
John Lapidus


Economic History
Visiting address
Viktoriagatan 13
41125 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 625
40530 Göteborg

Visiting Research Fellow

Economic History
Visiting address
Viktoriagatan 13
41125 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 625
40530 Göteborg

About John Lapidus

The Swedish welfare model is gradually losing its characteristics, noticed not least by the extensive privatization of provision that began in the early 1990s. But funding has also been privatized to a certain extent, primarily through new supplementary services in healthcare, education and elderly care. Rather than full privatization, however, it is about semi-private welfare solutions, where the consumer has been able to reduce the private cost through different types of tax breaks, and where private providers have been able to free-ride on an infrastructure built up with public funds. In my research, from many different angles and perspectives, using the rapid rise of private health insurance as the prime example, I shed light on the emerging hidden welfare state in Sweden.