
Cas Renette

Doctoral Student

Department of Earth Sciences
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7B
41262 Göteborg
Postal address
Box Box 460
40530 Göteborg

About Cas Renette


My research focuses on the dynamics of palsas, which are mounds of frozen peat, in the Sub Arctic region. These landforms are a unique permafrost habitat and are rapidly disappearing as a result of increased air temperature and precipitation. We use a wide range of techniques crossing several disciplines, including remote sensing with drones, geophysical investigations and the monitoring of climate and ground temperatures.



I teach mainly in NG0210: Field Course in the Subarctic - Physical Geography and Ecology, where I lead excursions and fieldwork in Sub Arctic Sweden and later superivse the writing of large project reports. Further, I assist in GV2300: Remote sensing and GIS and GV2500: Data Analysis for Earth Sciences.


  • Poster presentation at EGU24, in Vienna, Austria (April 2024): Multitemporal UAV LiDAR detects seasonal heave and subsidence on palsas.
  • Poster presentation at EUCOP23, European Conference on Permafrost in Puigerda, Spain (June 2023): Assessing palsa changes with high resolution UAS-Borne LiDAR.
  • Oral presentation at Polarforum 2022 in Lund, Sweden (November 2022): Determining palsa dynamics and their relationship to climatic and environmental drivers.