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- Bledar Daka
Bledar Daka
Professor/District Medical Officer
School of Public Health and Community Medicine-
Endogenous sex hormone levels are associated with the revised Framingham Stroke Risk Profile in postmenopausal women: a longitudinal study in a Swedish
Kristin Ottarsdottir, Åsa Tivesten, Claes Ohlsson, Ying Li, Margareta Hellgren, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
BMC Endocrine Disorders - 2025 -
Exploring the Relationships between Sex Hormones and Abdominal Muscle Area and Radiodensity in Postmenopausal Women: Insights from the Multi-Ethnic Study of
Amar Osmancevic, Matthew Allison, Iva Miljkovic, Chantal A. Vella, Pamela Ouyang, Penelope Trimpou, Bledar Daka
MATURITAS - 2025 -
Proteomic biomarkers and pathway analysis for progression to heart failure in three epidemiological representative
Anna Dieden, Nicolas Girerd, Filip Ottosson, John Molvin, Manan Pareek, Olle Melander, Erasmus Bachus, Lennart Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, Margret Leosdottir, Peter M. Nilsson, Michael H. Olsen, Andrew L. Clark, John G. F. Cleland, Christian Delles, Arantxa Gonzalez, Zohra Lamiral, Kevin Duarte, Patrick Rossignol, Faiez Zannad, Petri Gudmundsson, Amra Jujic, Martin Magnusson
”I am now on ‘speaking terms’ with my migraine monster”–patient experiences in acceptance-based cognitive behavioral therapy delivered via the internet for migraine: a randomized controlled pilot study using a mixed-method
Marie Persson, Bledar Daka, Emma Varkey, Josefine Lilja, Linnea Nissling, Olena Cronstedt, Ann Katrine Perschbacher, Anna Bratt, Sandra Weineland
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - 2024 -
Levels of Sex Hormones and Abdominal Muscle Composition in Men from The Multi-Ethnic Study of
Amar Osmancevic, Matthew Allison, Iva Miljkovic, Chantal A. Vella, Pamela Ouyang, Penelope Trimpou, Bledar Daka
Life's Essential 8 is inversely associated with high-sensitivity C-reactive
Lana Hebib, Angel Herraiz-Adillo, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Daniel Berglind, Bledar Daka, Patrik Wennberg, Emil Hagstrom, Cecilia Lenander, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Carl Johan Ostgren, Karin Radholm, Pontus Henriksson
Associations of psychological factors with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular health in middle-age: the population-based Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage study
Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Angel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Robin Oberg, Cecilia Lenander, Patrik Wennberg, Josefin Wangdahl, Daniel Berglind, Bledar Daka, Carl Johan Oestgren, Karin Radholm, Pontus Henriksson
Respiratory function after 30+years following sulfur mustard exposure in survivors in
Faraidoun Moradi, Sanna Kjellberg, Ying Li, Bledar Daka, Anna-Carin Olin
Physical fitness in male adolescents and atherosclerosis in middle age: a population-based cohort
Angel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Kristofer Hedman, Emil Hagstrom, Melony Fortuin- de Smidt, Bledar Daka, Cecilia Lenander, Daniel Berglind, Carl Johan Ostgren, Karin Radholm, Francisco B. Ortega, Pontus Henriksson
Reply on: Analyzing the effects of sex hormone-binding globulin levels and development of hypertension in middle-aged men and
Michel E S Watz, Åsa Tivesten, Kristin Ottarsdottir, Ying Li, Margareta Hellgren, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Journal of hypertension - 2024 -
Body mass index and weight gain in pregnancy and cardiovascular health in middle age: A cohort
Lovisa Waagaard, Angel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Daniel Berglind, Patrik Wennberg, Bledar Daka, Cecilia Lenander, Johan Sundstrom, Carl Johan Ostgren, Karin Radholm, Pontus Henriksson
Internet-delivered psychological treatment program for adults with frequent migraines: a randomized controlled pilot study with a mixed methods
Marie Persson, Bledar Daka, Emma Varkey, Josefine Lilja, Linnea Nissling, Olena Cronsted, Ann Katrine Perschbacher, Anna Bratt, Sandra Weineland
IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain - International Association for the Study of Pain - 2024 -
Life's Essential 8 in relation to self-rated health and health-related quality of life in a large population-based sample: the SCAPIS
Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H Ahlqvist, Bledar Daka, Josefin Wångdahl, Patrik Wennberg, Jakob Carlsson, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Cecilia Lenander, Carl Johan Östgren, Daniel Berglind, Karin Rådholm, Pontus Henriksson
Quality of Life Research - 2024 -
Life's Essential 8 and Life's Simple 7 in Relation to Coronary Atherosclerosis: Results From the Population-Based SCAPIS
Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Viktor H Ahlqvist, Daniel Berglind, Maria B Syrjälä, Bledar Daka, Cecilia Lenander, Johan Sundström, Francisco B Ortega, Carl-Johan Östgren, Karin Rådholm, Pontus Henriksson
Mayo Clinic proceedings - 2024 -
Low prevalence of ideal cardiovascular health in the general Swedish population: Results from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
S. Higueras-Fresnillo, A. Herraiz-Adillo, V. H. Ahlqvist, D. Berglind, C. Lenander, Bledar Daka, M. B. Syrjala, J. Sundstrom, C. J. Ostgren, K. Radholm, P. Henriksson
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2023 -
Association between self-reported alcohol consumption and diastolic dysfunction: a cross-sectional
Bledar Daka, L. Bennet, L. Råstam, Margareta Hellgren, Ying Li, M. Magnusson, U. Lindblad
Bmj Open - 2023 -
Sex hormone-binding globulin levels and development of hypertension in middle-aged men and
Michel Watz, Åsa Tivesten, Kristin Ottarsdottir, Ying Li, Margareta Hellgren, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Journal of hypertension - 2023 -
The Association between Inflammation, Testosterone and SHBG in men: A cross-sectional Multi-Ethnic Study of
Amar Osmancevic, Bledar Daka, E. D. Michos, Penelope Trimpou, M. Allison
Clinical Endocrinology - 2023 -
Impaired artery elasticity predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality- A longitudinal study in the Vara-Skövde
Gábor Szaló, Margareta Hellgren, Matthew Allison, Ying Li, Lennart Råstam, Karin Rådholm, Entela Bollano, Daniel A Duprez, David R Jacobs, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Journal of human hypertension - 2023 -
Life's Essential 8 and carotid artery plaques: the Swedish cardiopulmonary bioimage
A. Herraiz-Adillo, V. H. Ahlqvist, S. Higueras-Fresnillo, D. Berglind, P. Wennberg, C. Lenander, Bledar Daka, M. Ekstedt, J. Sundstrom, F. B. Ortega, C. J. Ostgren, K. Radholm, P. Henriksson
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine - 2023 -
Validation of a single question to measure internal health locus of control in Swedish primary
Maria Christina Eriksson, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, Jesper Lundgren
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - 2023 -
Association between low internal health locus of control, psychological distress and insulin resistance. An exploratory
Maria Eriksson, Jesper Lundgren, Margareta Hellgren, Ying Li, Cecilia Björkelund, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Plos One - 2023 -
High C-reactive protein is associated with increased risk of biochemical hypogonadism: a population-based cohort
Amar Osmancevic, Kristin Ottarsdottir, Margareta Hellgren, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Endocrine Connections - 2022 -
The impact of sulfur mustard on quality of life and mental health in Kurdish survivors in Sweden, thirty years after
Faraidoun Moradi, F. Moradi, Ying Li, Anna-Carin Olin, Bledar Daka
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2022 -
Galectin-4 levels in hospitalized versus non-hospitalized subjects with obesity: the Malmo Preventive
J. Korduner, H. Holm, A. Jujic, O. Melander, M. Pareek, J. Molvin, L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, M. Leosdottir, P. M. Nilsson, E. Bachus, M. H. Olsen, M. Magnusson
Cardiovascular Diabetology - 2022 -
Persisting prediabetic conditions and glomerular filtration rate - A longitudinal
Sven Diurlin, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, Margareta Hellgren
Primary Care Diabetes - 2022 -
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Endogenous Sex Hormones in Postmenopausal Women: A Cross-Sectional
Kristin Ottarsdottir, Åsa Tivesten, Ying Li, Ulf Lindblad, Margareta Hellgren, Claes Ohlsson, Bledar Daka
Journal of the Endocrine Society - 2022 -
The 10-year incidence of hypertension across blood pressure categories in a population-based cohort in southwestern
Ulf Lindblad, Klara Lundholm, J. Eckner, Ying Li, L. Rastam, Margareta Hellgren, Bledar Daka
Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders - 2021 -
Longitudinal association between leisure-time physical activity and vascular elasticity
Gabor Szalo, Margareta Hellgren, Matthew Allison , L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders - 2021 -
Circulating endothelin-1 levels are positively associated with chronic kidney disease in women but not in men: a longitudinal study in the Vara-Skovde
Margareta Hellgren, Per-Anders Jansson, Hormoz Alayar, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Bmc Nephrology - 2021 -
Association between body mass index and self-rated health: A Swedish population-based longitudinal
Margareta Hellgren, Emelie Kitsche, Marieke Groot-Zevert, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2021 -
Longitudinal associations between sex hormone-binding globulin and insulin
Kristin Ottarsdottir, Margareta Hellgren, David Bock, Anna G Nilsson, Bledar Daka
Endocrine Connections - 2020 -
Men with impaired glucose tolerance have lower self-rated health than men with impaired fasting
Sven Diurlin, Maria Christina Eriksson, Bledar Daka, Ulf Lindblad, Margareta Hellgren
Primary Care Diabetes - 2020 -
Early post-transplant elevated pulmonary artery pressure predicts adverse outcome in cardiac
Entela Bollano, Bert Andersson, Clara Hjalmarsson, Göran Dellgren, Bledar Daka, Kristjan Karason
International Journal of Cardiology. Heart & vasculature - 2020 -
Proteomic exploration of common pathophysiological pathways in diabetes and cardiovascular
J. Molvin, A. Jujic, O. Melander, M. Pareek, L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, M. Leosdottir, P. M. Nilsson, M. H. Olsen, M. Magnusson
ESC Heart Failure - 2020 -
Exploration of pathophysiological pathways for incident atrial fibrillation using a multiplex proteomic
John Molvin, Amra Jujic, Olle Melander, Manan Pareek, Lennart Råstam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, Margret Leosdottir, Peter Nilsson, Michael Olsen, Martin Magnusson
Open heart - 2020 -
A diabetes-associated genetic variant is associated with diastolic dysfunction and cardiovascular
John Molvin, Amra Jujic, Peter M Nilsson, Margret Leosdottir, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, Louise Bennet, Lennart Råstam, Valeriya Lyssenko, Martin Magnusson
ESC heart failure - 2020 -
Using a Targeted Proteomics Chip to Explore Pathophysiological Pathways for Incident Diabetes-The Malmo Preventive
J. Molvin, M. Pareek, A. Jujic, O. Melander, L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka, M. Leosdottir, P. M. Nilsson, M. H. Olsen, M. Magnusson
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Health perspectives among Halabja’s civilian survivors of sulfur mustard exposure with respiratory symptoms—A qualitative
Faraidoun Moradi, Mia Söderberg, Fazil Moradi, Bledar Daka, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Epidemiological and clinical implications of blood pressure measured in seated versus supine
E. Privsek, Margareta Hellgren, L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Medicine - 2018 -
The association between serum testosterone and insulin resistance: a longitudinal
Kristin Ottarsdottir, Anna G Nilsson, Margareta Hellgren, Ulf Lindblad, Bledar Daka
Endocrine Connections - 2018 -
Population-level analysis to determine parameters that drive variation in the plasma metabolite
M. Al-Majdoub, K. Herzog, Bledar Daka, M. Magnusson, L. Råstam, Ulf Lindblad, P. Spégel
Metabolites - 2018 -
Clinical profile and management of patients with incident and recurrent acute myocardial infarction in Albania - A call for more focus on prevention
S. Myftiu, E. Sulo, G. Burazeri, Bledar Daka, I. Sharka, A. Shkoza, G. Sulo
Zdravstveno Varstvo - 2017 -
Endothelin-1 as a predictor of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes - A longitudinal study in the Vara-Skovde
Josefin Olausson, Bledar Daka, Margareta Hellgren, Charlotte A. Larsson, Max Petzold, Ulf Lindblad, Per-Anders Jansson
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice - 2016 -
C-Reactive Protein Concentrations and Level of Physical Activity in Men and Women With Normal and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study in
Margareta Hellgren, Charlotte A. Larsson, Bledar Daka, Max Petzold, Per-Anders Jansson, Ulf Lindblad
Journal of Physical Activity & Health - 2016 -
Circulating concentrations of endothelin-1 predict coronary heart disease in women but not in men: A longitudinal observational study in the Vara-Skövde
Bledar Daka, Josefin Olausson, Charlotte A. Larsson, Margareta Hellgren, Lennart Råstam, Per-Anders Jansson, Ulf Lindblad
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders - 2015 -
Low concentrations of serum testosterone predict acute myocardial infarction in men with type 2 diabetes
Bledar Daka, R. D. Langer, C. A. Larsson, Thord Rosén, Per-Anders Jansson, L. Rastam, Ulf Lindblad
Bmc Endocrine Disorders - 2015 -
Primary care screening for individuals with impaired glucose metabolism with focus on impaired glucose
Margareta Hellgren, Bledar Daka, Per-Anders Jansson, Ulf Lindblad
Primary Care Diabetes - 2015 -
Insulin resistance predicts early cardiovascular morbidity in men without diabetes mellitus, with effect modification by physical
Margareta Hellgren, Bledar Daka, Per-Anders Jansson, Ulf Lindblad, Charlotte A. Larsson
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology - 2015 -
Inverse association between serum insulin and sex hormone-binding globulin in a population survey in
Bledar Daka, Thord Rosén, Per-Anders Jansson, Råstam Lennart, Charlotte A. Larsson, Ulf Lindblad
Endocrine Connections - 2013 -
Clusters of AMI risk factors and their association with left ventricular hypertrophy: A population-based study within the Skaraborg Project,
Charlotte A. Larsson, Bledar Daka, Bo Gullberg, Lennart Råstam, Ulf Lindblad
International Journal of Cardiology - 2013 -
The association between self-rated health and impaired glucose tolerance in Swedish adults: A cross-sectional
Susanne Andersson, Inger Ekman, Febe Friberg, Bledar Daka, Ulf Lindblad, Charlotte A. Larsson
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2013 -
Low sex hormone-binding globulin is associated with hypertension: a cross-sectional study in a Swedish
Bledar Daka, Thord Rosén, Per-Anders Jansson, Charlotte A Larsson, Lennart Råstam, Ulf Lindblad
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders - 2013 -
Low agreement between radio binding assays in analyzing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65Ab) autoantibodies in patients classified with type 2
Bledar Daka, M.K Svensson, Ke Lernmark, Lucia Mincheva-Nilsson, Goran Hallmans, Olov Rolandsson
Autoimmunity - 2009