
Anna-Sofia Maurin


Philosophy and Logic unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Anna-Sofia Maurin

I was born in Stockholm in 1969. I received my PhD in Theoretical Philosophy in 2002 at Lund University. My thesis supervisor was Nils-Eric Sahlin. Reviews of my PhD thesis If Tropes (published by Kluwer) can be found in Mind, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Metaphysica, Polish Journal of Philosophy (pp. 151f.), and Theoria (pp. 277f.). Most of my research so far has been in (meta)metaphysics/ontology, on tropes, on unity in complexity generally, on ontological justification ("the epistemology of metaphysics"), on (Bradleyan) infinite regress arguments, and on metaphysical explanation. Recent interests include issues in so-called social ontology and issues to do with non-causal explanation (in metaphysics as well as in science generally). 2017-2019 I was the PI of a project on metaphysical explanations, funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (website here).

Since August 2012 I am the professor of theoretical philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science (FLoV) at Gothenburg University. If you want to know more about the subject and its researchers, I suggest you visit our research-webpage. For more updated information - about my research as well as teaching - visit my personal homepage here.


If you want to schedule a meeting or just ask me a question of any kind, please e-mail me: