
Jonas Gren

Head of Unit

Sahlgrenska Academy Office
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 3
41390 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 400
40530 Göteborg

Enhetschef Fak.Kansli

Sahlgrenska Academy Office
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 3
41390 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 400
40530 Göteborg

About Jonas Gren

Jonas is a Ph.D. in practical philosophy and head of the education department at Sahlgrenska Academy.

Jonas has a background as a teacher and tutor at the former department of philosophy and later as a student- and graduate student ombudsman at the University of Gothenburg Student Unions (GUS) where he also worked with investigations related to different questions within the higher education area, including university curricula and syllabi. In his former employment he worked with course syllabi, curricula and quality development at the Academy of Music and Drama (HSM).

Jonas also has a PIL assignments through the project “Review, analysis and didactic dialogue (GADD), a targeted development projects where syllabi and curricula are reviewed and analysed regarding expected learning outcomes, assessment methods and the link to the learning outcomes stated in the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. The project is implemented in collaboration with the University's quality coordinator.