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- Isabella Pistone
Isabella Pistone
Linguistics and Theory of Science unitResearcher
SegerstedtinstitutetAbout Isabella Pistone
Isabella Pistone, PhD in Theory of Science, is a researcher at the department of philosophy, linguistics and theory of science, University of Gothenburg. Her research interests include evidence-basing, quality improvement and care practices in welfare. She recently published a thesis in which she explores applied forms of STS in relation to issues concerning evidence-basing in welfare practices.
Trapped in a maze: A meta-ethnography of women's experiences of alcohol use in
Isabella Pistone, Bente Dahl, Terese Bondas
Social Science and Medicine - 2024 -
Judiskt liv på sociala medier före och efter den 7 oktober: en fallstudie av en judisk
Isabella Pistone, Pontus Rudberg
Antisemitism i Sverige efter 7 oktober: upplevelser och konsekvenser - 2024 -
Kriget mellan Israel och Hamas i svensk nyhetspress: en
Isabella Pistone, Pontus Rudberg
Antisemitism i Sverige efter den 7 oktober: upplevelser och konsekvenser - 2024 -
Teaching and learning about the Holocaust: a systematic scoping review of existing
Isabella Pistone, Lars M Andersson, Allan Lidström, Gustaf Nelhans, Tobias Pernler, Jennie Sivenbring, Morten Sager, Christer Mattsson
Holocaust Studies - 2024 -
Enactments of Evidence-basing: Integrating Layers of
Isabella Pistone
Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions - Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and Beyond / Editors: Doris Lydahl, Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen - 2023 -
Exploring Evidence-based Practice Through New Forms of
Isabella Pistone
2023 -
We Need to Talk about Knowledge! Rethinking Management and Evidence-Based Practice in
Isabella Pistone, Thomas Andersson, Morten Sager
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2023 -
Evidence-based practice and management-by-knowledge of disability care: rigid constraint or
Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Ingemar Bohlin, Thomas Schneider, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Morten Sager
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice - 2022 -
Formaliseringar och bedömningar i manualbaserade metoder: en symmetrisk vetenskapsteoretisk
Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Morten Sager
Fokus på familien : Tidsskrift for familiebehandling - 2022 -
Education after Auschwitz
– Educational outcomes of teaching to prevent
Isabella Pistone, Lars M Andersson, Allan Lidström, Christer Mattsson, Gustaf Nelhans, Tobias Pernler, Morten Sager, Jennie Sivenbring
2021 -
Keep open! Methodological agnosticism and engagement in evidence-basing disability
Isabella Pistone
Nordic science and technology studies conference 2021 - 2021 -
Materialities of Post-Evidence-Based
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone, Allan Lidström, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Thomas Schneider, Lena Eriksson, Ingemar Bohlin
Conference Program 4S/EASST Prague, August, 18-21, 2020, online - 2020 -
Samverkan inom social hållbarhet/folkhälsa : komplex evidensbasering i Skaraborgs
A systematic mapping of substance use, misuse, abuse and addiction prevention research: Current status and implications for future
Isabella Pistone, Agneta Blomberg, Morten Sager
Journal of Substance Use - 2020 -
The effects of educational interventions on suicide: A systematic review and
Isabella Pistone, Ulrika Beckman, Erik Eriksson, Helena Lagerlöf, Morten Sager
International Journal of Social Psychiatry - 2019 -
A scoping review of interventions for preventing and countering violent extremism: Current status and implications for future
Isabella Pistone, Erik Eriksson, Ulrika Beckman, Christer Mattsson, Morten Sager
Journal for deradicalization - 2019 -
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone
LHC Report Nr 3. Moderna Policies: Inspel för en framtidsinriktad hälso- och sjukvårdsdebatt - 2019 -
Mismatches in the production of a scoping review: Highlighting the interplay of
Morten Sager, Isabella Pistone
Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice - 2019 -
Förebyggande insatser mot alkohol-, narkotika-, dopning- och tobaksanvändning : En kartläggande litteraturöversikt om forskningens omfattning och
Suicidprevention genom utbildning och
Isabella Pistone, Ulrika Beckman, Helena Lagerlöf, Erik Eriksson, Eija Airaksinen, Jenny Telander, Morten Sager