
Daniel Larsson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Historical Studies
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Daniel Larsson

In 2006, I defended my thesis, The Hidden Transition, and received my Ph.D. The thesis is a study of the demography of Sweden during the 17th and 18th centuries. It partly deals with supply, diseases and demographic crises, and was the result of an old interest in social history. This interest is something that also characterizes another of my monographs, Vid fallen. Om Trollhättebygdens historia, which was written on behalf of Trollhättan municipality from 2008-2010 (Trollhättans kommun 2011). From 2011-2013, I furthered my interest in social and medical history by writing a monograph about the cholera epidemic in the early 1830s (Kolera. Samhället, idéerna och katastrofen 1834, Carlssons Bokförlag 2015).

In the autumn of 2013, I started work on a project funded by the Swedish Research Council, in which I return to the 18th century subsistence crises, crop failures, supply policies and plagues. The project focuses on the severe supply and mortality crisis of 1772. By applying spatial perspectives to both individual and parochial, as well as county and national levels, the project’s aim is to increase the understanding of early modern mortality crises and the impact of infectious diseases.

In recent years, I have also had the privilege of being involved in two projects in historical archaeology: the excavations in Nya Lödöse (near modern-day Gothenburg) and the project "Urban Diaspora - Diaspora Communities and Materiality in Early Modern Urban Centers", which both involve a number of institutions. With their interdisciplinary approaches, these projects have been very encouraging, and I hope to extend this collaboration further in the future.