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- Bengt Bergman
Bengt Bergman
Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition-
Noninvasive detection of any-stage cancer using free
Sinisa Bratulic, Angelo Limeta, Saeed Dabestani, Helgi Birgisson, Gunilla Enblad, Karin Stålberg, Göran Hesselager, Michael Häggman, Martin Höglund, Oscar E Simonson, Peter Stålberg, Henrik Lindman, Anna Bång-Rudenstam, Matias Ekstrand, Gunjan Kumar, Ilaria Cavarretta, Massimo Alfano, Francesco Pellegrino, Thomas Mandel-Clausen, Ali Salanti, Francesca Maccari, Fabio Galeotti, Nicola Volpi, Mads Daugaard, Mattias Belting, Sven Lundstam, Ulrika Stierner, Jan Nyman, Bengt Bergman, Per-Henrik Edqvist, Max Levin, Andrea Salonia, Henrik Kjölhede, Eric Jonasch, Jens Nielsen, Francesco Gatto
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2022 -
Surveillance of small, solid pulmonary nodules at digital chest tomosynthesis: data from a cohort of the pilot Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Carin Meltzer, Erika Fagman, Jenny Vikgren, David Molnar, Eivind Borna, Maral Mirzai, John Brandberg, Bengt Bergman, Magnus Båth, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson
Acta Radiologica - 2021 -
Prediction of COPD by the single-breath nitrogen test and various respiratory
Jan Olofson, Björn Bake, Bengt Bergman, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, K. Svardsudd
Erj Open Research - 2021 -
Erlotinib treatment induces cytochrome P450 3A activity in non-small cell lung cancer
A. Svedberg, S. Vikingsson, A. Vikstrom, N. Hornstra, M. Kentson, E. Branden, H. Koyi, Bengt Bergman, H. Green
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology - 2019 -
COX-2 expression and effects of celecoxib in addition to standard chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung
M. Gulyas, J. S. M. Mattsson, A. Lindgren, L. Ek, K. L. Lundstrom, A. Behndig, Erik Holmberg, P. Micke, Bengt Bergman
Acta Oncologica - 2018 -
Prediction of COPD and Related Events Improves by Combining Spirometry and the Single Breath Nitrogen
Jan Olofson, Björn Bake, Bengt Bergman, Anders Ullman, K. Svardsudd
Copd-Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2018 -
Detection and Characterization of Solid Pulmonary Nodules at Digital Chest Tomosynthesis: Data from a Cohort of the Pilot Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage
Carin Meltzer, Jenny Vikgren, Bengt Bergman, David Molnar, Rauni Rossi-Norrlund, Asmaa Hassoun, Bengt Gottfridsson, Magnus Båth, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson
Radiology - 2018 -
The single breath nitrogen test and mortality - A 38 years follow
Jan Olofson, Björn Bake, Bengt Bergman, K. Svardsudd
Respiratory Medicine - 2016 -
The impact of individual quality of life assessment on psychosocial attention in patients with chest malignancies: a randomized
Mercedes Nicklasson, Magnus Lundgren Elfström, Jan Olofson, Bengt Bergman
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2013 -
Predictive role of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor for the effect of celecoxib in advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with
S. Sorenson, H. Fohlin, A. Lindgren, M. Lindskog, Bengt Bergman, C. Sederholm, L. Ek, K. Lamberg, B. Clinchy
European Journal of Cancer - 2013 -
Prophylactic treatment of local reactions to i.v. vinorelbine: a randomized
Eva Quant, Bengt Bergman
Supportive Care in Cancer - 2012 -
Ersättningsformer och processeffektivitet – modellering för styrning i ett komplext
Paul Holmström, Bengt Bergman, Stefan Hallberg, Claes Ridderbjelke
2012 -
Health related quality of life in locally advanced NSCLC treated with high dose radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy or cetuximab - Pooled results from two prospective clinical
Andreas Hallqvist, Bengt Bergman, Jan Nyman
Radiotherapy and oncology - 2012 -
Effect of celecoxib on survival in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a double blind randomised clinical phase III trial (CYCLUS study) by the Swedish Lung Cancer Study
Andrea Koch, Bengt Bergman, Erik Holmberg, Christer Sederholm, Lars Ek, Jaroslaw Kosieradzki, Kristina Lamberg, Lars Thaning, Sven-Olof Ydreborg, Sverre Sörenson
European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) - 2011 -
The Assessment of Quality of life at the End of Life (AQEL) questionnaire: a brief but comprehensive instrument for use in patients with cancer in palliative
Ingela Henoch, Bertil Axelsson, Bengt Bergman
Quality of life research - 2010 -
Long-term results of the international adjuvant lung cancer trial evaluating adjuvant Cisplatin-based chemotherapy in resected lung
Rodrigo Arriagada, Ariane Dunant, Jean-Pierre Pignon, Bengt Bergman, Mariusz Chabowski, Dominique Grunenwald, Miroslaw Kozlowski, Cécile Le Péchoux, Robert Pirker, Maria-Izabel Sathler Pinel, Michèle Tarayre, Thierry Le Chevalier
Journal of clinical oncology - 2010 -
Bengt Bergman, Julius Klominek, Jan Nyman
Lungmedicin Kap. 9. Sandström T & Eklund A red. - 2009 -
Qualify of life and palliation predict survival in patients with chronic alveolar hypoventilation and nocturnal ventilatory
Jan Olofson, Catharina Dellborg, Marianne Sullivan, Bengt Midgren, Oscar Caro, Bengt Bergman
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation - 2009 -
Impact of home mechanical ventilation on health-related quality of life in patients with chronic alveolar hypoventilation: a prospective
Catharina Dellborg, Jan Olofson, Bengt Midgren, Oscar Caro, Bengt Bergman, Bengt-Eric Skoogh, Marianne Sullivan
The Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2008 -
Lungcancervården - Hur bra är
Bengt Bergman
Incitament - för en hälso- & sjukvård i förvandling - 2008 -
Dyspnea experience in patients with lung cancer in palliative
Ingela Henoch, Bengt Bergman, Marianne Gustafsson, Fannie Gaston-Johansson, Ella Danielson
European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society - 2008 -
Dyspnea experience and management strategies in patients with lung
Ingela Henoch, Bengt Bergman, Ella Danielson
Psycho-oncology - 2008 -
Irinotecan plus carboplatin versus oral etoposide plus carboplatin in extensive small-cell lung cancer: a randomized phase III
Andreas Hermes, Bengt Bergman, Roy Bremnes, Lars Ek, Sverre Fluge, Christer Sederholm, Stein Sundstrøm, Lars Thaning, Jan Vilsvik, Ulf Aasebø, Sverre Sörenson
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology - 2008 -
The impact of symptoms, coping capacity, and social support on quality of life experience over time in patients with lung
Ingela Henoch, Bengt Bergman, Marianne Gustafsson, Fannie Gaston-Johansson, Ella Danielson
Journal of pain and symptom management - 2007 -
Validity, reliability and clinical relevance of EORTC QLQ-C30 and LC13 in patients with chest malignancies in a palliative
Mercedes Nicklasson, Bengt Bergman
Qual Life Res - 2007 -
Validation of a Swedish version of the Cancer Dyspnea
Ingela Henoch, Bengt Bergman, Fannie Gaston-Johansson
Journal of pain and symptom management - 2006 -
Palliative chemotherapy beyond three courses conveys no survival or consistent quality-of-life benefits in advanced non-small-cell lung
C. von Plessen, Bengt Bergman, O. Andresen, R. M. Bremnes, S. Sundström, Mona Gilleryd, R. Stephens, J. Vilsvik, U. Aasebo, S. Sörenson
Br J Cancer - 2006 -
Validation of a Swedish version of the cancer dyspnea
I. Henoch, Bengt Bergman, F. Gaston-Johansson
J Pain Symptom Manage. - 2006 -
Cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung
R. Arriagada, Bengt Bergman, A. Dunant, T. Le Chevalier, J. P. Pignon, J. Vansteenkiste
N Engl J Med - 2004 -
Declining visual acuity in healthy eyes with age. Calculation of loss of retinal ganglion cells in the elderly and
Johan Sjöstrand, Bengt Bergman, Zoran Popovic
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science - 2004 -
Bengt Bergman
Läkemedelsboken 2003/2004. Apoteksbolaget - 2003 -
A longitudinal study of the Swedish Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngeal Cancer questionnaire in patients treated for laryngeal
Caterina Finizia, Claudia Palmé, Bengt Bergman
Acta Oncol - 2002