
Susanna Young Håkansson


Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research
Postal address
Box 709
40530 Göteborg

About Susanna Young Håkansson

Current role

I am an analyst at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research. I work with issues related to research and higher education policy and exposed living conditions. Among other things, I work with the conditions of gender research and gender researchers, as well as different types of vulnerability in working life.

I am currently working in several projects. I lead the project Transgender working conditions, which aims to map Nordic knowledge and identify needs to improve the working conditions of transgender people in the Nordic countries. I also work in GENDERACTIONplus, the EU project where the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research coordinates a work package to develop measures and strategies to counteract gender-based violence and harassment in the European research area. I also work in the project Conditions and career paths for gender scientists and gender researchers, in which we recently published the final report of the study.


Collaboration is an integral part of the secretariat's activities. In the projects I currently work on, we collaborate with LGBTI and trans organizations in the Nordic region, researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University and Nordlandsforskning in Norway, the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Public Health Agency of Sweden, which coordinates the strategic LGBTI authorities in Sweden, as well as with ministries of education and national research funding bodies in EU countries.