
Helene Bergentoft

Deputy Head of Department

Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 5
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Senior Lecturer

Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 5
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Helene Bergentoft

Helene Bergentoft, PhD, is employed as a university lecturer in sports science at the Department of Nutrition and Sports Science (IKI) at the University of Gothenburg (GU). Heléne is deputy head of department at IKI with responsibility for collaboration and internationalization.

Heléne is a licensed teacher in the subjects of Physical Education and health and special sports (1985), has completed a master's degree in educational science (2012) and a licentiate degree in pedagogical work (2014). Heléne has many years of experience as a teacher in Pysical Education and Health and has worked at all stages, but mostly at upper secondary level. Heléne has a background in badminton, as a coach and leader in clubs and for the Swedish Badminton Federation and as a special sports teacher at the badmintongymnasium in Malmö.

Heléne defended her thesis in 2019 "Movement capabaility. Development of teaching practice in Physial Education and Health". The thesis is placed between theory and practice, and is an example of how practice-based research can contribute to the development of the teaching profession in Physical Education and Health.

Today, Heléne teaches at the Teacher Programme with a focus on Physcial Education and Health and is the manager for subject orientation Physical Education and Health at the Teacher Programme. Furthermore, Heléne is project manager for the Swedish Sports University at GU and a member of the research group SCoPE.

Heléne's research interest is about the relationship between teaching and learning in the school subject Physical Education and Health and sustainable youth elite sports.