
Information about cookies

The University of Gothenburg website uses cookies. Everyone who visits a website with cookies must receive information about these.

  • The fact that the website contains cookies
  • What these cookies are used for
  • How long they are stored
  • How cookies can be avoided

The web site uses the following cookies:

The University of Gothenburg

cookie-agreed (100 days)
cookie-agreed-categories (100 days)
cookie-agreed-version (100 days)

These cookies are used by our web site to know whether the visitor has approved of our use of different cookies or not, so that the visitor doesn't have to answer this question, every single visit of the site.

New Relic

JSESSIONID (is stored temporarily during the visit, for as long as the web browser is kept open)

This cookie is used to store a session ID for the tool New Relic, which our developers use to monitor that our web sites are running as they should, primarily when it comes to performance, and so that they can search for causes of errors when they don't.


These cookies are sent when a visitor starts an embedded or linked YouTube clip

NID (1 year)

Used by YouTube to show Google Ads on web sites not owned by Google.

YSC (is stored temporarily during the visit, for as long as the web browser is kept open)

Used by YouTube to remember the choices and input of the visitor.

DV (10 minutes)

Used by Google to store the visitor's preferences and other information, this in particular for chosen language, the number of search results shown on a page, as well as the choice of whether the filter Google SafeSearch should be activated or not.

1P_JAR (30 days)

Used by Google to save information about how the visitor uses the web site and ads which the visitor has seen before visiting the web site.

CONSENT (20 years)

Used by Google to save information about how the visitor uses the web site and ads which the visitor has seen before visiting the web site.

YouTube HTML5 Local Storage

These cookies are persistent and stored locally until removed, unless stated otherwise.

yt-player-headers-readable (17 days)
yt-player-bandwidth (17 days)

Used to determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings.


Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen


This cookie stores information about the video to be shown after current video.


Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


Our web site has an integrated screen reader, ReadSpeaker, which can read the contents of the pages. It sets two cookies.

_rspkrLoadCore (is stored temporarily during the visit, for as long as the web browser is kept open)

_rspkrLoadCore is set when a visitor starts ReadSpeaker and is used to know if the visitor has activated ReadSpeaker on a page. This makes it possible for ReadSpeaker to continue playing automatically on other pages which the visitor continues to, so that the visitor doesn't have to start ReadSpeaker on every single page. 

ReadSpeakerSettings (4 days)

This cookie is set when a visitor changes the settings of ReadSpeaker, for example, volume and reading velocity. This makes it possible for ReadSpeaker to continue reading content with maintained volume and reading velocity, on pages which the visitor continues to, so that the visitor won't have to change volume and reading velocity on every single page.


If you do not agree to using our cookies, then you can either change your cookie settings for our site using the privacy settings at the bottom of each page, or change your security settings in your own web browser. You will then be losing some functionality, like YouTube video clips.

It is commonly possible to accept cookies from some web sites while declining them from others. How you change these settings depends on what web browser you are using. In the settings of your web browser, you can also delete old cookies.