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- Ann Larsson
Ann Larsson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Marine SciencesAbout Ann Larsson
My main interest is in biohydrodynamics, i.e. how water flow affects organisms in the sea and their ecological interactions. Presently, I'm working with a project on olfactory navigation in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), trying to resolve how the prey tracking success is affected by the flow regime. The project has applications for the Norway lobster creel fishery. For my PhD, I studied how flow affects settlement and recruitment in the barnacle Balanus improvisus with applications for antifouling (fouling release coatings). After my PhD, I have also worked in a project on the effects of sediment and drill cutting exposure on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. I am at present continually involved in research about Lophelia pertusa recruitment and restoration of cold-water coral reefs.
Investigation of critical copper release rates for dose optimization of antifouling
Maria Lagerström, Marcel Butschle, Ann I. Larsson, Jérôme Cachot, Kim Dam-Johansen, Markus Schackmann, Florane Le Bihanic
Progress in organic coatings - 2025 -
New interactive machine learning tool for marine image
H. Poppy Clark, Abraham George Smith, Daniel McKay Fletcher, Ann I. Larsson, Marcel Jaspars, Laurence H. De Clippele
Ocean acidification reduces thallus strength in a non-calcifying foundation
Alexandra Kinnby, Gunnar Cervin, Ann I. Larsson, Ulrica Edlund, Gunilla B. Toth, Henrik Pavia
Current Biology - 2023 -
Local-scale feedbacks influencing cold-water coral growth and subsequent reef
G. Corbera, C. Lo Iacono, G. Simarro, J. Grinyo, S. Ambroso, V. A. I. Huvenne, F. Mienis, M. Carreiro-Silva, I. Martins, B. Mano, C. Orejas, Ann I. Larsson, S. Hennige, A. Gori
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Turbulence affects larval vertical swimming in the cold-water coral Lophelia
Vilhelm Fagerström, Göran Broström, Ann I. Larsson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2022 -
Adherence of kelp (Saccharina latissima) gametophytes on ropes with different binder treatments and flow
Wouter Visch, Ann I. Larsson, Per Åberg, Gunilla B. Toth
Journal of Applied Phycology - 2022 -
A novel tool for cost and emission reduction related to ship underwater hull
Dinis Reis Oliveira, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag, Sofia Werner, Ann I. Larsson, Erik Ytreberg
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2022 -
Structure and mixing of a meandering turbulent chemical plume: turbulent mixing and eddy
David L. Young, Donald R. Webster, Ann I. Larsson
Experiments in Fluids - 2022 -
Are silicone foul-release coatings a viable and environmentally sustainable alternative to biocidal antifouling coatings in the Baltic Sea
M. Lagerström, A. L. Wrange, D. R. Oliveira, L. Granhag, Ann I. Larsson, E. Ytreberg
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2022 -
Active Ecological Restoration of Cold-Water Corals: Techniques, Challenges, Costs and Future
Maria Montseny, Cristina Linares, Marina Carreiro-Silva, Lea Anne Henry, David Billett, Erik E. Cordes, Christopher J. Smith, Nadia Papadopoulou, Meri Bilan, Fanny Girard, Heidi L. Burdett, Ann I. Larsson, Susanna Strömberg, Núria Viladrich, James P. Barry, Patricia Baena, Antonio Godinho, Jordi Grinyó, Andreu Santín, Telmo Morato, Andrew K. Sweetman, Josep Maria Gili, Andrea Gori
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2021 -
Using the Goldilocks Principle to model coral ecosystem
S. J. Hennige, Ann I. Larsson, C. Orejas, A. Gori, L. H. De Clippele, Y. C. Lee, G. Jimeno, K. Georgoulas, N. A. Kamenos, J. M. Roberts
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2021 -
HullMASTER – An Interactive Tool to Calculate Economic and Societal Costs and Benefits of Ship Hull
Dinis Oliveira, Maria Lagerström, Lena Granhag, Sofia Werner, Ann I. Larsson, Erik Ytreberg
Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) Home Page - 2021 -
Flow and diffusion around and within diatom aggregates: effects of aggregate composition and
Eva-Maria Zetsche, Ann I. Larsson, Morten Iversen, Helle Ploug
Limnology and Oceanography - 2020 -
Cold-water corals in aquaria: advances and challenges. A focus on the
C Orejas, M Taviani, S Ambroso, V Andreou, M Bilan, M Bo, S Brooke, P Mortensen, E Cordes, C Dominguez-Carrío, A Godinho, A Gori, J Grinyó, C Gutiérrez-Zárate, S Hennige, C Jiménez, Ann I. Larsson, F Lartaud, J Lunden, C Maier, S Maier, J Movilla, F Murray, E Peru, A Purser, M Rakka, S Reynaud, J M Roberts, P Siles, Susanna Strömberg, L Thomsen, D van Oevelen, A Veiga, M Carreiro-Silva
Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future - 2019 -
The cnidome and ultrastructural morphology of late planulae in Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) - With implications for settling
Susanna Strömberg, C. Ostman, Ann I. Larsson
Acta Zoologica - 2019 -
Perspectives of biophysical modelling with implications on biological connectivity of Mediterranean cold water
Matt W Johnston, Ann I. Larsson
Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future. Orejas, Covadonga, Jiménez, Carlos (Eds.) - 2019 -
Effect of ship hull form on the resistance penalty from
Dinis Oliveira, Ann I. Larsson, Lena Granhag
Biofouling - 2018 -
Adaptation to dislodgement risk on wave-swept rocky shores in the snail Littorina
Guénolé Le Pennec, Roger Butlin, Per R. Jonsson, Ann I. Larsson, Jessica Lindborg, Erik Bergström, Anja Marie Westram, Kerstin Johannesson
PloS one - 2017 -
Hydrodynamic properties and distribution of bait downstream of a zooplankton
Erik Selander, Jan Heuschele, Ann I. Larsson
Journal of Plankton Research - 2017 -
Larval behavior and longevity in the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa indicate potential for long distance
Susanna Strömberg, Ann I. Larsson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2017 -
Instantaneous Flow Structures and Opportunities for Larval Settlement: Barnacle Larvae Swim to
Ann I. Larsson, Lena Granhag, Per R. Jonsson
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Biogeographic variability in the physiological response of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa to ocean
Samuel E. Georgian, Samuel Dupont, Melissa Kurman, Adam Butler, Susanna Strömberg, Ann I. Larsson, Erik E. Cordes
Marine Ecology - 2016 -
Discovery of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and chemoautotrophy in cold-water
Jack J. Middelburg, Christina E. Mueller, Bart Veuger, Ann I. Larsson, Armin Form, Dick van Oevelen
Scientific Reports - 2015 -
Natural populations of shipworm larvae are attracted to wood by waterborne chemical
Gunilla B. Toth, Ann I. Larsson, Per R. Jonsson, Christin Appelqvist
PLoS ONE - 2015 -
Embryogenesis and larval biology of the cold-water coral Lophelia
Ann I. Larsson, J. Järnegren, Susanna Strömberg, Mikael Dahl, Tomas Lundälv, S.D. Brooke
PLoS ONE - 2014 -
Opportunistic feeding on various organic food sources by the cold-water coral Lophelia
C. E. Mueller, Ann I. Larsson, B. Veuger, J. J. Middelburg, D. van Oevelen
Biogeosciences - 2014 -
Resistance of Lophelia pertusa to coverage by sediment and petroleum drill
E. Allers, R. M. M. Abed, L. M. Wehrmann, T. Wang, Ann I. Larsson, A. Purser, D. de Beer
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2013 -
Tolerance to long-term exposure of suspended benthic sediments and drill cuttings in the cold-water coral Lophelia
Ann I. Larsson, D van Oevelen, A Purser, L Thomsen
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2013 -
Skeletal growth, respiration rate and fatty acid composition in the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa under varying food
Ann I. Larsson, Tomas Lundälv, D. van Oevelen
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2013 -
Sedimentation on the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa: Cleaning efficiency from natural sediments and drill
Ann I. Larsson, A. Purser
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2011 -
The influence of flow velocity and food concentration on Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) zooplankton capture
A. Purser, Ann I. Larsson, L. Thomsen, D. van Oevelen
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2010 -
Fouling-release of barnacles from a boat hull with comparison to laboratory data of attachment
Ann I. Larsson, Linnea Mattsson-Thorngren, Lena Granhag, Mattias Berglin
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2010 -
Adsorption of antifouling booster biocides on metal oxide nanoparticles: Effect of different metal oxides and
Lyuba Shtykova, Camilla Fant, Paul Handa, Ann I. Larsson, Kent Berntsson, Hans Blanck, Roger Simonsson, Magnus Nydén, Hanna Härelind Ingelsten
Progress in Organic Coatings - 2009 -
Algal spore settlement and sporling removal as a function of flow
Lena Granhag, Ann I. Larsson, Per R. Jonsson
Mar Ecol Prog Ser - 2007 -
Barnacle larvae actively select flow environments supporting post-settlement growth and
Ann I. Larsson, Per R. Jonsson
Ecology - 2006 -
Flow effects on settlement and recruitment in the barnacle BALANS IMPROVISUS with applications for biofouling
Ann I. Larsson
2006 -
Laboratory study of Lophelia pertusa: Polyp behaviour in different current
Lisbeth G. Jonsson, Ann I. Larsson, Tomas Lundälv
3rd International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, Miami, USA - 2005 -
Rejection of unsuitable substrata as a potential driver of aggregated settlement in the barnacle Balanus
Kent M. Berntsson, Per R. Jonsson, Ann I. Larsson, S. Holdt
Marine Ecology-Progress Series - 2004 -
Linking larval supply to recruitment: Flow-mediated control of initial adhesion of barnacle
Per R. Jonsson, Kent M. Berntsson, Ann I. Larsson
Ecology - 2004 -
Do large seston particles contribute to the diet of the bivalve Cerastoderma
Örjan Karlsson, Per R. Jonsson, Ann I. Larsson
Marine Ecology-Progress Series - 2003 -
The adhesion of the barnacle, Balanus improvisus, to poly(dimethylsiloxane) fouling-release coatings and poly(methyl methacrylate) panels: The effect of barnacle size on strength and failure
Mattias Berglin, Ann I. Larsson, Per R. Jonsson, P. Gatenholm
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology - 2001 -
Hybrid fitness seems not to be an explanation for the partial reproductive isolation between ecotypes of Galician Littorina
Kerstin Johannesson, Ann I. Larsson, R. Cruz, C. Garcia, E. Rolan-Alvarez
Journal of Molluscan Studies - 2000