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- John Löwenadler
John Löwenadler
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education and Special Education-
Trends in Swedish and English Reading Comprehension Ability among Swedish Adolescents: A Study of SweSAT Data
John Löwenadler
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2023 -
Let's Play videos and L2 academic
Liss Kerstin Sylvén, John Löwenadler
Digital games in language learning. Case studies and applications - 2022 -
Patterns of variation in the interplay of language ability and general reading comprehension ability in L2
John Löwenadler
Language Testing - 2019 -
Usage i kursprovet för Engelska
John Löwenadler, Iani Hoff
Att bedöma språklig kompetens. Rapporter från projektet Nationella prov i främmande språk. - 2018 -
Relative clause extraction: Pragmatic dominance, processing complexity and the nature of crosslinguistic
John Löwenadler
Nordic Journal of Linguistics - 2015 -
Engelsk läsförståelse: En analys av skillnader mellan åldersgrupper i Högskoleprovets
John Löwenadler
NÄD-konferensen, Göteborg 9-11 april 2014 - 2014 -
Possible in one language, impossible in another: the case of "throw" and
John Löwenadler
Language, Football and All That Jazz. A Festschrift for Sölve Ohlander - 2013 -
Form deviation and constraints on productivity. A study of comp-gap and intervention effects in English and
John Löwenadler
Constructions and Frames - 2012 -
Relative Acceptability of Missing Adjective Forms in
John Löwenadler
Defective Paradigms. Missing forms and what they tell us, ed. by M. Baerman, G. Corbett & D. Brown - 2010 -
Restrictions on productivity: defectiveness in Swedish adjective
John Löwenadler
Morphology - 2010 -
Complementizer-Gap Phenomena: Syntactic or Pragmatic
John Löwenadler
Investigations of the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, ed. by R. Van Valin - 2008 -
A Cross-Theoretical Approach to Complementizer-Gap
John Löwenadler