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- Joseph Trawicki Anderson
Joseph Trawicki Anderson
School of Global StudiesAbout Joseph Trawicki Anderson
I work as a researcher at the School of Global Studies and hold a PhD in Peace and Development research.
My research is focused on migration, particularly the role played by non-state actors in the governance and practice of international labor migration. This has included for instance work on guestworker schemes in both the United States and Malaysia, but also research on the externalization of migration control in the EU to Africa and changes in Swedish migration policy. Running through these different projects has been an ongoing interest in the involvement of private actors in governing and controlling migration and how the entanglement of of public and private actors and interests produces new forms of authority and control over migrants.
I am currently leading two research projects:
Employers and their new roles in Swedish migration policy (2023-2026)
This project, funded by FORTE and conducted together with Andreas Diedrich, examines the role of Swedish employers in the implementation of migration policy as Swedish policy has increasingly relied on employment to determine legal status, even for those in Sweden seeking protection.
Labour recruitment and brokerage in South-South migration: The case of MOUs between Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia (2023-2027)
This project, funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) examines bilateral labor agreements between Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia to examine how address issues of migrant protection.
Numbers, Ignorance and Swedish Migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck
Nordic Journal of Migration Research - 2025 -
Can male asylum seekers win the “vulnerability contest”? The racialized and gendered gaze of asylum officers in
Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Athens 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
In the quest for "integration" evidence don't matter much: Unproven and disproven causality in Swedish migration
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Athens, 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
Numbers as "empty signifier" in Swedish migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
Vem förtjänar att vara flykting? Om Ukraina, rasifiering och sörjbara
Annika Lindberg, Anja K. Franck, Avyanthi Azis, Alexander Jung, Alexandra Bousiou, Jessie Jern, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
Artikel 14 - 2022 -
Numbers vs. Everything Else: An Examination of Swedish Migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Anja K. Franck, Jessie Jern
Nordic Migration Research Conference 2022 - 2022 -
Who Deserves to Be a Refugee? Ukraine, Racialization, and “Grievable”
Anja K. Franck, Annika Lindberg, Alexander Jung, Jessie Jern, Alexandra Bousiou, Avyanthi Azis, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
School of Blogal Studies - 2022 -
Arbete till varje pris? En diskussion om försörjningskravet för
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern
Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände?: en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt - 2021 -
Managing labour migration in Malaysia: foreign workers and the challenges of 'control' beyond liberal
Joseph Trawicki Anderson
Third World Quarterly - 2021 -
The Migration Industry and the H-2 Visa in the United States: Employers, Labour Intermediaries, and the
Joseph Trawicki Anderson
International Migration - 2019 -
The public and the private in guestworker schemes: examples from Malaysia and the
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Anja Franck
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - 2019 -
The Migration Industry in Managed Migration: Authority, Control and Guestworkers in the United
The Cost of Legality: Navigating Labour Mobility and Exploitation in
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
International Quarterly for Asian Studies - 2019 -
Navigating migrant trajectories through private actors: Burmese labour migration to
Anja K. Franck, Emanuelle Brandström Arellano, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
European Journal of East Asian Studies - 2018 -
Borders as Business: Low-Skill Workers, The H-2 Visa, And The Migration Industry In The United States And
Joseph Trawicki Anderson
International Studies Association - 56th Annual Convention, New Orleans - 2015