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- Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa-
Audit and Feedback Interventions for Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and
Alice X. T. Xu, Kevin Brown, Kevin L. Schwartz, Soheila Aghlmandi, Sarah Alderson, Jamie C. Brehaut, Benjamin C. Brown, Heiner C. Bucher, Janet Clarkson, An De Sutter, Nick A. Francis, Jeremy Grimshaw, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Michael Hallsworth, Lars Hemkens, Sigurd Hoye, Tasneem Khan, Donna M. Lecky, Felicia Leung, Jeremy Leung, Morten Lindbaek, Jeffrey A. Linder, Carl Llor, Paul Little, Denise O'Connor, Celine Pulcini, Kalisha Ramlackhan, Craig R. Ramsay, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Monica Taljaard, Pia Touboul Lundgren, Akke Vellinga, Jan Y. Verbakel, Theo J. Verheij, Carl Wikberg, Noah Ivers
Is Streptococcus pyogenes a pathogen or passenger in uncomplicated acute sore throat? A systematic review and
Patrycja Woldan-Gradalska, Wojciech Gradalski, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Karin Rystedt
International Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2024 -
Inter-rater reliability of Centor score assessments between telemedicine and in-person examinations in patients with an acute sore
Patrycja Woldan-Gradalska, Wojciech Gradalski, Sikandar Moradi, Martin Franzelius, Sara Folkerman, Eva-Maria Fuchs, Frida Liljegren, Therese Karlsson, Halfdan Petursson, Anette Larsson, Ingmarie Skoglund, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Implementation of a tailored multifaceted antibiotic stewardship intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing for urinary tract infections in frail older adults (ImpresU) in four European countries: a process evaluation alongside a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled
Esther A. R. Hartman, Wim G. Groen, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Morten Lindbaek, Sigurd Hoye, Sara Sofia Lithen, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Sofia Sundvall, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciej Godycki-Cwirko, Alma C. van de Pol, Tamara N. Platteel, Annelie A. Monnier, Theo J. M. Verheij, Cees M. P. M. Hertogh
Trials - 2024 -
Diagnostic methods and written advice for acute otitis media in primary health
Veronica Frey Esgard, Ida Lindman, Anja Maria Braend, Guro Haugen Fossum, Thorbjoern Lundberg, Anna Moberg, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Chrysoula Papachristodoulou, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical
Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Lene Lunde, Anja Maria Brænd, Ivan Spehar, Sigurd Høye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Guro Haugen Fossum, Jørund Straand, Mette Bech Risør
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2024 -
Agreement between rapid antigen detection test and culture for group A streptococcus in patients recently treated for pharyngotonsillitis-a prospective observational study in primary
Karin Rystedt, K. Hedin, M. Tyrstrup, G. Skoog-Stahlgren, C. Edlund, C. G. Giske, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2023 -
Cost-effectiveness of adding oseltamivir to primary care for influenza-like-illness: economic evaluation alongside the randomised controlled ALIC(4)E trial in 15 European
X. Li, J. Bilcke, A. W. van der Velden, R. Bruyndonckx, S. Coenen, E. Bongard, M. de Paor, S. Chlabicz, M. Godycki-Cwirko, N. Francis, R. Aabenhus, H. C. Bucher, A. Colliers, A. De Sutter, A. Garcia-Sangenis, D. Glinz, N. J. Harbin, K. Kosiek, M. Lindbaek, C. Lionis, C. Llor, R. Miko-Pauer, R. R. Jurgute, B. Seifert, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, P. T. Lundgren, N. Tsakountakis, T. J. Verheij, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, P. Beutels
European Journal of Health Economics - 2023 -
The experiences of patients ill with COVID-19-like symptoms and the role of testing for SARS-CoV-2 in supporting them: A qualitative study in eight European countries during the first wave of the
M. E. Hoste, M. Wanat, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Boehmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Tonkin-Crine, S. Anthierens
European Journal of General Practice - 2023 -
Effect of a multifaceted antibiotic stewardship intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults (ImpresU): pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in four European
Esther A R Hartman, Alma C van de Pol, Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Morten Lindbæk, Sigurd Høye, Sara Sofia Lithén, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Sofia Sundvall, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Anna Kowalczyk, Maciek Godycki-Cwirko, Tamara N Platteel, Wim G Groen, Annelie A Monnier, Nicolaas P Zuithoff, Theo J M Verheij, Cees M P M Hertogh
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) - 2023 -
Best practice guidance for antibiotic audit and feedback interventions in primary care: a modified Delphi study from the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial resistance: Primary Care Antibiotic Audit and Feedback Network
K. L. Schwartz, A. X. T. Xu, S. Alderson, L. Bjerrum, J. Brehaut, B. C. Brown, H. C. Bucher, A. De Sutter, N. Francis, J. Grimshaw, Ronny K Gunnarsson, S. Hoye, N. Ivers, D. M. Lecky, M. Lindbaek, J. A. Linder, P. Little, B. O. Michalsen, D. O'Connor, C. Pulcini, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, P. T. Lundgren, J. Y. Verbakel, T. J. Verheij
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - 2023 -
Regional and national antimicrobial stewardship activities: a survey from the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance-Primary Care Antibiotic Audit and Feedback Network
B. O. Michalsen, A. X. T. Xu, S. L. Alderson, L. Bjerrum, J. Brehaut, H. C. Bucher, J. Clarkson, E. Duncan, J. Grimshaw, Ronny K Gunnarsson, S. Hoye, N. Ivers, D. M. Lecky, M. Lindbaek, C. Llor, P. T. Lundgren, D. O'Connor, C. Pulcini, C. Ramsay, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, T. Verheij, K. L. Schwartz, Paan Jpiamr
Jac-Antimicrobial Resistance - 2023 -
Best management of patients with an acute sore throat - a critical analysis of current evidence and a consensus of experts from different countries and
Ronny K Gunnarsson, M. Ebell, R. Centor, P. Little, T. Verheij, M. Lindbaek, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Infectious Diseases - 2023 -
Experiences and management strategies of Norwegian GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal interview
S. R. Heltveit-Olsen, L. Lunde, A. M. Braend, I. Spehar, S. Hoye, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, G. H. Fossum, J. Straand, M. B. Risor
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2023 -
Effects of penicillin V on the faecal microbiota in patients with pharyngotonsillitis-an observational
Karin Rystedt, P. Edquist, C. G. Giske, K. Hedin, M. Tyrstrup, G. S. Stahlgren, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, C. Edlund
JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance (JAC-AMR) - 2023 -
Clinical course of pharyngotonsillitis with group A streptococcus treated with different penicillin V strategies, divided in groups of Centor Score 3 and 4: a prospective study in primary
D. Tell, M. Tyrstrup, C. Edlund, Karin Rystedt, G. S. Stahlgren, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, K. Hedin
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2022 -
Methenamine hippurate to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in older women: protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Anna Kowalczyk, MacIek Godycki-Cwirko, Tamara N. Platteel, Hilde A.M. Koning, Wim G. Groen, Christina Åhrén, Nils Grude, Theo J.M. Verheij, Cees M.P.M. Hertogh, Morten Lindbaek, Sigurd Hoye
BMJ Open - 2022 -
Clinical presentation, microbiological aetiology and disease course in patients with flu-like illness: A post hoc analysis of randomised controlled trial
T. J. Verheij, D. Cianci, A. W. Van der Velden, C. C. Butler, E. Bongard, S. Coenen, A. Colliers, N. A. Francis, P. Little, M. Godycki-Cwirko, C. Llor, S. Chlabicz, C. Lionis, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, L. Bjerrum, A. De Sutter, R. Aabenhus, N. J. Harbin, M. Lindbak, D. Glinz, H. C. Bucher, B. Kovacs, B. Seifert, R. R. Jurgute, P. T. Lundgren, M. De Paor, V. Matheeussen, H. Goossens, M. Ieven
British Journal of General Practice - 2022 -
Patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on the primary care consultations for acute respiratory infections during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an eight-country qualitative study in
M. Wanat, M. E. Hoste, N. H. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Böhmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, S. Hollerbach, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
BJGP Open - 2022 -
Clinical prediction of laboratory-confirmed influenza in adults with influenza-like illness in primary care. A randomized controlled trial secondary analysis in 15 European
D. Ouchi, A. Garcia-Sangenis, A. Moragas, A. W. van der Velden, T. J. Verheij, C. C. Butler, E. Bongard, S. Coenen, J. Cook, N. A. Francis, M. Godycki-Cwirko, P. T. Lundgren, C. Lionis, R. R. Jurgute, S. Chlabicz, A. De Sutter, H. C. Bucher, B. Seifert, B. Kovacs, M. de Paor, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, R. Aabenhus, N. J. Harbin, G. Ieven, H. Goossens, M. Lindbaek, L. Bjerrum, C. Llor
Family Practice - 2022 -
Decisions on antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults: a qualitative study in four European
E. A. R. Hartman, W. G. Groen, S. R. Heltveit-Olsen, Lindb, Lindb,, M. Aelig;K, S. Hoye, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ingmarie Skoglund, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, Ronny K Gunnarsson, A. Kowalczyk, M. Godycki-Cwirko, K. Kosiek, T. N. Platteel, A. C. Van De Pol, T. J. M. Verheij, A. A. Monnier, Cmpm Hertogh
Age and ageing - 2022 -
Remote investigation and assessment of vital signs (RIA-VS)-proof of concept for contactless estimation of blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation in patients with suspicion of
Stefan Malmberg, T. Khan, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Gunnar Jacobsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Infectious Diseases - 2022 -
Transformation of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences of healthcare professionals in eight European
M. Wanat, M. Hoste, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Bohmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, T. J. M. Verheij, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. Van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
British Journal of General Practice - 2021 -
Acute sore throat and Fusobacterium necrophorum in primary healthcare: a systematic review and
Stefan Malmberg, Susanna Petrén, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Katarina Hedin, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
BMJ open - 2021 -
Does C-reactive protein predict time to recovery and benefit from oseltamivir treatment in primary care patients with influenza-like illness? A randomized controlled trial secondary
N. J. Harbin, Karin Rystedt, M. Lindbaek, R. Radzeviciene, Johan Westin, Ronny K Gunnarsson, C. C. Butler, A. W. van der Velden, T. J. Verheij, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2021 -
Direct and Indirect Costs of Influenza-Like Illness Treated with and Without Oseltamivir in 15 European Countries: A Descriptive Analysis Alongside the Randomised Controlled ALIC(4)E
X. Li, J. Bilcke, A. W. van der Velden, E. Bongard, R. Bruyndonckx, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, N. J. Harbin, S. Coenen, N. Francis, P. Bruno, A. Garcia-Sangenis, D. Glinz, K. Kosiek, R. Miko-Pauer, R. R. Jurgute, B. Seifert, N. Tsakountakis, R. Aabenhus, C. C. Butler, P. Beutels
Clinical Drug Investigation - 2021 -
Supporting Primary Care Professionals to Stay in Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Views on Personal Risk and Access to Testing During the First Wave of Pandemic in
M. Wanat, M. Hoste, N. Gobat, M. Anastasaki, F. Bohmer, S. Chlabicz, A. Colliers, K. Farrell, M. N. Karkana, J. Kinsman, C. Lionis, L. Marcinowicz, K. Reinhardt, Ingmarie Skoglund, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Vellinga, H. Goossens, C. C. Butler, A. van der Velden, S. Anthierens, S. Tonkin-Crine
Frontiers in Medicine - 2021 -
Multifaceted antibiotic stewardship intervention using a participatory-action-research approach to improve antibiotic prescribing for urinary tract infections in frail elderly (ImpresU): study protocol for a European qualitative study followed by a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled
E. A. R. Hartman, W. G. Groen, S. R. Heltveit-Olsen, M. Lindbaek, S. Hoye, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson, I. Skoglund, Egill Snaebjörnsson Arnljots, M. Godycki-Cwirko, A. Kowalczyk, T. N. Platteel, N. P. A. Zuithoff, A. A. Monnier, T. J. M. Verheij, Cmpm Hertogh, A. C. van de Pol
Bmj Open - 2021 -
Antibiotic Stewardship in European Nursing Homes: Experiences From the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and
L. W. Van Buul, A. A. Monnier, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, P. Ulleryd, M. Godycki-Cwirko, A. Kowalczyk, M. Lindbaek, Cmpm Hertogh
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association - 2020 -
Association between guidelines and medical practitioners' perception of best management for patients attending with an apparently uncomplicated acute sore throat: a cross-sectional survey in five
Ronny K Gunnarsson, M. H. Ebell, H. Wachtler, N. Manchal, L. Reid, Stefan Malmberg, S. Hawkey, A. D. Hay, K. Hedin, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
BMJ Open - 2020 -
Oseltamivir plus usual care versus usual care for influenza-like illness in primary care: an open-label, pragmatic, randomised controlled
C. C. Butler, A. W. van der Velden, E. Bongard, B. R. Saville, J. Holmes, S. Coenen, J. Cook, N. A. Francis, R. J. Lewis, M. Godycki-Cwirko, C. Llor, S. Chlabicz, C. Lionis, B. Seifert, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Colliers, R. Aabenhus, L. Bjerrum, N. J. Harbin, M. Lindbaek, D. Glinz, H. C. Bucher, B. Kovacs, R. R. Jurgute, P. T. Lundgren, P. Little, A. W. Murphy, A. De Sutter, P. Openshaw, M. D. de Jong, J. T. Connor, V. Matheeussen, M. Ieven, H. Goossens, T. J. Verheij
Lancet - 2020 -
Is C-reactive protein associated with influenza A or B in primary care patients with influenza-like illness? A cross-sectional
Karin Rystedt, Nicolay Jonassen Harbin, Morten Lindbaek, Ruta Radzeviciene, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Robert Eggertsen, Christopher C Butler, Alike W van der Velden, Theo J Verheij, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2020 -
Interventions for prudent antibiotic use in primary healthcare: an econometric
Elina Lampi, Fredrik Carlsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, M. J. Torres, P. Ulleryd, Christina Åhrén, Gunnar Jacobsson
BMC Health Services Research - 2020 -
Rational antibiotic prescribing in primary care: qualitative study of opportunities and
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ingmarie Skoglund, Maria Hess-Wargbaner, Christina Åhrén
BJGP Open - 2020 -
Diagnostic methods for acute otitis media in 1 to 12 year old children: A cross sectional study in primary health
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, CE Papachristodoulou , Lena Margareta Nordeman
BMC Family Practice - 2019 -
PCR detection of respiratory pathogens in asymptomatic and symptomatic
Nicklas Sundell, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Robin Brittain-Long, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Åsa Alsiö, Magnus Lindh, Lars Gustavsson, Johan Westin
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2019 -
The scientific evidence for a potential link between confusion and urinary tract infection in the elderly is still confusing - A systematic literature
Sean. Mayne, Alexander. Bowden, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson
BMC Geriatrics - 2019 -
Bacteriuria and vitamin D deficiency: a cross sectional study of 385 nursing home
Rebeka Arnljots, E. S. Arnljots, Jörgen Thorn, M. Elm, M. Moore, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
BMC Geriatrics - 2019 -
Antivirals for influenza-Like Illness? A randomised Controlled trial of Clinical and Cost effectiveness in primary CarE (ALIC(4) E): the ALIC(4) E
E. Bongard, A. W. van der Velden, J. Cook, B. Saville, P. Beutels, R. Aabenhus, C. Brugman, S. Chlabicz, S. Coenen, A. Colliers, M. Davies, M. De Paor, A. De Sutter, N. A. Francis, D. Glinz, M. Godycki-cwirko, H. Goossens, J. Holmes, M. Ieven, M. de Jong, M. Lindbaek, P. Little, F. Martinon-Torres, A. Moragas, J. Pauer, M. Pfeiferova, R. Radzeviciene-Jurgute, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, A. Torres, P. Touboul, D. Varthalis, T. Verheij, C. C. Butler
Bmj Open - 2018 -
The Development of a Decision Tool for the Empiric Treatment of Suspected Urinary Tract Infection in Frail Older Adults: A Delphi Consensus
Laura W van Buul, Hilde L Vreeken, Suzanne F Bradley, Christopher J Crnich, Paul J Drinka, Suzanne E Geerlings, Robin L P Jump, Lona Mody, Joseph J Mylotte, Mark Loeb, David A Nace, Lindsay E Nicolle, Philip D Sloane, Rhonda L Stuart, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Peter Ulleryd, Ruth B Veenhuizen, Cees M P M Hertogh
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association - 2018 -
Confusion Strongly Associated with Antibiotic Prescribing Due to Suspected Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing
S. Mayne, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - 2018 -
Vitamin D deficiency was common among nursing home residents and associated with dementia: a cross sectional study of 545 Swedish nursing home
Rebeka Arnljots, Jörgen Thorn, M. Elm, M. Moore, Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Bmc Geriatrics - 2017 -
Urinvägsinfektioner hos
Pär-Daniel Sundvall
Allmänläkarpraktikan: Äldre. Katarina Hedin, Magnus Löndahl (red.) - 2017 -
A randomized controlled study of 5 and 10 days treatment with phenoxymethylpenicillin for pharyngotonsillitis caused by streptococcus group A - a protocol
G. Skoog, C. Edlund, C. G. Giske, S. Mölstad, C. Norman, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, K. Hedin
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2016 -
[Comment regarding Group A Streptococcus: Manage throat infections according to the current
Sigvard Mölstad, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Katarina Hedin, Malin André
Lakartidningen - 2015 -
Is the quality of primary healthcare services influenced by the healthcare centre's type of ownership?-An observational study of patient perceived quality, prescription rates and follow-up routines in privately and publicly owned primary care
Andy Maun, Catrin Wessman, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Jörgen Thorn, Cecilia Björkelund
Bmc Health Services Research - 2015 -
Antibiotic use in the care home setting: a retrospective cohort study analysing routine
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, B. Stuart, M. Davis, P. Roderick, M. Moore
Bmc Geriatrics - 2015 -
Antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens among Swedish nursing home residents remains low: a cross-sectional study comparing antimicrobial resistance from 2003 to
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Marie Elm, Ronny K Gunnarsson, Sigvard Mölstad, Nils Rodhe, Lars Jonsson, Peter Ulleryd
BMC Geriatrics - 2014 -
Interleukin-6 concentrations in the urine and dipstick analyses were related to bacteriuria but not symptoms in the elderly: a cross sectional study of 421 nursing home
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Marie Elm, Peter Ulleryd, Sigvard Mölstad, Nils Rodhe, Lars Jonsson, Bengt A. Andersson, Mirjana Hahn-Zoric, Ronny K Gunnarsson
BMC geriatrics - 2014 -
Diagnostic aspects of urinary tract infections among elderly residents of nursing
Pär-Daniel Sundvall
2014 -
In primary health care, never prescribe antibiotics to patients suspected of having an uncomplicated sore throat caused by group A beta-haemolytic streptococci without first confirming the presence of this
Maria S. Gunnarsson, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2012 -
Urine culture doubtful in determining etiology of diffuse symptoms among elderly individuals: a cross-sectional study of 32 nursing
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Peter Ulleryd, Ronny K Gunnarsson
BMC Family Practice - 2011 -
Evaluation of dipstick analysis among elderly residents to detect bacteriuria: a cross-sectional study in 32 nursing
Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Ronny K Gunnarsson
BMC geriatrics - 2009