
Hortense Jongen


School of Global Studies
Visiting address
Konstepidemins väg 2
41314 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 700
40530 Göteborg

About Hortense Jongen

I am a Researcher at the School of Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg and an Assistant Professor in International Relations at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. As of September 2021, I am Principal Investigator of the three-year research project ‘Digital Self-Determination for the South? Legitimacy in the Regional Internet Registries,’ which is funded by the Swedish Research Council.

My research interests are in the areas of authority and legitimacy in new modes of global governing, with a specific interest in global and regional Internet governance, the global governance of corruption, multistakeholder governance, soft multilateral governance, and mixed-methods research. My research has been published in Cooperation and Conflict, European Journal of International Relations, Global Governance, Review of International Political Economy, and Review of International Studies. I have also done consultancy work for the United Nations on the use of peer review in financial integrity matters.

My PhD Thesis (Maastricht University, 2017) is entitled: ‘Combating Corruption the Soft Way: The Authority of Peer reviews in the Global Fight against Graft.’ It was awarded the 2018 Maastricht University Dissertation Prize for best PhD Thesis defended at the university in 2017 and 2018 (all disciplines except medicine and life sciences).


Jongen, Hortense (2023) Heterarchy and Global Internet Governance: The Case of ICANN, in: Phil Cerny (ed.). Heterarchy. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 179-189

Jongen, Hortense & Jan Aart Scholte (2022) Inequality and Legitimacy in Global Governance. An Empirical Study, European Journal of International Relations, e-pub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1177/13540661221098218

Jongen, Hortense (2021) Peer Review and Compliance with International Anticorruption Norms. Insights from the OECD Working Group on Bribery, Review of International Studies, 47 (3), 331-352.

Jongen, Hortense & Jan Aart Scholte (2021) Legitimacy in Multistakeholder Global Governance at ICANN, Global Governance, 27 (2), 298-324

Carraro, Valentina & Hortense Jongen (2020) Background Paper on Peer Review in Financial Integrity Matters, background paper to support the High Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity, commissioned by the United Nations Secretariat for Financing for Sustainable Development Office.

Carraro, Valentina, Conzelmann Thomas & Hortense Jongen (2019) Fears of Peers? Explaining Peer and Public Shaming in Global Governance, Cooperation and Conflict, 54 (3), 335-355

Jongen, Hortense (2018) The Authority of Peer Reviews among States in the Global Governance of Corruption, Review of International Political Economy, 26 (5), 909-935

Carraro, Valentina & Hortense Jongen (2018) Leaving the Doors Open or Keeping them Closed? The Impact of Transparency on the Authority of Peer Reviews in International Organisations, Global Governance, 24 (4), 615-635

Jongen, Hortense (2017) Combating Corruption the Soft Way: The Authority of Peer Reviews in the Global Fight against Graft. Maastricht: Maastricht University Press. ISBN: 978 94 6159 734 2

Jongen, Hortense (2014) ‘The Dutch Policy Response to Undocumented Migrants. A Clash of Securitisations?’, in Bevelander, P. & Petersson, B. (Eds.), Crisis and Migration. Implications of the Eurozone Crisis for Perceptions, Politics, and Policies of Migration, Lund: Nordic Academic Press.