Jens Norrby
About Jens Norrby
In May, I defended my thesis - awarded by Per Nyströms vetenskapspris 2024 - which concerns one of the groups that first pondered on United Kingdom's future beyond the Empire: the British federalists. In the period beginning with the founding of the first federalist organization in 1884 and ending with the end of the Second World War in 1945, I study how federalist organizations and individuals envisioned and planned for the post-imperial world order. During a period when United Kingdom went from being the 'workshop of the world' to one political power among many, these questions presented serious challenges to the United Kingdom's understanding not only of its empire, but also of itself.
My latest project makes use of digital methodology (among them machine learning) to study the geographical references within Swedish parliamentary discourse around the turn of the century. The project seeks to understand how geographical perception informs and shapes political debate and action.
Some of my fields of interests are British history & identity, political and geopolitical history, digital methodology, and conceptual history.