Daniel Bernmar
About Daniel Bernmar
Background Daniel Bernmar is an PhD Student at the School of Public Administration. He has written Aktörer, nätverk och spårvagnar - En studie i organiserandet av ett trafikpolitiskt projekt (2007), Förvaltningshögskolans rapportserie nummer 89 Research field Organization theory in Public Administration from an ANT-perspective. Current Research Project Ph. d. project: Green Bureaucracy – Knowledge-handling in Environmental Policy To further develop our understanding of the relation between management and the uncertainty or ambiguity of knowledge of complex environmental issues this project attempts to focus on the implementation of complex decision-making systems and tools by chief managers working with dissemination, guidance and organising efforts at regional level. Specifically focusing on how the organisation handles knowledge and what relation knowledge has in translating between politics, policy and the implenter's efforts and corresponding objectives in practice.
The study focus on the County Administrative Boards which is a pivotal actor in implementing and assessing a large part of the Swedish environmental policy. Earlier studies points toward different modes of managing knowledge and objectives in environmental policy which are closely related to mechanisms of coping with uncertainty and ambiguous knowledge.
This study will provide valuable knowledge in how these coping mechanism come into place but also describe the difficulty in separating knowledge from other analytical dimensions of governance. Teaching Daniel teach in Comparative politics and public administration. EU policy and decision-making, Classics in organization theory, gender and organization theory and theory of science. Daniel also supervising bachelor and master essays in Public Administration.