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- Helena Maria Johansson
Helena Maria Johansson
About Helena Maria Johansson
About me
I graduated with a degree in social work in 1987 and have worked in various fields including addiction treatment, outreach work, and child welfare. From 1991-1994, I worked in Mozambique where I trained and supervised future social workers.
In 2006, I defended my dissertation "Lack of male role models – deconstruction of a notion and its practice." Since 2019, I have been an associate professor in social work. I have previously been the director of studies for the social work program and the deputy head with responsibility for the department's education and internationalization. Since 2024, I am a member of the faculty board.
My research interests
My areas of interest can be summarized in a few keywords: youth, gender, family, and social services interventions. In recent years, also issues regarding the education and professionalization of social workers.
Research projects
I have been involved in several research projects including the intervention of contact persons, the significance of male role models (dissertation project), transfers of custody, promotion and preventive youth work, and the paths of placed children to education. Since 2024, I have been involved in a collaboration project with the city of Gothenburg's North East district about leisure activities for middle school girls.
I have long experience of teaching at all levels. Recently, I have been responsible for the department's master's thesis courses, qualitative methods in doctoral education, and school social work (master's). I supervise two doctoral students within the research school FYS.
Verlee Soyez, Robbie Gilligan, Laura Arnau-Sabatés, Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer, Hana Pazlorova, Yvonne Sjöblom, Jill Stoddart
Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
Exploring care leavers' agency in achieving entry into the world of work - a cross national study in six
Helena Johansson, Yvonne Sjöblom, Ingrid Höjer, Robbie Gilligan, Laura Arnau-Sabatés, Hana Pazlarová, Verlee Soyez, Jill Stoddart
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2023 -
Strengths and Resilience of Migrant Women in Transit: an Analysis of the Narratives of Central American Women in Irregular Transit Through Mexico Towards the
M. C. Lemus-Way, Helena Johansson
Journal of International Migration and Integration - 2020 -
Höga förväntningar på
Mona Franséhn, Helena Johansson, Therese Wissö
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2018 -
What can the documents tell us about recognition of schooling?
A case file-study of children placed in out-of-home care 1973 to
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer
15th EUSARF Conference, Porto, 2-5 October - 2018 -
The Role of Agency in Finding Pathways From Care to Work of Former Care Leavers: A Cross-National
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer, Yvonne Sjöblom
15 th EUSARF Conference, Porto, 2-5 October - 2018 -
Transferring custody from birth parents to foster parents – an ambiguous
Therese Wissö, Helena Johansson
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law - 2018 -
Recognition of education and schooling in case files for children and young people placed in out-of-home
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Lindberg, Bo Nielsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Helena Johansson
Children and youth services review - 2018 -
The unruly young men: Exploring some key constructions of masculinity within Swedish social
Helena Johansson, Ing-Marie Johansson
Indian Journal of Social Work - 2016 -
The Unruly Young Men - Some Key Constructions of Masculinity within Swedish Social
Helena Johansson, Ing-Marie Johansson
Indian journal of social work - 2016 -
Facilitating factors for educational success - views from young people and
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson
EUSARF 2016 Conference, Oviedo, Spain - 2016 -
New placement, new school. Change of schools for children in out-of-home
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson, Helena Lindberg
EUSARF 2016 Conference, Oviedo, Spain - 2016 -
Sweden: A long and winding
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer
Improving access to further and higher education for young people in public care - 2014 -
En lång och slingrig väg. Situationen för ungdomar som varit placerade i samhällets
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer
Den långa vägen till arbetsmarknaden. Om unga utanför. Jonas Olofsson (Red.) - 2014 -
Outsourcing the core of social work? Consequences of the organisational development within social services in
Helena Johansson, Mona Franséhn
ENSACT, Istanbul, 17-19/4 2013 - 2013 -
School as an opportunity and resilience factor for young people placed in
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson
European Journal of Social Work - 2013 -
De unga oregerliga
Helena Johansson, Ing-Marie Johansson
Att fostra familjen : en grundbok om styrning, föräldrarskap och socialtjänst / Helena Johansson, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund (red.) - 2012 -
Education for disadvantaged groups — Structural and individual
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer
Children and Youth Services Review - 2012 -
Att fostra familjen - en grundbok om styrning, föräldraskap och
Helena Johansson, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund
2012 -
Swedish contact persons for youths at risk – reasons and patterns in social
Helena Johansson, Mona Franséhn
European Conference on Social Work Research - 2012 -
Governing the
Helena Johansson, Margareta Bäck-Wiklund
European Conference on Social Work Research - 2012 -
Supporting education for young people placed in care - experiences from
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson
Learning event: Improving educational outcomes for children in care. P.A.R.T. - Practice and research together. University of Ottawa - 2011 -
När samhället blir förälder – placerade barns och ungas
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson, Åsa Berndtsson, Bo Nielsen
Utvärdering genom uppföljning. Longitudinell individforskning under ett halvsekel - 2011 -
Familj och Familjepolitik i
Linda Lane, Andrea Spehar, Helena Johansson
EU och välfärdens Europa – Familj, arbetsmarknad och migration - 2011 -
Young People from a Public Care Background and their Pathways to
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer, Margreth Hill
2011 -
A long and winding
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson, Margreth Hill
Projekt YIPPEE's hemsida - 2011 -
Varför gillar socialsekreterare insatserna kontaktperson och
Helena Johansson, Mona Franséhn, Margareta Regnér
Familj, vardagsliv och modernitet. En festskrift till Margareta Bäck-Wiklund. Redaktörer Ingrid Höjer och Staffan Höjer - 2011 -
YIPPEE - Young people from a public care background: Pathways to education in
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer, Margreth Hill
OMEP konferens, augusti 2010, Göteborg - 2010 -
Osedd och
Margreth Hill, Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson
Socialpolitik - 2010 -
Pathways to education for Swedish former child welfare
Ingrid Höjer, Helena Johansson, Margreth Hill
Insideout - How interventions in child and family care work - 2010 -
Främjande pedagogik. Perspektiv och läroprocesser i
Torbjörn Forkby, Helena Johansson, Susanne Liljeholm Hansson
2008 -
State of the Art Consolidated Literature Review The Educational Pathways of Young People from a Public Care Background in Five EU
Helena Johansson, Ingrid Höjer, Margreth Hill
2008 -
Resa i ett könat
Helena Johansson
Att göra skillnad – könsperspektiv i socialt arbete med barn och ungdomar - 2008 -
Främjande pedagogik - Perspektiv och läroprocesser i
Helena Johansson, Torbjörn Forkby, Susanne Liljeholm Hansson
2008 -
Brist på manliga förebilder. Dekonstruktion av en föreställning och dess
Helena Johansson
2006 -
Män gör män av
Helena Johansson
Socialpolitik - 2006 -
Brist på manliga förebilder? - Behöver pojkar manliga
Helena Johansson
Konferensen Könsperspektiv på socialt arbete med ungdomar - 2006 -
Diagnosens makt: om kunskap, pengar och lidande. Gunilla Hallerstedt (red), Daidalos,
Helena Johansson
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2006 -
Pojkar behöver manliga förebilder? En studie av socialsekreterares tankemönster och arbete med söner till ensamstående
Helena Johansson
2005 -
Den dolda könsdiskursen. Mödrar, söner och frånvarande
Margareta Bäck-Wiklund, Mona Franséhn, Helena Johansson, Thomas Johansson