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- Anders Broberg
Anders Broberg
Professor Emeritus
Department of PsychologyAbout Anders Broberg
Associate professor in clinical psychology. Speciality: Attachment theory and developmental psychopathology.
Research interests
Current research
Selected publications
Broberg, A.G., Hjalmers, I. & Nevonen, L. (2001). Eating disorders, attachment and interpersonal difficulties: A comparison between 18 to 24-year-old patients and normal controls. European Eating Disorders Review, 9, 381-396.
Broberg, A. (2000). A review of interventions in the parent-child relationship informed by attachment theory. Acta Paediatrica, 89, supplement 434, 37-42.
Broberg, A.G. (2001). Can attachment theory and attachment research methodologies, help children and adolescents in mental health institutions? Attachment and Human Development, 3, 330-338.
Broberg, A. G., Almqvist, K. & Tjus, T. (2003). Klinisk barnpsykologi -- utveckling på avvägar. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Broberg, A.G., Dyregrov, A. & Lilled, L,. (2005). The Göteborg discoteque fire: Posttraumatic stress, and school adjustment as reported by the primary victims 1 1/2 years later. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 12, 1279–1286.
Broberg, A.G., Granqvist, P., Ivarsson, T. & Risholm Mothander, P. (2006). Anknytningsteori – Betydelsen av nära känslomässiga relationer. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Broberg, A.G., Risholm Mothander, P., Granqvist, P., & Ivarsson, T. (2008). Anknytning i praktiken – tillämpningar av anknytningsteorin. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
A randomized controlled study of trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy compared to enhanced treatment as usual with patients in child mental health care traumatized from family
Ole Hultmann, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Axberg
Children and Youth Services Review - 2023 -
Safeguarding Children Subjected to Violence in the Family: Child-Centered Risk
Maria Eriksson, Anders G Broberg, Ole Hultmann, Emma Chawinga, Ulf Axberg
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2022 -
Child Psychiatric Patients Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence and/or Abuse: The Impact of Double
Ole Hultmann, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Axberg
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2022 -
Effects of individual differences, society, and culture on youth-rated problems and strengths in 38
M. Y. Ivanova, T. M. Achenbach, L. Turner, F. Almqvist, I. Begovac, N. Bilenberg, H. Bird, Anders G Broberg, M. A. C. Calderon, M. Chahed, H. M. Dang, A. Dobrean, M. Dopfner, N. Erol, M. Forns, H. S. Gudmundsson, H. Hannesdottir, N. Hewitt-Ramirez, Y. Kanbayashi, S. Karki, H. M. Koot, M. C. Lambert, P. Leung, D. N. Magai, A. Maggiolini, C. W. Metzke, A. Minaei, M. M. da Rocha, P. A. S. Moreira, M. S. Mulatu, T. S. Novik, K. J. Oh, D. Petot, J. M. Petot, C. Pisa, R. Pomalima, A. Roussos, V. Rudan, M. G. Sawyer, M. Shahini, Z. Simsek, H. C. Steinhausen, F. C. Verhulst, S. Weintraub, B. Weiss, T. Wolanczyk, E. Y. Zhang, N. Zilber, R. Zukauskiene
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - 2022 -
Införandeår för risk-/skyddsintervju vid våld i
Maria Eriksson, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg, Ole Hultmann, Karin Röbäck, Clara Iversen, Emma Svensson
2020 -
International Comparisons of the Dysregulation Profile Based on Reports by Parents, Adolescents, and
Leslie A. Rescorla, Mary C. Blumenfeld, Masha Y. Ivanova, Thomas M. Achenbach, Fredrik Almqvist, Maria Bathiche, Ivan Begovac, Niels Bilenberg, Hector Bird, Anders G Broberg, Myriam Chahed, Anca Dobrean, Manfred Doepfner, Nese Erol, Lourdes Ezpeleta, Eric Fombonne, Antonio Fonseca, Maria Forns, Alessandra Frigerio, Hans W. E. Grietens, Helga Hannesdottir, Yasuko Kanbayashi, Michael C. Lambert, Patrick Leung, Xianchin Liu, Alfio Maggiolini, Jasminka Markovic, Asghar Minaei, Paulo Moreira, Mesfin S. Mulatu, Torunn S. Novik, Kyung-Ja Oh, Djaouida Petot, Cecilia Pisa, Julia Pluck, Rolando Pomalima, Marina Monzani da Rocha, Alexandra Roussos, Michael Sawyer, Mimoza Shahini, Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares, Zeynep Simsek, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen, Jan van der Ende, Frank Verhulst, Laura Viola, Sheila Weintraub, John Weisz, Christa Winkler Metzke, Tomasz Wolanczyk, Bernadine S. C. Woo, Hao-Jan Yang, Eugene Yuqing Zhang, Nelly Zilber, Stephen R. Zubrick, Rita Zukauskiene
Talking to parents who have abused: Enhancing the child focus in social child welfare investigations about intimate partner violence and child
Ole Hultmann, Maria Eriksson, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Axberg, Clara Iversen
European Conference on Domestic Violence - 2019 -
Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse - a Comparison of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Ordinary Care in Child Mental Health
Ole Hultmann, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
European Conference on Domestic Violence - 2019 -
Parenting programs during adolescence: Outcomes from universal and targeted interventions offered in real-world
Elin Alfredsson, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2018 -
Utveckling av bedömningsmetoder för barn som utsatts för våld i sin familj
- Rapport från en
Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg, Maria Eriksson, Ole Hultmann, Clara Iversen
2018 -
Universal parent support groups for parents of adolescents: Whichparents participate and
Elin Alfredsson, Anders G Broberg
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2016 -
Traumatic and Adverse Attachment Childhood Experiences are not Characteristic of OCD but of Depression in
T. Ivarsson, Fanny Saavedra, P. Granqvist, Anders G Broberg
Child Psychiatry & Human Development - 2016 -
Family Violence and Other Potentially Traumatic Interpersonal Events Among 9-to 17-Year-Old Children Attending an Outpatient Psychiatric
Ole Hultmann, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2016 -
Förekomst, bedömning och behandling inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) av patienter som utsatts för våld i
Anders G Broberg, Ole Hultmann, Ulf Axberg
2016 -
Utveckling av bedömningsinstrument och stödinsatser för våldsutsatta
Anders G Broberg, Kjerstin Almqvist, Petra Appell, Ulf Axberg, Åsa Källström Cater, Helena Draxler, Maria Eriksson, Karin Grip, Fredrik Hjärthag, Ole Hultmann, Clara Iversen, Karin Röbäck de Souza
2015 -
Positive parenting and attachment security in
Elin Alfredsson, Anders G Broberg
IAC2015 - 2015 -
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. Experiences of everyday life and relapse prevention in primary
Josefine Lilja, Malin Broberg, Anders G Broberg, Norlander T
Psychology - 2015 -
Elin Alfredsson, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Axberg
2015 -
Klinisk barnpsykologi - utveckling på
Anders G Broberg, Kjerstin Almqvist, Pia Risholm-Mothander, Tomas Tjus
2015 -
Insatser till föräldrar med barn i åldern 10 – 17 år. Effekter av föräldrastöd med avseende på risk- och friskfaktorer samt psykisk hälsa (HFÅ 2010/96) – En första
An explorative analysis of the recruitment of patients to a randomised controlled trial in adolescents with dental
Ulla Wide Boman, Anders G Broberg, Larisa Krekmanova, Marie Staberg, Carina Svensson, Agneta Robertson
Swedish Dental Journal - 2014 -
Attachment, religiousness, and distress among the religious and spiritual: links between religious syncretism and
P. Granqvist, Anders G Broberg, Berit Hagekull
Mental Health, Religion & Culture - 2014 -
Perceived Quality of Life and Health Complaints in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner
Karin Grip, Kjerstin Almqvist, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Family Violence - 2014 -
The effects of a short-term mindfulness based intervention on self-reported mindfulness, decentering, executive attention, psychological health, and coping style: Examining unique mindfulness effects and
Torbjörn Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall, Anders G Broberg
Mindfulness - 2014 -
Asking Routinely About Intimate Partner Violence in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic: A Qualitative
Ole Hultmann, Johan Möller, Silje Mörup Ormhaug, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Family Violence - 2014 -
Do psychotherapists with different theoretical orientations stereotype or prejudge each
Billy Larsson, Anders G Broberg, V. Kaldo
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy - 2013 -
Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence and the Reported Effects of Psychosocial
Karin Grip, K. Almqvist, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
Violence and Victims - 2013 -
Evaluation of ‘‘The Incredible Years’’ in Sweden: The transferability of an American parent-training program to
Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2012 -
Anknytning i förskolan - Trygghetens betydelse för lek och
Malin Broberg, Anders G Broberg, Birthe Hagström
2012 -
Maternal report on child outcome after a community-based program following intimate partner
Karin Grip, Kjerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2012 -
Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire—Reliability and Factor Structure: A Swedish
Josefine Lilja, Annika Frodi-Lundgren, Jan Johansson Hanse, Torbjörn Josefsson, Lars-Gunnar Lundh, Camilla Sköld, Erling Hansen, Anders G Broberg
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2011 -
Stöd till barn som bevittnat våld mot mamma - Resultat från en nationell
Anders G Broberg, Linnéa Almqvist, Ulf Axberg, Karin Grip, Kjerstin Almqvist, Ulrika Sharifi, Åsa Cater K, Anna Forssell, Maria Eriksson, Clara Iversen
2011 -
Effects of a Group-Based Intervention on Psychological Health and Perceived Parenting Capacity among Mothers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): A Preliminary
Karin Grip, K Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
Naming the unmentionable: How children exposed to intimate partner violence articulate their
Anna Georgsson, Kjerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Family Violence - 2011 -
Dissimilarity in Vulnerability: Self-Reported Symptoms Among Children with Experiences of Intimate Partner
Anna Georgsson, Kjerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
Child Psychiatry and Human Development - 2011 -
Heritability of dental
Jeremy Ray, Ulla Wide Boman, L Bodin, Ulf Berggren, P Lichtenstein, Anders G Broberg
Journal of dental research - 2010 -
Attachment states of mind in adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and/or depressive disorders: a controlled
Tord Ivarsson, Pehr Granqvist, Christopher Gillberg, Anders G Broberg
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - 2010 -
Child dental fear as measured with the Dental Subscale of the Children's Fear Survey Schedule: the impact of referral status and type of informant (child versus
Annika Gustafsson, Kristina Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, L Bodin, Ulf Berggren
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology - 2010 -
Stöd till barn som upplevt våld mot mamma; Preliminära resultat från en nationell
Anders G Broberg, Linnéa Almqvist, Kjerstin Almqvist, Ulf Axberg, Åsa K Cater, Maria Eriksson
2010 -
Dental behaviour management problems: the role of child personal
Annika Gustafsson, Anders G Broberg, Lennart Bodin, Ulf Berggren, Kristina Arnrup
International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children - 2010 -
Possible predictors of discontinuation of specialized dental treatment among children and adolescents with dental behaviour management
Annika Gustafsson, Anders G Broberg, Lennart Bodin, Ulf Berggren, Kristina Arnrup
European journal of oral sciences - 2010 -
Theoretical orientation and therapists’ attitudes to important components of therapy: A study based on the Valuable Elements in Psychotherapy
Billy Larsson, Viktor Kaldo, Anders G Broberg
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2010 -
Att fråga mammor till barn som är aktuella på BUP om de varit utsatta för våld av sin
G Hedtjärn, Ole Hultmann, Anders G Broberg
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
Att lämna en destruktiv relation; Mammor som utsatts för våld av sin före detta partner berättar om sin situation och hur de tagit sig ur
Jenny Lundgren, Stina Hillman, Anders G Broberg
2009 -
Similarities and differences between practitioners of psychotherapy in
Billy Larsson, Viktor Kaldo, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - 2009 -
Child and adolescent psychological
Anders G Broberg, Gunilla Klingberg
Paediatric Dentistry - 2009 -
Attachment RepresentationsIn Young Children with ODD and CD are Related to the Effectiveness of The IYS Parent Management Training
Karin Grip, Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
International Attachment Conference in Barcelona from October 2 - 4. - 2009 -
Anknytning i praktiken -- tillämpningar av
Anders G Broberg, P Risholm Mothander, P Granqvist, Tord Ivarsson
2008 -
De otroliga åren” – utvärdering av föräldrautvecklings-grupper enligt
Anders G Broberg, Ulf Axberg
Aetolia - 2008 -
Parents' description of conduct problems in their children - a test of the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) in a Swedish sample aged
Ulf Axberg, Jan Johansson Hanse, Anders G Broberg
Scandinavian journal of psychology - 2008 -
“The Incredible Years”: Evaluation of the Webster Stratton parent management training programme in
Ulf Axberg, Anders G Broberg
XXIX International congress of psychology i Berlin - 2008 -
Prediction of prolonged pain experiences during orthodontic
Marianne Bergius, Anders G Broberg, Magnus Hakeberg, Ulf Berggren
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2008 -
Temperamental reactivity and negative emotionality in uncooperative children referred to specialized paediatric dentistry compared to children in ordinary dental
Kristina Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Berggren, Lennart Bodin
International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children - 2007 -
Examining relations among attachment, religiosity, and new age spirituality using the Adult Attachment
Pehr Granqvist, Tord Ivarsson, Anders G Broberg, Berit Hagekull
Developmental Psychology - 2007 -
Att knyta an på nytt – en utmaning för internationellt adopterade
Anders G Broberg
I Carlberg, M & Nordin Jareno, K. (Red.). Internationellt adopterade i Sverige – en antologi - 2007 -
Parent training groups in Sweden, using the Incredible Years Serie’s Basic module – an open
Ulf Axberg, K Hansson, Anders G Broberg
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2007 -
Psychosocial concomitants to dental fear and behaviour management
Annika Gustafsson, Kristina Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, Lennart Bodin, Ulf Berggren
Int J Paediatr Dent - 2007 -
Temperamental reactivity and negative emotionality in uncooperative children referred to specialized paediatric dentistry compared to children in ordinary dental
K Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, L Bodin, Ulf Berggren
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry - 2007 -
Dental fear/anxiety and dental behaviour management problems in children and adolescents: a review of prevalence and concomitant psychological
Gunilla Klingberg, Anders G Broberg
International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children - 2007 -
The generalisability of the Youth Self-Report Syndrome structure in 23
M Ivanova, T.M. Achenbach, L Dumenci, F Almqvist, N Bilenberg, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology - 2007 -
Lyssna bättre på barnen som drabbas av
Kerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg, C Carlsson, G Antonsson, I Ekbom, C Eliason
DN Debatt, 2007-08-18 - 2007 -
Classification of dental behavior management problems among
K Arnrup, Jesper Lundgren, Magnus Lundgren Elfström, Anders G Broberg, Agneta Robertson, L Bodin, Ulf Berggren
Poster presentation at the 85th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 21-24, 2007. - 2007 -
Vad tycker barn som bevittnat våld i hemmet och deras mammor om att delta i en pedagogisk
Anna Georgsson, Kerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
Aetolia, Skriftserie från verksamhetsområde barn- och ungdomspsykiatri vid Drottning Silvias barn- och ungdomssjukhus, - 2007 -
Epidemiological Comparisons of Problems and Positive Qualities Reported by Adolescents in 24
L Rescorla, T.M. Achenbach, M Ivanova, L Dumenci, F Almqvist, N Bilenberg, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology - 2007 -
Anknytningsteori – Betydelsen av nära känslomässiga
Anders G Broberg, P Granqvist, Tord Ivarsson, P Risholm Mothander
2006 -
A comparison of sequenced individual and group psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa: A randomized control
Lauri Nevonen, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Eating Disorders - 2006 -
Uncooperative youths in dentistry – beyond fear and dental behaviour– a description of everyday life and family
A. Gustafsson, Anders G Broberg, K Arnrup, Ulf Berggren
Poster presentation vid NFBO (Nordisk Förening mot Barnmisshandel och Omsorgssvikt) kongress, Malmö, maj 2006. - 2006 -
The Development of a Systemic School-Based Intervention: Marte Meo and Coordination
Ulf Axberg, K Hansson, Anders G Broberg, I Wirtberg
Family Process - 2006 -
Anknytningsteoretiska aspekter på frågan om ny vårdnadshavare. Expertbilaga till Handbok – Om barnet behöver ny
Anders G Broberg
2006 -
Bullying in adolescence: psychiatric problems in victims and bullies as measured by the Youth Self Report (YSR) and the Depression Self-Rating Scale
Tord Ivarsson, Anders G Broberg, Tomas Arvidsson, Christopher Gillberg
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2005 -
Anknytning, rädsla och
Anders G Broberg
Risikoutvikling – Tillknytning, omsorgssvikt och forebygging (ss. 15 – 33). Oslo: Norsk Institutt for Forskning om oppvekst, velferd och aldring. Rapport 7/05, A. von der Lippe & S. R. Wilkinsson (Red.), - 2005 -
Children with asthma --Few adjustment problems are related to high perceived parental capacity and family
K Reichenberg, Anders G Broberg
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2005 -
Dental fear in 8-19 year olds as rated by themselves and their parents - more similarities than
A. Gustafsson, K Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Berggren
Presentation at the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry Congress in Sydney, Australia, November 2005. - 2005 -
Marte Meo and Coordination meetings, the development of a systemic school-based intervention - an open
Ulf Axberg, I Wirtberg, Kjell Hansson, Anders G Broberg
XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Laguna Teneriffa August 24-28, 2005 - 2005 -
A comparison of sequenced individual and group psychotherapy for EDNOS patients: A randomized control
Lauri Nevonen, Anders G Broberg
European Eating Disorders Review, - 2005 -
Temperament, emotion regulation, emotional and behavior problems among children in specialized pediatric
Anders G Broberg, K Arnrup, Ulf Berggren, L Bodin
Poster presentation at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development in Atlanta, Georgia 2005. - 2005 -
Stability and change in fear and personal characteristics among children treated because of dental behaviour management problems. A long-term
K Arnrup, L Bodin, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Berggren
Poster presentation vid Svenska Tandläkaresällskapets Odontologiska Riksstämma, Oktober 2005. - 2005 -
Evaluation of the incredible years series - an open study of its effects when first introduced in
Ulf Axberg, Kjell Hansson, Anders G Broberg
XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Laguna Teneriffa August 24-28, 2005 - 2005 -
Att finna mening i det
Anders G Broberg
I C. Malmström (Red.). Hur lagar man ett hjärta – Berättelser om BUP-personalens arbete med brandungdomarna i Göteborg. FoUiVäst, Rapport 2:2005 - 2005 -
Temperament, emotion regulation, emotional and behavior problems among children in specialized pediatric
Anders G Broberg, K Arnrup, Ulf Berggren, L Bodin
Poster presentation vid Svenska Tandläkaresällskapets Odontologiska Riksstämma, Oktober 2005. - 2005 -
The Göteborg discoteque fire: Posttraumatic stress, and school adjustment as reported by the primary victims 1 1/2 years
Anders G Broberg, A Dyregrov, L Lilled
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - 2005 -
Symptoms of emotional and behavioural disorders among Swedish children and adolescents with Behaviour Management Problems in Paediatric Dentistry
Anders G Broberg, A. Gustafsson, K Arnrup, Ulf Berggren
Poster presentation at the XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Tenerife 2005. - 2005 -
Barns behov och föräldrars omsorgsförmåga i ljuset av
Anders G Broberg
Att knyta an, en livsviktig uppgift : om små barns anknytning och samspel (Skriftserie / Stiftelsen Allmänna barnhuset, 1653-137X ; 2004:2) - 2004 -
Behandlingsproblem bland barn och ungdomar i tandvården – vardagsliv och
A. Gustafsson, Anders G Broberg, K Arnrup, Ulf Berggren
Rapport vid Svenska Tandläkaresällskapets Odontologiska Riksstämma, Oktober 2005. - 2004 -
Eating disorders and general psychopathology: A comparison between young adult patients with eating disorders and normal controls with and without self-reported eating
Kerstin Ekeroth, Anders G Broberg, Lauri Nevonen
European Eating Disorders Review - 2004 -
Dimensions of children’s dental fear. Factors based on parental assessments according to
Å Hasselblad Larsson, K Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, L Bodin, Ulf Berggren
Poster presentation vid Svenska Tandläkaresällskapets Odontologiska Riksstämma 2004. - 2004 -
Barns behov och föräldrars omsorgsförmåga i ljuset av
Anders G Broberg
Att knyra an, en livsviktig uppgift Om små barns anknytning och samspel Stockholm: Allmänna Barnhuset 2004:2. - 2004 -
Barn som bevittnat våld mot mamma – en studie av kvinnor och barn som vistats på Kvinnojourer i
Kerstin Almqvist, Anders G Broberg
2004 -
A short-term follow-up of treatment outcome in groups of uncooperative child dental
Kristina Arnrup, Ulf Berggren, Anders G Broberg, L Bodin
European journal of paediatric dentistry : official journal of European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry - 2004 -
Struliga ungdomar i tandvården – vart tog de
A. Gustafsson, K Arnrup, Anders G Broberg, Ulf Berggren
Rapport vid Svenska Tandläkaresällskapets Odontologiska Riksstämma 2004. - 2004 -
Emotional and behavioural problems in Swedish7-to-9-year-olds with
K Reichenberg, Anders G Broberg
Chronic Respiratory Disease - 2004 -
How do well baby nurses and pre-school teachers interpret their mandatory reporting
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg
IXth European Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Warsaw, August 2003 - 2003 -
Vilka tecken på omsorgssvikt har BVC-sjuksköterskor och barnomsorgspersonal observerat hos barn? Rapport
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg
2003 -
Emergence and construct validation of the ‘Big Five' Factors in early childhood: a longitudinal analysis of their ontogeny in
M. E. Lamb, S. S. Chuang, H. Wessels, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Child Development - 2002 -
The Youth Self-Report (YSR) and the Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS) as measures of depression and suicidality among
Tord Ivarsson, Christopher Gillberg, Thomas Arvidsson, Anders G Broberg
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - 2002 -
Vilka tecken på omsorgssvikt har BVC-sjuksköterskor och barnomsorgspersonal observerat hos barn som ingår i respektive
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg, Magnus P. Borres
Nordisk Forening mot Barnemishandling og Omsorgssvikt, Oslo, Maj 2002 - 2002 -
Self-reported competencies and problems among Swedish adolescents: a normative study of the YSR. Youth Self
Anders G Broberg, Kerstin Ekeroth, Per Gustafsson, Kjell Hansson, Bruno Hägglöf, Tord Ivarsson
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - 2001 -
Hur tolkar BVC-sjuksköterskor och Barnomsorgspersonal anmälningsskyldigheten enligt § 71 Socialtjänstlagen? Rapport
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg, Magnus P. Borres
2000 -
Pre-schoolers at risk for child abuse and/or neglect as reported. Do Swedish pre-school teachers and nurses at well baby clinics identify the same
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg, Magnus P. Borres
VII European Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Jerusalem, October 1999 - 1999 -
Barn-som-far-illa - uppmärksammar BVC-sjuksköterskor och daghemspersonal samma
Karin Lundén, Magnus P. Borres, Anders G Broberg
Svenska Läkarsällskapets Riksstämma, november 1998, Göteborg - 1998 -
Hur vanligt är det att förskolepersonal och BVC-sjuksköterskor ororar sig för att barn far illa: En jämförelse mellan tre stadsdelar i Göteborgs kommun. Rapport
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg, Magnus P. Borres
1998 -
The effects of day care on the development of cognitive abilities in eight-year-olds: a longitudinal
Anders G Broberg, H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Developmental Psychology - 1997 -
Personality development between one and eight years of age in Swedish children with varying child care
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1997 -
Förskolebarn som far illa. Vad säger forskningen om vilka barn som upptäcks och
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg
Nordiska Barnavårdskongressen, Helsingborg augusti 1997 - 1997 -
Pre-schoolers at risk for chld abuse and/or neglect as reported by Swedish pre-school teachers and nurses at well baby
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg
VI European Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Barcelona, October 1997 - 1997 -
Antecedents of the 'little five' in early childhood: The validity of the five factor model in Swedish preeschool
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Society for Research in Child development, Indianapolis, IN, March 1995 - 1995 -
Der Einfluss väterlicher Erziehungsbeteiligung auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Kindern im Vorschulalter: Ergebnisse eines
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
The German Sociological Society, Germany, April 1995 - 1995 -
Aggression and noncompliance among Swedish children in centre-based care, family day care, and home
M. Prodromidis, M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1995 -
Preschoolers at risk for child abuse and/or neglect: Why are they not
Karin Lundén, Anders G Broberg
V European Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Oslo, May 1995 - 1995 -
Long term effects of contrasting forms of early
H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The International Conference on Infant Studies, Paris, France, June 1994 - 1994 -
Determinents of verbal abilities: A longitudinal
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, H. Wessels, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1994 - 1994 -
Peer play and nonparental care
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, N. Knuth, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In H. Goelman & E. Vineberg Jacobs (Eds.), Children's Play in Child Care Settings - 1994 -
Små barns tillsyn: Mammornas
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Social Forskning - 1994 -
Förskolebar- som- far- illa: Rapport från ett pilotprojekt. Rapport
Anders G Broberg, Karin Lundén
1994 -
Day care and peer relations: a longitudinal
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA, March 1993 - 1993 -
Effects of day care on elementary school performance and
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, S. V. Chace
Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, USA, March 1993 - 1993 -
Vilka faktorer bestämmer småbarnsföräldrars val av
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Monograph in Modernt Familjeliv och familjeseparationer - 1993 -
Factors affecting mothers' child care
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Monograph in Modernt Familjeliv och familjeseparationer - 1993 -
Barnomsorgens ”inre
Child care in
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, J. L. Roopnarine
Journal of Marriage and the Family - 1992 -
Daghemmets inre
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Föräldrar och barn i dagens samhälle, Säröhus, Sweden, May 1992 - 1992 -
Inhibition and children's experiences of out-of home
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
The 5th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Seville, Spain, September 1992 - 1992 -
Personalens åsikter om barnomsorg i
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Conference Child Care and Economy, Göteborg, Sweden, September 1992 - 1992 -
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
1992 -
The historical and social context of child care in
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural Perspectives - 1992 -
Epilogue: the shaping of child care
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Child Care in Context: Crosscultural Perspectives - 1992 -
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Forskning och Framsteg - 1992 -
A Composite measure of Agression for children with and without out-of-home care
M. Prodromidis, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb
The Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, April 1991 - 1991 -
Day care for young children in
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
In E. Melhuish & P. Moss (Eds.), Daycare for young children - international perspectives - 1991 -
Swedish childcare
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In E. Melhuish & P. Moss (Eds.), Day care for young children - international perspectives - 1991 -
Vad händer med blyga barn på
Does out-of-home care affect compliance in
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, R. D. Ketterlinus, F. L. Bookstein
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1991 -
Social inhibition - development and
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
In T. Archer & S. Hansen (Eds.), Behavioral Biology: Neuroendocrine Axis - 1991 -
Swedish parents' preferences for child
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology - 1991 -
Factors related to verbal abilities in Swedish
Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein
British Journal of Developmental Psychology - 1990 -
Vad händer med blyga barn på
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Conference on Föräldrar och barn i dagens samhälle, Säröhus, Sweden, March 1990 - 1990 -
Long-term effects of contrasting early childcare arrangements: The Göteborg Child Care
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The International Symposium on Child care in the Early Years, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1990 - 1990 -
Inhibition: its stability and correlates among 16 to 40-month old
Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang
Child Development - 1990 -
The Gothenburg Cild Care
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 1989 - 1989 -
Inhibition: its stability and correlates among 16 to 40-month old
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb
The International Society for Behavioral Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, July 1989 - 1989 -
Families, day care, and the emergence of compliance in Swedish
M. E. Lamb, K. J. Sternberg, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. Prodromidis, R. Ketterlinus, F. L. Bookstein
The National Council on Family Relations, New Orleans, LA, November 1989 - 1989 -
The development of Social and intellectual competence in Swedish
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg
In K. Kreppner & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Family system and lifespan development - 1989 -
Child care effects on socioemotional and intellectual competence in Swedish
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, D. Ketterlinus
In J. S. Lande, S. Scarr, & N. Gunzenhauser (Eds.), Caring for children: Challenge to America - 1989 -
Barntillsyn i Sverige; en beskrivning av det svenska familjestödet för yngre förskolebarn (0 till 3 år), med betoning på utvecklingen inom
Associations between parental agreement regarding child-rearing and the characteristics of families in
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1989 -
Effects of out-of-home care on the development of social competence in Sweden: A longitudinal
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, F. L. Bookstein
Early Childhood Research Quarterly - 1988 -
Do out-of-home care affect compliance in
K. J. Sternberg, M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO, April 1988 - 1988 -
The determinants of paternal involvement in primarous Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein, Anders G Broberg, G Hult, M. Frodi
Developmental Psychology - 1988 -
The determinants of paternal involvement in primarous Swedish
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, F. L. Bookstein
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 1988 -
Determinents of social
M. E. Lamb, Philip Hwang, F. L. Bookstein, Anders G Broberg
The Society for Child Development , Baltimore, MD, April 1987 - 1987 -
Barnomsorg i Göteborg: en longitudinell
Effects of early father participation on later paternal involvement and
Philip Hwang, M. E. Lamb, Anders G Broberg, M. Frodi, G Hult
The Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Canada, April 1985 - 1985 -
Vilken barntillsyn har småbarnsföräldrar och vilken vill de
Relationships between care and quality of peer play in Swedish
Philip Hwang, Anders G Broberg, M. Frodi, M. E. Lamb
The International Conference on Infant Studies, New York, NY, April 1984 - 1984 -
Betydelsen av olika former av barntillsyn för barnets sociala och emotionella
Anders G Broberg, Philip Hwang
Presentation för HSFR:s Områdesgrupp i Utvecklingspsykologi, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1983 - 1983