Holm, T. Gislason, B. Benediktsdóttir, A. Johannessen, V. Schlünssen, R. Jogi, K. A. Franklin, D. Norbäck
Environment International - 2020 -
Does parental farm upbringing influence the risk of asthma in offspring? A three-generation
S. Timm, C. Svanes, M. Frydenberg, T. Sigsgaard, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, L. Braback, B. Campbell, M. K. Madsen, N. O. Jogi, R. Jogi, Linus Schiöler, R. J. Bertelsen, A. Johannessen, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, J. Martinez-Moretalla, J. Dratva, S. Dharmage, V. Schlunssen
International journal of epidemiology - 2020 -
Parents' smoking onset before conception as related to body mass index and fat mass in adult offspring: Findings from the RHINESSA generation
G. T. M. Knudsen, S. Dharmage, C. Janson, M. J. Abramson, B. Benediktsdottir, A. Malinovschi, S. M. Skulstad, R. J. Bertelsen, F. G. Real, V. Schlunssen, N. O. Jogi, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, Mathias Holm, J. Garcia-Aymerich, B. Forsberg, C. Svanes, A. Johannessen
Plos One - 2020 -
Describing the status of reproductive ageing simply and precisely: A reproductive ageing score based on three questions and validated with hormone
K. Triebner, A. Johannessen, C. Svanes, B. Leynaert, B. Benediktsdottir, P. Demoly, S. C. Dharmage, K. A. Franklin, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, D. Jarvis, E. Lindberg, J. M. M. Rovira, N. M. Agirre, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, S. M. Skulstad, S. Hustad, F. J. Rodriguez, F. G. Real
PLoS ONE - 2020 -
Smokers with insomnia symptoms are less likely to stop
S. A. Hagg, M. Ljunggren, C. Janson, Mathias Holm, K. A. Franklin, T. Gislason, A. Johannessen, R. Jogi, Anna-Carin Olin, V. Schlunssen, E. Lindberg
Respiratory Medicine - 2020 -
Associations of Preconception Exposure to Air Pollution and Greenness with Offspring Asthma and Hay
I. N. Kuiper, I. Markevych, S. Accordini, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Braback, J. H. Christensen, B. Forsberg, T. Halvorsen, J. Heinrich, O. Hertel, G. Hoek, Mathias Holm, K. de Hoogh, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi, A. Marcon, T. Sigsgaard, C. Svanes, A. Johannessen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2020 -
Pharmacological treatment of asthma in a cohort of adults during a 20-year period: results from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey I, II and
Christer Janson, Simone Accordini, Lucia Cazzoletti, Isa Cerveri, Sebastien Chanoine, Angelo Corsico, Diogenes Seraphim Ferreira, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, David Gislason, Rune Nielsen, Ane Johannessen, Rain Jogi, Andrei Malinovschi, Jesus Martinez-Moratalla Rovira, Alessandro Marcon, Isabelle Pin, Jennifer Quint, Valerie Siroux, Enrique Almar, Valeria Bellisario, Karl A. Franklin, Jose A. Gullon, Mathias Holm, Joachim Heinrich, Dennis Nowak, Jose Luis Sanchez-Ramos, Joost J. Weyler, Deborah Jarvis
The Gothenburg H70 Birth cohort study 2014-16: design, methods and study
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Felicia Ahlner, Kaj Blennow, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Hanna Falk, Lena Havstam Johansson, Maria Hoff, Mathias Holm, Helena M Hörder, Tina Jacobsson, Boo Johansson, Lena Johansson, Jürgen Kern, Silke Kern, Alejandra Machado, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Johan Nilsson, Mats Ribbe, Elisabeth Rothenberg, Lina Rydén, André M. Sadeghi, Simona Sacuiu, Jessica Samuelsson, Robert Sigström, Johan Skoog, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Margda Waern, Eric Westman, Hanna Wetterberg, Henrik Zetterberg, Madeleine Zetterberg, Anna Zettergren, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
European journal of epidemiology - 2019 -
Residential surrounding greenspace and age at menopause: A 20-year European study
Kai Triebner, Iana Markevych, Steinar Hustad, Bryndís Benediktsdóttir, Bertil Forsberg, Karl A. Franklin, José Antonio Gullón Blanco, Mathias Holm, Bénédicte Jaquemin, Debbie Jarvis, Rain Jõgi, Bénédicte Leynaert, Eva Lindberg, Jesús Martínez-Moratalla, Nerea Muniozguren Agirre, Isabelle Pin, José Luis Sánchez-Ramos, Joachim Heinrich, Francisco Gómez Real, Payam Dadvand
Environment International - 2019 -
Incident chronic rhinosinusitis is associated with impaired sleep quality: Results of the RhiNE
C. Bengtsson, L. Jonsson, M. Holmström, Johan Hellgren, K. Franklin, T. Gíslason, Mathias Holm, A. Johannessen, R. Jõgi, V. Schlünssen, C. Janson, E. Lindberg
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine - 2019 -
Asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids: associations with hospitalisations with
E. Ekbom, J. Quint, Linus Schiöler, A. Malinovschi, K. Franklin, Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, E. Lindberg, D. Jarvis, C. Janson
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2019 -
Dampness, mould, onset and remission of adult respiratory symptoms, asthma and
J. Wang, M. Pindus, C. Janson, T. Sigsgaard, Jeong-Lim Kim, Mathias Holm, J. Sommar, H. Orru, T. Gislason, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, D. Norback
European Respiratory Journal - 2019 -
Agreement of offspring-reported parental smoking status: the RHINESSA generation
K. Pape, C. Svanes, A. Malinovschi, B. Benediktsdottir, C. Lodge, C. Janson, J. Moratalla, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, L. Braback, Mathias Holm, R. Joegi, R. J. Bertelsen, T. Sigsgaard, A. Johannessen, V. Schlunssen
BMC Public Health - 2019 -
Exogenous female sex steroids may reduce lung ageing after menopause: A 20-year follow-up study of a general population sample
K. Triebner, S. Accordini, L. Calciano, A. Johannessen, B. Benediktsdóttir, E. Bifulco, P. Demoly, S. C. Dharmage, K. A. Franklin, J. Garcia-Aymerich, J. A. Gullón Blanco, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, D. Jarvis, R. Jõgi, E. Lindberg, J. Martínez-Moratalla, N. Muniozguren Agirre, I. Pin, N. Probst-Hensch, C. Raherison, J. L. Sánchez-Ramos, V. Schlünssen, C. Svanes, S. Hustad, B. Leynaert, F. Gómez Real
Maturitas - 2019 -
A three-generation study on the association of tobacco smoking with
S. Accordini, L. Calciano, A. Johannessen, L. Portas, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Braback, A. E. Carsin, S. C. Dharmage, J. Dratva, B. Forsberg, F. G. Real, J. Heinrich, J. W. Holloway, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, B. Leynaert, A. Malinovschi, A. Marcon, J. M. Rovira, C. Raherison, J. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, R. Bono, A. G. Corsico, P. Demoly, S. Arenas, D. Nowak, I. Pin, J. Weyler, D. Jarvis, C. Svanes
International Journal of Epidemiology - 2018 -
Trends in smoking initiation in Europe over 40 years: A retrospective cohort
A. Marcon, G. Pesce, L. Calciano, V. Bellisario, S. C. Dharmage, J. Garcia-Aymerich, T. Gislasson, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, D. Jarvis, B. Leynaert, M. C. Matheson, P. Pirina, C. Svanes, S. Villani, T. Zuberbier, C. Minelli, S. Accordini
Plos One - 2018 -
Asthma and COPD overlap (ACO) is related to a high burden of sleep disturbance and respiratory symptoms: Results from the RHINE and Swedish GA(2)LEN
S. Mindus, A. Malinovschi, Linda Ekerljung, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, R. Jogi, K. A. Franklin, Mathias Holm, A. Johannessen, R. Middelveld, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes, K. Toren, E. Lindberg, C. Janson
Plos One - 2018 -
Agreement in reporting of asthma by parents or offspring - the RHINESSA generation
I. N. Kuiper, C. Svanes, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Braback, S. C. Dharmage, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, A. Malinovschi, M. Matheson, J. M. Moratalla, F. G. Real, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, S. Timm, A. Johannessen
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2018 -
Predictors of smoking cessation: A longitudinal study in a large cohort of
Mathias Holm, Linus Schiöler, Eva Andersson, Bertil Forsberg, Thorarinn Gislason, Christer Janson, Rain Jogi, Vivi Schlünssen, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén
Respiratory medicine - 2017 -
Exhaled Particles After a Standardized Breathing
Björn Bake, Evert Ljungström, Annika Claesson, Hanne Krage Carlsen, Mathias Holm, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery - 2017 -
Father's environment before conception and asthma risk in his children: a multi-generation analysis of the Respiratory Health In Northern Europe
C. Svanes, J. Koplin, S. M. Skulstad, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Benediktsdottir, L. Braback, A. E. Carsin, S. Dharmage, J. Dratva, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, D. Jarvis, R. Jogi, S. Krauss-Etschmann, E. Lindberg, F. Macsali, A. Malinovschi, L. Modig, D. Norback, E. Omenaas, E. W. Saure, T. Sigsgaard, T. D. Skorge, O. Svanes, Kjell Torén, C. Torres, V. Schlunssen, F. G. Real
International Journal of Epidemiology - 2017 -
Menopause Is Associated with Accelerated Lung Function
K. Triebner, B. Matulonga, A. Johannessen, S. Suske, B. Benediktsdottir, P. Demoly, S. C. Dharmage, K. A. Franklin, J. Garcia-Aymerich, J. A. G. Blanco, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, D. Jarvis, R. Jogi, E. Lindberg, J. M. M. Rovira, N. M. Agirre, I. Pin, N. Probst-Hensch, L. Puggini, C. Raherison, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, J. Sunyer, C. Svanes, S. Hustad, B. Leynaert, F. G. Real, Lofoten Norway V. P. G
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - 2017 -
Indicators of residential traffic exposure: Modelled NOX, traffic proximity, and self-reported exposure in RHINE
Hanne Krage Carlsen, E. Bäck, K. Eneroth, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, S. S. Jensen, A. Johannessen, M. Kaasik, L. Modig, D. Segersson, T. Sigsgaard, B. Forsberg, D. Olsson, H. Orru
Atmospheric Environment - 2017 -
Impact of occupational exposures on exacerbation of asthma: a population-based asthma cohort
Jeong-Lim Kim, Paul K Henneberger, Susanna Lohman, Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, Mathias Holm
BMC pulmonary medicine - 2016 -
Menopause as a predictor of new-onset asthma: A longitudinal Northern European population
K. Triebner, A. Johannessen, L. Puggini, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, E. Bifulco, S. C. Dharmage, J. Dratva, K. A. Franklin, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, D. Jarvis, B. Leynaert, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, F. Macsali, D. Norback, E. R. Omenaas, F. J. Rodriguez, E. Saure, V. Schlunssen, T. Sigsgaard, T. D. Skorge, G. Wieslander, E. Zemp, C. Svanes, S. Hustad, F. G. Real
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2016 -
Incidence of new-onset wheeze: a prospective study in a large middle-aged general
Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2015 -
Respiratory Health in Cleaners in Northern Europe: Is Susceptibility Established in Early
O. Svanes, T. D. Skorge, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, M. Bratveit, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, R. Jogi, F. Macsali, D. Norback, E. R. Omenaas, F. G. Real, V. Schlunssen, T. Sigsgaard, G. Wieslander, J. P. Zock, T. Aasen, J. Dratva, C. Svanes
Plos One - 2015 -
Longterm follow-up in European respiratory health studies : patterns and
Ane Johannessen, Giuseppe Verlato, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Bertil Forsberg, Karl Franklin, Thorsteinn Gislason, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Rain Jögi, Eva Lindberg, Ferenc Macsali, Ernst Omenaas, Francisco G Real, Eirunn W Saure, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Trude D Skorge, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén, Marie Waatevik, Roy M Nilsen, Roberto de Marco
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2014 -
Incidence of chronic bronchitis: a prospective study in a large general
Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2014 -
Place of upbringing in early childhood as related to inflammatory bowel diseases in adulthood: a population-based cohort study in Northern
S. Timm, C. Svanes, C. Janson, T. Sigsgaard, A. Johannessen, T. Gislason, R. Jogi, E. Omenaas, B. Forsberg, Kjell Torén, Mathias Holm, L. Braback, V. Schlunssen
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2014 -
Occupational Exposure and New-onset Asthma in a Population-based Study in Northern Europe
Linnea Lillienberg, Eva Andersson, Christer Janson, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Bertil Forsberg, Mathias Holm, Thorarinn Glslason, Rain Jögi, Ernst Omenaas, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén
Annals of Occupational Hygiene - 2013 -
Menstrual Cycle and Respiratory Symptoms in a General Nordic-Baltic
F. Macsali, C. Svanes, R. B. Sothern, B. Benediktsdottirs, L. Bjorge, J. Dratva, K. A. Franklin, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, A. Johannessen, E. Lindberg, E. R. Omenaas, V. Schlunssen, E. Zemp, F. G. Real
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - 2013 -
Incidence and prevalence of chronic bronchitis: impact of smoking and welding. The RHINE
Mathias Holm, Jeong-Lim Kim, Linnea Lillienberg, T Storaas, R Jögi, C Svanes, V Schlünssen, B Forsberg, T Gíslason, C Janson, Kjell Torén
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2012 -
Respiratory health effects and exposure to superabsorbent polymer and paper dust - an epidemiological
Mathias Holm, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Kjell Torén
BMC public health - 2011 -
Acute effects after occupational endotoxin exposure at a
Mathias Holm, Sandra Johannesson, Kjell Torén, Anna Dahlman-Höglund
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health - 2009 -
Remission of asthma: a prospective longitudinal study from northern Europe (RHINE
Mathias Holm, E. Omenaas, T. Gislason, C. Svanes, R. Jogi, E. Norrman, C. Janson, Kjell Torén
Eur Respir J - 2007 -
Dynamic expression of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and duodenal mucosal alkaline secretion in the Sprague-Dawley
Sara Ewert, Tomas Sjöberg, Berndt Johansson, Albert Duvetorp, Mathias Holm, Lars Fändriks
Experimental Physiology - 2006 -
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of the first selective nonpeptide AT2 receptor
Y. Wan, C. Wallinder, B. Plouffe, H. Beaudry, A. K. Mahalingam, X. Wu, Berndt Johansson, Mathias Holm, M. Botoros, A. Karlen, Anders Pettersson, F. Nyberg, Lars Fändriks, N. Gallo-Payet, A. Hallberg, M. Alterman
J Med Chem - 2004 -
First reported nonpeptide AT1 receptor agonist (L-162,313) acts as an AT2 receptor agonist in
Y. Wan, C. Wallinder, Berndt Johansson, Mathias Holm, A. K. Mahalingam, X. Wu, M. Botros, A. Karlen, Anders Pettersson, F. Nyberg, Lars Fändriks, A. Hallberg, M. Alterman
J Med Chem - 2004 -
The bradykinin BK2 receptor mediates angiotensin II receptor type 2 stimulated rat duodenal mucosal alkaline
Sara Ewert, Berndt Johansson, Mathias Holm, Herbert F Helander, Lars Fändriks
BMC physiology - 2003 -
Angiotensin II type 2 receptor-mediated duodenal mucosal alkaline secretion in the
Berndt Johansson, Mathias Holm, Sara Ewert, Anna Casselbrant, Anders Pettersson, Lars Fändriks
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology - 2001 -
Dynamic Involvement of the Inducible Type of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Acid-Induced Duodenal Mucosal Alkaline Secretion in the
Mathias Holm, Theresa L Powell, Anna Casselbrant, Berndt Johansson, Lars Fändriks
Digestive Diseases and Sciences - 2001 -
Tonometric assessment of jejunal mucosal nitric oxide formation in anaesthetized
Johan Snygg, Anna Casselbrant, Anders Pettersson, Mathias Holm, Lars Fändriks, Anders Åneman
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica - 2000