
Josefine Wikström

Senior Lecturer

Performing Arts
Visiting address
Eklandagatan 86
41259 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 210

About Josefine Wikström

I am a critic and researcher in the philosophy of art with a focus on dance and performance in contemporary art. In addition to my position as a senior lecturer at the Academy of Music and Drama, I also work as a lecturer in aesthetics at Södertörn University in Stockholm. Between 2013-2023 I worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer in dance theory at the Department of Dance at Stockholm University of the Arts. I am also regularly invited to give guest lectures at other universities, such as the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and the University of Borås. My bachelor's degree is in literature from Stockholm University and my master's degree is in aesthetics and art theory from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, then at Middlesex University.

I completed my PhD from the same institution at Kingston University in 2017 and my thesis was published in 2021 as Practices of Relations in Task-Dance and the Event-Score: A critique of Performance with Routledge. I supervise students at master's and doctoral level and have several times been invited as opponent at doctoral students' final seminars at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and at the Academy of Music and Drama. I am currently working in the RJ-funded project "Culture, Autonomy, Action" together with Kim West and Gustav Strandberg.

In addition to my work at the Academy, I regularly write dance criticism for Dagens Nyheter, am one of the editors of the experimental art and philosophy project SITE Zones and have been published in journals such as Performance Research Journal, Paletten, Glänta, Mute and Radical Philosophy. I am active in the artistic platform SKOGEN where I most recently arranged the study circle Konsten, krisen, kapitalet in the autumn of 2022.

At the School of Performing Arts and Music, I am the director of studies at the Contemporary Performative Arts programme where I, together with colleagues, run the programme, teach and supervise students in their individual work.

My teaching is characterised by critically practicing theory in ways that put the students' artistic practice in relation to concepts, currents of thought and critical approaches. I am driven by the autonomous forces that exist in the practices of art and philosophy and by putting them next to each other in novel and challenging ways.