
David Ryffé

Senior Lecturer

Department of Law
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

About David Ryffé

Lecturer in public administration with a focus on public law, constitutional law, education and welfare law.

Former investigative journalist who also has practical experience of legal work at authorities, as well as from the private sector. Defended my thesis in the fall of 2019 with the title "Mission Impossible", which deals with how norm collisions and opposing governance logics tend to undermine the effectiveness of legal governance regarding the school system.

Currently studying the limits of municipal self-government and its impact on municipal operations in relation to the state. In parallel, a research project is underway regarding the municipality's role as "principal" and what this means in terms of what the municipality "is", as well as which part of the municipality that has the right to represent the entire municipality in this regard. Particular focus is on the municipality as principal of the school system and how the principal relates to the functions of the headmaster.

Research areas

  • Constitutional law, education law, public law, social law and jurisprudence.

Teaching areas

  • Educational law, Public law, Municipality law, Social law, freedom of expression and HR.